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6 Ce ee eireer school Education & Literacy Department ‘Government of Sindh to be held in the month of March. 2019 3vernment of Sindh to be held in the month of March, 2019 English (Including Essay & Précis Tuesday the 05" March, 2019 mae Time: 09:00 am to 12: 00 Noon ‘Maximum marks: 100 NOTE Attempt All questions. MARKS. ‘a well organized and comprehensive Essay on any One of the following. 25 Coping up with the Fear of Viva Voce. Allis Well that Ends Well. Education and 21 Century Technology. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Plastic Money. Politics, Accountability and Good Governance, LIX Make a précis of the following passage and give it a suitable heading: 20 An earthquake comes like a thief in the night, without warning, It was necessary, therefore to invent instruments that neither slumbered nor slept. Some devices were quite simple, One, for instance, consisted of rods of various lengths and thicknesses which would stand up on end like ninepins. When a shock came it shook the rigid table upon which these stood. If it were gentle, only the more unstable rods fell. If it were severe, they all fell. Thus, the rods by falling and by the direction in which they fell, recorded for the slumbering scientist, the strength of a shock that was too weak to waken him and the di rom which it came. But, instruments far more delicate than that were needed if any really serious advance was to be made. The ideal to be aimed at was to devise an instrument that could record with a pen on paper the movements, of the ground or of the table, as the quake passed by. While I write my pen moves but the paper keeps still. With practice, no doubt, I could, in time, learn to write by holding the pen still while the paper moved. That sounds a silly suggestion, but that was precisely the idea adopted in some of the early instruments (seismometers) for recording earthquake waves| But when table, penholder and paper are all moving how is it possible to write legibly?}The key to a solution of that problem lay in an everyday observation. Why does a person standing in a bus or train tend to fall when a sudden start is made?Ht is because his feet move on, but his head stays still. The laws of nature are constant and their consistency provides us chances to come up with new methods and instruments to evaluate the effects ‘of natural happenings especially on human life. inte light of the above passage, answer the following questions. 15 (@)__ Why was it necessary to invent instruments to observe an earthquake? @¥ How would the shocks affect the instruments to measure earthquake? (© What does the writer actually mean by, “But when table, penholder and Paper are all moving how is it possible to write legibly”? @ How would you explain the metaphorical language of the first sentence of the given passage? SF Pusctuate the following passage: 05 10 did you see that Joe eee peti ng basketball and bounced it seine seer you a great shooter Bill aught the jected he shook his head I ju te ie ad I just cant play well when people are (@) Provide Synonyms of any Five of the following words and also use 10 these words in sentences to illustrate their meanings: @ Apathy (ii) Apology fi) Deteriorate (iv) Erroneous (vy) Haleyon (vi) Obnoxious (vii) Merriment (iti) Keepsake (ix) Sinister (b) Give meaning of and use any Five of the following idioms in your 10 sentences. (@ Equal parts of joy and desperation Gi) Sing with velvety lungs, (iii), Eaten up with curiosity. sv)’ Find one’s Feet. (v) On the edge of seat. (vi) Sink into oblivion, (vii To turn someone in. = Winkle out. — - Translate the following passage into Sindhi/Urdu: 10 Imagine for a moment that you've just run across a difficult part of Seri You're like a traveler who has lost his way. Which way do you tum? What street do you go down? First, let me point out a few of the places you shouldn’t go. Be extra careful with Google. I know. It’s so easy. It’s so tempting. You think, “Google tells me where to go when I’m physically lost; why can’t it help when I’m lost in the Bible?” The ‘problem is that Google only shows you what's popular; it cannot differentiate between sites that provide truth and sites that provide ignorance. Avoid your natural impulse to click the first link that appears in a search. There are good websites out there to find answers, but you have to be discerning, eS On RIO abi iS niin aC Oh heh ik ji récis) ENGLISH (Including Ess &Pi ‘Tuesday the 09" January, 2018 Maximum marks: 100 Time: 10:00 am to 01:00 pm. fs east eee eS eiSe ese e Peers ocgienn NOTE: Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal m Question No. 01. Write a well-organized Essay on any one of the following: Data Protection versus Privacy Notable Practices of Civil Engineering Profession. PEE iii, Top ten soft skills needed by professionals today and the resulting impact. iv. The greatest of evil and the worst of crime is poverty. v. Personalization of Pakistan Politics: A hurdle on a way to true democracy. ita suitable title: 44, Make a précis ofthe following passage and gi ‘At the early stage, the prophetic religions were guided by divine rulings, but at later stages when divine guidance ceased, religious scholars undertook the task of interpreting the religious texts according to socio-economic and political conditions. As a results» : human knowledge made divine guidance subordinate to its interpretation. Every new Daa interpretation claims to be based on the original teachings, but in actuality interpretations keppchanging with the requirements of time and give new meaning to scriptures and the sayings of prophets and apostles. ‘THere can be different interpretations of a text and each one contrary to the