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Database Management Systems

CSC 220
Credit Hours: 3
Instructor: Dr. Fatima Khalique
Course Overview
• Lectures: Wednesday, Thursday
• Lectures+ Group work+ Class Activities
• All Course material on LMS
• Cell phones must be placed at the end of each table by everyone sharing
the table at the start of each lecture
• Plagiarized/copied content (assignments, quizzes) is unacceptable
• Discuss any issues/questions with lectures or labs
• Communicate through email at fkhalique.buic@bahria.edu.pk with your
name, enrolment , class and section clearly identified.
• Visit office in NC building 2nd Floor CoE-AI
Weekly Plan
Week week
Topic Topic
1 Introduction to DBMS The Course Outline and Objective, Database 10 Mapping Models
Definition, Importance of Databases, Shortcomings of Traditional File Processing Converting relational models into ER models, Converting relational models into ER
System, Levels of Data, Different Types of Database Users, History of DBMSs, models
Advantages and Disadvantages of DBMSs 11 Relational Algebra and DML: Unary and Binary operations, Selection,
Projection, Cartesian Product Different types of Joins, Union, Intersection, Division
2 Database Architecture Components of DBMS Multi tier Architecture for Relational Algebra Practice Class exercise and group work
DMS Functions and Components of a DBMS Multi-user DBMS Architectures.
3 Three Level Schema Architecture Data Independence, Database 12 Normalization Objectives, Functional Dependency, Inference Rules, First
Languages Database, Data Model, Relational Model and Languages Introduction to Normal Form, Full Functional Dependency, Second Normal Form
Relational Data Model, Brief History Advantages,
4 Entity-Relationship Modelling Semantic Data Models, 13 Normalization II: Transitive Dependency, Third Normal Form, Boyce-Codd
Introduction to Entity-Relationship Data Model Different Constructs of E-R Data Normal Form
Model, Abstraction Process Modeling different types of Entities and Attributes Class exercise and group work
14 Project Presentations +Demo
5 Business requirements and DB Design 15 Selected Topic 1
Converting business requirements to ER Models .Business Case Studies
(Physical Design, Transaction Processing , Recovery, Data warehousing
6 Enhanced Entity-Relationship Modeling Cardinality and Degree of a and Mining, OLAP, graph databases, NoSQL databases)
Relationship, Unary, Binary and n-array Relationships 16 Select Topic 2
Entity-Relationship Modeling Case Studies (Physical Design, Transaction Processing , Recovery, Data warehousing
7 Relational Model Terminology, Mathematical Relations, Database Relations and Mining, OLAP, graph databases, NoSQL databases)
Characteristics of Relations, Understanding tables
17 Selected Topic 3
8 Integrity Constraints The Concept of Key, Different Types of Keys, Integrity (Physical Design, Transaction Processing , Recovery, Data warehousing
Constraints Over Relations, Key Constraints, Foreign Key Constraints General and Mining, OLAP, graph databases, NoSQL databases)
Constraints, Data dictionaries, Views
1. Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management, 6th
Edition by Thomas Connolly and Carolyn Begg
2. Database Systems: The Complete Book, 2nd Edition by Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey D.
Ullman, Jennifer Widom
3. Database System Concepts, 7th Edition by Avi Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth and S.
4. Essentials of database management, 1st Edition by Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Heikki Topi, V.
5. Database Management Systems, 3rd Edition by Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke

Other Resources:
• Lectures
• Papers
• Articles
• Videos
• Etc.
Assignment Weight Wee Assignment No. Quiz No. Project Title
Quiz 10 1
Homework assignments 5 2 Assignment 1
3 Quiz-1 Course Project Assigned
Class Exercises 5 4
Midterm Exam 20 5 Assignment 2 Project I Submission
6 Quiz-2
Project 10 7 Project II Submission
Final Exam 50 8
10 Assignment 3 Project III Submission
Total 100 11 Quiz-3
12 Project IV Submission
13 Assignment 4
14 Quiz-4 Final Project
Why StudyDatabases??

