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Unit CB Page 11 Lesson 3

This is his … / This is her …

1 Read and match.

1 This is his shirt.

2 This is her robot.

3 This is her pencil case. Zoe

4 This is his dad.

5 This is her mouse.

6 This is his scooter.

2 Look and complete with This is his or This is her.

†hiš iš her cat.


board game.




Big Bright Ideas 2  Grammar Worksheets   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press

Unit CB Page 14 Lesson 5

Are you … ? Yes, I am. No, I̕m not. Is he / she … ? Yes, he / she is. No, he / she isn̕t.

1 Complete. Then look and circle.

Is he  hu n g r y?
Yes, he is.   No, he isn’t.

Is she  hirs y?
Yes, she is.   No, she isn’t.

Is she  t r d?
Yes, she is.   No, she isn’t.

Is she  s d?
Yes, she is.   No, she isn’t.

Is he  h pp ?
Yes, he is.   No, he isn’t.

2 Look and complete.

happy   ​
hungry   ​
sad   ​
angry   ​
tired   ​

Are you tired ? No, fl’m not .

Is he ? Yes, .

she ?

you ?

he ?

you ?

Big Bright Ideas 2  Grammar Worksheets   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press

Unit CB Page 21 Lesson 3

Is he / she a … ? Yes, he / she is. No, he / she isn̕t. He̕s / She̕s a …

1 Look and complete with He’s or She’s and words from the box.

scientist   ​
doctor   ​farmer   ​cook   ​
zoo keeper   ​waiter

a coo§ . a . a .

a . a . a .

2 Complete. Then look and answer.

Yes, he is.   ​
Yes, she is.   ​No, he isn’t.   ​No, she isn’t.

1 flš he a waiter? ¥eš, he iš.

2 she zoo keeper?
3 he doctor?
4 builder?
5 cook?
6 police officer?

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Unit CB Page 24 Lesson 5

This is … These are …

1 Look and tick .

This is my lorry. This is my motorbike. This is my plane.

These are my lorries. ✔ This is my car. This is my train.

These are my cars. These are my planes. These are my lorries.

This is my car. This is my plane. These are my buses.

2 Look and write. Use This is or These are and words from the box.

plane   ​
motorbikes   ​bus   ​lorry   ​train   ​

†hese are my †hiš


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Unit CB Page 31 Lesson 3
Is there a … ? Yes, there is. No, there isn̕t.
Are there any … ? Yes, there are. No, there aren̕t.
1 Order the words to make questions. Then look and tick .

1 shops? any there Are

åre there any shopš? Yes, there are. ✔ No, there aren’t.

2 there Is cinema? a

Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

3 any there buses? Are

Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.

4 there Is a castle?

Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

5 there cars? Are any

Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.

2 Complete with Is there a or Are there any. Then look and answer.

Yes, there is.   ​Yes, there are.   ​No, there isn’t.   ​No, there aren’t.

1 flš there a castle? ¥eš, there iš.

2 planes?
3 hospital?
4 trees?
5 houses?
6 train?

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Unit CB Page 34 Lesson 5

Where̕s the … ? It̕s … the … (prepositions of place)

1 Look and write T (true) or F (false).

1 The bus is behind the lorry. † 4 The plane is above the hospital. 

2 The cat is between the hospital 5 The park is opposite the

and the museum. swimming pool.

3 The museum is in front of 6 The cinema is next to

the castle. the restaurant.

2 Look and write questions and answers.

park   ​
museum   ​hospital   ​swimming pool   ​ in front of   ​next to   ​
restaurant   ​castle   ​station   shop behind   ​opposite

∑here’š the hospital?

flt’š behind the station.

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Unit CB Page 43 Lesson 3

I … I don’t …

1 Read and match. Then tick or cross .

1 I don’t do athletics.

2 I play baseball.

3 I go rowing.

4 I don’t play badminton.

2 Look and complete.

play   ​
don’t play   ​do   ​don’t do   ​go   ​
don’t go

1 I don’t do trampolining.
2 I mountain biking.
3 I rugby.
4 I gymnastics.
5 I swimming.
6 I handball.

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Unit CB Page 46 Lesson 5

Do you … ? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

1 Read and circle the activities Sofía does.

Diego: Hi, Sofía. Do you drink milk?
Sofía: No, I don’t.
Diego: Do you drink lemonade?
Sofía: Yes, I do.
Diego: Do you eat sweets?
Sofía: No, I don’t. I don’t like sweets. I eat fruit.
Diego: And do you do exercise?
Sofía: Yes, I do. I do exercise at home and I go
outdoors, too. I do athletics in the park.

