Thai Nguyen PC-AUT-Decision No.32-Regulations On Maximum Price For Waste Collection, Transportation and Treatment in Thai Nguyen Province

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RECEIVED 22 DEC 2a No: 03 0339 ‘THAI NGUYEN PEOPLE'S SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM COMMITTEE Independence — Freedom - Happiness ‘OFFICE ‘No. 32/2021/QD-UBND. ‘Thai Nguyen, 28, June, 2017 4 DECISION ON Promulgating Regulation on maximum prices for collection, transportation and treatment services of municipal solid waste in Thai Nguyen province THAI NGUYEN PEOPLE'S COMMITTEE Pursuant to the Law on Organization of Local Government dated June 19, 2015; Pursuant to the Law on Price dated June 20, 2012; Pursuant to Decree No. 177/2013/ND-CP dated November 14, 2013 of the Government detailing and guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Price; Pursuant to Decree No. 38/2015/ND-CP dated April 24, 2015 of the Government on management of waste and discarded materials; Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 149/2016/ND-CP dated November 11, 20160n amendments and supplementations to some articles of Decree No. 177/2013/ND-CP dated November 14, 2013 detailing and guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Price; Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 40/2019/ND-CP dated May 13, 2019 amending and supplementing a number of articles of the decrees specifying and guiding the implementation of the Law on Environmental Protection; Pursuant to Circular No. 56/2014/TT-BTC dated April 28, 2016 of the Minister of Finance guiding the implementation of Decree No. 177/2013/ND-CP dated November 14, 2013 of the Government stipulating in details and guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Prices; At the request of the Director of the Department of Finance in the Report No. 1910/TTr-STC dated May 20, 2021. DECIDES: Article 1. The Regulations on the maximum prices for services of collection, transportation and treatment of municipal solid waste in Thai Nguyen province shall be promulgated together with this Decision, Article 2. This Decision takes effect from July 10, 2021 and replaces the Decision No. 39/2016/QD-UBND dated December 20, 2016 of the Provincial People's Committee approving the service prices of collection, transportation and disposal of domestic waste in Thai Nguyen province. Article 3. Chief of Office of the Provincial People's Committee; Director of the Department of Finance; Heads of Departments, Sectors, Agencies and Unions and organizations of Thai Nguyen Province; Chairpersons of People's Committees of districts, cities and towns and relevant agencies, organizations, units and individuals are responsible for the implementation of this Decision./. Receipts: ON BEHAFL OF PC - Ministry of Finance; PP. CHAIRMAN - Ministry of Construction; + Department of Civil Engineering and Legal VICE CHAIRMAN Affairs, Ministry of Justice; . - Standing Provincial Party Committee; (Signed and sealed) - Standing Provincial People's Council: - Provincial National Assembly Delegation; Le Quang Tien ~ Leaders of the Provincial People's Committee; - Provincial Fatherland Front Committee; ~ Departments, sectors, agencies, unions and organizations of the province; ~ People's Committees of districts, cities and towns; ~ Leader of the Provincial People’s Committee Office; - Thai Nguyen Newspaper; Thai Nguyen Radio + Television Station; ~ Provincial Information Center; + Filed: ADM, KT, TH, CNN&XD. THAI NGUYEN PEOPLE’S. SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM COMMITTEE Independence ~ Freedom — Happiness REGULATION ON Maximum prices for collection, transportation and treatment services of municipal solid waste in Thai Nguyen province (ssued together with the Decision No. 2021/QD-UBND dated June 2021 of Thai Nguyen People's Committee) Chapter GENERAL RULES Article 1. Scope of regulation, subjects of application 1. Scope of regulation: This regulation stipulates the maximum prices for services of collection, transportation and treatment of municipal solid waste in Thai Nguyen province. 