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Design Cycle MYP - Children’s International School

Design Cycle MYP 5

Maps without words
Student Name: Mathias Häll Class: MYP5 School: CISS
Design Cycle MYP - Children’s International School

Unit Map/Plans Design


Key Communication

Related Adaption

Global Globalisation and sustainability


Statement In an increasingly global world, we must make sure we adapt the way
of Inquiry
we communicate.
Inquiry Factual:
- Where and when do we rely on maps?
- What are different types of maps?
- How accurate do maps need to be?
- Can we make a map that can be understood by anyone, from
MYP Subject Objective A: Inquiring and analysing
I. explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem for a specified
client/target audience
II. identify and prioritise the primary and secondary research needed to develop a
solution to the problem
III. analyse a range of existing products that inspire a solution to the problem
IV. develop a detailed design brief, which summarises the analysis of relevant

Objective B: Developing ideas

I. develop a design specification, which clearly states the success criteria for the
design of a solution
II. develop a range of feasible design ideas, which can be correctly interpreted by
III. present the chosen design and justify its selection
IV. develop accurate and detailed planning drawings/diagrams and outline the
requirements for the creation of the chosen solution.

Objective C: Creating the solution

Design Cycle MYP - Children’s International School

I. construct a logical plan, which describes the efficient use of time and resources,
sufficient for peers to be able to follow to create the solution
II. demonstrate excellent technical skills when making the solution
III. follow the plan to create the solution, which functions as intended
IV. fully justify changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the

Objective D: Evaluating
I. design detailed and relevant testing methods, which generate data, to measure
the success of the solution
II. critically evaluate the success of the solution against the design specification
III. explain how the solution could be improved
IV. explain the impact of the solution on the client/target audience.

ATL Communication skills

skills - Use intercultural understanding to interpret communication.
- Interpret and use effectively modes of non-verbal communication

Organisation skills
- Set goals that are challenging and realistic

Transfer skills
- Make connections between subject groups and disciplines

Content You will work through every step of the design cycle.
You will produce a map without words that is as close to
skills) universally understandable as possible, of a public place in
Sarpsborg as your final product. During the research you will
decide what tools are best for the task, within the possibilities you
have at hand.
Assessment Formative A:
- Completed Objective A with special attention to the design brief.
Formative B:
- Completed Objective B with special attention to the design
Formative C:
- Completed Objective C with special attention to how the product
relates to the design specification, and how changes are justified.
- The product related to the completed Design Cycle document,
with special attention to Objective D: Evaluation. Remember that
this is the time to be objective and to actually assess what
worked well and what could be improved.
Design Cycle MYP - Children’s International School

Objective A - Inquiring and Analysing

Objective A Strand I:

Strand Task Specific (i)

Why am I creating this product?
I am creating this product to help people guide around Greåker

What is the purpose of the product? (is it to entertain? To inform? To educate?

To warn?) The purpose of this product is to educate and inform people of the
geography of Greåker and teach them where things are and how to get there.

Who will use this product?

The intended audience is the visitors og Greåker

What problem will this product help to solve?

People that can’t find their way to for example someone's house, a street, or
maybe a store.

Create a target audience persona.

Target audience persona:

● 2-100 years old
● Not well known in Greåker
● Bad sense of direction
● Deaf people

Rubric Strand I:
(7-8)explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem for a specified client/target audience
(5-6) explain the need for a solution to a problem for a specified client/target audience
(3-4)explain the need for a solution to a problem for a client/target audience
(1-2)explain the need for a solution to a problem
Objective A - Inquiring and Analysing
Design Cycle MYP - Children’s International School

Objective A Strand II:

Complete the research plan table below: (You may add as many research topics as needed)
Research Research Question Priority Potential Sources Primary or Secondary
Topic (High/Medi Research

Infographics How detailed should the Medium Primary

map be?

Infographics What type of resources do i High Primary

need to make this map

Infographics What type of map should I High Primary


Infographics How will I know where things High Google maps Primary
are and how they look?

