Design of Pharmaceutical Care Process For Retail Pharmacies Based On Pareto Analysis

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Design of Pharmaceutical Care Process for Retail Pharmacies Based on Pareto Analysis / Asian Journal of Social Pharmacy, 2022,

17 (1)

Design of Pharmaceutical Care Process for Retail Pharmacies

Based on Pareto Analysis
An Lianyu, Liu Linchuan, Wang Shuling*
(School of Business Administration, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, Shenyang 110016, China)


Objective To study the problems of pharmaceutical care in retail pharmacies and provide reference for the
standardized development of pharmaceutical care in China. Methods Based on the literature of CNKI database,
Pareto analysis was used to study the present situation of pharmaceutical care in retail pharmacies. Then the
following problems in pharmaceutical care were found such as low personnel professional quality, inadequate
attention, imperfect laws and regulations, and lack of standard service process. As to the first three problems, there
were more research references. But there was less literature on the standard care process. Results and Conclusion
Focusing on the customer demand, taking drug sales process as the basic framework of pharmaceutical care
standardized process, and combining with the collaboration, the service process including prescription drugs
review and OTC drugs purchase consultation is established. This process elaborates the division of staff services
as well as the service standards in pre-sale, on-sale, and after-sale stages. Besides, it also puts forward some
advice for the previous three problems, which will ensure the smooth implementation of pharmaceutical care in

Keywords: retail pharmacy; pharmaceutical care process; Pareto analysis

In recent years, the incidence of chronic diseases of problems, but there are few research fields on the
among Chinese residents has been increasing every year. standardization of pharmaceutical care process in retail
As a result, the demand for pharmaceutical care is on pharmacies. Therefore, this paper is a supplementary
the rise, too. However, most medical institutions cannot study on the existing problems in retail pharmacies. It
meet the needs of the public, and pharmaceutical care in takes the standardized process of pharmaceutical care
retail pharmacies becomes another source for them [1]. as the entry point to conduct the study, aiming to build
Based on Pareto analysis of the existing literature, it the standardized process of pharmaceutical care in
is found that the problems of pharmaceutical care in retail pharmacies and provide reference for the future
pharmacies can be divided into the following four development of pharmaceutical care in retail pharmacies.
categories: service personnel problems, insufficient
attention, imperfect laws and regulations, and lack of 1 Concept of pharmaceutical care
standardized service procedures. Domestic researchers
have had rich research results on the first three kinds 1.1 Concept of pharmaceutical care in retail
* Corresponding author: Wang Shuling, associate professor. Major
research area: pharmacy management and drug supply chain
management. Tel: 024-23986543, E-mail: The widely accepted definition of pharmaceutical

Design of Pharmaceutical Care Process for Retail Pharmacies Based on Pareto Analysis / Asian Journal of Social Pharmacy, 2022, 17 (1)

