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Free Yourself from Your Blocks and Life Challenges

Reveal Your Unconscious Blocks that Sabotage You!

We are each our own worst enemies.
Time to get out of your own way.
Your dream life awaits!
AND a BONUS at the end of this document – Start Your Life Planning Binder

But first. - To identify and release what stops you.

Imagine this. You are on a backpacking journey and in your backpack are at least 20 big boulders that limit
your pleasure, productivity, potentials, and performance on your journey. Time to lighten your load.

This may be the most revealing 20 minutes you ever spend. Do these exercises to make your unconscious, self-
sabotaging blocks (boulders) conscious. Just knowing your unconscious limiting beliefs and old conditioning
is halfway to healing them.

Resonating with Your Shadows.

INSTRUCTIONS for STEP #1 - Each of the 9 types of shadows and life challenges below have about 20 popular
life qualities. Quickly scan each list to identify the top 3 or 5 challenges you 'resonate' with and write them on

How do you resonate? Scan the list and see what jumps out at you. Which one catches your eye? Touches
your emotions? Calls to you? Which one do you feel is the one to work on, so you become more authentic?

1. My Reactive Defenses (How I react to situations or other's comments?) - Advice, Aggression,

Avoidance, Blaming, Cockiness, Complaining, Confusion, Criticism, Deception, Don't care, Denial, Distrust,
Excuses, Fantasizing, Humor, Judgment, Justifying, Lying, Manipulation, 'Me too', Sarcasm, Seeking approval,
Silence, Suppression, Violence.

2. My Main Fears - Abandonment, Being controlled by others, Being unloved, Being useless, Change,
Conflict, Death, Material loss, Pain, Failure, Invasion of boundaries, Poverty, Public speaking, Rejection,
Responsibility, Success, Unknown, Truth, God, Duty, Being oneself, Incorrect decisions, Vulnerability.

3. My Excuses, Justifiers - After I ..., Been there, done that, Can't afford it, Didn’t work before, Don’t feel
like it, Don’t have to, Everything is a struggle for me, Family comes first, Got a headache, Have no energy,

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Free Yourself from Your Blocks and Life Challenges
Have no time, Not in the right mood, Not my responsibility, Too easy, too hard, Too much effort, Too old,
too young, I don’t know how, I can’t, I don’t want to look stupid, It’s just the way I am.

4. My Stressors - Anger, Arguments, Bills and taxes, Competition, Conflict, Hatred, Illness, Poor health,
Impatience, Indecision, Fear, Parenting, Perfectionism, Overwhelm, Criticism, Debt, Emotional stress,
Expectations, Insecurity, Lack of clarity, Too busy, Unpredictable situations.

5. My Limiting Beliefs - Better safe than sorry, Give them an inch and they will take a mile, Age before
beauty, You will never be good enough, You will understand life when you get older, Work before play, Must
work hard, Easy come, easy go, Rich people are never happy, Money is the root of all evil, You can't have
everything, Big boys don’t cry, Act like a lady, Love never lasts, We have to suffer to be beautiful, Ask a silly
question and you get a silly answer, You never finish anything, Do what you're told, Life is short, You are only
young once, We have to pay for our sins.

6. My Victim Statements - Look what you made me do, It's not my fault, I want an apology, I am sick and
tired of …, If only he/she would/wouldn't ..., I am always so busy, I never have time for myself, I'm that way
because of my terrible childhood, If they cared about me, they wouldn't do that, I do all the giving around
here and get nothing in return, Why does this always have to happen to me? I can't help it, If you can't do
your part, I'm not going to do mine!, If it's not one thing it's another, After all I did for them, this is what I
get, What did I do to deserve this?, Nobody else works as hard as I do, Some people have all the luck, I
couldn't help it, It's too late, The damage is done, I'll change when they change.

7. My Energy Drainers - Anger, Being unbalanced, Boredom, Busyness, Conflicts, Crisis, Emotions,
Excessive self-review, Having too many people around, High expectations, Lack of sleep, Lack of stimulation,
Life changes, Negative encounters, Negative self-talk, Nosy people, Sadness, Stress, Worry, Sickness, Certain
foods, Alcohol, Sugar.

8. My Early Warning Signals - “I need a drink”, Anxiety, Change in eating habits, Clumsiness, Confusion,
Defensiveness, Food cravings, Gut feelings, Headaches, Insomnia, Irritation, Lack of energy, Lack of feelings,
Moodiness, Neglectfulness, Stress, Suspiciousness, Tiredness, Unexplained emotions.

9. My Other Life Challenges - Absentmindedness, Abuse, Addictions, Ambition, Attachment, Cowardice,

Focusing on the past, Frustration, Future thinking, Guilt, Lack of purpose, Lack of clarity, Negativity,
Numbness, Obsession, Poor self-esteem, Self-centeredness, Self-pity, Self-sabotage, Stubbornness, Vanity.
Bringing it all together - Create Your Healing HOT LIST
INSTRUCTIONS for STEP #2 - Pick the top 5 shadows from worksheet#1 as the most important healing items
for you to work on and heal. Put them in Worksheet #2, prioritize them and complete the form with the
positive quality or attributes you aspire to and your next healing step. Then pick one only each week to work

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Free Yourself from Your Blocks and Life Challenges

Worksheet #1: Areas I Require Healing Back to Wholeness

Date 1. My Reactive Defenses 2. My Main Fears 3. My Excuses, Justifiers

Date 4. My Stressors 5. My Limiting Beliefs 6. My Victim Statements

Date 7. My Energy Drainers 8. My Early Warning Signals 9. My Other Life Challenges

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Free Yourself from Your Blocks and Life Challenges

Worksheet #2: Summary - My Healing HOT LIST (updated ________)

Priority Challenge, Shadow The Positive Quality MY Next Steps

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Free Yourself from Your Blocks and Life Challenges

1. Members of Higher Awareness receive a list of about 100 common blocks for each of the above
categories so you get more accurate choices.

2. Members also get access to over 100 Lists of Choices so all your personal and spiritual growth
questions are answered (with about 100 choices/answers each).

3. Members also get access to our 3 month flagship program – ‘intuit and DO IT’ Awareness and
Manifesting Program. Experience in detail the full life journey from self-discipline, to revealing and healing
blocks, to awareness and character development, to knowing and manifesting your life purpose.

4. Members also get access to 40 personal and spiritual development programs and hundreds of personal
growth resources.

5. You have also been added to our Inner Journey Inspirational Messages which has a built in reminder
service each week to review and work on your Healing HOT LIST.

Your BONUS - Your Life Planning Binder

A place to keep all of your worksheets, goals, ideal 'Dream Calendar', Life-on-a-Page, daily
practices, journals, a Life Dashboard, Bucket List, COFFEE questions/answers, learnings,
cheat sheets and lots more. Use your Life Planning Binder to keep track of your daily,
weekly, and monthly activities.

Click here to download the basic Life Planning Binder with details on how to make it your
“GO TO Growth Spot”. And then add your “Know Your Blocks Worksheets” into your new

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