other because they fulfill the needs of different groups in a society. The new meaning of original teachings is never accepted universally, but only by those whose interests it serves. The survival of a religion which has not lost its vitality depends on its being interpreted repeatedly with changing times to readjust its teachings to suit different groups, including the ruling classes.» Many scholars in subcontinent India during British Imperialism interpreted Islam with a new perspective convincing Indian Muslims to recognize the new realities and adapt themselves to the changed environment. These scholars adopted a bold approach and rejected the established and prevalent concepts of religion. The religion is now interpreted through imultidisciplinary approach connecting it with social sciences humanities and natural sciences. This new perspective in religious studies has proven helpful, for it has taken back the long-held traditional interpretation which lacked scholarly research in its interpretation. This new trend has been witnessed in a number of countries. [ a Wes eae nflish - corm ay i raw. el Ne xa. com PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, HYDERABAD. Friday the 29% January, 2 Time: 03: 00 rectey 1006: 00; Max: marks: 100 ietgetnized and unified esspy on any One of the following: Pakistan’s fight against Polio.” Power in which we exist, and whose accessible to us, is not only self-sufficing and perfeet every hour, the obj 7 eetg ad the hing sen, the seer andthe seca oe oe the object, are one. THE 20 the World piece by pitt, atthe sus, the meen, ad animal, the tree; but the whole, of which these sre the ini a letter to the District head Tequesting him with justification to provide hand Pumps in different areas of your town, PTO. There was no electricity; no primary school. (Use ‘neither-nor’) ae There was __tree onthe hill tree was lonely, (All in articles) 8 The man told to his wife to look afler their children. (correct the sentence) The two brothers fell out over a silly matter. (give meaning of the ea word) i low a beautiful picture itis! (correct the sentence) Doors were yanked open, (Change the voice) 3 LY, onled Vi Peden ‘He was so terrified that he hardly ate anything, (Remgte/so—that”) “How did you enjoy your college picnic?” Ahmed asked Amir. (Change the narration) He had been walking for near three miles. (correct the sentence) (%) _ Now that she has found a good job, she can ~ (give meaning of the underlined word) oe advent of technology has brought in so many changes(Change the a , v PO a directed any Ten of the following: ani co) vice) ss e police ___ Monday arrested five men _ cheating city businessmen. (Fill in prepositions) - gift) All this is being done very efficiently and at a low cost. (Change the voice) (xiv) Parking will be difficult and expensive (Use ‘not only...but also”) yf Translate the following into Sindhi/Urdu. Disequilibrium at the interface of water and air is a factor on which the transfer of heat and water vapor from the ocean to the air depends. The air within about a millimeter of the water is almost saturated with water vapor and the temperature of the air is close to that of the surface water: Irrespective of how small these differences might be, they are crucial, and the disequilibrium is maintained by air near the surface mixing with'air higher up, which is typically appreciably cooler and lower in water vapor content. The turbulence, which takes its energy ftom the wind mixes the air. As the speed of wind increases, so does the turbulence, and consequently the rate of healband moisture transfer. We can arrive at a detailed understanding of this phenomenon after further study. SOONERS HENNE HONOR HENESEARE NNO ENERSEKEEE EKA EMENEE: SIND! wr oie E [SSION, BX” AD. H PUBLIC SERVIC COMMISSION, H YDERAB. 1 FOR THE POST OF ENGINEERING CADR! COMBINED COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR ENGINEER! EEOC BOS Rear (CIVIL) BPS-17 IN WORKS. aes Dl Mi ‘GOVERNMENT OF SINDH. English (Including Essay & Precis Tuesday the 09" September, 2014 Max: marks: 100 ‘Time: 10: 00 am to 01: 00 pm NOTE: ‘QUESTIONNG: oO 03 ‘Write an Essay of 150 words on any One ofthe following topics: (@)_ The Hazards of Lawlessness. t) The importance of Fair, Free and Transparent General Electtions. i) The United Nation, Gv) Dignity of Labour. Make a précis of the following passage and furnish it with a suitable title: Evidence of the work of the earliest military engineers can be found in the hill forts constructed in Europe during the late Iron Age, and later in the massive fortresses built by the Persians. One epic feat of ancient military engineering was the pontoon bridge built by the engineers of the Persian king Xerxes across the Hellespont(modem Dardanelles), which, according to Herodotus, was accomplished by a mile-long chain of boats, 676 in all, arranged in ‘two parallel rows. The greatest ancient defensive work ever built is the Great Wall of China, which was begun in the 3 Century BC to defend China's northern frontier from its barbarian ‘eighbours. Counting its tributary branches, the Great Wallis about 6,400 km (4,000 miles) long and dwarfs any other set of fortifications ever built. The Romans were the preeminent military ‘engineers of the ancient Westem world, and examples of their works can sill be seen throughout Europe and the Middle East. The Romans’ castra, or military garrison towns, were protected by Famparts and ditches and interconnected by straight military roads along which their legions could speedily march. Like the Chinese, the Romans also built walls to protect their empite, he most famous of these being Hadrian's Wallin Britain which is 73 miles (17 km) long and wis built to protect the northern frontier from