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Classroom Routines: I would like to discuss Teacher Romelia Navia’s routine before and after the
lesson for grade 2 pupils.

Before we start, she makes sure everyone is now present before starting, she
includes late comers. After 5 minutes she will ask if everyone wants to use the
bathroom before starting the lesson so that everyone is focused on her
Next is that they will form a line, one line for boys and girls, teacher will make
sure that everyone is behave before going out, she instructs everyone follow
her and saying not to break the line.
After they are back, she let them settle before starting the lesson. After the
lesson she ask again if everyone wants to use the bathroom so that in the next
period, they will not go one by one to go to the bathroom.

She also has a discipline when the pupils are not behaving by counting 1-3 and
do hand gestures. She makes sure during the lesson everyone is listening to
her, telling the student to sit properly, listen carefully, and pay attention.
Discipline Strategies: Her discipline was more on direct instruction because a grade 2 pupil, its hard
for them to cope up with different rules by the other instructor. She also avoids
punishment; she would repeat a term regarding to her discussion.

Reflection: In this activity it shows that discipline is an important part for teachers, we
must learn that being soft and letting them do what they want is not good to
their development in the future. That is why we have rules to have a
harmonious environment. It shows that teachers are not only there to teach but
they are a facilitator your guide by the side, the sage in the stage that are
committed for student to help themselves to be focused, they should know that
everything has a limit and, in the future, will know what is right and wrong.



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