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UCSP Reviewer Prelims 5.

Social Research - deals with

Social Science - is the broad category of rediscovery and development of
disciplines that looks into the behavior of an sociological findings
individual and how he or she interacts with Politics - deals with the issue of the state,
his or her environment. governance , leadership , bureaucracy
Anthropology - study of human kind, and its interaction with its citizens
human interconnections and - Actions of the government to solve
interdependence of all human experience the problems of human persons
- Problems of human persons - Politika or Polis (Greek)
- Anthropos (greek) - human - Political Science - affairs of the
- Logos (greek) - study cities’ citizens
- Famous Anthropologist - Fields of Political Science
a. Henry Otley Beyer 1. Political Theory - deals with the
b. F. Landa Jocano origins and purpose of the stater and
c. Peter Bellwood governance
- Fields of Anthropology 2. Public Law - deals with the structure
1. Cultural Anthropology - deals with and role of the state and government
the evolutionary process of society 3. Public Administration - deals with
and culture techniques and methods used in the
2. Linguistic Anthropology - deals management of the government
with the language and patterns that 4. Sikolohiyang Pilipino (Filipino
reflects the structure and Psychology) - refers to the
characteristics of a community psychology born out of the
3. Archaeology - deals with the study experience, thought and orientation
of human and society through the of the Filipinos
rediscovery and recovery of material 5. Colonialism - policy or practice of
and artifacts acquiring, full or partial political
4. Physical/Biological Anthropology - control over another country
deals with humans as biological 6. Decolonialism - act of getting rid of
organisms colonization
Sociology - deals with the study of the 7. Post Colonialism - political or
behavior of society cultural condition: theoretical
- Effects of human person’s problem approach in various disciplines that
in the society is concerned with lasting impact in
- Socius (Latin) - companion former colonies
- Logos (Greek) - study 8. Modern Period - beginning in the
- Family Relations: Separation & quarter of the 20th century and end
Divorce of middle ages
- Reproductive Health: RH Law 2012 9. Enlightenment - action of enlighting
- Fields of Sociology or state of being enlightened
1. Social Organization - deals with the - European intellectual movement
formation of social groups and of the late 17th and 18th
institutions and their behavior centuries
2. Social Psychology - deals with
human behavior as an outcome of Socrates - “I only know that I know
individual personality nothing”
3. Social Change - deals with - 469 -399 B.C.
understanding the society as an - One of the founders of western
institution by focusing on social Philosophy
organization - Was a classical Greek philosopher
4. Population Studies - deals with the credited with laying the fundamentals of
composition of the population modern Western philosophy.
- He is known for creating Socratic
Irony and the Socratic Method (Elenchus)
- Death: When the political climate - Science would have not develop if it
of Greece turned, Socrates was sentences remained under the wings of philosophy and
to death by Hemlock Poisoning in 399 theology
BC. He accepted this judgment rather - Philosophy is based on Analytic
than fleeing into exile understanding of the nature of truth
Plato - “Love is a serious mental disease” asserted about specific topics of issues
- 427 - 347 B.C.E - The development of the Social
- Student of Socrates Science during the modern period was made
- A philosopher in Classical Greece possible by several large scale
and the founder of Academy in Athens, the a. Sciences
first institution of higher learning in the 1. Pure Science
Western world 2. Applied Science
- “All the gold which is under or upon b. Social Science
the earth is not enough to give in exchange 1. Law
for virtue” 2. Linguistics
- “Be kind for everyone you meet is 3. History
fighting a hard battle” c. Humanities
- “Dictatorship naturally arises out of 1. Visual Arts
democracy, and the most aggravated form of 2. Performing Arts
tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme 3. Religion
liberty” The Unprecedented Growth of Science
Aristotle - “We are what we repeatedly do, - The scientific revolution which
Excellence,then, is not an act, but a habit” begun with Nicolaus Copernicus refers to
- Aristotle of Stagira was a Greek THOUGHT AND BELIEF
philosopher who pioneered systematic, - In Europe roughly between 1550
scientific examination in literally every area and 1700 with the works of Isaac Newton,
of human knowledge and was knows, in his which PROSED UNIVERSAL LAWS OF
- Philosopher of: - Francis Bacon who established the
Aristotelian Philosophy IMAGINATION
Theory of the Soul The story of human evolution begun in
Virtue Ethics Africa about six million years ago and it
- Death: In 322 B.C, just a year after describes the very long process that our
he fled to Chalcis to escape prosecution ancestors went through to ultimately become
under charges of impiety, Aristotle modern humans.
contracted a “Disease of the Digestive Evolution means the changes that occur in a
Organs” and died population over time.
Population means a group of the same
Before the birth of modern social sciences in species that share a specific location and
the West, the study of society, culture and habitat.
politics we’re based on social and political Evolutionary changes always
philosophy occur on the genetic level.
- In return, social and political The Tree of Life
philosophies were informed by theological Biological evolution - explains the way all
reasoning grounded in REVELATION living things evolved over billions of years
BASED ON THE HOLY BIBLE from a single common ancestor. This
- PHILOSOPHY IS DIFFERENT concept is often illustrated by the so-called
FROM SCIENCE Tree of Life - Every branch in the tree
represents a species.
The Relationship Between Apes and b. Non - Tangible (Non
Humans - Since scientist developed the Material) - oral traditions,
ability to decode the genome and compare performing arts rituals,
the genetic makeup of species, some people knowledge skills
have been stunned to learn that about 985% c. Natural Heritage (material)
of genes in people and chimpanzees are - Cultural landscape,
identical. Physical, Biological or
Our common Ancestors - Most scientist geological formations
believe our common ancestor existed 5-8 - Classification of Culture according
million years ago. The two species broke to NCCA (National Commission
off into separate lineages, one ultimately for Culture and the Arts)
evolving into gorillas and chimps, the a. Tangible/Physical - church,
other evolving into early humans museums, park, monument,
called hominids. artifact, relics, fossils
The Fossil Record - Fossils are the remains b. Intangible/Abstract -
or impressions of living things hardened knowledge, social norms,
in rock. All living organism have not been folkways, mores, laws,
preserved in the fossils record values, beliefs, pop culture

