Study Abroad Guidebook 2022

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Study Abroad Programs at a glance

II. Dual-degree Program

A. Partner (Host) Institutions
B. Application process
C. Requirements/Criteria
D. Dual-degree Timeline (1+1 Degree Program)
E. Dual-degree Tuition

III. Student Exchange Program

A. Partner (Host) Institutions
B. Nomination Process

IV. GNAM Program

A. Global Network Course (SNOCs)
B. Global Netowork Week
V. Appendix: Fact Sheets of Exchange Partner Schools
Asia Chinese University of Hong Kong
National University of Singapore
Singapore Management University

Europe ESSEC Business School

HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management

America University of Toronto Rotman School of Management


Congratulations! You are about to embark on the experience of a lifetime. We understand that it is so much important to
adjust yourself to the MBA program of SNU first, at the same time, we would like you to understand how you can leverage
your investment for an MBA degree through enormous opportunities wide open to you for study-abroad. This student guide
provides information regarding numerous options exclusively reserved for our full-time MBA students so as to enable you to
attend prestigious MBA programs over the world as a dual-degree or an exchange student. SNU GSB has built a strong and
solid partnerships with world-renowned business schools in order to offer opportunities to expand knowledge, professional
experience as well as social networks that will support your lifetime journey.

Furthermore, to enhance global mobility and exposure of MBA candidates, we are very excited to introduce you to GNAM
society ( where SNU GSB is collaborating with over 32 member schools over the globe. This
leading-edge and innovative platform will allow you to experience a variety of global initiatives such as a week-long
immersion program, surveys, and competitions as well as SNOCs (Small Network Online Courses).

We hope this guide considerably assists you to have a good grasp of study abroad programs available during your time at

I. Study Abroad Programs at a Glance

Full-time MBA students are eligible to apply for study abroad programs such as dual-degree and student exchange. You
need to understand features of each program prior to application, and choose the most suitable program with consideration
for your study and career plans. Please keep in mind that details for dual-degree or student exchange program are subject
to change due to unexpected circumstances of exchange partner schools. Please make sure to check out our intranet for the
most updated and detailed information.

  Dual-Degree Exchange (As of August 2022)

Partner Schools 4 institutions 20 institutions

Application January to March

February ~ March
(can vary by school)

Prerequisite In accordance with the SNU regulations,

Applicants for the dual-degree/student exchange programs
(a) must have a GPA of 3.3 or above (b) have never been disciplined.

Period of Study 9-12 months (1 academic year) about 3 months (1 academic term)

Requirements GMAT/GRE
(Criteria) GPA at SNU GSB
Interview by Program Director
English Test Score
(if needed)
English Test Scores
Work Experience
Work Experience
(if required by the partner school)
(if required by the partner school)

By the partner (host) school By SNU

Cost Tuition (host and/or home university.)

Please refer to the following page regarding SNU tuition only
“Dual-degree Tuition”

Flight, travel/living expenses, insurance and other miscellaneous fees

Credit Transfer Students may transfer up to a maximum of 12 credits through a study abroad program, 1
credit is equivalent to 15 contact hours.

※ Applying for both Dual-degree and Student Exchange simultaneously is NOT allowed.

▶ Number of participants (for the past 5 years)

Program/Institution (Country) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Dual- Yale (USA) 2 2 1 2
degree ESSEC (France) 1 1 1 2
Peking University (China) 1 3 3 1
Hitotsubashi University (Japan)
Total 3 4 4 4 5
Student U of T, Rotman Business School (Canada) 2 1
Exchange Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) 1 1
Singapore Management University (Singapore) 1 2
National University of Singapore (Singapore) 1 1 2
due to the
HHL Leipzig (Germany) 1 1 1
ESSEC (France) 2 2 3
Peking University (China)
Hitotsubashi University (Japan)
5 9 0 0 8

II. Dual-degree Program
A dual-degree program enables students to earn two master's degree from SNU MBA and a partner/host institute
after completing their study at both SNU MBA for one academic year (3 terms), and at the host institute for one
academic year (9~12 months). To apply for the dual-degree program, applicants must meet the admission criteria
of the host institution (the partner school) and must go through with its separate admission screening process. The
successful dual-degree candidates enroll in the host institution from Fall term after finishing three terms at SNU.
All of dual-degree programs will be conducted in English.

A Partner (Host) Institutions

Yale School of Management (USA) - Master of Advanced Management

ESSEC Business School (France) - Master in Management

Guanghua School of Management at Peking University (China) - MBA

Department of International Corporate Strategy a Hitotsubashi University

B Application process

Application Interview Decisions Released Course Begins

(January to April) (April) (May) (August / September)

Applications should be registered online, and then the required documents must be mailed to the respective partner school (if
Applicants who pass the initial screening round are invited to second-round interview (mostly through skype).The final
admission decision will be made by the admission committee of the partner school.
There is a preliminary application in December prior to the actual online application starts in January. Applicants should
register to the preliminary application in order to apply for the dual-degree program.

C Requirements/Criteria

The following table shows key requirements (test scores) of each dual-degree program. Those interested in the dual-degree
programs must refer to the most up-to-date application guidelines that each institute provides (to be updated on the intranet
in due time).

Institution Requirements Number of Slots


Recommendation letter(s), etc.

ESSEC (France) GMAT (min. 600) Up to

TOELF 100 or IELTS 7.0 or above 3 students
CV, motivation letter, study plan
Two letters of recommendation
One year of professional experience

Peking University Official GMAT/GRE score or Peking University Guanghua MBA Entrance Up to
(China) Exam score 5 students
TOEFL IBT 99 or IELTS 6.5 or CET 6 or TEM 8
University degree diploma
University transcript
Two recommendation letters
Minimum three years of work experience are expected

Hitotsubashi GMAT (600 or above expected) Up to

University Strong command of English shown by the TOEFL or IELTS score - 1 student
(Japan) Minimum score of TOEFL IBT 100 or IELTS 6.5 above
Official transcript
One letter of reference
Minimum two years of work experience

D Dual-Degree Timeline (1+1 Degree Program)

Dual-Degree candidates should successfully complete the coursework and fulfill the graduation requirements of both SNU
and the dual degree partner school in order to obtain both degrees. Successful dual degree candidates should enroll in
SNU until the third term, and then start the dual-degree program in the partner school from the following fall. After finishing
another academic year of dual degree program, dual degree students are granted two granted two degrees. Dual degree
students graduate about a year later than regular MBA students who are not participating in a dual-degree program.

Dual-degree at Host University

Term off Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4

September 2023 – August 2024

Aug - Nov Nov 2022 - Mar - May May - July
• Graduation from Host University: June 2024
2022 Mar 2023 2023 2023
• Graduation from SNU: August 2024

Those who are admitted to the dual-degree program should complete BP (Business Practicum; 2 credits), which is one of
the graduation requirements, in the third term before they start the dual-degree program at the partner school.
In accordance with Chinese education law, master students shall defense the thesis, which is the graduation requirement of
PKU GSM, in the fourth semester (applied to typical semester system). Therefore, a SNU student participating in PKU dual
degree program is awarded SNU degree first in August 2024, and obtains the PKU degree after a year in June 2025.