2 Look and write questions and answers.

do exercise   ​
eat sweets   ​eat fruit   ​drink milk

Ðo you eat sweet∫?  ¥e∫, ý do.

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Unit CB Page 53 Lesson 3

Do they live … ? Yes, they do. No, they don̕t. They live / don̕t live …

1 Complete with words from the box and live or don’t live.

zebras   ​crocodiles   ​hippos   ​sharks   ​lions   ​whales

‡harkš don’t live

on land. in water and on land. in water and on land.

in water. in water. on land and in water.

2 Read the answers. Then look and write the questions.

in water   ​on land and in water   ​on land   ​in water   ​on land

∂o they live on land? Yes, they do.

Yes, they do.

No, they don’t.

No, they don’t.

Yes, they do.

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Unit CB Page 56 Lesson 5

Does it … ? Yes, it does. No, it doesn̕t. It … / It doesn̕t …

1 Read, look and tick .

1 It sleeps in a tree. 2 It doesn’t eat grass.

3 It lives in a group. 4 It doesn’t hunt animals.

5 It likes fruit. 6 It doesn’t drink water.

2 Complete the questions.    sleep   ​live   ​eat   ​hunt   ​drink

Then answer for each animal.

1 ∂oeš it live ²o, it doesn’t. ¥eš, it doeš.

in a group?



in a tree?


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Unit CB Page 63 Lesson 3

What are you doing? I̕m doing …

1 Complete. Then look and circle.


1 2

What are you doing?


1 fl’m doing maths ICT . 4 drama PE .

2 history music . 5 maths science .

3 English geography . 6 art music .

2 Complete the questions. Then look at the timetable and answer.

12 12 12 12
11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1
Hello, I’m Robbie. This is 10
8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
my school timetable! 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

1 Teacher: It’s twelve o’clock. ∑hat are you doing?

history   ​PE   ​
Robbie: fl’m doing Þfi. science   ​ICT
2 Teacher: It’s half past three. What ?
3 Teacher: It’s two o’clock. ?
4 Teacher: It’s half past ten. ?
Big Bright Ideas 2  Grammar Worksheets   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press
Unit CB Page 66 Lesson 5

What̕s he / she doing? He̕s / She̕s … +ing.

1 Match. Then complete.

learn about plants   ​play the piano   ​
dress up   ​learn new words   ​
draw a horse

a He’s
in English.

b She’s
in art.

c He’s
in music.

d She’s dressing up
in drama.

e She’s
in science.

2 Look and write questions and answers.

write   ​
do sport   ​
about lions   ​
∑hat’š she doing ? he ?
‡he’š singing.

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Unit CB Page 75 Lesson 3

Whose is this … ? It̕s … (possessive pronouns)

1 Unscramble the words and complete.

1 Whose is this (bimloe enpho) mobile phone ? It’s (rehs) herš .
2 Whose is this (deuig okob) ? It’s (emni) .
3 Whose is this (treaw lbtote) ? It’s (royus) .
4 Whose is this (usn eracm) ? It’s (heirst) .
5 Whose is this (kkccaabp) ? It’s (soru) .

2 Follow the lines. Then complete the conversation.

hers   ​
theirs   ​
mine   ​
ours   ​
yours   ​

∑hose iš thiš notebook? flt’š theirš.



sun cream?



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Unit CB Page 78 Lesson 5

Would you like a / some … ? Yes, please. No, thank you.

1 Read and circle. Then circle the correct picture.

Dad: Would you like 1 a an some grapes, Josh?

Josh: Yes, please.
Dad: Would you like 2 a an some cherries?
Josh: Yes, please.
Dad: Would you like 3 a an some orange?
Josh: No, thank you.
Dad: Would you like 4 a an some drink?
Josh: Yes, please.
Dad: Would you like 5 a an some crisps?
Josh: No, thank you.

2 Write questions with a, an or some. Then look and match.



1 (biscuit) ∑ould you like a biscuit?

Yes, please.
2 (crisps)

3 (orange)

4 (grapes)

5 (cherries)
No, thank you.
6 (drink)

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Unit CB Page 85 Lesson 3

Do you like +ing … ? Yes, I do. No, I don̕t. I like / don̕t like +ing …

1 Look and write.

boxes   ​
photo frames   ​calendars   ​
decorations   ​
puppets   ​cakes

I like …
making calendarš.

I don’t like …

2 Complete the questions. Then look and answer Yes, I do or No, I don’t.

∂o you like making

²o, fl don’t.
photo frames?






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Unit CB Page 88 Lesson 5

Can you pass me that / those … , please? Here you are.

