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NAME: _Diana Marie Sabido_ 09/29/22

GRADE & SECTION:___12-ABM-1_____ TEACHER:_Mary jane A. Evardo____________________

DLP #4


References: Dimatulac, O. (2017). Module in Entrepreneurship

II. LEARNING GOAL: The students should be able to:

a. Identify the market problem to be solved or the market need to be met
b. Propose solutions in terms of products and services that will be meet the need
using techniques on seeking, screening, and seizing opportunities


● Trends - these are indicators in the shift of paradigm (or thinking) of a certain population
A. Trends in the society - aging demographics, health and fitness, lifestyles of young professionals, interests
of adolescents
B. Trends in technology - mobile technology, e-commerce
C. Economic trends - higher disposable income, dual wage earners, more employed workforce, more student
populations, rise in foreign exchange needs
D. Government trends - petroleum prices, regulations, election season, threat of terrorism
● Unexpected occurrences - these could be either be success or failures that were not anticipated like
the 911 terrorist attack, Yolanda typhoon, earthquakes and fires
● Incongruities - these occur when a gap of difference exists between reality and what is expected
● Process needs - creation of new medical devices, health foods, sports drinks, caffeine free drinks, sugar
free drinks and time saving devices
● Demographic changes - these occur when changes in age, population, education, occupation, geographic
locations and other factors happen
● Perceptual changes - these occur when people’s view on facts and concepts changes
● Knowledge based concepts - these are the basis for creating something brand new such as innovations
and new technologies that were non-existent before

Directions: Write down 5 opportunities you see in each of the objects listed below.
● A large pebble ● A fallen ● A chair ● An old cap
1. bookends tree branch 1.Guest chair 1. scrap and
indoors. 1. wood shelf 2. conference thread holder
2. Paper 2. candle chair 2. Beverage
weights holders 3. mesh chairs can wrap
3. Children’s 3. sitting table 4. Stacking 3. patchwork
pet rocks. 4. Mosaic table chairs jeans
4. 5. Tree Stump 5. computer 4. create a
Aquascaping flower planter chairs penman or a
5. Yard art flag
5. sew a quilt
● A yardstick ● An old coat ● An empty tissue paper ● An empty tin can
1. Ruler hanger 1. Draw tidles
drawer 1. yarn
1. Keep your 2. pierced tin
handles organizer
pockets of can lanterns
2. vintage chips fresh 2. cable
3. air plant
yardstick organizer
2. bubble gardens
tabletop blower 3. bird feeder 4. home-made
3. yardstick 3. utensil 4. pen holder vases
arrow wall organizer 5. seed starter 5. tea light
decor 4. display your holders
4. yardstick favorite plate
and bicycle 5. unclog
wheel clock drains and
5. vintage toilets
ruler peg rack.

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