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1.How the cultural differences affect communication?

Every individual’s daily life revolves around communication. Our ideas and viewpoints cannot
be communicated to others without appropiate communication. Many countries now live in a
multicultural society, and the world is rapidly becoming a global village. Understanding different
cultures is not only critical, but it also promotes ample coexistence. Cultural diversity makes
communication difficult since people from different cultures have different mindsets, as well as
different languages, signs, and symbols. The culture in which you were raised has an impact on
how you communicate. Likewise, the inverse is true. The way we communicate determines
culture to a significant extent. There are billions of individuals worldwide who do not understand
or are unable to communicate effectively in English. Speaking incorrectly can lead to a variety of
misunderstandings and act as a communication barrier. As a part of their legacy, various cultures
have established their unique languages. People are more at ease conversing in their native
language, whereas learning new languages takes time and effort. Theimportance of learning,
understanding, and appreciating diverse cultures. It plays a significant role in developing
communities that excel in problem-solving and enhancing varying conditions. order to become globally competitive do you think using international language is
People will be able to learn about the interdependence of the world's systems, believe that
solutions to global challenges are attainable, feel morally obligated to face global injustices, and
take responsible action to promote a just, peaceful, and sustainable world if they are educated to
become global citizens. English is a language that is spoken all over the world. Although I wish
we could all speak in our native tongues and be understood, this is simply not possible. So, if
you're part of a global franchise or work in an area that attracts a lot of tourists, I believe that
having English as a requirement is acceptable.
3.What is/are the difference/s between verbal and non verbal communication? Give
Verbal communication, thoughts or emotions or information is exchanged between individuals
through the use of speech. Signals sent by facial expressions, posture, eye contact, gestures, tone
of voice, body language, and other means are referred to as nonverbal communication.
Verbal communication is defined as any encounter in which a person converses using words.
Nonverbal communication is sometimes referred to as an indirect means of communicating with
others that does not involve the use of words or language

4.Complete this and make an arguments. Purposive communication helps me........

That in this subject can give me additional knowledge on what I knew before and can help me to
improve my learning especially my skills of communicating. I have learned a lot from this
subject especially in every topic that we discussed such as the proper and true definition of
communication, proper use of symbols and how we can share own feelings and emotions
whether by the use of verbal and non-verbal communication and it's can help to aim for
understanding. Also to have a more effective communication we must learn the communication
process is composed of sender, encoding and decoding message, receiver and feedback. The
subject Purposive Communication taught me how to use communication efficiently in a way that
I can widen my horizon further, advance my knowledge and further understand and  use
communication in a proper way.

5. How are you going to deal with your audience if you are the speaker? What are the
things to remember or consider and why?
Explain your own interest in the topic. Tell listeners what the topic has to do with them. When
you are speaking, you want listeners to understand and respond favorably to what you are saying.
It is important to know about the audience and to adapt the message to the audience.
Understanding the audience is a major part of the speech-making process. Understanding who
makes up your target audience will allow you to carefully plan your message and adapt what you
say to the level of understanding and background of the listeners

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