Mock Test Paper December

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Function: Marine Engineering at Management Level

M.E.O. Class I
(Time allowed – 3 Hours)
(HATC India Nov 2022 Sample paper Three) Total Marks: 100

NB: (1) Answer SIX Questions only.

(2) All Questions carry equal marks.
(3) Neatness in handwriting and clarity in expression carries weightage.
(4) Blank pages if any, to be stuck off by (X) at the end of each question.

1. List out the differences in ME engines compared to normal MC engines.

What is the purpose of the HPS system? What is meant by the HCU- which components are included in this?
Briefly explain the FIVA/ELFA valve function.
Describe the differences in the working of the fuel pumps (called Fuel Pressure Boosters) in ME Engines, as compared to
fuel pumps of conventional engines.

2. Regarding Ballast Water Management Convention explain

(a) Ballast Water Exchange Standard
(b)Ballast Water Performance standard
(c) Treatment methods for ballast water
(d)Approval methods for treatment system using active and non-active substances
(e) What are the marine pollution problems related to port development such as ballast water, dredging and spills from

3. Guidelines for the use of electronic record books under MARPOL are laid down in resolution MEPC.312(74), considering
these guidelines elaborate following,
a) Name all the record books which can be maintained electronically on board
b) How does the electronic log book meet the regulations under Marpol
c) Briefly discuss the security and accountability of the electronic log book.

4. What are human related factors taken into account as potential risk factors in a risk assessment on ships?
Name three such human related risks and possible risk mitigation measures that could be taken for each of them.

You are a chief engineer on a 60,000 DWT bulk carrier.

Your ship had a major breakdown of the main engine turbocharger and repairs are not possible on board.
Without the functional turbocharger, your vessel is unable to make more than 4 Knots speed.
In consultation with the Master, you are contemplating diverting to the port of Durban just 40 nm away.
Explain how you would do a risk assessment to evaluate the risk of engine failure during the approach.

5. Give a brief history and necessity towards formation of UNCLOS? What are its important highlights? Under context
explain (i) Territorial sea (ii) Contiguous Zone (iii) Exclusive Economic Zone (iv) Continental Self (v) High Seas

6. Explain the principle of "Uberrimae Fidel" in Marine Insurance.

What are the different disclosures which must be made by the insured to the insurer in Marine Insurance.
List the circumstances which need not be disclosed to the insurer.
What happens to the Marine Insurance contract if the disclosures are not made to the insurer at the time of the
conclusion of the contract?
7 a) Discuss the role of Classification societies in structural, mechanical, and electrical rule formation and implementation
during design, construction, and maintenance. Explain why compliance with the above-referred Class rules is now
mentioned in SOLAS ch.ll-1.

b) Explain the difference and relevance between annual and periodical surveys toward harmonized survey and certification

8. Discuss new developments in Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (CCP) employed for marine structures with specific
reference to (a)Computer controlled multi-zone systems (b) Fine grain ICCP.

9. a. Explain in detail the significance of propeller curves. Enumerate the propeller safety margins in relation to propeller
b. Using typical engine power versus engine speed diagram and propeller demand curves, discuss the relation between the
maximum rated output of the propulsion plant and the power for which the propeller is designed.

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