Piets and Scotsy The troops and engineers af the legions ‘built many of the greatest works of the Roman Empire, including its extensive network of roatl the watchtowers, forts, and garrison towns manned by its troops; the aqueducts that brought wa to cities and towns; and various bridges, harbours, naval bases, and lighthouses. The Romans ‘were also masters of siegecraft who used such devices as baticring rams, catapults, and ballistac (Giant crossbows) to take enemy fortifications, Write letter tothe competitive authority informing them, after your survey, about the unsuitability ofthe land where a railway track is suggested tobe laid dane, Doas directed (Choose any Ten): (‘When will you be here agsins” She asked me change the naration) (i) ‘Are sou sure to help me?” sido hea (change the aration) (ii) He always writes long chits always, Ink (use appropirate prespositjons, A” (jv) Sabais taller than her brother (use the Positive Degree) [yp inePtel Mt 4 Feld (¥) He is adamant on going. “Adamant” means: hahil, Copllan Seb « (A) confused (B) Leniet (C) Stessing 6 indecisive (Buryietsing (i) Those who man government run shops also hdr pais preset oan ns: (B) Control (B) Aperate (Z{ Administer (D) Rule (vii) You ‘when you said that you had seen the ruins of Bambhore. (use correct frm of verb ‘ls! of lay") (To ae os The shoemak ‘er Mended my shoes i i ane covered the crime eariyin he ne ane Yee Gy N3 one ever does anya Gi seine aa ts Saye (rantts SE __ sling tong ectnys and so unable w Taal (insert correct prepogtionsy® 84 ® Show was very exile >, {use correct forms of "exec (xiv). ‘The gardener ought to wates re garden more oft that was why the ‘Translate the following passage into Sindhi Islamic architecture finds its highest expression in religious buildings such as the the Been’ Madrasah. Early Islamic religious architecture, excinplified by Joneent's Dane ot Bee Ock (AD 691) and the Great Mosque (705) in Damascus, are on Chastae warerrial Eeatures such as domes, columnar arches, and mosaics but also included large courts for Congregational prayer and a mihrab, From early times, the characteristic semicirevler horseshoe arch and rich, nonrepresentational decoration of surfaces were employed, Religious architecture came into its own with the creation of the hypostyle mosque in Iraq and Egypt Tn Iran a mosque plan consisting of four eyvans (vaulted halls) opening onto a central court was used. These brick- built mosques also incorporated domes and decorated squinches (see Byzantine architecture) Foros the comers of the rooms. Persian architectural features spread to Indi where they are found in the Taj mahal and Mughal palaces. Ottoman architecture, derived fiom Islamie and Byzantine traditions, is exomplified by the Selimiye Mosque (1575) at Edime, Tur., with its great central dome and slender minarets, PORORUEORNAEEE ERENT NES NEREHH EEN NON ERE REREAAEEHEE FE Oe a P | . rm IN oO) IVIL) BPS x un SIND Ky N DEP, Enj din recis) Tuesday the 03 February, 2015 + marks: 100 Time: 10: 00 am (0 01: 00 pm. — a NOTE: Attemp( all question MARKS ‘Write a well-organized essay on any one ofthe following: a MO Energy c Pakistan and available measures to mi ur youth 20 Most urban centres in Sindh Province are overpopulated, There is an, exodus of ‘migrants from the rural arcas to cities that do not /h accommodate them, Due to ‘areas often settle in Kachi ab canals, depressions, water channels, rivers or the sea treatment facilities, This contribut towns — water pollution. Poor wate [reper urban planing for inftastuctue development projets is required. Pans ‘Must identify and be based’on needs of urban residents. Such planning should include iatebies to minimize issues such as traffic and pollution hazards as wel ae ensuring the tong;-lerm environmental feasibility of such projects, Environment impest Assessments of ‘new projects need to be undertaken, (*) The word “Antonym” is defined as opposite in meening to another: for 05 ‘example, ‘word “dim” or “opaque” is. “bright”, Give antonym of ‘vn sentences to explicate ® i Humane ) (vill) Rectify cs) PTO ceeeeeeceesssistcsoeeseie a “ cate a CAT a He, Slay thy Ba ee F swe of te flowing sentences: 08 wi iveof Z (b) Insert the appropriate preposition in any ii @ — Thevalley of Swatis eo ee f F finction. ; to wish stint the enemies. Gi) This natural in every MED ee (iii), Mr.Jinnah was ‘endowed with gifts meant vo win ope jc appliances are accessible most people: ys conduct Siiimate happiness: {Qf Thenoise from the neighbour's house prevented Foe? (ii) Although she fought @ fot, ultimately she died an unkno\ disease. z 1m desires leads to eS°8P°. suffering. 0s (v9 Freedom fio following). Do as directed. (Please attempt any Five of the Litle Red Riding Hood went 10 visi her grandmother. Her f sentences by means rn mother was ill in bed. (Join the above pair 0 ‘of Connective). d sf Why should [be suspected by you? (Change the Voice) why wndlep Hy You cannot pump the ocean dry. << 7 the ive Voice.) : fame which (Change the Verb in the sentence Passi vg of power combined —__ tHe thi (iv) This the graspi cet ctinutes ambition. (Fill in the blanks ‘with appro (v) “Who are you?” said the Deer. The Jackal replied: 5 the Jackal. [ live in this forest all By myself; I have neither friend not relation.” (Change the narration) (vi) About 200 million years before al the continents were DECt A B i sm the four underlined words, A, B, Cy OF Py identify the one © of one vast land mass called Pongees. Fro that is not correct) (vi) _Is this the kind of dress to were ine marriage party? (Transform the sgtence into Assertive sentence) Give meaning of and use in your own sentences 207 05 following idioms: : poor el) A yellow streak (ii) Onan empty stomach beim ey hs a Case the joint