Audience How would people High Primary

understand the map the
best way?

Audience How should the map catch High Primary

people's attention

Write a summary of what is included in your table. Give it the title Research Plan.

Rubric Strand II:

(7-8) constructs a detailed research plan, which identifies and prioritises the primary and secondary research
needed to develop a solution to the problem independently
(5-6) identify the primary and secondary research needed to develop a solution to the problem
(3-4) identify the primary research needed to develop a solution to the problem
(1-2) identify some research needed to develop a solution to the problem
Design Cycle MYP - Children’s International School

Objective A - Inquiring and Analysing

Objective A Strand III:

Strand Task Specific (iii)

Analyse a group of similar products to the one that you plan to create or that could help solve the design

Strengths - What are the best things about the product?

Weakness - What is not so good about the product?
Opportunities - How could this product be improved?
Threats - What are the potential problems with creating this particular product that you do not have
control over?

Threats - Example: I have created an app for the iPhone 7 that will run on iOS11. My app may need
reprogramming or debugging when the next update is released from Apple. This is beyond my control as
a developer at this point of the Design Cycle.
Use the following table to help you.
SWOT Analysis of existing Photo books or similar campaigns

Product 1

Strengths Strengths with this map are:

● It shows the correct location of roads
● It is very colourful and easy to catch people's attention
Weakness Weaknesses with this map are:
● It is very small made
● Hard to identify audience view point
● Not fit for people with bad eyesight
● Too colourful
● Hard to read and understand
Design Cycle MYP - Children’s International School

Opportunities The people that made this map could improve by making it easier to read
(zoom out to see the bigger picture of greåker), using less bright colours and
more colours that catch people’s attention better
Threats The color and view on the map is something that makes the map really difficult
to read, and makes less people want to visit Greåker
Product 2

Strengths Strengths with this map are:

● It is detailed
● It is a calm colored map
● It is fairly easy to read
● Not too many words
● Shows most roads

Weakness Weaknesses with this map are:

● It doesn't really catch people’s attention
● It is kind of hard to read
● It’s very boring
● Too many words for a map without words
● It’s not completely correct

Opportunities The map could be improved if it had some brighter and stronger colors to
catch more people’s attention, remove the words.
Threats Things that ruin the map are the dull colors, and how it is not completely
Design Cycle MYP - Children’s International School

Product 3

Strengths Strengths with this map are:

● It is very detailed
● Is is formatted good
● Nice clear colors
● Shows roads + trails
● It is formatted good
Weakness Weaknesses with this map are:
● Does not catch people's attention quickly
● Boring colors
● Uses words which is not what the aim for my map is
● Shows more then Greåker
● Too long from actually is in Greåker
● Much detail but not a lot on Greåker
Opportunities Things that could be improved in this map are for example the boring colors,
removing the words, or giving more detail to Greåker like where shops are etc.
Threats Things that ruin the map is for example how little detail there is on Greåker and
the use of words.
Design Cycle MYP - Children’s International School

Product 4

Strengths Strengths with this map are:

● It is formatted good
● Simple colors

Weakness Weaknesses with this map are:

● It is not correct
● Very dull and boring
● Does not catch people’s attention
● Colors are too simple
Opportunities Things that could be improved in this map can be the colors, because they are
very very boring and would never catch anyone's attention. Update the map so
that it shows where things are and what it is correctly.
Threats Things that ruin this map are the dull boring colors, and the fact that it is not
Rubric Strand III:
(7-8) analyse a range of existing products that inspire a solution to the problem in detail
(5-6) analyse a range (more than 2 and of different variety)of existing products that inspire a solution to the problem
(3-4) analyse some (at least 2) existing products that inspire a solution to the problem
(1-2) analyse one existing products that inspire a solution to the problem
Design Cycle MYP - Children’s International School

Objective A - Inquiring and Analyzing

Objective A Strand IV:

Develop a design brief.