E Dual-Degree Tuition

On the basis of reciprocity, ESSEC and Hitotsubashi ICS may give tuition waiver for incoming dual-degree students.
According to the SNU regulations, dual degree students granted tuition waiver from the partner school must enroll in SNU
by paying SNU tuition during the dual-degree period. Yale and PKU dual-degree students are responsible to pay the required
tuition and fees to those host (partner) schools. Those who have already paid tuition to the partner school should also enroll
in SNU by submitting proof of enrollment issued by the respective partner school.

Estimated Tuition
Institution Tuition payment to
* for whole dual-degree program

Yale (USA) to Yale Approx. $75,000

21,990,000 KRW
ESSEC (France) to SNU
(SNU Term 4 and the extended term)

Peking Univ.
to Peking Univ. Approx.100,000 RMB

Hitotsubashi Univ. 21,990,000 KRW

to SNU
(Japan) (SNU Term 4 and the extended term)

III. Student Exchange Program

Student Exchange Program enables full-time MBA students to enroll at a world-renowned partner school and attend a variety
of MBA-level classes during one academic term (Usually for 3 months). The academic credits earned from the exchange
program are counted and transferred to the SNU transcript toward the MBA degree. The selected students for the exchange
program should enroll in SNU by paying SNU tuition during the exchange period.

A Partner schools: 20 schools (as of August 2022)

Country Institution Country Institution

Brazil The COPPEAD Graduate School of India The Indian Institute of Management
Business Bangalore (IIMB)
Canada University of Toronto, Rotman School of
Management Italy Universita Commerciale L.Bocconi

France ESSEC Business School

Japan Hitotsubashi University ICS
China Peking University Kyoto University
Fudan University Meiji University
CheungKong Graduate School of Business
Tsinghua University Russia Moscow State University
ShanghaiJiaoTong University
Wuhan University
Singapore Singapore Management University
Germany HHL LEIPZIG Graduate School of National University of Singapore

Hong Kong Chinese University of HongKong Turkey Koç University

To coordinate student exchange programs, the SNU GSB and the exchange partner schools decide the number of slots
available every academic year in order to keep a good balance on the number of exchange students between two schools.
Thus, the host schools are selectively settled based on the exchange balance as well as academic calendar by the
beginning of fall, and the result will be announced on the intranet.

B Nomination Process

Application Interview Decisions Released Course Begins

(January to April) (April) (May) (August /September)

a. Application
When to apply: February ~ March
Filling out the form, applicants can choose up to three institutions in order of their preference.
Eligibility: In accordance with SNU regulation, applicants for student exchange program
(i) have never been disciplined
(ii) must hold a GPA of 3.3 or higher by the prior term
(iii) must meet the requirements of each partner school, such as English test score and/or work experience.

*Please refer to the up-to-date fact sheet of each school on intranet to find its requirements for incoming exchange students.

Exchange Program Credit Transfer | Please note that class contact hours may vary by country or school. Each of
host schools limits the maximum and minimum number of credits that incoming exchange students are allowed to
take. You should check out the fact sheet prior to applying for student exchange to make sure whether the host school
allows you to fulfill the required credits. The academic credits earned from exchange program (up to 12 credits) are
transferred to the SNU transcript based on SNU credit conversion table (15 class hours = 1 credit).

b. Nomination Criteria
Nomination is decided mainly based on applicants’ GPA.
‣ Fall Term: cumulative GPA up to 2nd module of Term 2
NOTE MBA director will interview the applicants whose GPAs are even to evaluate their English ability and study plan.

c. Confirmation (Payment of Deposit)

The selected student must confirm participation by paying the designated deposit (2,640,000 KRW). It is only refunded
within a month upon their departure to the partner school. If (s)he drops out of exchange program after confirmation, the
deposit will not be not refunded.

IV. GNAM Program

Global Network for Advanced Management(GNAM), launched by Yale University, includes 32 leading business schools from
diverse regions, countries, cultures, and economies in different phases of development. Seoul National University Graduate
School of Business is the only member school in South Korea participating in GNAM with the other leading global business
schools. SNU MBA students can take advantage of GNAM by participating in the ① Global Network Course (Online) and ②
Global Network Week.

A Global Network Course (Small Network Online Courses - SNOCs)

Global Network Course is for-credit courses offered virtually by GNAM member schools. The course connect students from
multiple member schools online for lectures and discussions and collaborative team projects developing teamwork skills and
cross-cultural perspectives.

Each program has a different program period. The application opens every January. Participating students can earn 1 or 2
credits depending on how many class hours they take through the courses.(15 hours = 1 credit).

B Global Network Week

Global Network Week is an intensive 1-week program offered by GNAM member schools where they organise the program
under the specific current issues and topics.

The course opens mid-March and participating students will earn 3 credits from participating in the program.

For further information about GNAM, please visit


Please note that some of the fact sheets are not the most up-to-date versions.
These are provided for reference purposes only.
The 2022-2023 fact sheets will be uploaded on the intranet.
CUHK MBA Programmes
Exchange Programme Factsheet

March 2022
General Information

School Details
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is the pioneer in business education in Hong
Kong and the first university to establish a full-time MBA degree programme in Hong Kong.
The Faculty of Business Administration is one of the first two business schools in Asia
accredited by AACSB International. We are also the first business school outside North America
to establish a Chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma, the international honour society for business
and management programs. An uncompromising insistence on quality and innovation
continues to strengthen CUHK as one of the leading business schools in Asia. Its achievement
is reflected in the 5000+ MBA graduates, many of whom hold prominent management
positions in local and overseas corporations.

Contact Information


Contact Person: Ms. Lily TSUI, Assistant Director, Student Learning and Development Team

Personal Email:

Tel: (852) 3943-0897

Fax: (852) 2603-6289

Address: MBA Programmes,

Faculty of Business Administration

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

14/F, Cheng Yu Tung Building, 12 Chak Cheung Street Shatin, N.T. Hong Kong
Application Requirements and Procedure

Application Requirements
Incoming exchange students are expected to:

1) be proficient in English
2) preferably have 2 to 3 years’ full-time work experience

Required Documents
School nomination together with a copy of student’s CV including details on date of birth,
nationality and passport number. Students must also complete an on-line application form
which is provided after the school nomination reaches our exchange office.

Application Deadlines
Term 1: April 1, 2022

Term 2: September 1, 2022

Term 3: November 1, 2022

Summer Term: December 1, 2022

Programme Information

Term Dates for Academic Year 2022-23

Term Dates Expected Arrival Date
(the dates below include the course examinations)
Term 1 September to December 2022 By August 2021
Term 2 Full term: December 2022 to March 2023 Full Term/ Session A:
Session A: December 2022 to January 2023 by late November 2021
Session B: January to March 2023 Session B: by mid-January 2022
Term 3 Full-term: March to June 2023 Full-term/ Session A:
Session A: March to May 2023 by late February 2022
Session B: May to June 2023 Session B: by late April 2022
Summer June to July 2023 By mid-June 2022

Exchange students can opt to participate the full term (i.e. Term 2/ Term 3) or two consecutive
sessions (i.e. Term 2B & 3A). Further details of term dates and course offering list will be
announced soon.