care was jointly completed by Hepler and Strand effectiveness and economy of drug use for patients.
in 1991, which refers to the provision of direct and
responsible drug treatment services to improve the 1.3 Transformation of pharmaceutical care concept
quality of patients’ life [2]. Pharmaceutical care is a
broad concept, referring to a series of pharmaceutical- The original meaning of pharmaceutical care is
related services that are provided for the safety and to guide consumers to use medicine scientifically and
health management of patients’ medication. rationally through pharmacists’ instruction, which can
At the end of the 20th century, the concept of ensure the safety and effectiveness of medicine to the
pharmaceutical care was introduced to China, but it greatest extent [3]. Combined with the actual situation
was not clearly defined. People in retail pharmacies of the development of retail drugstores in China, the
believed that pharmaceutical care only included significance of developing pharmaceutical care has
some primary services such as drug supply, drug become great. From the perspective of drugstores
dispensing, and simple medication guidance, etc. operation, developing pharmaceutical care can
With the increasing demand for healthy living transform their old business philosophy of focusing
standard, these primary services cannot meet the on drug sales into promoting the rational drug use of
needs of consumers. Therefore, pharmaceutical consumers [4]. Besides, it can change the economic
care requires new development and extension. benefit maximization of drug sales to the business
Pharmacists should change from dispensers to development model of drugstores, which attaches
results-oriented and patient-centered pharmaceutical equal importance to economic and social benefits.
information providers. Pharmacists must assume From the perspective of social development, with the
more responsibilities and commitments by enhancing increasing demand for a healthy living standard and
their knowledge and technical ability [3] . In this the management of chronic disease, pharmaceutical
paper, pharmaceutical care in retail pharmacies refers care can ensure consumers’ life safety and health
to a series of pharmaceutical-related services, such state [5]. Therefore, the significance of pharmaceutical
as drug storage, drug inspection, drug safety and care is no longer limited to drug safety guidance, but
quality management, consumer consultation on drug to protecting consumers’ life and promoting their
purchase, consumer consultation in the course of happiness.
disease prevention or treatment, and direct or indirect
drug treatment. 2 Current situation of pharmaceutical care
in retail pharmacies
1.2 Pharmaceutical care personnel
2.1 Pareto analysis of pharmaceutical care problems
In the traditional cognition, pharmaceutical in retail pharmacies
care personnel are only pharmacists. But at present,
consumers’ demand for service has extended to all Using literature research method, taking CNKI
practitioners of drugstores, including salespersons, database as data sources, with the theme of “retail
cashiers, quality inspectors and others. In this paper, pharmacies” “pharmaceutical care problems” and
pharmaceutical care personnel refer to pharmacists “the present situation of pharmaceutical care”, a total
in pharmacies and other practitioners who also of 130 pharmaceutical care problems were retrieved
offer pharmaceutical care in pharmacies. Centering within 30 articles from 2007 to 2019. According to
on pharmacists, they make efforts to create high- Pareto analysis, the main problems of pharmaceutical
quality pharmaceutical care through division of labor, care were studied and the following results were
cooperation and joint efforts to guarantee the safety, obtained (Fig. 1).

Design of Pharmaceutical Care Process for Retail Pharmacies Based on Pareto Analysis / Asian Journal of Social Pharmacy, 2022, 17 (1)

Fig. 1 Accumulative pharmaceutical problems in retail pharmacies

According to Pareto analysis, the problem proposed to strengthen the function of pharmacists,
of pharmacy service personnel accounts for 32%, enhancing their education and training to improve
insufficient attention to pharmaceutical care their professional skills in the form of pharmacist
accounts for 20%, imperfect laws and regulations legislation [6]. Oshima S, et al. adopted the method
account for 16%, and lack of standardized process of questionnaire survey to understand the evaluation
of pharmaceutical care accounts for 12%. Since of pharmacists by Japanese public after the revision
these four types of problems account for 80%, they of the “Pharmacist Law” and the evaluation of
should be solved urgently in the development of pharmacists themselves. They found that after the
pharmaceutical care in China’s retail pharmacies. revision of the “Pharmacist Law”, patients wanted
to get more professional pharmaceutical care, and
2.2 Analysis of main problems of the service in retail pharmacist had to make greater efforts to narrow
pharmacies the difference with the expectations of patients [7].
Domestic scholar, De Xianhui, et al. conducted an
2.2.1 Insufficient allocation of service personnel and in-depth discussion on the insufficient allocation
bad sense of service in drugstores of licensed pharmacists in remote areas. Then he
proposed to build a remote prescription review
The problem of the pharmacy service staff is the mechanism of licensed pharmacists and moderately
shortage of pharmacists. Besides, these pharmacists relax the examination standards for licensed
have low practicing ability with weak consciousness pharmacists in remote areas, which could alleviate
of service. Wheeler JS pointed out that with the the shortage of licensed pharmacists [8] . For the
transformation of pharmaceutical care mode, the role low practice ability of licensed pharmacists, Li
and function of pharmacists also changed. Then he Wenhua and Li Baoquan put forward measures to