Writing a design brief

Students should: Students should NOT

● present information concisely ● include statements that do not

● explain what the product is relate to the solving of the
● explain why there is a need for problem
the product ● make statements without
● present their research with all evidence
sources cited using ● include all the research they
appropriate methods have for the project

Rubric Strand 4
(7-8) develops a detailed design brief, which summarises the analysis of relevant research.
(5-6) develops a design brief, which explains the analysis of relevant research.
(3-4)develops a design brief, which outlines the analysis of relevant research.
(1-2)develops a basic design brief, which states the findings of relevant research.

The product is a detailed and correctly made map that catches tourist and audiences attention,
without using words. There is a desperate need for this map just because of the decrease of tourists
to Sarpsborg and Greåker, even though Greåker is small, it does still have a few small nice
attractions to offer. Research shows that there is a very small number of correct, updated, and well
designed maps of Greåker, this could be a big factor in the decline of tourists to Greåker. Other
research shows that there is a very small amount of information on Greåker in general and that
elucidates why there is a big decline of tourists to Greåker.
Design Cycle MYP - Children’s International School

Objective B - Developing Ideas

Objective B Strand 1

From the analysis you completed in Objective A, you should now create a design specification. The
design specification should be in list format stating exactly what your product will be. The design
specification will be used by you, the designer throughout the rest of the project. The more accurate
it is to your product the easier it will be when you are creating the finished product.

- Shows roads, houses, and sidewalks

- Color that is not boring
- Color that catches the eye of visitors
- 2D paper hand drawing
- Use pen and other pen colors
- Easy to understand and read
- Good formatted
- View point that everybody can understands

Rubric Strand 1
(7-8) develops a detailed design specifications, which explain the success criteria for the design of a solution based on the
analysis of the research.
(5-6) develops a design specifications, which outline the success criteria for the design of a solution
(3-4) lists some design specifications, which relate to the success criteria for the design of a solution
(1-2) lists some basic design specifications for the design of a solution
Design Cycle MYP - Children’s International School

Objective B - Developing Ideas

Objective B Strand 2

Brainstorm your latest initial idea in the form of a mind-map or visual diagram.

Insert your mind-map below:

Rubric Strand 2
(7-8) develops a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and detailed annotation, which can be correctly
interpreted by others,
(5-6)develops a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and annotation, which can be interpreted by
(3-4)presents a few feasible designs, using an appropriate medium(s) or annotation, which can be interpreted by others
(1-2) presents one design, which can be interpreted by others

Objective B - Developing Ideas

Objective B Strand 3

Create a presentation that shows your design ideas with the main focus on your final idea that you
will develop. You should make direct reference to your design specification during the presentation
as this is a list of exactly what the product will consist of.
You may use Keynote, Powerpoint or another presentation software of your choice.

Rubric Strand 3
(7-8)presents the chosen design and justifies fully and critically its selection with detailed reference to the design specification
(5-6) presents the chosen design and justifies its selection with reference to the design specification,
(3-4)justifies the selection of the chosen design with reference to the design specification
Design Cycle MYP - Children’s International School

Objective B - Developing Ideas

Objective B Strand 4

Create sketches of what your product will look like. You may also include written text that will
describe certain parts of your product particularly if it is difficult to sketch out what the final
outcome of the product may look like.

Rubric Strand 4
(7-8)develops accurate and detailed planning drawings/diagrams and outlines requirements for the creation of the chosen
(5-6)develops accurate planning drawings/diagrams and lists requirements for the creation of the chosen solution.
(3-4) creates planning drawings/diagrams or lists requirements for the creation of the chosen solution.
(1-2)creates incomplete planning drawings/diagrams.

Design Cycle MYP - Children’s International School

Objective C - Creating the Solution

Objective C Strand 1

Create a detailed plan of when you will work on the different components of your project. You may
use dates in Managebac to begin your planning.