Dish the dit 3/0 4090) Carry something over (ei) Camry the war into the enemy's °F (vii) Come into effect VAL b+ (vill) Flood the market. fen af le pice Fosing, with apt arguments, the ideaof 20 rite a letter to your friend favouring/oPl Vf ‘Translate the following passage into Sindhi/Urdu: ‘The man who is perpetually hesitating which of the two ss he will do first, will do ether, ‘The man wha resolves, but suers his Tesolution to be changed by the first counter- aggestion ofa friend, - who fluctuates from opinion to opinion from plan to plan and veers Tike fientsy point ofthe compass, with every breath of caprice that blows__ can Ne eornistead of being progressive in anything, he il Be 20 a ore secon ‘anything great oF U accom ind more probably retrograde in al Tis only 0 met ‘who first consults wise then resolves firmly, and then executes his PUPost with flexible perseverance, undismayed to tote pty dies wich dant weaker si ‘hat can advance, to eminence in any line. se visely, but firmly. and havin taken it, hold upon i sth heros resolution and the mountains will sink before you. on soseacennngonossenseeeesert \ ' fs sy SINDH PUBLIC Wednesday the 22") January, 2014 Time: 10:00 am to 01:00 pro —— NOTE: Attempt all questions: All questions cay gual mark’ juestion No: a Freee an Bsiay of 150 words on any ODF oft! he following topics! () __Islarh- the Religion of Peace i Role of Print &: Electronic Media In public awareness: ‘The life of a Civil Engineer: Procrastination isthe thiefof ne: 02 Make a précis of the following passage and give ita appropriate title: is an American writ * > itis not fuck but labour tht makes men: CHEK Se 3 ever wating for somsting (0 tum up. Labour Wit Keen eye and strong will at1YS tums up something. Luck lies in ‘ped and wishes the postman would XX se cacy, labour gas out at six and with BY Pt and ringing hammer py ote danion of a competence, Luck whioes, poste watches. Luck relies on chsness i Lusk Whigs Meindulgence; nbour tides UPN TCs eerie to independence. The conviclion Welch ie extending that and apices good luck: in other words, that 2 rent in life will be S proportionate ois efforts obs indy ‘© hig auention to small things. g : 5 aaV wite a lenerto the Bitar of « Newepaper arousing ht Public Conscience again + the eo dangers of ‘environmental Pollution suggesting, ‘what steps can’be taken to previ ir St Pollution. 5 y OR wri Ae to your Head Office regardi rite your ce regarding the precari ne canal Pee need for immediate repairs precérious condition ¢” the Do as'directed (Choose any rea) Oe tne world” he declared, is fllofscerow. Would that I were'desdt” } {Change into Indirect Speech) a | gay «Sain exclaimed wi sigh at he was ruined (Change into direct spe i Fe apie for leave Iwasa panied. (Change aio one Simple Sento faye Unt you zeman ite you will make no progress. (Crest the son Sah Vistoages of So Jone) see iee ‘as lO Ts ember thal You naVe (0 ge my re (Negative without changing the sonst of th ee Deifonm: (Chae nto a Miper you mena lO 4 Tvould jortow (Use to : ca tet come, come, «ime, 0s . Why did you change the CD in the CD player? (Change the voice) T thanked them (Change the azration) A man. of Lax moral: (Substitute ‘one word: “Ruffian, Licentious, * irate, Vagabond) Successful people are genuinely very efficient in____” their asks. (Fill in’ the blank to ‘make the sentence meaiingt (@)Making (b) ling (¢) achieving, (d) completing (e) accomplishing.) . My mother is ill’since two months: (Choose appropriate alternative fi r.the underlined part: (a) has been‘illsince. (b) has been ailing since (©) has been ailing for (4) No correction required.” ” Gdi) If they won the match, they (complete the sentence fre the given options) (a), will celobrate it (b) will have celebrated it (C) would celebrate it. iii) ‘Watch out? (xi) is very close in meaning to ¢ careful (b) looking outside. (e) going away. Giv), brilliant one-.of is” undoubtedly students the the _of _she class (rewrite the sententé correttly),. 0 (xv) The field” of ‘ medical ““is“” not (use comparative degree of adjective). 30° difficult“, as" engincering ‘Translate into Urdu or Sindhi, ‘They were sailing across the-Strajts and-it was like sailing on a lake for the sea, Was as flat as a plate. Suddenly, without any warning, the sun, disappeared, the water tumed the colour of slate, and a gale’sprang np, ‘Waves, eight feet high came in over thé sides of the boat, making it difficult to. steer. Luckily they had’a pail in the boat and they hurriedly began to bailout the water. They decided to make for a litt bay, and there they stayed unfil'the gale had blown over, Then they dragged the boa’ upon to the beach, drained out all the water and set sail again, THE END Sesh aon prey —SINDH PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, HYDERABAD, Cadre for the post of Assistant Education _& Literacy Department, ion Works, in School Government of Sindh to be held in the month of March, 2019 General Knowledge & Current Affairs. Tuesday the 05" March, 2019 . 