Culture - Elements:
- Exists anywhere humans exist 1. Social Organization - formation of
- There are no cultures that are exactly a stable structure of ralations inside a
the same group which provides basis for order
- Made up of elements that form and patterns relationships for new
people’s unique way of life members
- imposes limitations and parameters. 2. Customs and traditions - practice,
It dictates a community on what is belief or any thing which lots of
acceptable and not. people do and have done from
- constantly changing and can easily generation to generation
be lost in time. 3. Religion - belief in and worship of a
- A combination of human knowledge, superhuman controlling power,
beliefs and behavior that we learn especially a personal God or gods
and pass on to future generations
4. Arts and Literature - visual object,
- Culture according to Edward B.
experience, of written works
Taylor is a complex whole that
consciously created through an
includes knowledge, beliefs, arts,
expression of skill or imagination
laws, custom and habits acquired
5. Language - method of human
by an individual as members of
communication, either spoken or
written, consisting of the use of
- pertains to a person’s social
words in a structured and
conventional way
- According to A.L. Kroeber and
6. Forms of government - government
Clyde Kluckhohn, it consists of
is a system by which a state or
pattern, explicit and implicit, of
community is controlled; EX:
and for behavior acquired and
transmitted their embodiment in
7. Economic System - means by which
countries and governments distribute
- Classification of Culture according
resources and trade of goods and
to UNESCO (United Nation
services; EX: PESO
Educational Scientific and
Cultural Organization)
a. Tangible (material) -
immovable, movable,
4. Culture is very adaptive such that
it is always changing and evolving
- Culture is dynamic, it adapts to its
environment from time to time and
from place to place.