Rubric Strand 1
(7-8) The student constructs a detailed and logical plan, which describes the efficient use of time and resources, sufficient for
peers to be able to follow to create the solution,
(5-6)The student constructs a logical plan, which considers time and resources, sufficient for peers to be able to follow to create
the solution
(3-4)The student constructs a plan that contains some production details, resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan

Thursday Look through design specifications, create a plan of the

27/10/2022 resources that are required to make the product and necessary
information about the resources (where to find them, cost, is it
already available).

Friday Acquire needed resources and begin sketching out formatting

28/10/2022 and organization of the map

Sunday Make good progress on the sketching; smaller details etc. If you
30/10/2022 come to the point of the finished sketch, begin finalizing the
sketch and plan color formatt etc.

Saturday Finish pencil sketch


Wednesday Finish black pen overlay, if time finish the whole product with the
9/11/2022 rest

Thursday If not finished on wednesday, finish the whole product this day

Design Cycle MYP - Children’s International School

Objective C - Creating the Solution

Objective C Strand 2

Create your product

Rubric Strand 2
(7-8)demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution
(5-6)demonstrates competent technical skills when making the solution
(3-4) demonstrates satisfactory technical skills when making the solution,
(1-2) demonstrates minimal technical skills when making the solution,

Objective C - Creating the Solution

Objective C Strand 3
Design Cycle MYP - Children’s International School

Complete your product. Present the product in a suitable format, for example if it is a poster that will
be used on a website you could use JPEG format.

Rubric Strand 3
(7-8) follows the plan to create the solution, which functions as intended and is presented appropriately,
(5-6) creates the solution, which functions as intended and is presented appropriately
(3-4) creates the solution, which partially functions and is adequately presented
(1-2) creates the solution, which functions poorly and is presented in an incomplete form.

Objective C - Creating the Solution

Objective C Strand 4

Document and justify (why you did this) any changes or modifications that you have made to your
product that were not in your initial plans.

There are a few changes i made during the design process of my map, for example my color coding,
red is for sidewalks and buildings, while blue is for roads and other things, but my original plan was
coloring everything in blue, then adding other colors on top and making the sidewalks red, but
then i changed my mind to make things easier for both me, and the consumers.

Rubric Strand 4
(7-8) fully justifies changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution.
(5-6)describes changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution.
(3-4) outlines changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution.
Design Cycle MYP - Children’s International School

Objective D - Evaluating
Objective D Strand 1

Construct a survey, interview, or expert test to gather data on how well your product has been
made. Has it solved the Design Problem?

Rubric Strand 1
(7-8)The student designs detailed and relevant testing methods, which generate data, to measure the success of the solution
(5-6)The student designs relevant testing methods, which generate data, to measure the success of the solution
(3-4)The student designs a relevant testing method, which generates data, to measure the success of the solution,
(1-2)The student designs a testing method which is used to measure the success of the solution,

Objective D - Evaluating
Objective D Strand 2

Using the data that you gathered in Strand 1 explain and justify how successful the whole product
has been. Make direct reference to whether or not you have met the Design Specifications.

Rubric Strand 2
(7-8)critically evaluates the success of the solution against the design specification based on authentic product testing,
(5-6)explains the success of the solution against the design specification based on relevant product testing
(3-4)outlines the success of the solution against the design specification based on relevant product testing
(1-2) states the success of the solution.

Objective D - Evaluating
Objective D Strand 3

Thinking back to how you modified your designs, are there any more improvements that you could
make? Explain why you would do this.

Rubric Strand 3
(7-8)explains how the solution could be improved
(5-6)describes how the solution could be improved
(3-4)outlines how the solution could be improved

Objective D - Evaluating
Objective D Strand 4

Have you solved the Design Problem for your client? Or has your product reached the target
Design Cycle MYP - Children’s International School

Rubric Strand 4
(7-8)explains the impact of the product on the client/target audience.
(5-6)explains the impact of the solution on the client/target audience, with guidance.
(3-4)outlines the impact of the solution on the client/target audience.

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