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Kalmunai Mental Health Association

Mental Health Unit

Base Hospital, Kalmunai, Sri lanka.
Phone: 0094672225393, 0094675675006 Website: www. Reg. No KM/DS/TD/SW/50

15 July 2011

Progress report of Kalmunai Mental Health Association to International Medical Health Organization Canada. Period from January 2011 to June 2011.
Meetings Held in the period. Kalmunai Mental Health association board meetings were held on 10 th January and 3rd April, first meeting was chaired by Dr Kumuthini Thurairatnam, president and second meeting was chaired by Dr Judy Ramesh Jeyakumar, secretary. Six Staff meetings were held in the period, most of the volunteers and some board members were present. Clinical Review meetings are held every Thursday at 2.00pm with malty disciplinary team. General Activities. Vasantham vocational training center is functioning well; beneficiaries are trained in carpentry, bicycle repairing and electrical house wiring. A Professor and seven of her master degree and PhD students were visited to study our mental health services after two major disasters tsunami and war. Five days training program was conducted by Prof Phillip De Mayor, Brothers of Charity, Belgium on Basic Mental Health for hospital nurses and our volunteer staffs. A three days training program arranged by Mr. Trainer, WUSC, Canada on basic counseling skills for our volunteers, nurses, and NGOs staffs. Fifteen nurses visited from national institute of mental health for an exposure visit (Shadow nurses). Our horticulture unit functioned well, we received around ten thousand rupees income each month and that money utilized for the welfare of our beneficiaries. Cover page designed and printed for the clinic records of our clients. Fifteen clients discharged from Vasantham Rehabilitation center and no relapse and readmission reported from that fifteen.

Computer unit function well with internet access, clients from rehabilitation center use the computer unit. For the benefit of our clients we continuously work with international and local nongovernmental organization working in our region. Clients in the rehabilitation center and in the acute ward get the one Tamil news paper every day, play badminton, cricket and other games. Our clients and staffs involved in the two outing programs (Trip to Pasikuda beach and Ullai beach). Several awareness programs conducted by our team on general mental health problems, Alcohol prevention, Gender based violence and special needs education in the community and schools. Emergency Flood relief activities carried out in January and February in two phases with the help of IMHO and PCO Protestant Church of Oman, dry food items distributed in the first phase then exercise book for the children to attend schools.

Training Arranged for Staffs (Volunteers). Our volunteers participated in the all mental health training programs were held in the mental health unit. Now six volunteers fallow a six months course on drawing and art therapy in the professional psychological counseling center - Batticaloa. Two volunteers trained in handle making (We are planned to start handle making training to our clients soon).

IMHO Grant related activities. In the reporting period 30 clients admitted for rehabilitation center, right now twelve clients are in the rehabilitation unit, and rest of them are on follow up (Our volunteers are the staff doing regular fallow up of rehabilitated client and also our volunteer play main role in the rehabilitation process). Also seventeen cases reported for our GBV desk and volunteers help for management and follow up of those cases. Fifteen beneficiaries received micro finance for their income generation activities small scale business 03, Vegetable gardening 05, Poultry farm 04 and other activities 03. Two hundred and seventy patients admitted to acute ward, counseling, relaxation and yoga sessions facilitated by our volunteer therapist for needed patients from acute ward, clients from rehabilitation center, other wards referrals and clients visits for our out patients unit.

Our volunteers good at in tailoring, horticulture therapy, handicraft items making, small income generation activities and counseling and relaxation techniques. They are working with each client according to the teams assessment and individual care plan. Our volunteers make sure the smooth functioning of all mental activities of our mental health unit. Purchased Three-wheeler utilize for the community level mental health activities such as community level awareness programs, School level awareness programs, home or work place visits of our beneficiaries from both our rehabilitation center and acute ward for follow up and for beneficiaries selection of micro credit and follow up .

Beneficiaries Detail (Only our volunteers involved activities): Activities Acute Rehab GBV Other Ward Cen Desk Wards No of 240 30 17 90 Benifi

Out Reach 40

OPD Total 125 542

Finance statement (For Grant period). (All the amounts are in Sri Lankan Rupees) Grant utilize for the travel expenses of the six volunteers and purchase of three wheeler. Total amount received from IMHO - 710,546.00 Three wheeler purchased 335,000.00 Payments for volunteers (July 10 to Dec 10) 180,000.00 (Monthly Rs 5,000.00 each) Payments for volunteers (Jan 11 to June 11) 196,000.00 (Monthly Rs 6,000.00 each) 711,000.00

Acknowledgement We received above mentioned amount of money from IMHO Canada with many thanks on behalf of our mental health team and our clients and money utilized as above detail, also we anticipate IMHO supports to promote mental health services continuously. With Kind Regards, Dr. Judy Ramesh Jeyakumar, Secretary, Kalmunai Mental Health Association.

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