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2019 F = ma Exam 1 AAPT STATES PHYSICS TEAM AIP 2019 F = ma Exam 25 QUESTIONS - 75 MINUTES INSTRUCTIONS DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO BEGIN # Use g = 10 N/kg throughout this contest ‘© You may write in this booklet of questions. However, you will not receive any credit for anything written in this booklet. You may only use the scratch paper provided by the proctor ‘* This test contains 25 multiple choice questions. Select the answer that provides the best response to each question. Please be sure to use a No.2 pencil and completely fill the box corresponding to your choice. If you change an answer, the previous mark must be completely erased. Only the boxes preceded by numbers 1 through 25 are to be used on the answer sheet, * All questions are equally weighted, but are not necessarily of the same level of dilliculty. © Correct answers will be awarded one point; incorrect answers or leaving an answer blank will be awarded zero points. There is no additional penalty for incorrect answers. ‘* A hand-held calculator may be used. Its memory must be cleared of data and programs. You may use only the basic functions found on a simple scientific calculator. Calculators may not be shared. Cell phones may not be used during the exam or while the exam papers are present. You may not use any tables, books, or collections of formulas. ‘* The question booklet, the answer sheet and the scratch paper will be collected at the end of this + In order to maintain exam security, do not communicate any information about the questions (or their answers or solutions) on this contest until after February 1, 2019. DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO BEGIN ‘We acknowledge the following people for their contributions to this year's exams (in alphabetical order) JiaJia Dong, Mark Bichenlaub, Matthew Huang, David Jones, Abijith Krishnan, Daniel Longenecker, Marianna Moo, Joon Pahk, Kye Shi, Brian Skinner, Alex Small, Paul Stanley, Elena Yudouna, and Kevin Zhow, Copyright ©2019 American Association of Physics Teachers 2019 F = ma Exam A: January 23, 2019 2 1. ‘m is dropped straight down from the top of a very tall building. As the coi: ‘hich is true of the net force on the coin? As Vr, m (A) The not force on the coin is upward. , ¢90t tA” ‘ renee my Sieh > ple ) The net force on the coin is 0. The net force on the coin is downward, with a magnitude less than mg. (D) The net force on the coin is downward, with a magnitude equal to mg. (E) The net force on the coin is downward, with a magnitude greater than mg. 2. A mass of BMP moving at a speed Pleolides with a mass of MPmoving also with a the total kinetic eners fter the collision If the two, xr, the total kinetic energy after the colligion si Ne rn ‘the ratio (a) ae ket Gk + Gea 4 amv aim @)1 conten 0S pom keg eh vont 1s). (©) v3 : s* ; Tes Pa 4 pvt 2 ams m0)» “Comin ks. “amy - ( er 2 a 3. A block of mass m is launche What is the saa napaal ‘Assume surfaces are both th y, The curved wedge does | not tlt or topple. "aU potty eS sh altirg) 9 M m “ye (mgtmy) Wht shield We 20? 5 Consort w 2 pees tye 2 O aD Ehe re ee Ora BMG Sb thse CansoUe chase) we) (— ) 2 = 43 em > EM w) me RR a en EP * £ Conan} + » epiion mo = Cron). emit ®) Se ues tf vee oa Ue | aanak Q) mam. AKG Com 29 Une Vo 4 29h mati em (on) Copyright ©2019 American Association of Physics Teachers (tee 2019 F = ma Exam A: January 23, 2019 3 “Fain Fs mg 9 T foewes (me (A) 0.05 s of ra Fro i BLO07s we fs fs hax 9. A wheel of caus ong without sipping Sith angular vl % ms note mM Vis A circle around Earth * Ue 2 hme ~ Ene s Get er re EP 7 6k = 6mm _ 6mm | > B) (C) An ellipse whose minimum distance from