• Shift from computation to information

• at the “low end”: scramble to webspace (a mess!)
• at the “high end”: scientific applications
• Datasets increasing in diversity and volume.
• Digital libraries, interactive video, Human Genome project, EOS project
• ... need for DBMS exploding
• DBMS encompasses most of CS
• OS, languages, theory, AI, multimedia, logic
Why? Reason#1: Utility
• Data processing backs almost every application.
• Databases are running behind almost every application
• Principles taught in this course backs nearly everything in computing
Where Shall I eat, Database ?
Who should I follow, Database?
How does Science Work?
• Jim Gray
• Turing Award Winner
• First PhD CS at Berkley
• Experimental
• Real world interaction
• Theoretical
• Mathematical models are there to figure
out what is happening in real world.
• Simulation
• Ability to use lost of computers to
predict/model what is happening.
• The Fourth Paradigm
• We sense and analyze data to predict
real world scenarios
Astronomy in 4 th Paradigm
Your Career…
• 2000’s:
• Shift from “programs” to apps over data-centric services
• More recently:
• End of the full-stack programmer
• New, ubiquitous professions:
• Data scientists, Data engineers, Machine Learning Engineer
• Evolution of IT
Why? Reason#2: Centrality
• Data is center of modern society.
• Unprecedented in its nature and significance.
• Particular & voluminous
• Often asymmetric
• Low value in isolation, high value when aggregated.
• Customer shopping patterns

• Difficult to protect.
• Very easy to move and copy
• Center of major issues
• Privacy, national security, fake news
National Security Data: 2010
Data Integrity: Not all Data is Correct

Common access to data can allow information to be more correct.

Why # 3? Computing Core
• Data growth will continue to outpace computation
• Systems for Data at scale: The core of modern computing
Scale of Scientific Data
Forces Driving Data Growth
• Ubiquitous sensors and reporting:
• Cameras, mobile computing, blogging
• Large Collaborative science projects
• Philosophy: More Data → More Value?
• Enabling Technology
• Cheap, Scalable Data Management Systems
What: Spot the Database
What: Spot the Database
What: Spot the Database
• Database: organized collection of logically related data
• Data: stored representations of meaningful objects and events
• Structured: numbers, text, dates
• Unstructured: images, video, documents
• Information: data processed to increase knowledge of the person
using the data
• Metadata: data that describes the properties and context of user
• Data models define how the logical structure of a database is

Types of Data
Types of Data
Data in Context
Summarized Data

Graphical displays turn data into useful

information that managers can use for
decision making and interpretation
From Data toInfomation
Data Models

• A data model is a collection of concepts for describing data.

• A schema is a description of a particular collection of data, using a
given data model.
• The relational model of data is the most widely used model today.
• Main concept: relation, basically a table with rows and columns.
• Every relation has a schema, which describes the columns, or fields.
What is DBMS?
• Connolly and Begg “software system that enables users to define,
create, maintain and control access to the database”
Other definitions:
A Database Management System (DBMS) is software to create and
manage databases, allowing users to create, read, update and delete data
in a database
Database Management Systems (DBMS) are software systems used to
store, retrieve, and run queries on data. A DBMS serves as an interface
between an end-user and a database, allowing users to create, read,
update, and delete data in the database.
Database Management System
◼ A software system that is used to create, maintain, and provide
controlled access to user databases

Order Filing

Invoicing Central database

Contains employee,
order, inventory,
pricing, and
customer data

DBMS manages data resources like an operating system manages hardware resources
Types of Databases

Popular DBMS
Popular DBMS
Overview- Data ,Database, DBMS
• Data is recordable facts, observations, set of values that can be
• A database is a well organized collection of related data. Models
real-world enterprise.
• Entities (e.g., students, courses)
• Relationships (e.g., Maria is taking CSC220)
The databases are created, managed and administered by DBMS
• A database management system (DBMS) is a software tool that
enables users to manage a database easily. It allows users to access
and interact with the underlying data in the database.

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