1e: 02:00 pm to 05: 00 pm Maximum marks: 100 in No.01 is compulsory. NOTE:- Attempt any Five questions, ques All questions carry equal marks Question No. o1 the blanks: Normal heart beat in human being is __ times per minute. — colour is not found in rainbow. is the largest island of Pakistan. Charles Darwin is famous for his theory of Coronary arteries supply blood to Planet Mercury is also known as } / is the father of modem Psychology. | In 1774 Oxygen Gas was discovered by famous scientist. Famous book “Jinnah ~ India ~ Partition — Independence” is the work Of ___ is the largest Muslim country land mass wise. The other name of Holland is Abadan is sea port of. Biological death of a patient means death of tissues ofthe Sunlight Spectrum has colours. UNEP stands for {In which section ofa nuclear reactor does nuclear fission occur? Name the two land-locked countries of South Asi Khaunjrab Pass connects Gilgat with ‘The element required for Solar energy conversion 3 ‘Begas a by product of sugar manufacturing is used for the production oF. 02 Explain institutional short coming in Building Control Regime in Sindh Province. Suggest ‘measures for its improvement, particularly from disaster management point of view. Describe distinct features of native Indian architecture in contrast with Islamic architecture quoting famous replicas of respective architectures in four Provinces of Pakistan, © “Accountability is an essential par of democratic governance”. In the light of above statement, comment the functioning of NAB in Pakistan. Praluate the “Geography” as weakness or stength of the slate of Pakistan, Which physical features of Pakistan could be considered as advantageous and why? (6) Do you think digitaVsocial media regulations volte basic rights provided by the Constitution of © Pakistan? Suggest possible measures forthe Government to regulate digitale ea media within Constitutional Provisions, The establishment of Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition will intensify the sectarian divide in Middle East. Critically comment. O87 What are core issues of erisis and disagreements between Afghanistan and Pakistai? What remedies you propose to resolve them to secure a safe backyard on the western border af Pakistan? FEISS III TOO I tees tes Jrens Roll not¥ot INDH PUBLIC sp Maximum marks: 100 " 4, Bluetooth devices or any other device accessing peso a candidate if found in possession of such devices in the 1 Violating the above i from appearing in tay papery, Ts *POve instructions, be expelled and shall be debarred Attempt 0S qu cstions in all, Question 01 is compulsory. Question No, wa. Fill in the blanks: One nautical mile speed is equal to kms per hour, ‘The Unit of heredity responsible for a particular Walt is Sindh was separated from Bombay Presidency on ‘The first successful satellite cormmunication was made between and, The most accurate method of Terrestrial Survey is ‘Survey. Lloyd Barrage was inaugurated by the zi The full name of the first Engineering College in Sindh is Stereo-lithography was first invented by ‘www website was first developed and introduced by _ In which section of a nuclear reactor does nuclear fission occur? Who invented the first digital camere? ‘Ditho is author of the book titled ‘Why England Slep? _ >< rs P ‘Transistor was invented by Who invented E-Ink-display 7 Davis Cup is related to the game of. 5 ‘The Brave Valiant solder Hosh Muhammad Sheedi was martyred in the battle of P Extinction of dinosaurs and appearance of first primates and first flowering plants took place in Geological age known as rrecree me ao oP PB eve A surveyor is standing at appoint A and he moves 100 feet towards point B in linear direction along the bank of canal. Point C across the river is perpendicular to point B. Rangefinder distance from point A to point C is 128.062 feet. What is the width of canal? ‘The principle of cooling in a refrigerator is based on s. epee 1. The Law of Physics which postulates that the ‘Entropy of ansfisolated system always increases’isknown as What are the salient features of “WATER APPORTIONMENT ACCORD, 1990"? Kalabagh is a dead issue and has been rejected by Sindh and KPK Provincial Assemblies yet this issue is raised by Punjab Province in violation of the above Inter-Provincial Accord. What are your views on the construction of Kalabagh dam? Give solid reasons in ‘Support of your manifestation. Moen-jo-Daro is under serious threat from water logging and salinity. As an engineer, suggest possible measures and remedies to save this wonderful site from further deterioration. . eee wh oI 08 as well as rural Sindh PCSIR from its analysis has established ming out of jndustrial waste and un- es end a oe corn iress this issue fOr ypetterment of - ; Py water in urban general public. (@) _ Define these concepts briefly. : fA undering }) Islamic Social Justice 6 secularism Money Lal iw) Judicial Activism (a) Gender Equality (b) Write a one sentence profile of these ‘eminent scientists of the world: (Albert Einstei (i) Isaac Newton Gi) Galileo Galilei (Gv) Louis Pasteur (vy) Marie Curie Write an essay on need of Karachi Mass Transit System. ularly in the wake Examine US policy in Afghanistan and its fall back to Pakistan partic' ing Pakistan of lies evar of words following US President Donald ‘Trump’s tweet accusint and deceit in the fight against terrorism. Is the recent unrest in Iran due to intemal issues oF beyond? Discuss. suneeneneseneteeneeTeHOOh Oa eeeen eee TTAES Note: Attempt any Five questions. Question No. 01 is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. QUESTION NO. o lin the Blanks, Attempt any 20 of the following: Wp wi Re Frome cont connec ANrcanvic SEEM Paehic acre ‘Tho united Kingdom consists of England, Scotland, Wales and _9: 3)_. Al Aba isthe Seaport of Vales . AY "The Industrial Revolution First took place in G1eat_laeh\eviry 3) _. The name of Bangladesh's Parliament (_ Tafigg Shan gaud > 45)— INTERPOL means iat Pole 1560-1952 Re Indus Valley civilization flourished during \4¢°_BC Architecture was at its peak in India during. eo 9) Most ofthe buildings constructed in Karachi during Britis period represent ———__Architeerure . 