Teaching Arrangement
Due to the rapid development of pandemic in HK, all learning and teaching is moved into fully
online delivery mode until 23 April 2022 according to the latest updates from CUHK
Emergency Response Group.

Please note that the default mode of delivery of teaching and learning may be in person and
on campus for all classes from September 2022, subject to CUHK announcement. We will let
you know you if there are any updated teaching arrangements by the University.

COVID-19 Vaccination/ Regular Testing Report

As part of an ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the University announced that all
staff and students will be required to provide proof of vaccination or undertake fortnightly
COVID-19 test.

Course Selection
Students are able to take available courses offered by the MBA Programmes. The electives
are related to the MBA concentrations – General (no concentration), Finance and Technology
and/or Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
Only Term 1 Exchange students may also take courses offered by other
departments upon approval from departments concerned.

Medium of Instruction
All MBA courses are taught in English with the exception of elective courses of a unique nature
in which teaching in Chinese is preferable.

Class Format
MBA Programmes place primary responsibility upon individual faculty members to decide on
the course materials and method of teaching which will prove most effective in realizing the
objectives of the course and are most suitable to the subject matter. No matter which course
materials or delivery methods are adopted, they must pertain to achieving a balance between
theory and practice, with a clear emphasis on relevance.

Teaching methods commonly used include lectures, discussions, case analyses, seminars,
gaming models and directed research. In addition, company tours, surveys and field work are
done by students, and local businessmen are invited to give guest lectures or lead in-class

Learning Expectations
Mandatory class attendance. Random attendance check will be performed by the MBA Office.
Students are expected to actively participate in the lectures and class activities. The class
size is generally around 15 to 60.

Full-time Workload
Each course is either 3 units (36 in-class hours) or 1.5 units (18 in-class hours). Students are
expected to take at least 9 units (108 in-class hours) in a term unless prior approval is granted.

The format of assessment varies from course to course. If there is a final examination, it shall
be held during the last week of the term or during the examination week, unless specified.
Language Courses
Intensive Chinese language courses are available at CUHK. Students who wish to take Chinese
language courses at CUHK are required to pay additional tuition fees. Addition information
can be found at

Student Services
Unfortunately, we are not able to provide on-campus accommodation for exchange students
this year. The offer will be reviewed according to the University guidelines related to social
distancing measures.

Student Activities
• Kick-off networking events including orientation and welcoming activities, i.e. lunch
/ dinner
• Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance Conference in May each year
• Other networking and social events (student-driven)

The above are for reference only, the actual services and activities are subject to change and
the availability.

Career Services
The dedicated and experienced MBA Career Management and Alumni Engagement Team
offers a structured career management programme for MBA students. You are also welcome
to join the activities organised by our Career Management & Alumni Engagement Team
during your exchange period including:

• On-campus recruitment talks and company visits

• Professional development workshops
• Sharing and networking opportunities with alumni and senior executives in the
• Access to Career Management Office for career counselling and e-resources.

For details, please visit

The above are for reference only, the actual services and activities are subject to change and
Academic Expenses
Books and Class Reading Materials: Around HK$1,560 (US$200) per term, subject to change.

Other Expenses
Quarantine Hotels: HK$ 700 – 1,300 (US$90 – 116) per day
Visa: around HK$ 800 (US$100) including visa application fee and courier
Food, Local Transportation and Personal Expenses: Around HK$ 27,000 (US$3,462) per term

Pre-arrival Information
All MBA exchange students are affiliated to the International Asian Studies Programme (IASP).
For pre-arrival information such as visa application and student registration, please visit

All exchange students MUST apply for a Hong Kong student visa (not a China Visa) before
arriving Hong Kong. Applications should be sent directly to the Hong Kong Immigration
Office via the IASP office of the CUHK. IASP office will send you the application information
and timeline in due course.

Health Insurance
All exchange students are covered by the CUHK Group Personal Accident when participating
in and/or attending to the activities in connection with the CUHK’s activities which are
organized/ supervised/ arranged by CUHK during the period of insurance.

In addition, incoming exchange students holding a valid student visa are entitled to fees and
charges for "Eligible Persons" in Hospital Authority institutions within their duration of stay in
Hong Kong. This means they can enjoy discounted rates for public health services and are
exempt from surgical and hospital insurance.

However, exchange students should also arrange his/her accident and sickness insurance at
own cost, with provisions for emergency evacuation/rescuer's expenses and repatriation for
the duration of their studies in Hong Kong. If they have plans to travel outside Hong Kong,
the insurance plan should also cover those regions. For students who are included in their
parents' health insurance policies, they should check the coverage before coming to Hong
Exchange students are reminded to bring a copy of their insurance
policy(s) to Hong Kong. When they report arrival at the IASP office, they will be asked to submit
a copy(s) for emergency use.
Affectionately known as the ‘Little Red Dot’, which refers to how this tiny
island nation is depicted on the maps of the world, Singapore is a
destination not to be missed! Its geographically strategic location at the
heart of Southeast Asia and its global connectivity puts it in a great
position as a gateway to Asia.

Why Singapore ?

A global business hub, with regional headquarters for the world’s

largest MNCs

One of the most competitive economies in the world

Rich culture of art, history, architecture, food, leisure activities and


Multi-cultural society respecting each other’s beliefs and practices

One of the safest countries in the world

International reputation for academic excellence

NUS Business School

NUS Business School is among the world’s leading business schools. It is

distinctive for offering the best of global business knowledge with deep Asian
insights, preparing students to lead Asian businesses to international success
and to help global businesses succeed in Asia. Our School has distinguished
international faculty known for their research quality and great teaching.

Ranked 1st university in

Asia and 11th worldwide Ranked 14th in
in the QS world Financial Times MBA
University Ranking 2022 Global Ranking 2021

Among Top 2 % of
scientist worldwide
16 of our professors
recognised in a study
by Stanford University

EQUIS Accredited
AACSB Accredited

Be a part of the vibrant student community by participating in

events and activities organized by the MBA Students’ Clubs.
Academic Matters
Language of Instruction English

Teaching Methods A variety: including lectures, case studies,

presentations, project work, computer-based
business games, multi-media tools and field trips.
Students are expected to participate in class

Class Size An average of 45 students in each elective course.

Modular Credits (MC) / 2 MC (17-25 lecture hours) or 4 MC (39 lecture

Hours hours).

Course Load Recommended minimum of 3 modules (12 Modular

Credits) to maximum of 4 modules (16 Modular

Grade Grade Point Marks in Percentage (%)

DT (Distinction) 5.00 80 and above

M (Merit) 4.00 60 to 79

Pass 3.00 50 to 59

Fail 0.00 <50

Term and Registration Dates [AY2022/2023]
Coordinator’s Nomination Link : NUS Exchange 2022

Student Admission Application Document Checklist

Semester 1 Semester 2 Special Term (1) Special Term (2)

Term Dates
8 Aug to 3 Dec, 9 Jan to 6 8 May to 17 19 Jun to 29 Jul,
2022 May, 2022 Jun, 2023 2023

Nomination Deadline
(for Coordinators) 5 Apr, 2022 15 Sep, 2022 15 Feb, 2023

Application Deadline
(for Nominated Students) 15 Apr, 2022 1 Oct, 2022 1 Mar, 2023

Supporting Documents
Submission Deadline 1 May, 2022 15 Oct, 2022
(for Nominated Students) 15 Mar, 2023

Arrival to Singapore
(includes Pre-
Registration with 1 to 7 Aug, 2 to 8 Jan, 4 to 6 May, 15 to 17 Jun,
Registrar Office and 2022 2023 2023 2023
enrolment with
&Checkpoints Authority)

MBA Exchange
Orientation 3 Aug, 2022 4 Jan, 2023
(tentative) (tentative)

Services offered would be based on reciprocal arrangements.

