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Theory of Automata Solved Paper 2015

Short Questions

Solved by: Awais Gill


Kleene's Theorem:

If a language can be expressed by

(i) RE or

(ii) FA or

(iii) TG

then it can also be expressed by other two as well.

it may be noted that the theorem is proved by proving the following three parts.

Part 1: If a language can be accepted by an FA then it can be accepted by a TG as well.

Part 2: If a language can be accepted by a TG then it can be expressed by an RE as well.

Part 3: If a language can be expressed by a RE then it can be accepted by a FA as well.


Recursive definition of RE:-

Step 1: Every letter of Σ inluding null string is a Regular Expression.

Step 2: If r1 and r2 are Regular Expressions then;

(a) (r1)

(b) r1r2

(c) r1+r2 and

(d) r1*

are also Regular Expressions.

Step 3: Nothing else is a Regular Expression.



In formal language theory, a context-free grammar G is said to be in Chomsky normal

form (first described by Noam Chomsky) if all of its production rules are of the form:

A → BC, or

A → a, or

S → ε,

where A, B, and C are nonterminal symbols, a is a terminal symbol (a symbol that

represents a constant value), S is the start symbol, and ε denotes the empty string. Also,
neither B nor C may be the start symbol, and the third production rule can only appear if
ε is in L(G), namely, the language produced by the context-free grammar G.


The key advantage is that in Chomsky Normal Form, every derivation of a string of n
letters has exactly 2n − 1 steps.
Thus: one can determine if a string is in the language by exhaustive search of all
Context Sensitive language:
In theoretical computer science, a context-sensitive language is a formal language that
can be defined by a context-sensitive grammar (and equivalently by a noncontracting
grammar). That is one of the four types of grammars in the Chomsky hierarchy.
One of the simplest context-sensitive, but not context-free languages is L = { anbncn : n>=
1 }: the language of all strings consisting of n occurrences of the symbol "a", then n "b"'s,
then n "c"'s (abc, aabbcc, aaabbbccc, etc.). A superset of this language, called the Bach
language, is defined as the set of all strings where "a", "b" and "c" (or any other set of
three symbols) occurs equally often (aabccb, baabcaccb, etc.) and is also context-
Turing machine is more powerful than NPDA, NPDA is more powerful than DPDA, DPDA
is more powerful than FA. That is:
It means TM will accept or process more languages than NPDA, NPDA will accept more
languages than DPDA, DPDA will accept more languages than FA.So we can say that
TM will accept more languages than NPDA, DPDA and FA and TM is has more power
than others.

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