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Name: Shristi Chauhan Reg. No.: RA2211003011992

Branch: CSE Section: AC-2
Semester: 1st Date: 27-09-2022
Subject: Philosophy of Engineering Subject Code: 21GNH101J

Introduction to Engineering
Engineering is derived from the Latin term ingenium, meaning
“cleverness” and ingeniare, meaning “to contrive, devise”.
Engineering is the creative application of science, mathematical
methods, and empirical evidence to the innovation, design,
construction, and maintenance of structures, machines,
materials, devices, systems, processes, and organizations. The
discipline of engineering encompasses a broad range of more
specialized fields of engineering, each with a more specific
emphasis on particular areas of applied mathematics, applied
science, and types of applications.

How did engineering change over the period?

1. Earlier simple hand-made tools were used, while nowadays
machines have come in use to perform almost all the tasks.
2. In ancient times, more manpower was required to perform
any task like building a temple, castle, or pyramid but today
machines have made life easier as less manpower is required
to run any machine like a crane. The use of machines has also
reduced the amount of manpower required which was a way
of livelihood for many people around the world.

3. Now many materials are used as alternative material which

is more durable and strong than the original materials.

4. Weapons used nowadays are also well equipped and

advanced like tanks, sniper guns, helicopters, fighter jets,
and many more. But earlier weapons like big catapults were
used which were not that effective, powerful, durable, and
5. Due to the lack of printing technology even gaining
knowledge was a luxury for us, as it was time taking and
limited in numbers. But nowadays everybody can afford a
book to read.

6. Earlier to do any task we needed to be present there but now

with the use of remote-controlled devices, we can control
any task from miles away.
7. Now we also have robotics technology which helps humans
in many industries and organizations.

8. Due to the improvement in technology, we can even travel

in space, send satellites to other planets, etc.
9. In early times works were more muscle power dependent
but now we can perform any task with just a simple click.
10. Nowadays computers and computer software have also
decreased the use of paper as now all the work is done on
computers from doing school assignments to mapping a
construction site.

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