2. Subjects of application a) Agencies, organizations, units, households and individuals using the services of collection, transportation and treatment of municipal solid waste in Thai Nguyen province. b) Organizations and individuals providing the services of collection, transportation and treatment of municipal solid waste in Thai Nguyen province. ¢) The treatment facilities of municipal solid waste are invested with capital from the state budget or from capital sources outside the state budget. Chapter II SPECIFIC RULES Article 2. Maximum prices for collection, transportation and treatment services of municipal solid waste (include VAT) 1. Maximum prices for collection, transportation and treatment services of municipal solid waste (MSW) Maximum price Unit List i wp} 1 pista Price for collection service of MSW (excluding fees for transportation and reatment 1 [fousehotés and individuals without business activities a Living in wards of the cities Person/month 8.000} b _ fliving in remaining communes Person/month 6.000] Ordinary waste at Health organization of ‘communes, ' a 2 [ears and townships organization/month 100.000} 3 Household business in the market; small household Household pusiness business/month a ‘olume of waste < 01m*/month 35.000} bd Volume> 01m*/month 30.000] 1 Maximum price for collection, transportation and treatment service of MSW 1 [Execution entities 2 Party agencies, state authorities, unions, society organization ines organization or individual: Hotels, restaurants, motels, enterprises, production and iness cooperatives, markets, supermarkets, commercial centers, piers, bus stations; food and b "verage service shops; Poultry and cattle slaughtering facility, production and business facilities Pho, Vietnamese pork sausage, noodles; fresh flowers ‘shops; other production and business stablishments and equivalent organizations. 2 For MSW which is treated at the treatment facilities invested by state budget. Execution , 01m*/month ‘VND/m? 310.000} 3. For MSW which is treated at the treatment facilities are not invested by the state budget Wolume of waste < O1m'/month Execution 250.000] entities/month b ‘olume of waste > 01m'/month VND/m* 350.0( 2. Maximum price applied at the MSW treatment facilities invested by state budget (excluding depreciation costs of machines, equipment and fixed assets) ‘Treatment capacity (ton/day) Maximum pri ‘ce (VND/ton) Foreign technology and equipment Domestic technology and equipment T__ MSW Treatment facilities with processing technology by microbial fertilizer 1 f00t0<300 258. 225.009] 2 fo0to 01m°/thang 50.006 I Gid tdi da dich vy thu gom, van chuyén, xir ly ehdt thai rin sinh hoat 1 |Béi tugng thyc hién | a_ |Céc co quan Dang, quan ly nha nuéc, doan thé, cdc t6 chite x4 hdi. Cac 16 chite, cé nhan kinh doanh: Khach san, nha hang, nh nghi, loanh nghigp, hop téc x4 sin xudt kinh doanh, chg, siéu thi, trung tam b_ jthyong mai, bén tau, bén xe; ciza hang kinh doanh djch vu an udng giai khét; sd giét mé gia stic, gia cm, sin xudt banh phé, bin, gid cha; kinh doanh 10a tuoi; cée co sé sin xuat kinh doanh khéc va céc td chite trong duong, Cac don vj: Céc Trudng Dai hoc, cao ding, trang hoc chuyén nghiép, fay nghé, trung tim giéo dyc thudng xuyén; cc trrdng mam non, tring itiéu hoc, truéng trung hoc co sé, trudng trung hoc phd théng; rdc thai thong thuéng tai bénh vign, trung tam y té, co sé y té turnhan va cdc don vi furong duong. Ap dung cho khéi lugng chat thai rin sinh hoet duge xir ly tai cdc co sé 2 page dau ur tirmgén séch nha nude . Déi tuon; | a |Khéi lugng réc thai < O1m"/thang thyc hignithang| 25:0 b | Khdéi lugng réc thai > 01m3/thang Déng/m} 310.000 3 |Ap dung cho khéi lugng chat thai rin sinh hoat duge xit ly tai cde co so fixoe dau tu tir cae nguén vén ngoai ngan sch nha nude [ Déi tuong, @ |Khéi hrong réc thai 01m?