1 Complete with that or those. Then match.

1 Can you pass me
those paints, please?

2 Can you pass me

paintbrush, please?

3 Can you pass me

crayons, please?

4 Can you pass me

colouring pens, please?

5 Can you pass me

glue, please?

6 Can you pass me

scissors, please?

2 Complete. Then look and number.

1 ©an you pasš me those paints, please? ™ere you are.

2 ruler, please? Here are.
3 crayons, please? Here you .
4 glue, please? Here .
5 scissors, please? are.
6 colouring pens, please?
7 paintbrush, please?
8 pencil, please?

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Big Bright Ideas Answer Key

Unit 1 Lesson 3 Unit 2 Lesson 5

1 Read and match. 1 Look and tick ✔.
1  b Daniel 1  These are my lorries.
2  d Zoe 2  This is my motorbike.
3  a Zoe 3  This is my train.
4  c Daniel 4  These are my cars.
5  f Zoe 5  This is my plane.
6  e Daniel 6  These are my buses.
2 Look and complete with This is his or This is her. 2 Look and write. Use This is or These are and
1  This is her cat. words from the box.
2  This is his sister. 1  These are my motorbikes.
3  This is her board game. 2  This is my lorry.
4  This is his watch. 3  This is my plane.
5  This is her banana. 4  This is my bus.
6  This is his T-shirt. 5  These are my cars.
6  This is my train.
Unit 1 Lesson 5
1 Complete. Then look and circle. Unit 3 Lesson 3
1  Is he hungry? Yes, he is. 1 Order the words to make questions. Then look
2  Is she thirsty? Yes, she is. and tick ✔.
3  Is she tired? No, she isn’t. 1  Are there any shops? Yes, there are.
4  Is she sad? No, she isn’t. 2  Is there a cinema? Yes, there is.
5  Is he happy? No, he isn’t. 3  Are there any buses? No, there aren’t.
4  Is there a castle? No, there isn’t.
2 Look and complete. 5  Are there any cars? Yes, there are.
1  Are you tired? No, I’m not.
2  Is he angry? Yes, he is. 2 Complete with Is there a or Are there any. Then
3  Is she happy? No, she isn’t. look and answer.
4  Are you thirsty? Yes, I am. 1  Is there a castle? Yes, there is.
5  Is he sad? Yes, he is. 2  Are there any planes? No, there aren’t.
6  Are you hungry? No, I’m not. 3  Is there a hospital? No, there isn’t.
4  Are there any trees? Yes, there are.
Unit 2 Lesson 3 5  Are there any houses? Yes, there are.
6  Is there a train? Yes, there is.
1 Look and complete with He’s or She’s and words
from the box.
Unit 3 Lesson 5
1  She’s a cook.
2  He’s a farmer. 1 Look and write T (true) or F (false).
3  She’s a zoo keeper. 1  T ​
2  F ​
3  T ​
4  F ​5  T ​
6  F
4  He’s a scientist. 2 Look and write questions and answers.
5  He’s a waiter. 1  Where’s the hospital? It’s behind the station.
6  She’s a doctor. 2  Where’s the castle? It’s next to the museum.
2 Complete. Then look and answer. 3  Where’s the restaurant? It’s opposite the shop.
1  Is he a waiter? Yes, he is. 4  Where’s the swimming pool? It’s in front of the park.
2  Is she a zoo keeper? No, she isn’t.
3  Is he a doctor? No, he isn’t. Unit 4 Lesson 3
4  Is he a builder? Yes, he is. 1 Read and match. Then tick ✔ or cross ✘.
5  Is she a cook? Yes, she is. 1  c – ✘
6  Is he a police officer? No, he isn’t. 2  b – ✔
3  d – ✔
4  a – ✘