How do we become a member of a

1987 Philippine Constitution Section 1
Article IV
- Those who are citizens of the
Philippines at the time of the
adoption of the constitution
- Those whose Father and mother
are citizens of the Philippines
- Who were born before January 17,
1973 of Filipino mothers who elect
Philippine citizenship upon reaching
the age of majority
- Those who are naturalized in
accordance with the law

Naturalization (COMMONWEALTH
ACT NO. 473) - process of learning one’s
culture and how to live within it.
- Must be not less than twenty one
years of age
- Resided in the Philippines for a
continuous period of not less than ten
- Must be a good moral character and
believe in the principles underlying
- Characteristics of Culture the Philippine Constitution
- Must own a real estate in the
Philippines worth not less than five
Culture is transmitted from hundred pesos
one generation to another. - Must have some known lucrative
When trade, profession or lawful
one is born, the person occupation
immediately acquires the pattern - Must have enrolled his minor
of behavior and traits of his or her
immediate family. children of school age in any of the
public or private schools by the
Office of Private Education of the
1. Culture is a product of social Philippines
- through interaction with other
members of the society that we
understand and acquire their patterns
of behavior
2. Culture is ideational and it implies
- sets limitation on a person, such as a
person’s religious orientation, they
are bounded by their faith and
3. Culture provides a sense of
fulfillment and satisfaction.
- Being familiar and knowledgeable of
one’s culture makes the person very
proud of one’s identity.
- Acceptance of cultural goals and
legitimate approved means of
achieving them

Deviance - pertains to act that violate the

standard of conduct, expectations or social
norms of a group or society
- Examples: Sexual Deviants, Drug
Addicts, Violation of group norms,
Violation of cultural expectations
- Social Deviants
a. Innovators - subscribe to culturally
Norms - Informal understanding that govern approved norms, but change their
the behavior of members of a society way of approaching it, innovating
Values - criteria people use in assessing on the approved norms
their daily lives which accounting for the b. Rituals - rejects culturally approved
stability of social order norms but still perform the socially
accepted actions to observe them
c. Retreatists - rejects both the
Norms - Greets the teacher
approve norms and the socially
Values - Respect accepted ways of complying with
Socialization (Status) - an individual d. Rebels - alter the status quo and
obtains a status in the community impose completely new social
- Social position in a group platform set-up
- Individual’s position in the social Social Control - means to deter or minimize
culture cases of Deviance
- Agents of Socialization - Types of Social Control
a. Family - first society that individual a. Planned or Unplanned
becomes part of - Gossip & Social Ostracism
b. Peer Groups absorbs a portion of the b. Persuasive or Coersive
family’s influence - Laws & Punishments
- The new role models of the - Functions of Social Control
individual a. Internal - Self Control
c. Church or Religion - provides a major b. External - Outside Factors
influence on the individuals NOTION
Discipline - situation in which an individual
d. School - serves as the formal agency of
suppresses his or her base desire
weaning children from home
- Happens when one uses reason to
- Introducing them to the society
identify the best course of action
e. Workplace - act as school of life or
regardless of one’s need
- One tries to align his or her values to
f. Mass Media - makes our life more
one’s goal and do what is the best
interesting through
TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION Aspiration - strong desire for advancement
striving after something higher that one’s
Enculturation - practice the requisites of
the culture of one’s surroundings to adopt
values and behavior necessary or
appropriate in a given culture Human Dignity, Rights and the Common
- Exchange of cultural feature with Good
foreigh cultures Human Dignity
- Successful Enculturation results in - Should always be honored
competencies in language, values - Universally recognized and not
and rituals of culture subject to any restrictions
Persona Non Grata - unwelcome person - Dignity (Basic Right Itself) - all
individuals deserve to be treated with
Social Conformity and Deviance
Conformity - observance of the norms and
makes the person accepted in a group or
Classification of Rights of a Person (De
Leon 200)
- Common Standard for all nation
- All rights emphasized by the
RIGHTS (December 10,1948)
- Natural/Universal Rights - rights
independent of the laws or customs
of a particular culture of government
- Constitutional Rights - enumerated
and protected by the constitution
- Political Rights - rights of people to
participate in the governance
- Civil Rights - personal liberties
given to individual due to their status
as a citizen of a particular country
- Social, Economic and Cultural
Rights - rights of a person to enjoy
life economically and socially
- Rights of the Accused - granted to a
person accused of committing a
- Statutory Rights - rights provided
by the statue or a particular law

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