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  I don't agree that...

b.  I admit that...
c. That doesn't make sense.
d.  That's beside the point.

Woman:  You must talk to our daughter! I think she's fallen in love with Mr Zhang, who has no
job and no money!
1. Man: Mr Zhang is a bad choice, but ____________________. She's too young to fall in love
with anybody!
2. Man: ____________________ she's fallen in love. They're just good friends!
3. Man: ____________________. She told me yesterday that she wants to find a rich
businessman to marry.
4. Man: ____________________ Mr Zhang is poor, but he's a very nice man.

Explain to the students that there will be some debates later in the lesson, and these four phrases
are useful during an argument or debate. Ask them to discuss with their partner, and decide
which word goes where (do not explain the meanings, let them try the exercise first). Afterwards,
check the answers (d, a, c, b)

"I think my boyfriend/girlfriend is going to dump me!" (you may need to explain "dump"). Ask
the students to imagine that one of their friends has said this to them. Tell them to work in pairs,
and think of four different ways to reply, using the four phrases. Afterwards, get some answers
from the class

Try to use the four phrases that you just taught (perhaps point to them on the blackboard as you
speak them). A possible topic (write it on the board) is: "It’s better to be a teacher than a student"
 students live closer (at my university, teachers did not live on campus)
 students can make friends easily
 students are only responsible for themselves, not others
 students get a reward: a degree
 students learn
 students can skip classes!
 students do not have to spend the whole class standing up

Finally, begin the activity proper. Do not let the students decide who is for and against as that
would take up too much time, instead just assign a role to each column of desks. Check with a
"hands up": who is for? Who is against? Tell them not to start the debate until you say so. Write
up a topic, and give them two minutes to debate. After each debate, ask for a few arguments as
feedback, but do not spend too much time on this or it will interrupt the momentum of the
activity. Four or five debates is enough. Some possible topics are:
 A bike is better than a car.
 Students should each have their own room.
 It's better to be a boy than a girl.
 University students should not date.
1. A fish out of water
Meaning: to feel awkward or uncomfortable, usually in a new situation

To be broke
Meaning: to be out of money, to have no money

3. Rule of thumb
Meaning: an unwritten but generally accepted guideline, policy or method of doing

4. Up in the air
Meaning: undecided or indefinite, usually because often because other matters should
be decided first

Devil’s advocate
Meaning: to present a counterargument

6. Give someone the cold shoulder

Meaning: to no interest in someone or something, to ignore

7. Happy camper
Meaning: a person who is happy and cheerful

8. Sit tight
Meaning: to stay where you are

Head over heels (in love)

to be really or completely in love with someone

Get the ball rolling

Meaning: to get started

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