Group 1, Phase 1 - Assignment 1

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Royal University of Phnom Penh

Institute of Foreign Languages

Department of English
Class: M2.1
Group 1

Assignment 1(Phase 1): Critical Reasoning

Topic: Positive and negative impacts of desire(s)
1A.Main ideas obtained from the text analysis
Positive impacts:
1. Mr. Brownlow
● He wanted to rescue Oliver
⮚ After knowing Oliver was not a thief, he brought Oliver home and invited
doctor to treat his fever
⮚ He had kidnapped Monks and forced him to reveal Oliver’s mother identity
and the inherited information leaved for Oliver
⮚ He united Oliver and his aunt, Rose Maylie
⮚ Oliver was rescued and adopted as Mr.Brownlow’s son and they both settled
down in the small village joyfully
Negative impacts:
1. Monks
● Monks wished to inherit from his father’s will alone
⮚ He threw the locket and ring into the river to make Oliver identity unknown
and he said, “If you threw a man’s body down there, where would it be
⮚ He hired Fagin to make Oliver become a thief so that he couldn’t get
anything from his father’s will
⮚ Due to his unstoppable desire, at the end he spent all the money he half
inherited from his father and later was imprisoned of fraud. He eventually
died in the prison.
1B. Peer collaboration report
Through assignment 1, in LS 202, under the themes of positive and negative impacts of
desire(s), we’re from group 1 have absorbed a lot of new knowledge and skills of working
collaboratively. Begin with fruitful physical meeting a week a head of the deadline, we started to
discuss the assignment extensively and the divided role of each member to analyze the text, Oliver
Twist. Through reading the story we not only enhanced our reading skills but also enlarges our
vocabulary, grammar and contextual meaning of the society in those years. Moreover, we’ve also
understood the struggle of Oliver Twist, and other children who were raised in workhouse. We
realized that child protection law is really crucial to prevent child from getting abuse and child labour.
After getting the first peer information related to the text, each member chose one of the characters to
analyze. Starting from Bin Sambath, he was responsible for gathering the negative impacts of desire
of Fagin, the old man who taught kids to pickpocket. Next, Phy Sophea, the only female member in
the group, had the role to collect the negative impacts of Bill Sikes. After that, Tim Sokhieng
volunteered to analyzed the most evil character, Monks. While San Povan was also responsible for
analyzing the character, Nancy and, Phorn Sophanith had a crucial role in gathering all information
together and created the report of the process of phase 1. Last, Hou Chanpouy had a role to be the
representative of the whole team to present the main ideas of the text to the class.

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