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Extensive Reading Assignment

Nama : Erpin Hariandis

NIM : 221134011

Kelas : 1A – TPJJ

No. Notes What you do and write on your journal

1. Planing • Want to read the poetical policeman by Edgar Wallace
• Want to analyze the story and find out the truth.
• Make summary of the story
2. Title The Poetical Policeman
Total of words 3.500 words

3. What you know about the • A poetical policeman, good at making romantic poetry.
title of the text • A clever Policeman who solves and exposes a crime
4. What question do you have • What is the main event in this book?
in your mind ? • Is there any surprising plot twist that will happen in this
• Will there any character sacrifice himself for a good
• Will there any traitor characters in this story?
• How does the main character solve the problem?
What prediction do you • The main event tells about a poetic policeman who is good
have ? at twisting facts with his words in solving crime problems.
• There is a plot twist that tells about the main villain being
hypocritical police who acts good but does something bad.
• There is a character who pretending sacrifice himself for
good reason and to get sympathy from others but they are
all fake.
• There is bad police, who is the real traitor and ordered the
innocent victims to run his scenario.
• The main character solves the problem by analyzing and
looking for evidence.
5. Read -
6. What do you get from the • The main event tells about the bank's robbery involving Mr.
text? Green as the manager, Mr. Burnett as the constable, Mr.
Malling as the night guard, Ms. Magda Grayne as the
young lady, and Mr. Reeder as the clever detective/public
prosecutor. Green, a bank manager, was arrested on
suspicion of robbery. After an investigation by the police,
the night guard actually was the main thief of the robbery
and ordered Green and his daughter Magda as additional
roles. Constable Burnett who is good at writing poetry often
sends love letters to Magda, helping Reedeer to find out the
information and solve the problem.
• The surprising twist is that the thief who is actually a night
guard planned all these robbery neatly and involved the
bank manager and his daughter.
• None of the characters sacrificed their lives for a good
reason. The main villain died because of his carelessness
• The traitor character actually is a bank night guard named
Malling who plans a heist and harms the bank.
• Public prosecutor/detective Reeder solves the problem by
his analysis, looking for evidence and observing people and
the environment.
7. Revise • The prediction about the main event is not clear enough, the
main event tells the story of how a criminal who pretends to
be a bank guard and makes a scenario for a bank robbery by
involving people around him.
• The prediction about the plot twist was almost right, the
main villain is also the bank guard too.
• The prediction about the sacrificed character was false,
there isn’t any character who sacrificed himself for other
• The prediction about the traitor was right, the bank guard is
the main villain too and he already planned this event long
• The prediction about how the main character solves the
problem was right, the detective/ public prosecutor solves
the problem by searching for evidence and analyzing the
8. Reference poetical-policeman-
9. Write the summary of the The poetical policeman story tells about the robbery that happened
book in the bank. Tells how an ex criminal pretends to be a night guard
at a bank. Arthur Malling as a night guard and a thief at the same
time had planned this robbery from far away. On the night of
October 17th, Police Constable Burnett noticed that the light above
the door was off and Arthur Malling was nowhere to be seen. After
that Burnett found out and saw that Arthur Malling had been held
captive by a cloth and there was an anesthetic. After that, Burnett
called for help from other police, and unfortunately, Malling's life
was not saved. At that time Burnet went straight to the manager
house and found something suspicious. Long story short, Green was
detained in prison for robbery and murder. After that, came a public
prosecutor named Reeder who previously handled a bank robbery
too. But Reeder felt something wrong, furthermore, he tried to
investigate one by one. Starting from talking to Green and getting
information about there is a young girl named Magda. Reeder
investigates Magda and then finds flowers and a few poems in the
flower. The letter came from the police called Burnet. Many
irregular events happened. Finally, Green confesses and told
everything that he got a letter from Malling. Malling is a prisoner
who was imprisoned together with green a long time ago, Malling
made a scenario by bringing his daughter Magda closer to Green
and using it to get the key from the safe. But all of that failed
because the robbery plan did not go well and made him die
10. Write the number of words 3.500 words
of the book

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