Students have some access to attend career workshops or company


Most events have limits and attendance may be by invitation.


Students have to look for off-campus accommodation

On-campus accommodation are limited and normally not prioritised for

MBA Exchange students

You may check alternative accommodation options here, or look for

more options on booking sites such as,, or via property websites such as
PropertyGuru, Propnex and SRX Property.
Estimated Cost of Living (Per Month)
SGD 2,000 to 3,000
Accommodation Public Housing Apartments
SGD 1,200 to 1,800

SGD 10 to 40 per trip

Transportation Taxi
SGD 1 to 2.80 per trip
MRT / Bus

Utilities Varies SGD 80 to 400

Meals Low End Restaurants From SGD 15 per head

Hawker Centres / Food Court / Fast From SGD 5 per meal


Groceries Varies From SGD 200

Entertainment Bars & Drinks From SGD 35

Cinemas From SGD 7

From SGD 30
Cable TV
SGD 19.95 to 200
Mobile Phone Plans
SGD 19.95 to 208
Contact Information

NUS Exchange Coordinators Partnership Management

Ms. Sabrina Lim (Inbound) Ms. Poh Hwee Bee

Executive Deputy Director
Academic and Student Support MBA Programmes

Tel: +65 6516 7848 Tel: +65 6516 2033


Ms. Fathima Muhsina (Outbound) Ms. Wendy Lee

Assistant Manager Head
Academic and Student Support Academic and Student Support

Tel: +65 6601 7328 Tel: +65 6516 1265

Email: Email:
SMU Classification: Restricted
SMU Classification: Restricted

SMU – Right in the Heart of Asia’s Hub, Singapore

In the dynamic, cosmopolitan hub that is Singapore, you will find a
vibrant city-state that pulses with the diversity of both East and West.
Situated at the cross-roads of the world, Singapore is home to
multinational companies and thousands of small and mediumsized
enterprises flourishing in a smart city renowned for its business
excellence and connectivity. With its strong infrastructure, political
stability and respect for intellectual property rights, this City in a Garden
offers you unique opportunities to develop as a global citizen.

Tapping into the energy of the city is a university with a difference – the
Singapore Management University. Our six schools: the School of
Accountancy, Lee Kong Chian School of Business, School of Economics,
School of Information Systems, School of Law, and School of Social
Sciences form the country’s only city campus, perfectly sited to foster
strategic links with businesses and the community.

SMU generates leading-edge research with global impact and produces

broad-based, creative and entrepreneurial leaders for a knowledge-
based economy. Discover a multi-faceted lifestyle right here at SMU, in
the heart of Singapore.

About the Lee Kong Chian School of Business

SMU commenced its curriculum in 2000 with the School of Business,
which welcomed its pioneer cohort of students in August 2000. In 2004,
the Lee Foundation contributed S$50 million to SMU in honour of the
late Dr Lee Kong Chian, a well-known Southeast Asian businessman,
philanthropist and community leader. In recognition of the Lee
Foundation’s generosity, SMU named in perpetuity the School of
Business, the building and the university-wide scholars programme after
Dr Lee Kong Chian.

Today, the Lee Kong Chian School of Business is a dynamic Asian business
school with more than 4,000 students and over a hundred full-time
faculty members with doctorate degrees from renowned universities
such as Cornell, Harvard, INSEAD, London Business School, Wharton,
Oxford, Stanford and Yale. The school offers undergraduate, master’s
and doctoral programmes and is affiliated with a number of research
centres such as the Sim Kee Boon Institute for Financial Economics, the
Centre for Marketing Excellence and the Institute for Innovation and

School Rankings • Ranked 2nd in Asia and 33rd worldwide (University of Texas
Dallas rankings based on research contributions for the
• 1st Triple Accredited Business School in Singapore period 2013 – 2017)
(AACSB, AMBA, EQUIS) • Ranked 22nd for Executive MBA, 43rd for MBA, 3rd for MSc in
• Ranked 6th Business School in Asia-Pacific (2018 Financial Wealth Management, and 45th in MSc in Applied Finance by
Times Asia-Pacific Business School Rankings) the FT (Financial Times) Rankings
SMU Classification: Restricted

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

MBA Modules offered to exchange students

Advanced Marketing Strategy

Business Analytics for Decision Making

Business Value of Digital Disruptions - CXO Perspectives

Consumer Behaviour

Design Thinking

Digital Marketing Strategy

Entrepreneurial Finance

Entrepreneurship and Business Planning

Financial Analytics and Innovation

Global Economy - Issues and Challenges

Hedge Funds

Managing Innovation and Growth

Managing Teams

Mergers and Acquisitions

Negotiating in Business

Online Business and Marketplaces


Risk Management in Global Supply Chains

Risk Management

Service and Operations Analytics

Storytelling for Brands and Leaders

Supply Chain Strategy & Management

Sustainable and Impact Investing

Leadership Communication
SMU Classification: Restricted

Modules offered are subject to change.

Please note that we will try our best to allocate you to the chosen courses within capacity. We will inform you if it is not possible.

Work Load
Each module comprises of ongoing assessment, group work, final projects, presentations, assignments and/or exams.

Class format
Seminars, presentations, group work and case studies.

Courses are 8 sessions over 8 weeks. Each session is 3.5hours.

Attendance is mandatory for all courses.


Students are encouraged to be active participants; all

classes will include a participation grade (up to 30% of the

total grade).

Language Requirements
English is the main communication medium in SMU and
Singapore. TOEFL/ IELTS is required if the medium of instruction of your
undergraduate studies is not in English. It must be taken within the last 2
years at the time of submitting your application.

The competitive score for TOEFL would be 600 points for the paper test
and 100 points for the computer based test. The competitive score for
IELTS is 7 points.

Nominations and Applications

All visiting students must be nominated by their home university. Once nominated, students will receive further information on how to apply
online and to select their electives after the nomination deadline.

Elective Term and Nomination Timeline

Term 1 (23 May – 31 July 2022) 27 Mar 2022

Term 2 (1 Aug – 9 Oct 2022) 5 Jun 2022

Term 3 (10 Oct – 18 Dec 2022) 14 Aug 2022

SMU Classification: Restricted

Grading Scale
SMU has a 4-point grading system. The following grade notations are used in calculating the Grade Point Average (GPA), which is the quotient
of total grade points divided by total course units attempted.