/théng Déng/m? 350.000 * Tek +84-28-3930 3279 * 2. Gid t6i da dich vy xtt ly chat thai rin sinh hoat xtr ly duge dau tu tir ng thiét bj va tai san cd dinh) 5 at thanh toan tai cdc co sé an sch nha nude (khéng bao gém chi phi khau hao may, Mite gid t6i da (ddng/tin) str Céng sudt xi ly - ———— — (tin/ngay) Cong nghé, thiét bi | Cong nghé, thidt bi nude ngoai trong nuée 1 |Cose xi ly chat thai rin sinh hogt bing cng nghé ché bién bing phan vi sinh 1 | 100 dén < 300 255.000 225.000 | 2 |300aén < 500 225.000 188.000 3. | 500 dén < 1.000 195.000 165.000 II | Co sé xit ly chat thai ran sinh hoat bing cong nghé dét 1 |800 100.000 90.000 5 |Ghicha Gia tai Muc TV oot nay | Gid tai Muc IV cét nay 4a bao gdm chi phi 4a bao gdm chi phi khdu hao méy, thiét bj_| Kkhdu hao may, thiét bj va tai san c6 dinh (néu | va tai sin c6 dinh (néu 06) va chi phi khdu hao | cd) nlumg chua bao cho dau tu bai chén lp | gdm chi phi khdu hao cho dau tu bai chén lap Chwong OI TO CHUC THYC HIEN Diéu 3. Quan ly va sir dung titn thu duge tir cung ing dich vu thu gom, van chuyén, xir ly cht thai rin sinh hoat 1. Khi thu tién dich vy thu gom, van chuyén, xit ly chdt thai rin sinh hoat, 16 chite, c4 nan cung img dich vu cé trach nhiém Iép, sit dung héa don cung img dich vu theo quy dinh vé héa don bén hang héa, cung tmg dich vy. 2. Nguén thu tir cung ting dich vu thu gom, vén chuyén, xa ly chat thai rén sinh hogt la doanh thu ctta t6 chite, cd nhan cung tmg dich vy. Sau khi thyc hién nghia vu thué v6i ngén sch nha nude, t6 chic, cd nhan cung img djch vu c6 quyén quan ly, sir dung kinh phi theo quy dinh cia phap luét, Didu 4. Té chitc thye hién 1. Déi véi dich vu thu gom, van chuyén, xir ly chat thai rin sinh hoat quy din tai khoan 1 Diéu 2 Quy dinh nay: Té chitc, cé nhén cung tg djch vy cn ett vao miic gia t6i da dé phé duyét mite gia cy thé dich vu thu gom, van chuyén, xir ly chat thai rin sinh hoat, bao céo Uy ban nhan dan huyén, thanh phé, thi xa dé téng hop béo céo Uy ban nhén dan tinh, déng thdi gii So Tai chinh gidm sat vige thyc hign; thye hign vigc niém yét gid, céng khai théng tin vé gid; céng khai thoi gian, dia diém tap két, thu gom chat thai rén sinh hoat cy thé déi véi timg khu vue dan cu dé cdc bén cé lién quan thyc hién theo quy dinh. 2. Bi voi dich vy xir ly chat thai rn sinh hogt quy dinh tai khoan 2, khoan 2 Quy dinh nay: Trach nhiém lép, tham dinh, phé duyét gid dich vy xit ly chat thai rin sinh hoat thyc hién theo quy dinh tai khoan 2 Digu 26 Nghi dinh sé 38/2015/ND-CP ngay 24/4/2015 cia Chinh phi vé quan ly chit thai va phé ligu. * Tek +84-28-3930 3279 * 8 3. Uy ban nhan dan huyén, thanh phé, th xi thyc hién viée ky hop déng véi 16 chite, cé nhan cung tg dich vy thu gom, van chuyén, xir ly chat thai rin sinh hogt tir nguén ngén sdch dja phuong; ting cudng céng tac kiém tra, gidm sat vige thu gom, van chuyén va xi ly chat thai rén sinh hoat 48 néng cao chat Iuong dich vu; phéi hgp véi té chife, c nhan cung tmg dich vy dé quy dinh diém tap két, thu gom chat thai rén sinh hogt cu thé déi véi timg khu vue dan cu; gidm sét chit ché khéi long chat thai ran sinh hoat lam co s6 thanh toan chi phi sir dung dich vu theo quy dinh. 4. Co quan tai chinh cdc cép huéng dan t6 chite, cé nhén cung img dich vy thye hién niém yét gia theo quy dinh; chu tri phdi hgp véi cde nganh lién quan dinh ky ho&c dt xuat kiém tra vige thyc hién gid dich vu thu gom, van chuyén, xtr ly chat thai rn sinh hoat trén dia ban. 5. 86 Xay dung: Huéng dan céng tac xée dinh, quan ly chi phi thu gom, van chuyén, xir ly chat thai rén sinh hoat theo céc quy dinh cita phdp luat. 6. Sé Tai nguyén va MGi truong: Huéng din céng téc thu gom, phan logi chét thai rn sinh hoat; chu tri phéi hop voi céc nganh lién quan kiém tra, dénh gid va gidm sét hoat dng cia cac 16 chic, cé nhén cung img dich vu thu gom, van chuyén, xir ly chét thai rén sinh hoat; tham dinh, xdc nhan cdc cng trinh bao vg méi truéng cia cdc co sé xir ly chat thai rén sinh host; kiém tra danh gid cdc théng sé ky thuat co ban va théng sé 6 nhiém méi trudng khi thai 16 dét chat thai rn sinh hoat truéc khi i vao hoat déng chinh thitc. 7. Cac $6, ban, nganh cép tinh: Theo chite nang, nhiém vy huéng din cc t6 chite, cd nhan thuc hién Quy dinh nay. 8. T6 chitc, cd nhan vi pham trong linh vue quan ly gid sé bi xir ly theo quy dinh cia php Iuat hién hanh./. * Tek +84-28-3930 3279 *

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