Design of Pharmaceutical Care Process for Retail Pharmacies Based on Pareto Analysis / Asian Journal of Social Pharmacy, 2022, 17 (1)

improve the training mechanism of pharmaceutical pharmacy practice. Then, they proposed that relevant
professionals and the assessment system of licensed systems of pharmaceutical care had to be established
service ability of pharmacists, which would improve to improve the quality of pharmaceutical care [13].
the professional ability of pharmacists and guarantee Domestic scholars, Wang Jian, Kang Zhen [14], and
consumers’ safe and rational drug use [9]. Xu Gan [15] also studied this problem, and put forward
some suggestions on standardizing pharmaceutical
2.2.2 Insufficient attention to pharmaceutical care care in retail pharmacies, adding pharmaceutical
service compensation mechanism, and constructing
The lack of attention to pharmaceutical care is management system of pharmaceutical service fees
mainly caused by the low enthusiasm of drugstore which could provide a reference basis for perfecting
operators and the lack of investment. Nazar H and pharmaceutical care regulations in retail pharmacies.
Nazar Z used a mixed method to investigate and
interview stakeholders from the northeast of England, 2.2.4 Lack of standardized process
and found that the current lack of evidence support
for pharmacy services hindered its sustainable In the service process of retail drugstores, they
development. Then, he proposed that clear goals and don’t have a standard related to pharmaceutical
standards of pharmaceutical care should be established care. Besides, the content of pharmaceutical care
to improve relevant systems of pharmaceutical care [10]. lacks systematic rules. There are few papers on
Zhang Peipei, Jing Hao [11] and Li Man [12] analyzed domestic pharmaceutical care process. Li Weinie
this problem, and found two main reasons. On the and Chen Yuwen [16] designed the preliminary
one hand, the management department lacks relevant pharmaceutical care process in 2006, which involved
laws and regulations on pharmaceutical care in the pharmaceutical care content of drug dispensing
retail pharmacies, leading to operators’ wait-and-see and simple medication guidance. At present, the
attitude towards developing pharmaceutical care. On concept of pharmaceutical care has changed from
the other hand, the retail pharmacies don’t have the focusing on drug supply to guiding the review of
standards for process and service in pharmaceutical drug prescription and drug treatment. The preliminary
care. In addition, the operators lack the corresponding pharmaceutical care process mentioned in the
reference basis, which leads to their low enthusiasm in literature lacks the contents of prescription drugs
carrying out pharmaceutical care. and pharmaceutical care. Therefore, the existing
preliminary pharmaceutical care process has been
2 . 2 . 3 T h e l a w s a n d re g u l a t i o n s re l a t e d t o unable to meet the needs of consumers for life and
pharmaceutical care are not sound healthy life, and a new pharmaceutical care model and
service process should be constructed to adapt to the
The imperfect laws and regulations on will of consumers. To sum up, this paper focuses on
pharmaceutical care are manifested in the behavior the pharmaceutical care process of retail pharmacies
of service, the compensation mechanism, and the as the research entry point, aiming to build a complete
management system of pharmaceutical service and systematic pharmaceutical care normative process
fees in retail pharmacies. AB Almarsdottir, et al. with consumers as the center and the principle of
pointed out that the concept of clinical pharmacy scientific, reasonable and implementable, so as to
and retail pharmacies was conducive to clarifying improve the quality and efficiency of pharmaceutical
the positioning of pharmacists in the healthcare care and promote the further development of
system and the important role of pharmacists in pharmaceutical care of retail pharmacies.

