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General Malvar St., Davao City

Nursing Program


Name of Patient: ______________________________________ Date of Admission: ___________________ Room: __________ Age: _________ Sex: _______ Civil
Status: _______ Chief Complaint: _____________________________________ Religion: ____________________ Attending Physician:

Basis: 1.Vivid lighting,

Subjective: “Short term goal” 1.Restrict environmental "GOAL PARTIALLY MET"
•Fatigue iit may also noise, visitors,
stimuli, especially during •After 8 hours of nursing
“I feel like im always interfere with the numerous
planned times for rest interventions the patient
tired” as a verbalized ability of laboring
•After 8 hours of distractions, and litter
and sleep. reported :
nursing intervention
by the patient. women to adjust to in the patient’s
the patient will
pain and bear down in report physical surroundings >Improved sense of
the second labor 2. Assess muscle strength can limit relaxation, energy and is able to
of the patient and disturb rest or sleep, accomplished some
Objective: stage as well as >improvement sense functional level of
and contribute to activities of daily walking
•Lack of energy hinder maternal of energy activity.
fatigue such as, walking.
•weakness recovery and impair >No longer
>And feeling of fatigue
•Decrease activity postpartum maternal- experiencing fatigue 3. Asses the patient's relieved.
2. To determine level of
performance role performance. degree of fatigability by
“Long term Goal” activity.
asking her fatigue level
mild, moderate, or
3. to create a baseline of
•After 1-2 weeks of severe.
activity level
nursing intervention
the patient will be 4. Encourage the patient
4. Low fat, low calories,
able to performs to adhere to her dietary
and high fiber foods are
activities of daily plan.
ideal for Proper
living and participate nutrition through healthy
in desired activities 5. Encourage progressive dietary choices may
level of ability. activity through self. care reduce fatigue levels.
and exercise as tolerated,
Explain the need to 5. To gradually increase
reduce sedentary the patient's tolerance to
activities such as physical activity exercise
watching television and decreses
using social media in long the blood glucose level as
periods. Alternate period the demand for glucose
of physical activity with energy in the cells
rest and sleep. increases with physical
6. Teach deep breathing
exercises and relaxation 6. To allow the patient to
techniques. relax while at rest.

7. Refer the patient to 7. To provide a more

physiotherapy / specialized care for the
occupational theraphy as patient in terms of
required. helping her build
confidence in
8. perform activities increasing daily physical
slowly with frequent rest activity.
8. intervention should be
directed at delaying the
onset of fatigue and
optimizing muscle
Diagnosis: REFERENCES:
•fatigue related to NANDA International and
childbirth as a evidence T. Heather Herdman.
NANDA International
by lack of energy
Nursing Diagnoses:
Definitions and
Classification 2012-14.
Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. DIOK, BAI JASMINE

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