Letter Grade Grade Point Corresponding Mark Range

A+ 4.3 86 and above

A 4.0 83 to 85

A- 3.7 80 to 82

B+ 3.3 77 to 79

B 3.0 74 to 76

B- 2.7 70 to 73

C+ 2.3 66 to 69

C 2.0 63 to 65

C- 1.7 60 to 62

D+ 1.3 53 to 59

D 1.0 50 to 52

F 0.0 49 and below

Studying in Singapore
International students without a valid Employment Pass or Dependant’s Pass must possess a valid Student Pass to be able to study at SMU. The
SMU MBA Programme Office will assist in the application of student passes for all international students coming to SMU.
SMU Classification: Restricted

Students are required to arrange their own accommodation. SMU is
located in the heart of Singapore, close to amenities, two major train
stations and private housing options. Limited off-campus
accommodation is also available for those seeking a more affordable
alternative. For more information, please refer to

Estimated Living Expenses

Common monthly expenses include:
- Accommodation: S$300 to S$500
- Food: $300 to $500
- Local Transportation: $100 to $150
- Telecommunications: $50 to $100
- Book and Stationery: $100 to $200
Actual expenses will differ depending on the choice of accommodation and spending habits of each individual.

Health insurance
Health and Accident Insurance is mandatory for all matriculated international exchange students studying at the Singapore Management
University. The MBA Programme Office will arrange student insurance coverage for all international exchange students. International exchange
students will need to ensure that they have adequate travel insurance for their outbound travel from their home country to Singapore.

On Campus
The following on-campus facilities and services are available to students:
• Student Locker • Study Rooms
• Gymnasium & Fitness Centre • Sports Hall
• Swimming Pool • Libraries
• IT Services • Student Wellness Centre

Certain facilities and services are chargeable at a fee. Students should seek clarification prior to use.

Questions or concerns?
Don’t hesitate to contact the SMU MBA Programme Office at

We look forward to seeing you on campus!

SMU Classification: Restricted
FACT SHEET 2022/2023

Academic calendar
The academic year is divided into 3 trimesters. Each trimester lasts 10 weeks
and includes a one-week break (except for the Fall term: no break). Students
are required to attend an orientation session before the start of the term.

French Training Session (optional): August 25 - September 14, 2022

Orientation (mandatory): Tuesday, August 23, 2022
© Damien Villedieu

Fall Term (T1): September 26 - December 16, 2022

- First Orientation (mandatory): Friday, September 16, 2022
(for students taking a course during the intensive week from September 19 to 23)
- Second Orientation (mandatory): Friday, September 23, 2022
(for students arriving for the start of the term on September 26)

Winter term (T2): January 9 - March 31, 2023

- First Orientation (mandatory): Monday, January 2, 2023
(for students taking a course during the intensive week from January 2 to 6)
- Second Orientation (mandatory): Friday, January 6, 2023
(for students arriving for the start of the term on January 9)
- Another intensive week will be from February 20 to 24, 2023

Spring term (T3): April 3 - June 23, 2023

- First Orientation (mandatory): Friday, March 31, 2023
The intensive week will take place from May 2 to 5, 2023

Students must be nominated by their home university through our online application
system. An email will be sent to all coordinators on the opening day of each nomination
period with their login details.

The nomination period finished, students will receive by email the instructions to access the
platform on which all the info and material are posted.

Please note that we do not accept students with the French nationality in our exchange program.

Nomination schedule 2022/2023

(Sept - Dec 2022) (Jan - March 2023) (April - June 2023)

April 4, 2022 August 30, 2022 November 28, 2022

Online nominations
by coordinators
May 18, 2022 September 28, 2022 December 16, 2022
© Cécile Bruneau
French Training Session (FTS)
An intensive French language course is offered to international
students during 4 weeks in September and is free of charge.
Students will take 3 hours of French lessons each day, Monday
through Friday, and participate in cultural activities.

N.B.: This session is offered in the Fall term only, however,

students coming on exchange at another period of the year
will be able to take a regular French course during each term.

Course offer
The ESSEC MiM program offers over 200 business courses
over the year, as well as foreign language courses. To consult

© Denis Allard/Rea
the course catalog, students can ask their local study-
abroad coordinator. Students from MBA programs and
coming to ESSEC in the Fall term (September to December)
can attend courses from the ESSEC Global MBA (the list
of courses will be provided to students in due time). 1 Business course 1 Language course

Course restrictions 25 30
Contact Hours (2.5 hours a week (3 hours a week
The following courses are not open to exchange students: during 10 weeks) during 10 weeks)
- The following ESSEC core courses: Management Control,
Financial Accounting and Reporting, Principles of Finance; ECTS Credits 5 4
(European credits)
- Financial Statement Analysis;
- Big Data Analytics;
- Courses from some Chairs reserved to students admitted into Course registration process
the Chair (mention “reserved” indicated on the course offer). Students register themselves in courses on an online platform
about 2 months before the start of each term. They have up to
5 days to make all the changes they want. Once registration
is over, no more changes (or dropping) are allowed.

Important: Although exchange students have priority in

courses as they register before full-time students, courses
get full pretty quickly (especially the popular ones such as
luxury courses) so students should not wait the last day to
connect and register if they wish to secure a spot in all the
courses they want to attend (first come, first served basis).

For courses with a final exam, it will take place on the
very last week of the term. Some courses do not have
a final exam but assignments, presentations and/
or projects (individual or in groups) throughout the
term. There are no re-sits or make-up exams.
© Cécile Bruneau

Grading & conversion

Grades range from 0 to 20. Students need to obtain
at least a grade of 10 to pass a course.
Courses in specialized fields
Exchange students have the opportunity to take courses ESSEC Grades Definition ECTS Grades
that draw on ESSEC’s specific fields of expertise. This
16-20 Excellent A
includes courses in Luxury Brand Management, Hospitality
Management, Entrepreneurship, Agri-Food Industry, 14-15 Very Good B
Health, etc. Students usually receive the timetable about
13 Good C
2 months before the beginning of each term. Courses
are taught in French and in English (50/50). Please note 11-12 Satisfactory D
that it is not required to speak French to come to ESSEC
10 Pass E
as students can take all their courses in English.
0-9 Fail F
Course load & credits
Students can take a maximum of 5 courses per term Final transcripts will be sent directly to the international relations
(5 business courses or 4 business courses + 1 language office of the students’ home university as soon as they are
course). There is no minimum course load required. complete (about 1 month after the end of the exchange).
Campus location/facilities/services FinLab (Finance Lab)
A modern space for Finance lovers.
ESSEC Business School is located in Cergy-Pontoise, a thriving - Seating capacity of 20 persons
town northwest of the capital, on a pleasant, modern campus, - 40 m² dedicated to Finance
just 30 kilometers away from Paris. It is easily accessible by - Open 6/7 to ESSEC community
train (RER A or suburban train line L) in about 40 minutes. - 12 Bloomberg terminals

Campus life
An important number of events regularly take place on
campus, be they conferences, company presentations,
student parties, movie shows, etc. Over 100 student clubs
contribute to the rich diversity of campus life. Exchange
students are encouraged to participate in these activities.

