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School of Graduate Studies

Final Requirement: Research Term Paper: 30 %


1.) The paper must contain at least fifteen (15) pages and typically less than twenty (20) pages.

2.) Use double spaced 11 POINT New Times Roman font on the body, 12 – 14 font on the cover page
containing the title of the project, location, your name, course/program and the professor’s name, date

3.) It can be on any topic included on our HBO lessons that interests you.

4.) You may use the internet as source but don’t forget to paraphrase or directly quote. Use at least five
(5) or more sources.

5.) It must be in APA format.

6.) Accurately document the sources used in your paper (ex. Name of source, website’s address, date
searched, author, etc.)

7.) It is expected to have no spelling errors, grammatical errors, or reference errors.

8.) Papers are to be written in past tense and NOT IN FIRST OR SECOND PERSON. Do not use “I feel”
or “we believe” declarations. Remember that the paper should answer who, what, when, and where to
ensure the reader understands the concepts, facts, and assumptions related to the information.

Note: A term paper must be well organized and comprehensive. Use headings to help organize
information followed by supported topic sentences. Be concise, accurate, & factual.

9. Final Submission is on May 16, 2020. Late submission will not be accepted.


1. Choose a specific company and describe its development from inception/building through the present.
2. Write about a specific topic related to Human Behavior in Organization.
3. Research a published article on Human Behavior in Organization in the internet and use this as
supporting research as the basis of your paper.
4. Write about the trends in the business industry.

Title of Research

Abstract (not less than 250 words)

I. Introduction
___________________________________(Not less than 250 words) .

1.1 Objectives

The main objective of this study is to determine practical findings of the ………
Specifically, the study obtained the answers to the following questions:

1. To determine the …………………………………………………

2. To establish ……………………………………………………
3. To understand…………………………………………………
4. To identify what program can be proposed in order to…………………

II. Methodology
2.1 Instrument of the Study

2.2 Research Procedures


III. Results and Discussions

The momentum of the study is to determine………………………………………………….
………………………………………………..( Pertains to the objectives if met)

IV. Conclusion and Directions for Future Use

V. Ethical Considerations:
-------- (It pertains to your declaration of ownership done in good faith, certifying that you are the true
owner of this project and citing the sources as part of your references only).



A. Research Journals (Author, title of research, date published)

B. Internet Source (title, website and date accessed)

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