Design of Pharmaceutical Care Process for Retail Pharmacies Based on Pareto Analysis / Asian Journal of Social Pharmacy, 2022, 17 (1)

3 Design the process of pharmaceutical care 3.2 Division of pharmaceutical care process and
in retail pharmacies design of service content

3.1 Principles of designing service process 3 . 2 . 1 P ro c e d u re s f o r p re s c r i p t i o n a n d O T C

pharmaceutical care
3.1.1 Implementability
(1) Objective of pharmaceutical care process.
The design of pharmaceutical care process According to the literature review, pharmaceutical care
should follow the principle of implementability process designed by Levi is as follows: understanding
and keep the balance between the resources and the the drug users → recommending safe, effective,
needs of consumers. On the premise of satisfying the reasonable and economical drugs →introducing
needs of consumers, the optimal allocation of human medication methods to ensure medication safety
resources and material resources of drugstores can be → establishing medication calendar → making
realized through the coordination, which can prevent regular follow-up visits. However, due to the rapid
the emergence of pharmaceutical care activities development of retail pharmacies and consumers’
beyond the ability of staff. increasing demand for services, the service process has
been unable to meet the requirements of consumers
3.1.2 Team management based on division of labor who purchase drugs in retail pharmacies. Consumers’
demand for chronic disease management is on the
In designing the process of service, not only rise, especially in prevention and diagnosis. Therefore,
the division of labor should be clear, but also the the goal of this paper is to meet the service needs
cooperation of different links should be achieved. The of consumers, which include the provision of free
basic principle is the integrated management of the testing activities, timely recommendation of medical
team. Clear division of labor enables pharmaceutical treatment, drug treatment management and other
care providers to understand their job responsibilities services. Thus consumers can feel the good experience
and improve service quality. Cooperation can ensure of pharmaceutical care process, which will achieve the
the consistency of pharmaceutical care process goal of protecting consumers’ health and safety.
and make consumers comfortable while receiving I n t h i s p a p e r, d e s i g n i n g t h e p r o c e s s o f
services. pharmaceutical care is based on the drug sales process,
and the whole pharmaceutical care content is divided
3.1.3 Professional matching into three stages. They are pre-sale pharmaceutical
care, on-sale pharmaceutical care, and after-sale
Professional matching refers to the degree of pharmaceutical care. A new standardized process
matching between the contents of pharmaceutical of pharmaceutical care is constructed to carry out
care and the professional skill of pharmaceutical the management of pharmaceutical care in retail
care providers. Pharmaceutical care involves pharmacies. The simple service process is as follows:
pharmacists’ pharmaceutical skill and professional pre-sale pharmaceutical care → on-sale process
knowledge. Professional matching should be pharmaceutical care → after-sale pharmaceutical care.
considered in designing the process of service to (2) Items and contents of prescription drug
avoid the situation that employees cannot adapt to service. The flow chart of pharmaceutical care for
the post requirements. prescription drugs is shown in Fig. 2.

Design of Pharmaceutical Care Process for Retail Pharmacies Based on Pareto Analysis / Asian Journal of Social Pharmacy, 2022, 17 (1)

Fig. 2 Flow chart of pharmaceutical care for prescription drugs in retail pharmacies

(3) Items and contents of OTC drugstore service. adjustment can be used to recommend cost-effective
There is no prescription review and evaluation process drugs for consumers’ demand. Therefore, the flow chart
in the sales of OTC drugs. Prescription review and drug of OTC pharmaceutical care is shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3 Flow chart of pharmaceutical care for OTC drugs

3 . 2 . 2 S e r v i c e c o n t e n t s i n d i f f e re n t l i n k s o f (2) Contents of pharmaceutical care in the on-

