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Topic 3: Talk about your daily activities

 Recycled language: daily activities; leisure activities; household chores; places to

go; people
 Daily activities: go to school, go to bed, have breakfast, study, …
 Leisure activities: exercise, read, watch TV, play games, …
 Household chores: clean the house, take out the garbage, wash the dishes,
do the gardening, …
 Places to go: restaurant, bookstore, cinema, coffee shop, …
 People: father, mother, friend, brother, …
 Grammar: present simple, time expression
 Introduction:
Hello teacher, my name is … I’m … years old. I’m a student in FPOLY. Today, I
would like to talk …
This sentence should include:
1. Name / Full name
2. The main idea of the paragraph

 Body:
1. Daily activities:
Firstly, I will talk about my morning activities. …
What time do you get up?
What do you often do after you get up? (personal hygiene) (at least 3 activities)
Do you exercise? When do you exercise?
What time do you have breakfast? Who do you have breakfast with? What do you
often have for breakfast?
What time do you go to school?
How do you go to school?

The second part is about my afternoon activities…

What time do you come home?
What time do you have lunch? Who do you have lunch with? What do you often
have for lunch?
What do you often do after lunch? (at least 2 activities)

Thirdly, I want to mention about my evening activities…

What do you often do in the evening?
Do you make dinner? When do you make dinner?
What time do you have dinner? Who do you have dinner with? What do you often
have for dinner?
Do you like reading? When do you often read?
Do you often go to the movie theater (cinema)? When do you go to the movie
theater (cinema)? Who do you go with?

2. Leisure activities and household chores

About my leisure activities, …
What do you often do in your free time? (at least 3 activities, include household
Where do you often do on weekends? (at least 2 places)

 Conclusion:
That’s all about my daily activities. Thank you for your listening.
This sentence should:
1. Inform the listener that the paragraph is coming to a close
2. Provide a summary of the main points

Student’s writing:

Teacher’s comment:

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