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Coolie And Kyai Groups of pilgrims from Tegal NU arrived at King Abdul Aziz Airport, Jeddah Saudi Arabia.

Immediately, the coolies from Yemen scrambling to transport the goods they carry. As a result, two people among the coolies were involved serious strife in Arabic. Seeing that, the entourage of pilgrims swarmed around them spontaneously, as he say: Amen, Amen, Amen! Gus Dur, who was at the airport was up to them: "Well why do you gather here?" "They look very eloquent prayer, let alone wear a turban, they must kyai. PIG HARAM Once Gus Dur and his aide in conversation. Adjutant: Gus, do you think what is haram foods? Gus Dur: Pigs Adjutant: Even more haram again Gus Dur: Mmmm ... containing pig pig! Adjutant: The most forbidden? Gus Dur: Mmmm ... containing pig pig without knowing his father made pork satay! Humor House This joke about the behavior of members of Parliament. Had referred to them as a kindergartner, Gus Dur was also jokingly lawmakers 'demotion' after uproar in the plenary session discussion of the increase of fuel oil (BBM) in 2004. "Lawmakers first playgroup kindergarten now," said Gus Dur at his residence in Ciganjur, Jakarta, South, Thursday (03/17), when answering reporters' questions about events in the House of Representatives during the trial Wednesday (16/03). Media One Quote Gus Dur, a launch event in his biography, tells of the custom was misquoted by the media for various statements ever issued. He gave an example, during his visit to North Sumatra were asked about the statement of Singapore's Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew about the terrorist leader in Indonesia, he said, in due course will teach democratization in Singapore. However, he added, citing the mass media he will do a demo in Singapore. Gus Dur and the Dead Could Gus Dur truly believe in the cue from the tombs of ancestors? It seems he did believe, because Gus Dur is always ready with a persistent and earnest defense of "ideology" was his. Though it often makes trouble his colleagues. But, this is probably the correct answer, when asked why Gus Dur frequent pilgrimages to the graves of scholars and ancestors. "I came to the tomb, as I know. Those who died had had no interest anymore." he said.


: JOKO S : IX - H

Salad Do You Like? The delegation of Indonesian officials wife take a trip to San Francisco to accompany their husbands who were comparative studies. The story they stopped at a restaurant. When ordering food, they were confused with the menus provided. Seeing that, the waiter took the initiative to offer food that probably everyone knows. "If you Confuse with the menu, just choose one familiar .." said the waiter Group of mothers whispering to guess the waiter was talking about. The waitress smiled "Okay, do you like salad?" A mother who knowingly replied "Sure, I am Moslem, five times in one day" (Mean mom, she was a Muslim and pray five times a day). Humor NU For Gus Dur, there are three types of NU. "If they come from seven in the morning until nine at night, and told him about NU, NU's usually people who are committed and fanatical against NU," he explained about the type of the first. The second type are those who though it was late at night, about twelve o'clock till one night, but still knocking on doors to talk about NU Gus Dur, "That's crazy NU." "But if someone NU still knocking my door at two in the morning until six in the morning, it's called NU a crazy person," said Gus Dur as he chuckled at that time. Police Humor Other humor in mind many people are criticized in the form of jokes thrown when many questioned the morality police, who can still apply to the present time although this humor flung a year ago. "Good cop who was just three. Mr. Hugeng the late former Chief of Police, police statues and bumps," selorohnya. Religious Humor In sebauh Seminar in Batam. Abdurrahman explained togetherness should be prefixed with kindly attitude toward others. "Therefore all the people responsible for the future of the nation. It may fight one another but the nation's safety comes first," Gus Dur said to laughter from the participants. Jihad Humor Responding to the jihad carried out by many Muslims who believe his death will 'guarantee' a place in heaven, Gus Dur even threw his jokes. "Gus, it's true that the bombers were martyred and met an angel in heaven?" asked a reporter to Gus Dur. Gus Dur replied, "What is there to prove? Of course not right, clerics and terrorists that's also never been to heaven. They are definitely not a martyr but died ill. And even if they go to heaven, they'll be sorry to see angel, because its head is left in the world and detained by the police. "


: JOKO S : IX - H

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