pharmaceutical care sale process. Prescription and OTC drugs are sold in
different ways. Prescription drugs must be reviewed
(1) Contents of pre-sale pharmaceutical care. by pharmacists. Therefore, prescriptions held by
In the stage of pre-sale pharmaceutical care, retail customers should be reviewed and evaluated in
pharmacies first need to inspect the quality of drugs, the first place. When the verification is correct, the
completing the pre-sale quality management to corresponding drugs will be sold to the customers.
ensure the safety of drugs. Then they must understand Meanwhile, the customers are informed of drug
the needs of consumers coming to the stores, and efficacy, method of use, and side effects. Normally,
complete the preliminary diagnosis of the disease, a detailed written guide will be given to consumers.
etiology and other factors, which will provide a The pharmaceutical care process of prescription drugs
reference for consumers to purchase the drugs they sale is as follows: prescription review and evaluation
need. The process of pre-sale pharmaceutical care is as → drug dispensing → medication consultation and
follows: pre-sale pharmaceutical quality management guidance → medicine therapy management.
→ drug information consultation in the store → OTC products are safer for consumers to use
providing free testing activities → recommending and can be purchased without a prescription. The
drugs to consumers in time. content of OTC pharmaceutical care is to understand

Design of Pharmaceutical Care Process for Retail Pharmacies Based on Pareto Analysis / Asian Journal of Social Pharmacy, 2022, 17 (1)

consumers’ demands. Then, several types of drugs can storage. The warehousing personnel are responsible
be listed for customers to choose the most economical for the quality management of drug storage. They
and effective one. After that, consumers are informed should register the purchased drugs, classify different
of the usage and dosage of drugs purchased to ensure categories of drugs, and ensure the corresponding
the safety of drugs. The process of pharmaceutical storage environment for drugs with different storage
care in OTC drug sales is as follows: understanding methods. Besides, they have to track and manage the
consumers’ demand for drugs → recommending safe, drugs on the shelves, and remove the drugs beyond
effective and economical drugs → dispensing drugs the validity period to ensure their quality and safety.
→ guiding drug use. Therefore, these two groups cooperate to guarantee
(3) Contents of after-sale pharmaceutical the pre-sale quality management of drugs.
services. The after-sale pharmaceutical service Drug consultation and free testing for customers
of retail drugstores should record the situation of can be done by pharmacy assistants. Shop assistants
consumers’ drug use to provide a reference for who are familiar with different types of drugs in
their future purchase of drugs. Then, the drug use pharmacies can provide detailed drug consultation
of consumers is tracked, and the unreasonable drug services for consumers. First of all, they should
use will be corrected and adverse drug reactions are have a preliminary understanding of consumers’
collected. Finally, problems that occur in the process demand for drugs. Then, they can provide them with
of consumers’ drug use are studied and evaluated professional and accurate drug information. Secondly,
to provide information on drug use for relevant they can guide consumers to use daily treatment
departments and manufacturers. The process of after- instruments after properly evaluating consumers’
sale pharmaceutical care is as follows: establishing health, and provide professional advice. Finally, they
health records for consumers → tracing of consumer can determine whether the consumers should go to
drug use → monitoring and collecting adverse drug the hospital for a more comprehensive diagnosis and
reactions → research and evaluation of drug use. treatment.

4 Personnel allocation and service standards 4.2 Responsibilities and service standards of
of pharmaceutical care process pharmaceutical care personnel in the sales process

Scientific and reasonable division of labor in Professional matching factors such as

pharmacy pharmaceutical care can improve service prescription review and evaluation, drug
quality and efficiency. Therefore, rational division of dispensing, medication consultation and guidance in
labor should be carried out among pharmaceutical care pharmaceutical services should be taken into account,
providers to promote the high-quality and efficient which can be completed by pharmacists. Pharmacists
development of pharmaceutical care. should use their professional knowledge to review
and evaluate the prescriptions hold by consumers
4.1 Responsibilities and service standards for before they can get the drugs. After that, they should
pharmaceutical care personnel also give consumers some guidance on medication
methods, precautions and contraindications. They had
The quality management of drugs should be better form a written guidelines for customers so that
completed by quality inspectors and storage personnel. they can guarantee the rational drug use.
Quality inspection personnel shall be responsible for As to pharmaceutical service of OTC drugs,
the quality acceptance of drug procurement. Because pharmacy personnel should recommend safe, effective
of the standardization of acceptance, the quality and and economical drugs according to consumers’
safety of purchased drugs can be guaranteed before purchase intention and actual situation. These services