0) OT veadwas at constructed by_NHA — Shek She hae 11) The common factor between the Shah Innayat Sooft and Haider Bux Jatoi was 12) Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto took active part in Tet, 13) Manchar lake is the largest Iake of Asia. Its coyer an area of SSO __sa/km, 14) Khaunjrab Pass connects Gilgat with, {Vas Chinn: 15) “Finnah of Pakistan” was writen by wiipert J) The largest planet ofthe solar system is ae ee 17) The “International Date Line” is located in, fpnamne , meniclreom 18) Anemometer is an instrument used to measure win, 19) Amaverage adult have lites of blopd/in the body. 20) The largest part of human COAL OLLI... 21) The clement required for Solar energy conversion is $7 /('ca71. 22) Begase ‘of sugar manufacturing is used for fhe production of i) Paper, Bastia loon » cubtle secel, AS, Rtomsare domposed of i Ne 24) What is the number just more than 5000 divisiblé by 73 A gum is fired at a distance which ofthe two will be heared or seen first, sound or li a Aria wi inte Nh ton, whee it ht point to 27) How many countries are generating electricity from nuclear source?_ S| 28) Whatis the rank of India in generating electricity from nuclear source? nS tele, Prelans Ts Enybeed sud dd e660. H.!! 7:0. — et 29) 30) Name the river which joins the abeih. i finister of Balochistan? f———_——___ ‘Who was the First Chief Mitster of Boe rom the right side? (West) ata at Y/ pmo! Al) Name the highest mountain peak in Pakistan _ lo dyke ; 22) Inwhich city/country the SAARC Secretariat is located? DB, Ae ie 23) Name the two lan¢-locked countries of South Asia. site 34) Which country is called the land of rivers? _cF tn 1lo7 aduuter a 35) ‘Name the country of South Asia ranked Third in area _| } “yloab Serela. Axon Seeley papel Morte) avef gow" eration” i wi A segalhese (e) Died Degeh Nedsonre| whail Ar. @ eee a EX. Sarde, I ke, KS @ Roi NO. —. SIN DH PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, HYDERABAD. COMBINED competitive EXAMINATION FOR ENGINEERING CADRE FOR THE POST OF ASSISTANT ENGINEER/ ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE ENGINEER(CIVIL) OPS-17 IGATION & POWER DEPARTMENT, GOVERNMENT OF SiN P GENERAL KNOWLEDGE & CURRENT APRAIRS Tuesday the a3" Rebruary, 2015 ™ ‘Tove: 02: 00 pm to 05: 00 pm Mans martis: 100 RO ner een neeinenennrenenennnee 2 NOTE: Question No:Ol Is compulsory which carries 40 ware Attempt any five questions - OL Fill the Blanks and choose the correct answer: ‘Ace any 40 (arty) of te ftlowing 1 | One of our National Heroes of 1965 War anal Ace Pot was PHT AV Phe shot five Tian Als Torce Jat Lap fatter ples in2 minutes; which i Worksseenrd. (Wits Fall Name) nn G2 Shah Abdul at's RISALO™ consiasor = 03 Theodolite a surveying ist ; Of ment was first Tavenled by —> Leaves anic compound containing Carbon, ges ware Ois5 [o€ | Organic compa Carbon, Hydrogen and Otygonis called > Saga : 5 | Humidity of the atmosphere is measured by an instrument called pense ee 6 | Tiemumber a chrnareees oor Lar "Newer Never ear ; Minio Marley Reforms Ware ATOUREET He ; ay 100 Kising of Fine Antal ctor eb = eae 10][ Planet Mereuy compieer ne arse ‘The name of Batglesh Py z tie SOM YS Reel Cea Ne —— Tia Themunberot ea 5 Sivek Alia, AFDager, Aly invan_ ANY orate hats 25 1256253125 1365-5" 15) Thermodymames a ranch ot physi Galnpcite . (A) Movement ot heat (8) Rauiliorium of Mass (G)4tCntionship betwee Scr rRcent eters coe (D) Earthquakes i +. * (ie) *Amam ot saw" mene7 (A) Made of Saws _(BYA weik person _(C) Whinsienl person _(0) An iit = T7| *Aspling tone” meaner | Deréon who does not say alone place _(B) A Criminal __(C) Aester_(D) Anunvelabe person Q T8| Grammar can be detned (A) Atofpalics "tals combine words neg its langoge (C) Sse roy " (D) Composing poetry 1D | After he conaues of Sahn 1919 te Tes Bah Gavemor oT Sdn vaw @ (A) Siriohn Incas. @B)Si Charles Neer Ea (C) Bartle Frere ‘Sih Abdul Latif Bhital's *Risalo” Ricd Bion vs ia bled by Dr ced Tempra | (A) Paris (8) London Busts (O).bo IF) he Sia Beguine cated gr TA Mate Be Vises ‘ator 16. The iogaton Was Tad by: (A) M.R. Gandhi (B) Sir Aga Khan 20 Iqbal _(D) Sir Salcemultah Khan _| BE | Theva Twa pars ying baven he weer BEST nels Les od (A) Kachu {B) Kohisten keachho__(O) indus Delta Hl Bef ee the proves of Sint vs Get how weny Cais i Gyre Thee Four ie oe | * TAT Sinuh became separate provines after 1955 het of latin and way Foparated Ba bay Presidency derifpteyear (bss Goa Q pae wae » [BE Att ite sblian af One Ut Sane ich yar See ses pe Te anise Bo oat 7 ga aia at ea nc (A) North Waziristan 'south Waziristan (©) Upper Die Skardu, 27 | Whois the a: ‘great En, ‘epic ‘Paradise Lost? Ss O)Stardn__] (W)ShakespeargQ) Mion (©) Ward (D)Teayjam 5 | Ss sunis (A)Ameeiaious pakinNangr Part — Give "nt members of UN Security Couedl | (C) A cruise missile ne (0) fe ea WY, : — PAKISTAN sors e191) the candidtes are to attem; tes from SECTION.I (Ps “ISTAN STUD. we the educational services of Sindh Madarsatul Islam , Karachi, St are G.M. Crops. What are major agri i . Giaier agriculture crops of Pakistan which contribute towarls NH. What steps should the Goverament of Pakistan undertake to boost forign exchange ts camings, -@) | Explain the term “CENSUS” . How many times CENSUS has becn conducted in Pakistan, and why itis necessary, “®) | Wate Writk short notes on any four of w | vi) ~tvii) | (iii) Write @®- @ | ti iv) Write 3, @ ii) (b)__ [Write a detailed note on the Marriage and Rights of Women in Is * of Holy Quran, Whats the human dignity? Explain how Adopt in detail the rote of Province Sidh in the creat of Pakistan. — 1£4 a the following: Kinguat Nebru Pact (ji) One Unit System px Nation Theory (iv) Impacts of dissolution of 1" constitution of Pakistan Population growth problems in Pakistan, — ener Corruption and its causes in Pakistan, — Grenerah Pakistan USA relations. Grewal Impacts of Afghan Policy of president Zia-ul-Haque, . SECTION-II (ISLAMIA“) Islam recognized it? What effects have been Qog — 3G to maintain the superiority of man? ort notes on any three of the following: Islamic Architecture and its