Career services
Although exchange students do not have any individualized
counseling service, they have access to our job offers online
(around 15,000 ads posted each year) and can also take part
in workshops organized by ESSEC Career Services (subject
to availability). Numerous professional events are organized
on campus throughout the year (career fairs, company
presentations, etc.), which students are welcome to attend.

To do an internship in France, students are required: to

© Cécile Bruneau
obtain an internship agreement (“convention de stage”) from
their home university and to subscribe to the French Social
Security or have the European Health Insurance Card).
Visa and residence permit
Library - Learning Center Non-European citizens may need a visa to come to France. To
obtain their visa, students must go to the French consulate in their country of residence with the letter of acceptance from
Over 60,000 books and 15,000 periodicals are available to ESSEC, which they receive after the nomination period.
students. Non-European students may be required to obtain a residence
permit, depending on the type of visa they receive. All non-
Students can borrow: European students staying more than 90 days in France are
• Books and textbooks required to obtain one. ESSEC will help students with the
• Magazines, DVDs procedure on their arrival.
• IPads, Samsung tablets, Chromebooks
• Calculators CAUTION: for non-European citizens, some visas do not
• Headphones allow students to work on the French territory. Students must
• DVD players therefore check this before starting their search for a job or an
• AV kits (tripod, smartphone holder and microphones). internship.

Students can borrow up to 10 books/DVDs for 2 weeks.

On site students can read newspapers, theses, and dissertations. Accommodation
K-Lab (Knowledge Lab) On-campus housing
The K-lab is a meeting place for dialogue and interdisciplinary Alegessec, ESSEC’s housing office, rents 1100 rooms to ESSEC
exchange where you can put the learning by making into and international exchange students. Four residence halls
practice. are located near the campus. Students need to complete
and return the housing contract in order to book a room
The K-Lab enables everyone (students, professors, members of (document to download during their online application).
staff, alumni and corporate partners) to meet ESSEC expertise
so that new ideas should be tested, developed and modelled. N.B.: We advise exchange students to stay in the Résidence Les
Hauts de Cergy or Résidence du Port.
It includes different areas which interact on more than 900m²: Link to Alegessec page:
• videoconference equipment, essec/housing/alegessec-en/
• multicam equipment,
• self-recording studio video equipment, Off-campus housing
• multimedia and graphic software, Students also have the possibility to rent an apartment in Cergy
• 3D printer. or in Paris. Useful websites are provided to students on the
ESSEC Graduate Exchange Platform:
Health insurance and birth certificate
All students are required to hand in a proof of medical insurance
(European card for European students, private insurance for others)
as well as a a copy of your passport. Students will be asked to submit
these documents online for their administrative enrollment.

Approximate living costs

On-campus accommodation:
Initial booking fee: 350€
Monthly rent: 600€ approx (depending on the residence)
The rent includes heating, electricity, internet. European students and non-European
students who have a French residence permit may be entitled to receive the APL
(financial aid offered by the government under certain conditions). The Alegessec
© DamienVilledieu

office takes care of the procedure to apply for the APL (Financial Housing Subsidy).

Off-campus rental rates:

800€ and over in Paris for a 1-bedroom apartment.
Contact Food
Manager, Student A meal in the student dining-hall: around 3€
Mobility & Partnerships Sandwiches, salads, quiches at the cafeteria: 4€ - 6€
Delphine LEFEBVRE A meal off-campus: 10€ - 15€
Tel: (33) 1 34 43 31 44 Local transportation
RER fares depend on the number of zones (Cergy is in zone 5 while Paris is in zone 1):
••• For a monthly pass: 72,20€ - For a weekly pass: 22,80€
Incoming Students A single ticket from ESSEC to Paris: 6,15€
(Students from
partner schools)
Tel: (33) 1 34 43 39 19
Outgoing Students
(ESSEC students)
Tel: (33) 1 34 43 37 63
Administrative Assistant
Tel: (33) 1 34 43 31 99
Postal address
ESSEC Business School
© ESSEC Business School - 1255130422 - Not printable file.

3 avenue Bernard Hirsch

CS 50105 CERGY
95021 Cergy-Pontoise Cedex
Erasmus+ Code: F CERGY 03
Department International Relations

Frank Hoffmann Tel.: +49 (341) 985 1747


Julia Brodacki
Manager International Tel.: +49 (341) 985 1746
Relations – Outgoings

Friederike Solga Tel.: +49 (341) 985 1745

Manager International
Relations – Incomings

TERM DATES (for 2021/22)

Winter 2022 January 3 – March 13 incl. 1 day of orientation (mandatory)

Spring 2022 March 7 – June 26 incl. 1 week of orientation (mandatory)
Summer 2022 June 27 - September 4 incl. 1 day of orientation (mandatory)
Fall 2022 August 30 – December 19 incl. 1 week of orientation (mandatory)
Winter 2023 January 9 – March 19, 2023 incl. 1 day of orientation (mandatory)
Spring 2023 March 13 – July 22, 2023 incl. 1 week of orientation (mandatory)

We do not accept late arrivals!

Open for incoming exchange students:

MBA: Fall (only 1st year courses!) I Winter I Spring I Summer

MSc: Fall I Winter I Spring

Nomination by the exchange coordinator of the partner school is required!
Online application: After the successful online application, HHL will send out an
information package to the universities of the students chosen to attend HHL. This package will
contain all information and forms required for your exchange. It will contain also an official letter
of acceptance (required for issuing a student visa).

HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management | Jahnallee 59 | 04109 Leipzig | Germany

International Relations | Tel. +49 341 9851-745 |
Application deadline: For non EU-citizens: 4 months prior the requested start of the exchange
period (EU/US-citizens: 3 months).


Latest day of arrival should be 1 day prior to the start of the Orientation (incl. in the dates above).
We do not accept latecomers!


MBA-Students coming for an exchange term may take courses from the MBA-program and from
the MSc-Program. Courses in the MBA-program may be restricted to exchange students coming
from a MBA-program at their home institution. HHL reserves the right to decide individually
according to specific requirements such as pre-knowledge and work experience, whether
students from other programs are eligible for MBA courses as well. Students coming from
consecutive programs (usually a 4 or 5 years European program leading to an equivalent of a
Masters degree) are welcome in the MSc-Program.


Student visa required; students coming with a tourist visa will be sent home. In addition, a
health insurance (unlimited coverage) is required – can be obtained in Germany. Processing
time for a visa can be up to three months at the German consulate!


HHL does not have student dormitories. Some dormitories are available on campus only through
the Student Union (Studentenwerk) Leipzig. If you are interested in renting a student dorm,
please contact the Student Union Leipzig directly (http://www.studentenwerk- Please note that dormitory places are very popular and apply as soon as
Private Shared apartment: Leipzig has a lot of open living space available. Some apartments are
fully furnished, others come without furniture. You should possibly look for a place in the following
parts of the city: Zentrum, Zentrum Süd, Mitte, Lindenau, Südvorstadt, Plagwitz (these locations
are close to school). Addresses to contact via Internet: I I
The first few nights: For the first few nights in Leipzig – especially if you arrive late in the day –
we recommend to stay in one of Leipzig’s hostels. Hostel “Sleepy Lion”: and
hostel “Central Globetrotter”: You should make a reservation in
advance since the hostels are usually booked.


