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Extensive Reading Assignment

Nama : Erpin Hariandis

NIM : 221134011

Kelas : 1A – TPJJ

No. Notes What you do and write on your journal

1. Planing • Want to read Sherlock Holmes – The Empty House
• Want to analyze the story
• Make summary of the story
2. Title Sherlock Holmes – The Empty House
Total of words 4.165 words

3. What you know about the • A detective who investigate the mystery of the empty house
title of the text • A detective who solved the mystery of the empty house

4. What question do you have • What the main event in this book?
in your mind ? • Is there any plot twist that will happen in this story?
• Will there any character die in this story?
• How the main character solve the problem?
What prediction do you • The main event tells about a detective who interested to the
have ? empty house and there a mystery in that house so he try
solve the mystery
• There is a plot twist that the main character will die
• There are some character will die in this story including the
main character
• The main character solve the problem by pretending to be
dead to lead on the enemy
5. Read -

6. What do you get from the • The main event tells about sherlock holmes pretending to
text? be dead and use some simple trick to caught a person who
want to kill him that he knows if sherlock holmes not dead
• There is plot twist that tells world know that sherlock
holmes is dead,but in fact he’s not dead than sherlock
holmes want to tell the world that im still alive by he solved
who killed Ronald Adair
• There is character die in this story his name is Ronald Adair
he die because he had problem with his partner that
sherlock holmes caught him and the murder is colonel
• Sherlock Holmes solved the mystery who killed Ronald
Adair by he went to empty house and he use simple trick
that he use mannequin to pretend to be him then the
murder who kill Ronald Adair shoot the mannequin
because he want to kill Sherlock Holmes to. After he shoot
than Sherlock Holmes caught him and the police came to
the empty house.
7. Revise • The prediction about the main event is not clear enough, the
main event tells the story about the main character use the
empty house to caught the murder not the mystery in the
empty house
• The prediction about plot twist was almost right,the main
character is pretend to be dead not will dead
• The prediction about the character will die was almost
right, there was character die in this story his name is
Ronald Adair but the main character not die
• The prediction about the main character solved the problem
is not clear enough, the main character not just pretend to
be dead to solved the problem he also use some simple trick
to solved the problem
8. Reference
9. Write the summary of the Sherlock Holmes – The Empty House story tell us about the world
book know that Sherlock Holmes was dead by he fall to the abyss but in
fact he’s not dead yet, his assistant Watson he walk to park lane and
he saw a group of people look to the window then he went home
after that the old man came to Watson house with Sherlock Holmes
Waston was shock to see Sherlock Holmes because he still alive,
what Watson know that Sherlock Holmes was dead by fall to the
abyss, then Sherlock Holmes tell Watson why he still alive
Sherlock holmes know who killed Ronald Adair so he invites
Watson to caught who killed Ronald Adair, Sherlock Holmes and
Watson went to empty house there they prepare a trap to caught the
murderer by simple trick Sherlock Holmes use mannequin to
pretend to be him and hiding in the corner of the room until the
murder come, because the murderer who killed Ronald Adair want
to kill Sherlock Holmes to, a few hours later the murderer come and
shoot the mannequin then Sherlock Holmes and Watson caught him
then call the police, after the police come all of them know who
killed Ronald Adair is colonel Moran
10. Write the number of words 4.165 words
of the book

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