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Big Bright Ideas Answer Key

2 Look and complete Unit 6 Lesson 3

1  don’t do 1 Complete. Then look and circle.
2  go 1  I’m doing maths.
3  don’t play 2  I’m doing music.
4  do 3  I’m doing geography.
5  don’t go 4  I’m doing drama.
6  play 5  I’m doing science.
6  I’m doing art.
Unit 4 Lesson 5
2 Complete the questions. Then look at the
1 Read and circle the activities Sofía does.
timetable and answer.
Students circle pictures b, d, e, and f.
1  What are you doing? I’m doing PE.
2 Look and write questions and answers. 2  What are you doing? I’m doing history.
1  Do you eat sweets? Yes, I do. 3  What are you doing? I’m doing ICT.
2  Do you drink milk? No, I don’t. 4  What are you doing? I’m doing science.
3  Do you do exercise? Yes, I do.
4  Do you eat fruit? No, I don’t. Unit 6 Lesson 5
1 Match. Then complete.
Unit 5 Lesson 3 1  d She’s dressing up in drama.
1 Complete with words from the box and live or 2  c He’s playing the piano in music.
don’t live. 3  e She’s learning about plants in science.
1  Sharks don’t live on land. 4  a He’s learning new words in English.
2  Hippos live in water and on land. 5  b She’s drawing a horse in art.
3  Zebras don’t live in water and on land.
2 Look and write questions and answers.
4  Whales live in water.
1  What’s she doing? She’s singing.
5  Lions don’t live in water.
2  What’s he doing? He’s learning about lions.
6  Crocodiles live on land and in water.
3  What’s she doing? She’s doing sport.
2 Read the answers. Then look and write the 4  What’s he doing? He’s writing.
1  Do they live on land? Unit 7 Lesson 3
2  Do they live on land and in water?
1 Unscramble the words and complete.
3  Do they live on land?
1  Whose is this mobile phone? It’s hers.
4  Do they live in water?
2  Whose is this guide book? It’s mine.
5  Do they live in water?
3  Whose is this water bottle? It’s yours.
4  Whose is this sun cream? It’s theirs.
Unit 5 Lesson 5 5  Whose is this backpack? It’s ours.
1 Read, look and tick ✔.
1  a ​
2  b ​
3  b ​
4  a ​5  b ​
6  a 2 Follow the lines. Then complete the conversation.
1  Whose is this notebook? It’s theirs.
2 Complete the questions. Then answer for each 2  Whose is this backpack? It’s hers.
animal. 3  Whose is this coat? It’s mine.
1 Does it live in a group? 4  Whose is this sun cream? It’s yours.
a  No, it doesn’t. ​b  Yes, it does. 5  Whose is this cap? It’s his.
2 Does it drink water? 6  Whose is this map? It’s ours.
a  Yes, it does. ​b  No, it doesn’t.
3 Does it eat grass?
a  Yes, it does. ​b  No, it doesn’t. Unit 7 Lesson 5
4 Does it sleep in a tree? 1 Read and circle. Then circle the correct picture.
a  No, it doesn’t. ​b  Yes, it does. 1  some ​2  some ​ 3  an ​
4  a ​
5  some
5 Does it hunt animals? Students circle picture b.
a  No, it doesn’t. ​b  Yes, it does.

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Big Bright Ideas Answer Key

2 Write questions with a, an or some. Then look and 2 Complete. Then look and number.
1  Would you like a biscuit? No, thank you. 2
2  Would you like some crisps? Yes, please.
3  Would you like an orange? Yes, please. 6 1
4  Would you like some grapes? No, thank you.
5  Would you like some cherries? Yes, please.
4 8
6  Would you like a drink? No, thank you. 5

Unit 8 Lesson 3 1 Can you pass me those paints, please?

1 Look and write. Here you are.
I like: making calendars, making photo frames, 2 Can you pass me that ruler, please?
making puppets Here you are.
I don’t like: making decorations, making cakes, 3 Can you pass me those crayons, please?
making boxes Here you are.
4 Can you pass me that glue, please?
2 Complete the questions. Then look and answer Here you are.
Yes, I do or No, I don’t. 5 Can you pass me those scissors, please?
1  Do you like making photo frames? No, I don’t. Here you are.
2  Do you like making bracelets? Yes, I do. 6 Can you pass me those colouring pens, please?
3  Do you like making masks? Yes, I do. Here you are.
4  Do you like making cards? No, I don’t. 7 Can you pass me that paintbrush, please?
5  Do you like making badges? Yes, I do. Here you are.
6  Do you like making puppets? No, I don’t. 8 Can you pass me that pencil, please?
Here you are.
Unit 8 Lesson 5
1 Complete with that or those. Then match.
1  those – b
2  that – d
3  those – f
4  those – c
5  that – a
6  those – e

Big Bright Ideas 2  Grammar Worksheets   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press

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Illustrations by: Beccy Blake/Sylvie Poggio:pp.1(ex 2), 5(ex 2), 7 (ex 1), 11 (ex 2),
12 (ex 1), 15 (ex 1), 16 (ex 2); Manola Caprini/Milan Illustration Agency :pp.1 (ex
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10(ex 2); Andrew Painter pp.2, 7(ex 2), 8(ex 2), 16(ex 1); Sharon Harmer/The
Bright Agency: pp.16; Erica Salcedo (with Ellie O’Shea in Erica Salcedo’s style)
pp.3(ex 2), 4, 5(ex 1), 6 (ex 1), 8(ex 1), 10 (ex 1), 13.

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