spread especially in Spain and Ottoman. Empire. YP, Conquest of Mecca by our ‘Holy Prophet and general amnesty granted to al! *® infidels“of Mecca and specially pegans and dead!y enemies. of Islem who embraced Islam. “Zakat” is means for even distribution of wealth in Islam. — Tov Importance of Hajj in Islam. — 10) \~ ‘comprehensive note on the ‘Finality of Prophet Hood! in Islam, 4ov- ligion and Din — 12 (ii) Virtue and Vice ure and Civilization 2a. @ fetes and differentiate between the following: he light 196. x we ety wey SINDH PUBLIC SERVICE Commas COMBINED compery IVE Ex, vie iON, HYDERABAD, ‘AMINATION FOR ENGINEERING CADRE FOR THE POST OF ASSIS TY aN ENGINEERING CADRE FOR THE PC ASSISTANT ENGINEER (civ; BPS-17 IN WORKS & SERVICES DEPARTME GOVERNMENT OF SINDH. PAKISTAN STUDIES & ISLAMIAT/CTHICS, @ g Wednesday the 10% : a i ptember, 2014 Time: 10: 00 am to 01: 00 pm? Mes. marks: 100 —— SS NOTE: Ali tas Candidtes are to attempt any five questions selecting three questins from Scction-I. The rervinaing two questions are (o be attempted by Malin candidates from Section TT ac Non-Mustim candidates from Section-IIl All questions carry equal marks. ST gato Al questions carry equal mas, SECTION.1 (PAKISTAN STUDIES) G1 What are the problems which nev: born Pakistan had faced at her early days? \? What ace the causes gf terrorism in Pakistan? How this crim could be controlled inthe country? Graven) "3 Diseuss major Challenges faced by Pakistan's Economy and their plausible remedies — @eremesel 04 Write short notes on any five of the following: (i) Tasthant Pact Gil) Round Table Conferences 98 . (9) War of Miani Jependence (vii) Sir Syed of Singh , his Services and achievements, (viii) Implications of Pakistan's port Gi) Pooe man busiget ES jon with the coalition for war against terror. Enumerate important events from personal as well as, political life of the Father of Nation. —\ 5 * Quaid-c-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, SECTION-IIASLAMIAT) x Explain in deiail the back ground and after math of the tragedy of Karbala. Define the meaning of Zakat and explain its role in poverty alleviation. — 30.~ Give in bref the impact of Tauheed on human life inthe ight of Holy Qua and Altndith. —32.0— Write down short notes on any two of the following: (i) Last Sermon of the Holy Prophet (SAWS) Gi) Rights of minorities in Islam. — \9_ SECTION-IL (ETHICS) fare Lihies with logic. Explain relationship of Ethics with Psychology. Unity of the Mustim Uniniah. ifference between Ethies and Morality. Explain nature of desire, motive and ‘with relation to morality Briefly explain influence F Ethical theory on praclice Also mention sinme oF the tne relation (o practice, Explain any: three ofthe following theotios () The theory of Butler Gi)_—The theory of John Si Git) The theory of Herbert Spencer (iv) Theories of punish (9) Modern theories of Evaluation Mill E J s SINDH PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, HYDERABAD. INEERS CADRE FOR EXECUTIVE ENGINEER COMBINED COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR 1 THE POSTS OF AS: SISTAN, ate (CIVIL) BPS-17 1S. ENGINEER/ASSISTAN'! os & Isla Pakistan Stud Friday the 18" March, 2011 Time: 10:00 am to 01:00 pm. Max marks: 100 PEE ooo eee eee eee restions selecting three quest ys from NOTE: All the candidates are to attempt any five au! q Section-I. The remaining two questions arc to be attempted by Muslim from Scction-II and Non-Muslim candidates fiw n-HHl. All ques equal marks. oo QUESTION NO: SECTION-I (PAKISTAN STUDIES) 01 Discuss the salient features of constitution of Pakistan 1956 — te) 027 Explain the causes for partition of Bengal ad its impact om the Muslims of In O30 What was Allama fqbal’s concept of a Muslim homeland? —\3, Discuss role of Sindh in Pakistan Movement. — (gq What is the importance of Agricultural Sector inthe ecor omy of Pakistan? — renerah SECTION-IT ISLAMIAT) os 1p for mankind. Ye enjoin right conduct i. 4G Elucidate the following: ‘You are the best community that hath been raised and forbid indecency, and ye believe in ALLAH”. Discuss in detail the attitucs of fslem towards Science Define the term "Nabuwwat” and discuss in deal the finality of Prophet hood i: Islam. — 4O’— ization with reference ee Give an account of women status in ancient, modein and Islamic to history and slamie teachings. 1G AS1 (ETHICS) ws 1 (ow the life of Socrates was corresponding to 137 How would you differentiate the Ethics and Religion? Epicurean theory of plain relationship between Ethies and Philosophy? ethical teach SINDH PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, HYDERABAD. ombi ‘competitive Examination for Engineering Cadre for st of Assistar Executive Engineer/Assistant Engineer (Civil) BPS-17 in Different Departments, Government of Sindh to be held in January, 2018 IRRIGATI GE Wednesday the 10" January, 2018 Time: 02:00 pm to 05: 00 pm Maximum marks: 100 Note: ATTEMPT ANY 05 QUESTIONS, ALL QUESTIONS CARRY EQUAL MARKS. ‘Question No: 01 Describe benefits of flood control in perspective of economics. Also explain methods of flood mitigation works with the suppor of sketches. aL Determine irrigation schedule in days to supply water in order to ensure efficient irrigation for maximum crop yield for following data: (i) Daily evapotranspiration of the crop = 14 mm (ii) Field capacity of soil = 28% (iii) Permanent wilting point = 15% (iv) Dry density of soil (clay loam) = 17 kN/m* (v) Effective root zone depth = 0.7 m — Fday> oh (a) What are the methods of discharge and velocity measurement of a River? (6) Use Blaney — Criddle’s equation for wheat crop irrigation. The given data as crop factor, k = 0.78, cumulative monthly cu factor, f = 42.5 cm and average effective rain fall of the crop season, R = 2.8 cm determine following (i) evapotranspiration/consumptive use 3" Consumptive irrigation requirement (CIR) 30- 3° field irrigation requirement (FIR), if water application efficiency is 0.73. = UI S of (a) What do you understand by agricultural land drainage? Describe its objectives and benefits. 