Design of Pharmaceutical Care Process for Retail Pharmacies Based on Pareto Analysis / Asian Journal of Social Pharmacy, 2022, 17 (1)

can be completed by salespersons. After the drug drugs, their health files should be established, which
dispensing, pharmacists will guide consumers to use will provide the basis for consumers to purchase
drugs rationally with the information of the usage medicine again. Then they can track the situation of
and dosage of drugs. Besides, they should inform consumers’ drug use through regular communication
the customers of the compatibility of drugs and food with them.
taboos. For example, vitamin C tablets cannot be used Adverse drug reaction monitoring and collection,
with seafood. drug use research and evaluation should be done
In addition, the service personnel should be by the cooperation of pharmacists and cashiers in
enthusiastic in the service process, listen to consumers’ pharmacies. The cashier shall report the collect
demands carefully, to provide the best pharmaceutical consumers’ medication information to the pharmacists,
care guidance based on consumers’ wishes. who shall then design and provide effective
pharmaceutical tracking and monitoring to prevent
4.3 Responsibilities and service standards of adverse drug reactions caused by improper drug use.
pharmaceutical care personnel in after-sale stage Meanwhile. They also monitor and collect adverse
drug reactions, conduct research and evaluation on
The establishment of health records for drug utilization, and provide information for relevant
consumers and the tracking of consumer drug use departments and manufacturers. The flow chart of
can be completed by the pharmacy personnel. After division of pharmaceutical care providers in retail
recording the information of consumers’ purchase of pharmacies is shown in Fig.4.

Fig. 4 Flow chart of division of pharmaceutical care providers in retail pharmacies

5 Notes for the implementation of should be set up in retail pharmacies. On the one
pharmaceutical care in retail pharmacies hand, this area is equipped with professional file
management system, which can record consumers’
5.1 Pharmaceutical care instruments and file health conditions. With the aid of modern information
management system shall be equipped technology, the contents of pharmaceutical care can
be expanded. For example, microblogs, WeChat and
An exclusive area for pharmaceutical care other network information channels can be used to

Design of Pharmaceutical Care Process for Retail Pharmacies Based on Pareto Analysis / Asian Journal of Social Pharmacy, 2022, 17 (1)

promote rational drug use and provide professional Therefore, improving the capability of licensed
medical consulting services. On the other hand, basic pharmacists will guarantee pharmaceutical care
medical equipment such as blood pressure meter, and its service process. Third, the cooperation of
thermometer and blood glucose meter can provide consumers can motivate the enthusiasm of service
consumers with more free value-added services. staff in pharmaceutical care process. Besides, and the
supervision from consumers can ensure the quality
5.2 Staffing of pharmaceutical care and efficiency of pharmaceutical care. Therefore, the
following suggestions are put forward for the effective
Retail pharmacies must take pharmacists as the implementation of pharmaceutical care process.
core to carry out pharmaceutical care because they can
use their expertise for consumers. During the service 6.1 Speeding up the legislative process of
process, at least one pharmacist shall be stationed in pharmaceutical care
the pharmacy to provide professional pharmaceutical
knowledge. At the same time, he can coordinate with One of the important reasons for the lack
other drugstore staff to offer the best pharmaceutical of relevant laws and regulations is that drugstore
care. At present, retail pharmacies generally do not operators do not pay enough attention to
have full-time customer service positions. But the after- pharmaceutical care. A sound legal system can ensure
sales tracking and feedback are carried out through the smooth development of pharmaceutical care in
many times of communication, because it is necessary retail pharmacies. In addition, the responsibilities
to conduct unified tracking, statistics and processing and rights of licensed pharmacists also need to
of consumers’ drug use. In particular, there is great be stipulated and protected by law. However, the
potential for drug online sales. The cashiers cannot solve industry self-discipline standard “Good Pharmacy
some technical problems in information communication, Practice” is not compulsory in China, it has been only
tracking, statistics and processing. In the short term, implemented in the developed cities so far. In the new
cashier staff can cooperate with pharmacists to these “Regulations on Professional Qualification System of
problems. However, from the development trend of Licensed Pharmacists” and “Interim Measures for the
drugstores, it is urgent for chain drugstores to have full- Administration of Continuing Education for Licensed
time regional customer service personnel. Pharmacists” of 2019, the qualification examination,
responsibilities, supervision and continuing education
6 Discussions and suggestions of licensed pharmacists are clearly stipulated.
However, these regulations only encourage licensed
The purpose of this paper is to improve the pharmacists to participate in pharmaceutical care,
quality and efficiency of pharmaceutical care and and there is no clear words for punishment if they
promote the rational and healthy development don’t. Whether licensed pharmacists carry out
of pharmaceutical care. The implementation pharmaceutical care is up to their own decision,
of pharmaceutical care process depends on the lacking certain binding force. Therefore, the
following aspects. First, legislation is the guarantee establishment of a binding reward and punishment
of developing pharmaceutical care. A sound law system for pharmacists can ensure the feasibility of
and system on pharmaceutical care can ensure the pharmaceutical care in retail pharmacies.
feasibility of pharmaceutical care in pharmacies,
which will help pharmaceutical care process to 6.2 Reforming the training mode of pharmaceutical
be carried out smoothly. Secondly, the capability professionals in colleges and universities
of licensed pharmacists is the basis for the
implementation of pharmaceutical care process. From the perspective of the cultivation of

