Practice I, II

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National Institute of Business Department of English



1. The students in that school (wears, wear) brown uniforms.

2. The players on the team (stands, stand) silently before the game.

3. Across the field (was, were) two old farm buildings.

4. Neither the players nor the fans (seem, seems) happy with the referee’s decision.

5. On the opposite wall (was, were) several copper pots that shone in the lamplight.

6. There (is, are) bookcases on both sides of the doorway.

7. In the basket (was, were) scattering in every direction.

8. Some of those records (does, do) not sound right.

9. The herd (was, were) scattering in every direction.

10. Neither the losers nor the winner (was, were) happy with the outcome.

11. No sweets or snakes (is, are) allowed on this diet.

12. Few of these cucumbers (is, are) ripe enough to pick.

13. Physics (is, are) a science that covers a wide range of ideas.

14. Civics (studies, study) the rights and duties of citizens.

15. The crowd (was, were) waving signs and holding up banners.

16. The squadron (was, were) standing at attention.

17. Mathematics (employs, employ) a variety of symbols.

18. Two dollars (is, are) the registration fee for the course.

19. The Philippines (is, are) a group of islands in the Pacific.

20. Several months (has, have) flown by since I last wrote to you.

21. The location of the islands (is, are) clearly marked on the old map.

22. Acres of farmland (was, were) ruined by erosion.

23. The list of candidates (is, are) posted on the bulletin board.

24. Twenty-five minutes (means, mean) the difference being on time and being late.
National Institute of Business Department of English
1. Her powerful grip (results, result) from much exercising.

2. A gravel driveway (provides, provide) better traction.

3. Dark blue (goes, go) well with most other colors.

4. Minor headaches (indicates, indicate) stress.

5. Acupuncture, a medical procedure that comes to us from the Chinese, (is, are)
receiving greater attention.

6.Turpentine, derived from coniferous trees, (is, are) used to clean messy paint spills.
7. This casserole, which is made with beef and various vegetables, (serves, serve)
six people.

8. Her only piece of jewelry, an unusual pendant made with tiny seashells, (is, are) hanging
from her neck.

9. These easy exercises, along with the one described in that book, (is, are) designed to
relax you.

10. During this crisis, his ability to deal with problems (seems, seem) to be crumbling.

11. Dairy products, such as cream or butter, (causes, cause) food to spoil quickly in
warm weather.

12. Senior citizens from all over the country (has, have) come here to protest the rising
cost of living.

13. Ant carrying tiny burdens on their backs (struggles, struggle) back to the colony.

14. The debate to be shown on several television stations this evening (is, are) worth seeing.

15. The total, equaling the money in the cash register plus the credit slips, (is, are)
two thousand dollars exactly.

16. The slice of bread with mold growing on its sides (has, have) been thrown way.

17. A bear with two cubs (has, have) been seen nearby.

18. Either green or blue (is, are) suitable for the background.

19. Every chart and diagram (was, were) drawn with precision.

20. Each crack and crevice (was, were) filled with cement.

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