When enrolling, students are required to present proof of coverage by a German health
insurance carrier. Insurance coverage from outside Germany may fulfill requirements; a decision
about this is under responsibility of a German public insurance company. Students who are from
countries with which the Federal Republic of Germany has a social insurance agreement (the EU
member states, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Montenegro, Norway,
Switzerland, Tunisia and Turkey), and who are insured in their home country, should submit
their European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).


Around EUR 650 per month – non-EU students must show financial proof of EUR 853 per month
for living costs (together with the visa application).

 Housing: around EUR 200 – 350 per month

 Meals: lunch for students in the cafeteria between EUR 2,50 and 4,00
 Textbooks: around EUR 50 for the semester
 Entertainment: highly variable
 Student Union fee: EUR 226.50 for the semester (required)
 Transportation: Included in the Student Union fee (public tram / bus)
 Tuition fees: students have to pay to the home university according to contracts

Codes for application:

 For US-students: HHL’s FAFSA-Code is G38183

HHL’s Facility Code at the US Dpt. of Veterans Affairs is 3-1-0003-80
 For EU Erasmus: HHL’s Erasmus Code is DLeipzig09


 Exchange students are recommended to do 20 credits during a regular term. We require a

minimum of 15 credits and allow a maximum of 30 credits.
Only on request of the home university will exchange students be allowed to overload or
underload our minimum/maximum limits.
 German on survival level is recommended (not required).
German language courses will be offered to all incoming exchange students on three levels:
 A1/A2
 B1
 Business German
 Fluency in English to follow courses successfully and complete the coursework is mandatory!
 Language of Instruction is English only
 HHL requires a minimum TOEFL 90 or IELTS 7.0 (not older than 2 years)
 Exceptions: Native English speakers coming from Australia, Canada, New Zealand,
Singapore, South Africa, UK, USA or students having the undergraduate degree from
one of these countries
 Partner Universities having a sound internal testing system for English, that prefer to
use their internal testing methodology instead of the required TOEFL, please contact
Friederike Solga at by the nomination deadline.


HHL offers a variety of subjects in:

 Accounting
 Finance
 Strategy
 Marketing
 Logistics
 Entrepreneurship
 International Management
 Macroeconomics
 Microeconomics


 Average class size: 23

 Ratio professor/students: 1:15


Fulltime MBA:

 Average age: 29
 Age range: 25 - 45
 Average work experience: 5,5 years
 Educational background: 26% Business Studies, 20% Engineering, 17% Economics, 14%
Liberal Arts, 10% Natural Arts, 8% Others, 5% Law
 Average GMAT: 640
 Number of international students: 70-80%
 Average number of countries represented: 15

Fulltime MSc:

 Average age: 24
 Age range: 21 - 27
 Average work experience: 1.5 years
 Educational background: 27% Business Studies, 22% Business Administration, 22%
International Business Studies/Management, 11% Economics, 6% Logistics Management,
6% Commerce, 6% Business Enginieering
 Average GMAT: 640


All subjects include different forms of assessment, such as class exercises, assignments, quizzes,
tests or examinations. Individual students are, ultimately, responsible for meeting all course

German System ECTS System Explanation

≤1,1 A (best 10%) outstanding
≤ 1,4 B (next 25%) very good
≤ 1,7 C (next 30%) good
≤ 2,3 D (next 25%) satisfactory
≤ 4,0 E (next 10%) pass
> 4,0 Fx fail (second exam allowed)
> 4,0 F fail (second exam not allowed)
P Grades not awarded

In order to assure all of our students the highest level of education, HHL requires all students to
sign an Honor Code, which addresses academic integrity, respectful conduct, amongst other
topics. HHL takes this code seriously and holds its students accountable to it.


 HHL has the right by the government to award the academic title PhD

 Accreditation by (one out of eleven universities in Germany)

 Member of gbsn, efmd, CLADEA and CEEMAN

 Rated No. 1 in Germany for Business Administration

 High standard with 30 to 40 students per semester out of more than 1,000 inquiries

 Highly international with 140 partners worldwide plus an international composition

of the student body and faculty

 Attractive environment in a dynamic student city


 ORIENTATION: Orientation is compulsory for all students coming on exchange (One week in
Fall, Spring and one day in Winter; dates included in the academic calendar above).

 COUNSELING: Counselling service and access to HHL’s Career service

 STUDENT CLUBS: There are several student clubs run by the student body – have look at our

 ASSISTANCE: All incoming exchange students will have assistance by the International
Committee. This club organizes several activities, cultural events and tours within Germany
for the guest students.

 PIGEON HOLES & LOCKERS: are assigned to all students

 IT SERVICES: Exchange students will have access to all IT facilities including a personal HHL
e-mail address. All computer pools are open 24 hours / 7 days.

 LIBRARY: is open to students and staff 24 hours a day.

Containing some 15,000 volumes, it provides a wide range of basic literature and reference
works for your course as well as specialist literature on current research topics. In addition,
the library subscribes to some 200 national and international periodicals and newspapers.
The entire stock is catalogued on the Libero library system, which is known for its efficiency
and user friendliness. Research into the library’s catalogue can be carried out both within
and outside HHL’s network using a WEBOPAC.
In addition, our students have access to the library of the public university and to the
“Deutsche Bibliothek”. This library is unique in Germany, the collection consists of all what
was ever printed in German, starting in 1913.

 SPORTS CENTRE: Leipzig Graduate School of Management is sharing the campus with the
sport’s school of the public university. We have agreed that our students can use the full
range offered by the public university. For program details, please check at

 24 HOUR UNIVERSITY: All facilities are accessible for students 24/7

Contact Information

Main address:
105 St. George Street Fax: +1 (416) 946-3945
International Programs & Services, Room 209 Website:
Toronto, Ontario

Freeda Khan Tel: +1 (416) 978-3943
Assistant Director, Culture & Community, International Lead

Edith Cheung Tel: +1 (416) 978-7955
Program Coordinator, International Programs & Services

General Information

Located in downtown Toronto and part of the University of Toronto, the Rotman School of Management is home to the leading MBA
program in Canada. As well as Rotman being the top business school in Canada, the University of Toronto consistently ranks in the
global Top 20, especially for our faculty and research.

The Rotman School offers a bold vision for business education that can’t be found anywhere else. At Rotman, students will learn to
go beyond the functional areas of business to consider the big picture, approaching each challenge with creativity and a willingness
to take risks. Our innovative methodology will allow students to tackle the wicked problems of the modern economy

Toronto is the 4th largest city in North America and its 2nd largest centre for financial services and communications technology,
the site of major clusters of innovation in industries ranging from aerospace to biotech. A city of neighbourhoods, it is one of the
most culturally diverse places on earth, and its openness to the global economy make it a perfect spot to gain an international
perspective on business. Known for its safe, clean streets and a vibrant culture, it’s a great place to live and work. The Rotman School
takes full advantage of its downtown location – just blocks from Bay Street – by drawing on a rich pool of business and political
leaders as teachers, mentors and speakers.
Term Dates

Exchange students participate in the second year of the Full-Time MBA program and study on a full time basis for one full term
(Fall or Spring).