the Earth’s surface is R ) ) oO) (2) A straight line along ths diregton of pe ina alot An ellipse whose maximum distance from the Karth’s surface is R res te % © zemrr x > rine - bom —>— For point A on the whe n angle @ with res ee no tet vertical, shown l the figure, what ihe Biddle wlosiwih ropes lke geal ne eee we paws (A) oR fF ex-bsing h +(A- Resa) gs (B) wRsin(|9\/2) (©) VaoRsin(\0\/2) SE. X = PEO GR +hB-5in OF (D) wWRsin(a)) IE 2 Brenan Po (geen 2) 4 Gags Dwr sel ) Copyright ©2019 American Association of Physics Teachers s 2019 F = ma Exam A: January 23, 2019 5 10. A flat uniform disk of he resulting annulis ‘The remaining shape has mass M‘What is the moment of inertia of this shape, about The axis of rotational symmetry of the original disk? oom. Mam ao Moke 4 (A) Sur = 2A 2 ana 7 Eons’ Tee) Qpt Trappe (B) Gur’ Sapp? (©) EMR ®) Sure 11. Te , you time the car with a with demi as it an adi teat measurement bos RINSE TSAO e log Assume that the car travels coma Selo m ) (A) v = 2040.16 m/s 0 0.8 m/s ©) v = 20410 m/s (D) v= 2041.25 m/s (@) v= 20440 m/s Copyright ©2019 American Association of Physics Teachers 2019 F = ma Exam A: January 23, 2019 6 2 ae If the speed of the ball just before a bounce is v), the speed of the bi is vy = avy, with'@ <1, Which one of the following graphs best shows the time between successive bounces, 7, as a function of time? uy 1 Uz @) @) Vina i 2 ge i i i i -| Azsg, 7 a eat ° Time t . Time t Y, e “ cS) ) i i ® i i Copyright ©2019 American Association of Physics Teachers 2019 F = ma Exam A: January 23, 2019 13. A juggler juggles NV identical balls, catching and tossing one ball at a time, Assuming that the juggler requires a minimum time T’ between ball tosses, the minimum possible power required for the juggler to continue juggling is proportional to ) - B) (G) N? _(D) #8 (wt . = 14, A man standing at 30° latitude fires a bullet northward at a speed of 200 m/s. The radius of the Earth is 6371 km. What is the sideway deflection of uf the bullet, after traveling 100 m? & gan 3 o g (A) 3.1 mm west 4 0 >-20* . S (B) 18mm west x Dercwitsna ut 2 mam wo (C) Omm Y wire: (D) 1.8 mm east x —_ dy (E) 3.1 mm east ke va 15, An upright rod of length€ i launched Vato the air with vi is opie aes ind elocity of the them ly betes 1g cay 249 x w: Vv ao a ¢ we VC Ss x 32 2Ur da awh: fester e G0, & ee 6 4 Le + Bae Pile oh u, “A ($e wwe $98 dae oe de 2 : od. Cre 6 ag tee, 16, The depth of a well, d, is measured by dropping a stone into it and measuring th@time ¢ until the splash va geo thas BS heard at the bottom. What is the sinallnt value ofigifor which sn the depeh measuremen'? lhe speed of sound in airs (A) 3.5, 7 “ee T2 Er bmtinn en feet (©) dm 7 bgt (D) sim ed tanltnn Fe a ens () 830 m 2d) d bom +f Lv “ bons da (ES 45] Copyright ©2019 American As: a of Physics Teachers 5 +Vz7%t =6 20 2019 F = ma Exam A: January 23, 2019 ‘The following information applies to questions 17 and 18. A launcher is designed to shoot objects horizontally across an ice rink. It consists of two boards of negligible mass connected via a spring-loaded hinge, which exerts a constant torque T on each board to keep them together. For both problems, neglect friction with either the ice or the launch boards 17. A hard disc is pushed into the launcher between the boards until the boards make contact with it 2 distance ¢ from the hinge and are open to an angle 8, as shown in the figure. What is the minimum force necessary to hold the dise in this position? god = VCit ent 52) (A) 2rsin(9/2)/é QN-£20 (B) 27 cos(9/2)/e Fomae keene T (C) reos(a)/e eCret) oe (D) rtan(a)/e -= ~{B) 2rvan(oy/e 18. The disc is removed and replaced with a pie-shaped wedge of the same mass m, so that the hinge is still