Khmer Civilization

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Khmer civilization

Topic : Building Angkor

Name: Thoung kimlang

Class : C11


1. According to the text for constructing the reservoir and monument use time for twenty
seven years , people were recruited to build Angkor in a large number only during
agricultural seasons. Built Angkor was often delayed because they were asked to serve as
soldiers or as crises of royal succession occupied the elite.
2. In paragraph two of built Angkor, things we can know the activities of the king was to give
an order to select any people to built the Angkor or immediately severed as a soldier
whenever they’ve a war for the farmer and ordinary people can be reconstructed from
carving on some of the temple and royal activities from the same carving and from
inscriptions. On the other hand, the girls from the privileged choose as wives of the king and
prince because they and their grandparents are illiterate.
3. Explain the main point in the last paragraph of building Angkor: The main point of the last
paragraph is about the problems of the names of the historians during the Angkor empire
have been lost and the architecture of the Angkor which is also unknown that is still a
question for the archaeologist nowadays.

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