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Mechanical Properties of Simuay River

Aggregates and its Suitability as Road

Foundation Layer


Bai Fauziyah A. Marohomsalic

Sittie Norhanan U. Andar

Hadjar L. Silongan

1.1 Introduction

Aggregates are used in a variety of construction projects, from building construction to road

paving. They make up more than 80% of concrete's makeup and are mostly used in making that material.

Among the many uses for aggregates are sidewalks, roads, railways, structures, bridges, sewage systems,

foundations, and columns.

To prevent concrete wastage in these types of applications, construction projects must ensure that

the aggregate size is reduced to smallest. This is due to the possibility of gaps in the compound due to

improperly crushed stones. When this occurs, cohesive bonding between the materials is prevented.

Structures made of concrete are capable to developing fractures and losing stability over time. [1].

For road construction, aggregates are useful in stabilizing cementitious compounds. Since roads

experience constant impacts from foot and wheeled traffic, stability is crucial to ensure that the road does

not get damaged. [3-7]. In general, the mechanical shape also contributes in creating bonds to strengthen

cements, either with rough surface texture or with irregular aggregate shape can also affect the concretes.

Rounded and smooth surface aggregates result in lower bonding while triangle results high in terms of

bonding. Depending on the aggregate type, the bond may also be strengthened or weakened through

chemical reactions between the cement and the aggregate. [4,5 and 7]

The influences of the type of aggregate on the overall mechanical properties of the concrete

composite have been previously reported [8, 10-11]. It was concluded that the stiffer and stronger the

aggregate the higher the elastic modulus of the concrete [10-12]. The compressive strength of concrete is

mainly controlled by the quality of mortar and surface characteristics of aggregates (i.e., bond properties)

more than the aggregate type [9–11]. The influence of the type of aggregate, however, becomes important

as the quality of the mortar is improved. As concluded by Aitcin and Mehta [10], using a coarse aggregate

with proper texture and mineralogy in high strength concrete, may improve the compressive strength of


Cotabato city is a developing city with many structural projects to make the city more presentable

as well as to promote many businessman and empowered person to have partnership in the city. Most of

the building plans are in highway roads, Commercial Buildings and drainage Systems.
In a year of 2014 when Simuay River was discovered to have the capability to produce a

resourceful material such us fine and course aggregates where now most of the cities where using the

commercial materials for their structures.[13]

The primary source of building materials utilized in Cotabato City and the surrounding

communities is mostly in the Simuay River aggregates. However, the soil characteristics, published

documentation, and statistics of its soils are lacking, and no information has been gathered to stress the

type of aggregates and its many applications in building.

Therefore, identification of the elements of an aggregate cannot alone provide a basis for

predicting the behavior of aggregates in service. Visual review will often disclose weaknesses in

aggregates. Service records are invaluable in evaluating aggregates. In the absence of a performance

record, the aggregates should be tested before they are used in concrete.

According to the DPWH (Department of Public Works amd Highways) standard and

specifications for public works and highways, 2012 edition, volume II - Highways, Bridges and Airports,

aggregates for sub-base shall consist of hard, durable particles or fragments of crushed stone, crushed

slag, or crushed or natural gravel and filler of natural or crushed sand or other finely divided mineral

matter. The composite material shall be free from vegetable matter and lumps or balls of clay, and shall

be of such nature that it can be compacted readily to form a firm, stable sub-base. The sub-base material

shall conform to Table 200.1, grading requirements. Selected borrow for topping, with soil of such

gradation that all particles as determined by ASTM c117, will pass a sieve with 75 mm (3inches) square

openings and not more than 15 percent of total mass will pass the 0.075 mm (no. 200) sieve. AASHTO T

90 determination of the material's plasticity index must be no higher than 6, and ASTM D4318

determination of its liquid limit must be no higher than 30. [15]

According to Cement Concrete org website, the localized depression may develop due to the

failure of any component layer of the flexible pavement structure. It was also stated that failures in

flexible pavements is due to failure in the subgrade, failure in base or sub-base course, and failure in

wearing course.[14]

It is therefore absolutely necessary to see that each layer is properly designed and laid so that it is stable

within itself and thus assists in the overall stability of the flexible pavement. The poor mix proportioning
or inadequate thickness of pavement may lead to the lack of stability or strength of sub-base or base

course. [14]

Henceforth, it is hereby prescribed that the maximum compacted thickness per layer for both

aggregate sub-base and base courses (Item 200 and 201 of the Blue book, respectively) shall now be 200

mm, to be spread and compacted in one layer using vibratory roller equipment with at least ten (10)

metric tons capacity, until the required (in-situ) density of at least 100% of the prescribed maximum dry

density is attained. Other provisions of said Items of Work remain the same and shall be strictly followed.

Test requirement on these items shall be based on the approved revised Minimum Requirements Testing


Several studies have been conducted to understand the behavior of Soil Characteristic. However,

the influence of aggregates might risk in the absence of records and data. As researchers seeks to

understand the mechanical properties of Simuay River Aggregates and its capabilities as road foundation

layer will try to study and will provide a reliable data to ensure and to answer the provided objectives, for

the community to enhance their knowledge and an information in term of study. Therefore, this study

aims to determine the mechanical properties of Simuay river Aggregates and its suitability as a foundation

layer such as Base and base course.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Simuay river basin is one of the primary source of aggregates in Northern part of Maguindanao.

