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First Semester, A.Y 2022-2023

Ivann John B. Roxas

Sex Hormones
Name and Structure Description Function
Estrogen - A set of hormones that are It affects:
crucial for women's healthy • Blood sugar levels
sexual and reproductive growth. • Cholesterol levels
-Found in the ovaries of women • Blood flow or circulation
where the most estrogen • Moisture of the skin
production happens • Collagen production
- Estrogen affects sex drive, • Ability to focus
erection quality, and sperm • Bone and muscle mass
production in men. • Reproductive
TYPES Functions:
1. Estrone (E1) – form of - Regulates the menstrual cycle
estrogen that is produced - Decline on menopause
after menopause. - Influences neuroendocrine,
2. Estradiol (E2) – the most skeletal, adipose, and
potent form of estrogen cardiovascular systems.
that is active during reproductive - Pregnancy
years. - Plays a crucial role in puberty
3. Estriol (E3) – form of estrogen such as development of pubic
during pregnancy hair, breasts, hips, etc.
Progestin - It is a female hormone. • Causes changes in the uterus.
- Progesterone, a hormone that • Effectively control the
occurs naturally in the body, in menstrual cycle and treat
synthetic form. atypical menstrual cycle halting
• Help other hormones start and
stop the menstrual cycle.
• Assist in becoming pregnant
while using an egg donor or
infertility treatments on ladies
who don't make enough
• Stop estrogen from making the
uterine lining thicker
(endometrial hyperplasia) in
menopausal women who are
receiving ovarian hormone
Testosterone - Produced primarily in the It maintains:
testicles. • Fat distribution
- Sex hormones in males. • Muscle strength
- During adolescence and the • Muscle strength
early years of adulthood, • Facial and body hair
testosterone levels often surge. • RBC production
- After the age of 30 or 40, the • Sex drive
testosterone level continuously • Sperm production
decreases, usually by about 1% • Physical and Emotional
every year. Development.
Androsterone - It is an endogenous steroid • Androsterone has generally
hormone, neurosteroid, and been considered to be an
putative pheromone. It is a weak inactive metabolite of
androgen with a potency that is testosterone, which when
approximately 1/7 that of conjugated by glucuronidation
testosterone. and sulfation allows testosterone
- Androsterone is a metabolite of to be removed from the body, but
testosterone and it is a weak neurosteroid that can
dihydrotestosterone (DHT). cross into the brain and could
- Androsterone is also known to have effects on brain function.
be an inhibitory androstane • It significantly affects
neurosteroid, acting as a positive masculinization in mammalian
allosteric modulator of the fetuses.
GABAA receptor, and possesses • Androsterone is found in the
anticonvulsant effects. human axilla and skin as well as
in the urine. It may also be
secreted by human sebaceous
glands. It is described as having
a musky odor similar to that of
androstenol. Androsterone has
been found to affect human
behavior when smelled.

Anabolic Steroids
Name and Structure Description Function
Tetrahydrogestrinone (THG) - It is a very strong androgen and • Like dihydrotestosterone, it has
progesterone receptor agonist, been discovered to attach to the
almost ten times stronger than androgen receptor and cause the
nandrolone or trenbolone, the development of muscle tissue.
two medicines used in • THG has never been fully
comparison, although it has no tested for safety and has never
estrogenic effect. entered legitimate medical use,
prolonged use can cause:
- Infertility in both men and
- Acne
- Hirsutism
- Immunosuppression
- Additionally,
THG binds to the glucocorticoid
receptor with high affinity,
which may result in further
weight loss.
Stanozolol - A synthetic steroid with • Stanozolol is used in the
androgenic and anabolic treatment of hereditary
characteristics that is generated angioedema, which causes
from testosterone. episodes of swelling of the face,
extremities, genitals, bowel wall,
and throat. Stanozolol may
decrease the frequency and
severity of these attacks.
• Stanozolol reduces bradykinin
production and could potentially
reduce the impact of a
bradykinin storm. Bradykinin
storms may be responsible for
some of the complications
experienced by COVID-19
Nandrolone - It has high anabolic effects but • Indicated for the treatment of
just moderate androgenic senile and postmenopausal
actions. osteoporosis, as well as for the
- The greatest anabolic to control of anemia caused by
androgenic impact ratio of any renal insufficiency.
AAS is found in nandrolone • Usage can cause toxicity and its
esters. side effects:
- It has an extremely low affinity - Suppression of testosterone
for the sex hormone SHBG - Spermatogene sis
(human serum sex hormone - Decreased libido
binding globulin), only - Suppressed estrogen,
approximately 5% that of progesterone, and ovulation,
testosterone and 1% that of amenorrhea and clitoromegaly in
dihydrotestosterone (DHT). women.
- May potentially have negative
impacts on hepatic,
cardiovascular and mental
Oxandrolone - It is an androgenic hormone • Use to stimulate weight gain
used to treat osteoporosis-related following significant surgery-
bone pain as well as muscle related weight loss,
atrophy brought on by protracted • Chronic infections, severe
corticosteroid therapy. injuries, and in certain
individuals who are unable to
acquire or maintain normal
weight for unknown
pathophysiologic causes, to
counteract the protein
catabolism brought on by
continuous corticosteroid
• The alleviation of the bone
discomfort that osteoporosis
commonly causes.
Oxymetholone - Oxymetholone is a synthetic • It is an anabolic steroid used to
anabolic steroid sold by treat anemia of several kinds,
Hoffmann La Roche Limited including hypoplastic anemias,
under the trade name Anapolon. myelofibrosis, congenital
It is used to treat anemia, aplastic anemia, and acquired
osteoporosis, and to increase aplastic anemia.
muscular growth in individuals • Usage can cause the following
who are malnourished or side effects: cancer, acne,
undeveloped. baldness, breast tenderness/
swelling and etc.

