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1. A Volumetric Reservoir is found to have an overlaying gad cap at a certain pressure of 1300psia.

The initial gas cap was found to contain 20.8BSCF at that pressure. When the pressure of the
reservoir dropped to 900Psig due to production, we had produced 8.16 BSCF of gas and at the
same time 15MMSTB of oil. From volumetric, the initial oil in place was estimated to be
90MMSTB at initial reservoir pressure. If half of the produced gas was dissolved gas find the
ratio of the volume of the initial gas cap in the reservoir and the volume it would be at standard
conditions in ft3/scf.
Bg at 900psig = 0.002905 rb/scf
Rs at 9000psig=169scf/stb
Rsi at 1300psia=230 scf/stb
Bo at 900psig=1.104 rb/stb
Cf=cw=3.0×10^-6 sip
Boi=1.123 rb/stb

2. Derive the expression that is used to represent the connate water and formation rock expansion
term in the MBE equation from first principle.

N B oi=¿ ¿¿

90 ×10 × 1.123=( 20.8 ×10 −4.08 × 10 ) × 0.002905−20.8× 10 B gi + 0.002905 ( 90 ×10 ×230−( 90 ×10 −15 ×1
6 9 9 9 6 6

6 6 9 6 6 6
101.07 ×10 =48.57 × 10 −20.8 ×10 Bgi +11.46 ×10 + 82.8× 10 +0.177 ×10

20.8 ×10 9 Bgi =41.937 ×106

Bgi =0.002016 rb/ scf

Bgi =5.613∗0.002016=0.0113 ft 3 / scf

2 C=
V ∆P
CV ∆ P=∆ V
N B oi =V p S oi
N B oi =V p (1−S wi )
N B oi
V p=
(1−Swi )
C f V p ∆ P=∆ V

N Boi
rock expansion due ¿ pressure drop=C f ( Pi−P )
( 1−S wi )
CV ∆ P=∆ V
volume of water initially ∈ placeis not V p but V p Swi

C w V p Swi ∆ P=∆ V

N B oi
water expansion due ¿ pressure drop=C ¿w S wi ( Pi−P )
( 1−S wi )
Total expansion=rock expansion+ water expansion
N B oi
¿ ( C f +C w S wi ) ( P i−P)
( 1−Swi )

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