Design of Pharmaceutical Care Process for Retail Pharmacies Based on Pareto Analysis / Asian Journal of Social Pharmacy, 2022, 17 (1)

pharmaceutical professionals in colleges and pharmacists should improve their professional

universities, the current pharmaceutical education practice ability. Therefore, pharmacies can establish a
mode should be reformed. At present, the training targeted and practical training system according to the
objectives of pharmaceutical professionals in development of the industry and social needs, which
most domestic colleges and universities are will provide skills improvement training, professional
similar to those of pharmaceutical preparations qualification certification training and other forms of
and pharmaceutical engineering. They pay much training to pharmacists.
attention to the skills training in drug production,
research and development, which lacks courses in 6.4 Improving consumers’ cognition of
clinical practice and pharmacotherapeutics. In order pharmaceutical care
to cultivate pharmaceutical talents with solid basic
theory, strong practical ability and high humanistic To i m p r o v e c o n s u m e r s ’ a w a r e n e s s o f
quality, the curriculum of clinical pharmacy should pharmaceutical care, we should strengthen the
be added to the professional curriculum, including publicity of licensed pharmacists and knowledge
pharmacy professional knowledge, anatomy and related to pharmaceutical care. Through regular
physiology, drug interaction, primary diagnosis and lectures on basic drug use, daily health care, drug
drug treatment. This will strengthen the basic medical preservation and management in nearby communities,
knowledge of pharmacists. In addition, we should issuing rational drug use leaflets, and publicizing
expand practice channels, increase practice teaching health knowledge such as chronic diseases of the
courses, build a perfect practice teaching system, and elderly, consumers’ awareness of pharmaceutical
strengthen the practice ability of pharmacists. care will be improved. Besides, we should improve
consumers’ awareness of drug safety. It is not enough
6.3 Improving the continuing education system of to rely on the unilateral power of licensed pharmacists
licensed pharmacists to improve rational drug use. Patients should know
the importance of drug safety and rational use, and
It is the first step for pharmacists to obtain their actively cooperate with pharmacists to carry out
qualification certificates through the examination. But relevant work. Only with the effective cooperation
the licensed pharmacist continuing education is a basic of pharmacists and consumers can the safety and
system that makes the majority of licensed pharmacists effectiveness of drugs be guaranteed to the greatest
adapt to the needs of pharmaceutical services, extent.
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