initially held open at an angle 0, as shown in the following figure. When the wedge is suddenly released, what is its final speed after it exits the launcher? Copyright ©2019 American Association of Physics Teachers 2019 F = ma Exam A: January 23, 2019 9 Pr 2 Ps 19, A small rock is tied to a massless string of length § m. The density of the rock is twice the density of the water. The rock is lowered into the water, while the other end of the string is attached to a pivot Neglect any resistive forees from the water. The rock oscillates like a penduln with angular frequency of which of the following? @: xad/s ———— 7B) 0.7 ras Cr) (C) 0.5 rad/s 0 (D) 1.4 rad/s Oo ) (B) 2 rad/s 20. A uniform rod of mass M and length L is hinged on a horizontal surface at the bottom. Its top end is connected to two springs, both with spring constant k, What relation must M, k, and L satisfy such that the position shown in the figure is a stable equilibrium? (wth 4 —eee evn / wv Dwocwr Mp x ten (B) Mg <2KL 2 mgs@e LEX Csa-t (C) 2kL < Mg <4kL ™7o 2 2k CB (D) kL/2< Mg < kb ) R76 = kd ) (8) Mg < kL Zz 21, A spherical cloud of dust has uniform mass density p and radius R, Satellite A of negligible mass is biting 1] ‘loud at its edge, in a circular orbit of radius R, and satellite B is orbiting the cloud just “SISTENT cincular orbit of radius r, with 7 < Ry y isthe speed ofsaceliteTaNd Ts the period of satelite i, which of the following is true? Negle (A) Ta > Te ane (B) Ts > Te and va =e (D) Ta vn 3 Ca ow ele] 3 Mm, Copyright ©: merican Association of Physics Teachers Ua f) (ex Copyright ©2019 As Association of Physics Teach bm <=) R, Te20)/_2. 22. 2019 F ma Exam A: Jamary 23, 2019 10 A vertical pole has two massless strings, both of length L, attached a distance L apart. The other ends of the strings are attached to a mass M, The mass is rotated around the pole with an angular speed w. Which of the following graphs best gives the ratio of the tension in the bottom string to the tension in the top string as a funetion of w? (a) @ _ Axt Ax4B ©) asx ® ‘ 1 got ° Beymeh " ®) Angular eel Copyright ©2019 American Association of Physics Teachers 2019 F = ma Exam A: January 23, 2019 ity 23. A rectangular {frictionless surface. A sphere sits on the slab, There is sullicient friction, between the sphere and the slab such that_the sphere will not slip relative right is apple to the slab, wath both the lab (..) “on \ Baw Fan the slab. “A force to the The sphere initially at rest, The sphere will then: (A) begin spinning clockwise while its center of mass accelerates to the right. (B) begin spinning counterclockwise while its center of mass accelerates to the left. begin spinning clockwise while its center of mass accelerates to the left. begin spinning counterclockwise while its center of mass accelerates to the right, {E) uot spin, while its center of mass accelerates to the right ( ) che + 4g 24, A patce moves nth zy plane withthe potential acy ,q US4'9) 2h ((3x) t U(z,y) = 9kx? + 16ky?. = (3%) (ay) The particle can perform several different types of periodic motion. The ratio between the maximum and minimum possible periods is 2, wes Lk pw 20 Pr gp Ukb oO (B) 4/3 Te ee? (©) vB 2 (D4 J 4 Urey +d (B) 5 ae 25. A car is turning left along a circular track of radius r at a constant speed v. A cylindrical beaker is placed vertically inside the car. The beaker has a small hole on its right side. If the water’s highest point in the beaker is a height h above the hole, at what instantaneous speed does water escape the hole, from a passenger's perspective? (4) vik (8) Ver (©) voh ©) Yrveyrre hy (©) YanverP re Copyright ©2019 American Association of Physics Teachers

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