Adrenal Cortical Steroids

Name and Structure Description Function
Aldosterone - The adrenal glands secrete a • Certain organs, such as your
hormone called aldosterone kidneys and colon, are signaled
(ALD), which works by by aldosterone to increase the
controlling the amounts of quantity of sodium or potassium
sodium and potassium in your produced in the urine.
blood to help control blood • The body retains water in the
pressure. blood because of aldosterone's
- To increase the quantity of salt action on sodium elevation,
(sodium) reabsorbed into the increasing blood volume.
bloodstream and the amount of • Aldosterone supports the
potassium expelled in the urine, electrolyte and pH (acid base
it acts on organs like the kidney balance) in the blood
and colon. This plays a key role
in the control of blood pressure.
- Aldosterone also causes salt
and water to be reabsorbed; this
raises blood volume and, in turn,
blood pressure.
Cortisone - Cortisone is a pregnene steroid • When cortisol enters the
hormone. It is a naturally- bloodstream, it has a variety of
occurring corticosteroid effects on the body, including
metabolite that is also used as a enhancing glucose metabolism
pharmaceutical prodrug; it is not and assisting the body in
synthesized in the adrenal glands responding to stress or danger.
- It is a medication that is • It is used as a Treatment for:
occasionally injected into the - Back pain
body to relieve arthritis, injury, - Bursitis
or illness related pain and - Gout
swelling. - Osteoarthritis
- Psoriatic arthritis
- Reactive arthritis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Tendinitis
Cortisol - The adrenal glands, which are It aids in:
endocrine glands located on top • Controlling the stress reaction
of your kidneys, create and in your body.
release the steroid hormone • Assisting in regulating your
called cortisol. body's metabolism, which is how
-It is also known as stress it uses fats, proteins, and carbs.
hormone. It works with certain • Minimizing Inflammation
parts of your brain to control • Blood pressure control.
your mood, motivation, and fear. • Control of blood sugar.
• Assisting in regulating your
sleep-wake cycle.

Name and Structure Definition Function
Prostaglandins -In the body, fat-based It is responsible for:
substances called prostaglandins • Blood vessel dilation or
have hormonal-like actions. constriction
They are intriguing because, • Clumping platelets together or
depending on the receptors to dispersing them
which they bind, they may have • Either widening or narrowing
various effects. airways
- They are bodily natural • Gastrointestinal (GI) tract
substances that resemble smooth muscle contraction or
hormones. relaxation
-In addition to having an impact • Bringing on uterine
on reproductive processes, contractions both during and
Prostaglandins are known to be a outside of pregnancy.
key factor in both causing and
treating inflammatory conditions
in the body.
Leukotrienes - A class of drugs known as • This drug either inhibit
leukotriene modifiers, leukotrienes' effects or prevent
sometimes known as leukotriene your body from making them.
receptor antagonists, exists. • It is used to treat Allergies
They can aid in preventing (allergic rhinitis), Allergy
respiratory issues brought on by asthma, and Asthma caused by
asthma, chronic obstructive exercise.
pulmonary disease, and

Artificial Fat Substitutes

Name and Structure Description Function
Simplesse - It is a whey protein made from • In a variety of full-fat and low-
eggs and dairy that is used as a fat applications, it offers
fat substitute in low-calorie emulsion and foam stabilization,
dishes. heat and pH stability, texture,
- Micro articulation is the creaminess, and smoothness.
process by which heat partly • Usage may develop the
coagulates the protein, resulting following risks: hypertension
in a tiny dispersion. and heart disease.
- Protein dispersion as a fluid
with a similar creaminess and
richness of fat because of the
protein's tiny particle size.
Olestra Olestra is a fat substitute that has • Olestra does not contain any
the properties of a fat in flavor energy, yet it may be helpful for
and texture, but is indigestible - weight reduction and weight
hence a fake fat. It does not add maintenance. Studies on the
any calories as a normal fat short-term effects of replacing
would. fat in meals show that doing so
- It is a fat replacement that may results in a net decrease in the
be used in the creation of almost amount of fat consumed.
any dish that contains fat. It is • Olestra can cause diarrhea and
manufactured from fatty acids loose stools, abdominal cramps,
esterified to sucrose. flatulence, and other adverse
- Olestra has more sucrose than effects. Those symptoms are
glycerol in triglycerides and a sometimes severe.
portion of fatty acids from
cottonseed or soybean oils.
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