FALL TERM Course Selection Process July 2022

Arrival in Toronto Late-August Recommended
Exchange Student Orientation September 7, 2022*
Classes September 12, 2022 to December 2, 2022*
Examination Period December 5-16, 2022*

SPRING TERM Course Selection Process Late September 2022

Arrival in Toronto Early to Mid-January recommended
Winter Intensive Classes (optional, part of January 2-13, 2023*
Spring term)

Exchange Student Orientation Week of January 16, 2023 (exact date TBD)
Classes January 16, 2023 to April 7, 2023*
Examination Period April 10-21, 2023*

*Tentative Dates
Note: All students are expected to complete exams during the scheduled examination period.

Nomination from Partner University

An email nomination from the partner university by May 2, 2022* for the Fall term and August 1, 2022* for the Spring term

Application Package from Students

Exchange students must submit their application package by May 20, 2022* for the Fall term and August 19, 2022* for the Spring
term via email

Course selection
Course registration: July 2022 (Fall term) and September/October 2022 (Winter Intensive & Spring term)
Course add/drop: July – September 2022 (Fall term), and October 2022 – January 2023 (Winter Intensive & Spring term)
*Note: nominations and/or application packages received after the deadline may be accepted. Depending on the timing, the exchange student may miss out on the first
round of course registration process.

Exchange Process

• Home University to advise Rotman of exchange student nomination;

• Exchange student to submit Rotman Application Form, resume, cover letter and current academic transcript;
• Upon successful assessment and acceptance, student is enrolled into Rotman for one term;
• Nominated exchange students receive access to the Rotman Hub (student portal) and proceed with course selections;
• Orientation: All exchange students must attend the mandatory Exchange Orientation Day.

Language Requirement
Letter or email from Home University confirming student’s English language proficiency based on one of the following:

• Undergraduate or graduate degree from a recognized English language university;

• Minimum TOEFL iBT (internet based test) score of 100;
• Minimum IELTS score of 7.0.

*Note: This requirement is waived for Native English speakers.

Course Structure

Language of English
Program Size: 600 Two-Year (Full-time) Program Students, 300 Three-Year (Part-time) Program Students
Class Size: 15-40 students in second year elective courses
Course Load: Minimum 1 elective course. Full-time course load is considered taking 4-5 courses*
Teaching Methods Small seminar classes, involving lectures, case studies and project work; students are expected to
participate in class discussions
Classes: Classes generally meet once a week for 2 hours over 12 or 13 weeks in a term and each elective course
is worth 24 or 26 contact hours
Grading: The Rotman School applies a relative grading system with letter grades, translating into a 4.0 Grade Point
Average (GPA)

A+ 4 Outstanding Performance Note: The GPA appears internally only and is stated
A 4 Superior Performance t on the Preliminary Grade Report. The student’s GPA
A- 3.7 Excellent Performance is not calculated nor stated on the official University
B+ 3.3 Good Performance of Toronto transcript.
B 3 Average Performance
B- 2.7 Minimum Acceptable Performance
FZ 0 FAILURE: Less than Acceptable Performance

* If 6 courses are required by the student’s home university, please Coordinator, International Programs & Services

Academic Areas & Specializations

The Rotman School offers over 40 electives each term; exchange students are eligible to take courses offered as part of the second
year of the MBA program, subject to space availability. Details on course offerings will be sent to all nominated students.

Students are able to select courses from the following Academic Areas:

Academic Areas: Accounting Human Resources Management/Organizational Behaviour

Economic Analysis & Policy Marketing
Integrative Thinking Operations Management & Statistics
Finance Strategy

Specializations Brand Management Human Resources Management

currently offered
Business Design Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Consulting Investment Banking
Financial Reporting and Analysis Leadership and Change Management
Funds Management Process and Supply Chain Management
Global Management Real Estate
Health Sector Management Risk Management and Financial Engineering
Management Analytics Social Impact & Sustainability
Computing Requirements

All Rotman MBA students are required to own a laptop computer. This enables all students to learn how to use technology in a
business environment, effectively work on assignments and take advantage of our new initiatives (through Quercus, The Rotman Hub,
and the wireless computer network). We strongly recommend that all exchange students either bring a laptop to Rotman or plan to
purchase one upon arrival. All exchange students will receive free access to email and internal portals used at Rotman / University
of Toronto for the duration of the exchange period. Please note: upon arrival and registration, all communications from the Rotman
School will be via the Rotman/University of Toronto email address.

Dress Code

MBA students tend to dress casually when attending classes; however, there are many networking opportunities at seminars, speaker
series or receptions where a suit (business attire) would be more appropriate. Some courses also have a presentation component
where business attire would be expected. We recommend that exchange students bring at least one business suit for these occasions.

Career Centre

For international exchange students who may be interested in working in Canada, the Career Services at the Rotman School is happy
to offer reciprocal career planning services to students from our partner universities. It is important to keep in mind, however, that the
Canadian government requires non-domestic individuals to obtain work permits in order to legally work in Canada. To find out more
about working in Canada, visit Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

Estimated Cost of Living in Canadian dollars

(for 4 months)
* All students are required to purchase electives course materials for any
Accommodation $4,000 to 8,000 course that requires it (e.g. course package and/or textbooks).
Food $1,300 to $1,800 **Exchange students are required to purchase the University Health
Books & Course Materials* $800 Insurance Plan (UHIP), which is approximately $252 CDN per term. As
UHIP only covers basic expenses, we strongly recommend students buy
Transportation (local) $450 extended health care coverage before coming to U of T.

Required Health Insurance** $252

TOTAL $6,802 to $11,302

Housing Availability

Rotman does not have its own student residence and so, exchange students are responsible for securing their own accommodation.
While the University of Toronto has on-campus residence, due to the fact that demand exceeds supply, acceptance to the Rotman
International Exchange Program does not guarantee a place in residence.

Exchange students are encouraged to independently explore the list options given (eg. U of T Student Housing Services). Incoming
exchange students may also connect with Rotman outgoing exchange students for support and to see if accommodations can be
swapped if exchange terms coincide. We highly recommend that exchange students begin the search for on or off-campus housing
as soon as possible.
Student Life

Getting involved is the best way to maximize the MBA experience. Rotman offers an array of opportunities to engage with the Rotman
community and to broaden students’ impact as a future leader. The best part of student life at Rotman is that it is largely organized and
led by students, allowing individuals to hone their leadership skills and give back to the community.

The social, networking, and career-building activities centred around the student clubs at Rotman are an essential part of the MBA
experience. Exchange students are strongly encouraged to explore the remarkable range and diversity of student clubs available in
the Full-Time MBA program.

Each year, Rotman hosts over 100 public talks by international bestselling authors, top management executives and other influential
thought leaders. These events provide students an unparalleled exposure to some of today’s business leaders.

The University of Toronto has a comprehensive range of student services, including athletic facilities, international student support
and centre (CIE), counselling and restaurants. The Rotman School provides a building access card, a Rotman e-mail address (for use
while at the Rotman School),v a Finance Trading Lab and Milt Harris Library that has extensive databases for research.

Enjoy this virutal tour of the Rotman School.


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