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Position Paper
(Japan – Climate Change)

Honorable chair, fellow delegates and distinguished guests,

The Delegation of Japan realizes the importance of quick & effective action
on climate change and hopes that all of our fellow delegates present here will
engage in relevant debates in order to make this conference productive, as
Barack Obama once said– “We are the first generation to feel the effect of
climate change and the last generation who can do something about it.”

#Country’s Policies, Stance, Problems (mainly facts)


It is marked by three key milestones. Firstly, Japan’s commitment under the

United Nations Climate Change Convention to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions by 26% from 2013 levels by 2030.

The second milestone is to promote the development of innovative

technologies by 2050 that enable Japan to contribute to the reduction in
accumulated atmospheric CO2 globally to “Beyond Zero”.

The third and most ambitious milestone unveiled by Prime Minister Suga
Yoshihide on October 26, 2020, calls for Japan to achieve net zero GHG
emissions by 2050. This bold pledge sets Japan on a course to become
Carbon Neutral in 30 year

Japan’s approach is based on three key principles:

1. Promote Innovation & Technology as the agents of change in

tackling the challenges of global warming.
2. Promote Green Finance to support the development of innovation
and new technologies.
3. Support greater International Cooperation for business-led
adoption of innovative green technologies.

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