7 TILL (b) Explain your understanding of water logging, soil salinity and measures to control water logging. 05 Define and discuss the term ‘water requirement of crops and irrigation efficiencies’. A canal delivers 350 cusecs of water for 4 hours to irrigate 80 acres of land. Compute water Describe distribution system for canal irrigation in detail. What improvement do you suggest to increase command area and yield given present water situation in the rivers of v application efficiency if water stored in root zone is | ft. Pakistan. 4 w wo Define sub-surface drains, describe various tile drainage systems. Determine the spacing of tile drain, if annual rain fall = 100cm, drainage coefficient = 1% to be drained in 24 hours, depth of barrier = 10m, water table depth = 1.5m, depth of drain = 2m and permeability of soil 6x10 m/s. Sz 14% woos a. \v-2~ 08 Define the types of irrigation. Enumerate and explain drawbacks of sub irrigation in detail Le o-souoe 4S aAndkeannnatanaaaeettabenanenaonnnenneeness Rou No. SINDH P ‘ UBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, HYDERABAD: COMBINED Co! MP. Beene XAMINATION FOR ENGINEERING CALAE FOR THE POST OF INIRRIGATI INEER/ ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE ENGINEER{CIVIL) BPS-17 (ON & POWER DEPARTMENT, GOVERNMENT OF SINDH. IRRIGATION & DRATNAGY. ‘ednesday the 04” Fr veda ‘ebruary,, 20 ime: 02:00 pm to 05:00 pm i NOTE: “Attempt any Five questions All questions ¢ sss the eoocept of Duty and Del A water course has a CCA of 1200 h ‘The intensity for crop ‘Ais 30% and for crop Bis ‘40% 5 both the erops being Rabi crops. (Cthe erop thas a kor period of 20 days and cry B his/a kor period of 15 days; compute the discharge Of W.C if the kor depth for crop A is 16 cm and for crop Bis 16cm. What are the duties of an irsigation engineer? Discuss the coucup O51 So sed in managing irigation water (i) Reliability, (3) Eyuth> {iii) Adequacy, and Civ) Durability. Write notes on the followi G). importance of irgaton water in agreultre and Jleviating poverty €2) Economie value of tigation water and its contribution towards GDP growth of Pakistan eiee Discuss the concept of soil water potential and so water ‘movement in the light of Darcy's law. ‘Vy do the water logging and salinity cause ill effects (0 quay of crops and ultimately yield edetion; what pregautionary measures be fken to aveld fom These ‘menaces. Waa Wiis cisiled note on Indus Water Treaty. Comment on its 30-5 HGe and disadvantages. Wt dialled ot rater distbution accord took place, gerbe its objectives and incon of Indus River System Authority. mA Deftie cir oontve use, Whatare the factors whic influence consumptive ure of wate for eny P. 25 Lo Saati dalam steer nae — OH: 20 —! 5 : ia D3 Write ton notes on any Five of te fyi , cre 3h 1B a Sulneftmerion ey”) Dawe stensnitay= CTU CH: O77 | hy DeigrotRierTrinng Wars. (%) Supended lon) en — Line aera Bale 09, berate pay — Cf 04 OY) 27 4 (si) Thveshold motion ofthe sediment. —9 b~ Cy-041 the river at masimum water oe CHett | | DH PUBLIC iF E COMMISSION, #7 dERAY/, D, Ore So MPETIUV? EXAMINATION FOR ENGIN Es O Bps-17 Designs of Hydi ic Structures, yy the 21" March, 2014 secre 02:00 pmn to 05:00 pm, NOTE: Attempt any 05 questions BESS CSP TION Nt a MARCO ug a A sna neat and clean sketch ofa cross regulator, showing pond lc: on 20 CHI ~ OFS “upstream side and no flow on downstream side, Show that how ki ensigy is dissipated through « hydraulic jump. —CH, 1 — W126 Wha is mean by gravity dant Wik a the main points fo be peer 2 ea considered while selecting ity dam construction? Ex ain briefly - ‘with neat sketches the different #6 acting on a gravity dam, indic their ‘magnitudes, directions and locations, (2). What are the mein causes which ercate the silt trouble in storay, sservoira (Qt (©) Draw a neat sketch indicating the salient dimensions of the weit id bund. 4 Section, and work out the length of the weir roquired with the fe wing. aiven data: “ Combined catchment area A Intercepted catchment area a ‘Maximum water level Full Reservoir level. Grourd level. Reservoir bund level. Slope on either side-of bund Ryve's coefficient for combined catchment C; Ryve's coefficient intercepted Cy 1 © What precautions are usually taken in the design of Earth dr. - Ga ‘against wave wash and rainfall impacis? Draw a typieal cross-section of an Earth dam showing stone filter material, key reach, launching epron and aft toc, “Explain Merits and Demerits of difereat types of Canal linin @) iA tned canal has a full supply capacity of 30 cumecs, It will; 4 lined with two layers of brick liming in cement morta, The: pe of soos ants very sleep and the canal willbe aligned wih bs aulic slope of 1:5000. The canal will havea trapezoidal setter Wis. side slopes at {: 1, Design the canal section when B = Dy cei ror. Soy geese A distibutary caral is to be crossed a branch canal, prez -e hydra design of an aqueduct with the following data. Parameters Branch Canal Fill supply discharge 20 cumecs Bed width 183m Full supply level 106.90 Bed izvel, Slope Mean velocity Angle of crossing \ A canal is crossing a stream under siphoned condition. D ‘gna siphon 20 with following data. = Stream Discharge Q= 12.33 cumecs. Highest floc i Level = 475.5¢ (at the point of crossing) Bed width, 3=30m V=0.58 mis n= 0.0225 (unlined) Bed level = 474.70 BW.=195m Full supply depth = 1.30 m board = 0.46 =a ‘Hydraulic slop = 1:4,000 10

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