The Cotabato City and nearby municipalities commonly use the simuay aggregates for construction

specifically for road foundation materials such as sub-base and base course.

Thus, understanding the mechanical properties of simuay aggregates can be successfully harness their

maximum potential as a geomaterials, however there is a lack of publish data and information on the


Hence this study will be conducted in order to provide information and asses the suitability as a road

foundation material based on DPWH 2013 Bluebook.

1.3 Objective of the Study

Generally, the study aims to assess the mechanical properties of simuay aggregates and its suitability

as a foundation layer. More specifically, it aims:

1. Determine the Physical properties such as shape and size, surface texture, specific gravity, bulk

density, porosity, water absorption and moisture content.

2. Determine the Index properties such us Liquid limit, Plastic limit, Liquid index, and plasticity


3. Determine the soil Classification base on Unified Soil Classification System(USCS)

4. Determine the percentage fraction of fine and course aggregates retain in each stack.

5. Determine the Soil pH of the aggregates.

6. Determine the strength, toughness and hardness.

7. Assess the suitability of simuay aggregates for sub-base and base course on DPWH 2013, Blue


1.4 Significant of the Study

This study aims to provide information and knowledge of determining the Mechanical Properties

of Simuay River aggregates and its suitability as a road foundation layer based on the DPWH standards

and specifications for highways, bridges and Airports, volume II, version 2013. Benefiting the study are

the various sectors as follows:

The Engineers - the data and results of this research can give reliable raw data basis that is important to

understand by the engineers within the City. It is a big contribution to provide a factual data of Simuay


The Researcher – enough data is very important for researcher specifically in the field of soil study. The

data and procedures in this study can be an instrument and a reliable basis for the future researcher

relating with the soil properties of aggregates.

The Community - the community can be confident enough to use the Simuay River aggregates in a

different building projects knowing the right used of the aggregates.

1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study focus on the mechanical properties of Simuay river aggregates as road foundation

layer specifically sub-base and base course that will be obtain from Simuay River located at the Simuay

River, Sultan Mastura, Maguindanao. The researchers will conduct a laboratory test and California

bearing Ratio (CBR) test for the samples that will be gathered. Moreover, blue book of DPWH

(Department of Public Works and Highways) standard Specification for public works and highways, 2013

edition: volume II, highways, bridges and airports will be the researcher basis for the suitability of the

Simuay aggregates as a road foundation layer.

The aggregates that will obtain will now undergo a laboratory test such as; Property Test, Index

Properties, Soil Classification base on USCS, Percentage Factor, Soil pH test, Mechanical Properties,

Assessing the suitability of Simuay river aggregates for sub-base and base course base on DPWH 2013

Bluebook and California Bearing Test.

Researcher will determine the value based on American Society for Testing and

Materials (ASTM) ASTM C136 (Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates), ASTM C131 (Los

Angeles Rattler), ASTM C128 and ASTM C127 (Specific Gravity and Absorption Of Coarse and Fine

Aggregates respectively), and ASTM D1883 (The California Bearing Ratio). However, Magnifying glass

will be use for identifying the surface texture of the samples.

1.6 Definition of Terms

Abrasion value - The percentage loss in weight on abrasion.

Absorption of water –Mechanical properties of the aggregates as the ratio of the increase in weight

to the dry weight of the sample that expressed as a percentage.

Apparent Specific Gravity - Types of specific gravity. The ratio of the weight of the aggregate dried

in an oven at 100°C to 110°C for 24 hours to the weight of water occupying a volume equal to that of

the solid including the impermeable pores.

bulking of sand – Mechanical Properties of the aggregates as the moisture present in fine aggregate

causes increase in its volume.

Deval Attrition Test – One of the method that will follow to test the hardness. Test known as the

weight of subjected to wear in an iron cylinder rotated 10,000 (ten thousand) times at the rate of 30 to

33 revolutions per minute.

Dorry Abrasion Test - A cylindrical specimen having its diameter and height of 25 cm is subjected

to abrasion against a rotating metal disk sprinkled with quartz sand. Also, one of the method that will

follow to test the hardness for this research.

Hardness - Mechanical properties of the aggregates as the resistance to wear by abrasion.

Los-Angeles Test – The last method for testing the hardness of the aggregtes. Test the aggregate of

the specified grading which placed in a cylindrical drum of inside length and diameter of 500 mm and

700 mm respectively.

Mechanical properties- One of the properties of aggregates that will test by the researhers.

Porosity – Mechanical properties of the aggregates that influence the resistance of concrete to

freezing and thawing, bond strength between aggregate and cement paste, resistance to abrasion of

concrete etc.

Specific gravity - Mechanical properties of the aggregates as the ratio of the weight of unit volume of

the substance to the unit volume of water at the stated temp.

Toughness - Mechanical properties of the aggregatesas as the resistance to failure by impact.

 AASHTO - American Association of Highway and Transportation Officials. Basis of this study

for testing and materials

 Aggregates – granular materials. The subject to be determine for this study

 ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials. Another basis for testing and materials of

this study.
 ASTM C127 - Specific Gravity and Absorption Of Fine Aggregates

 ASTM C128 - Specific Gravity and Absorption Of Coarse Aggregates

 ASTM C131 - Los Angeles Rattler

 ASTM C136 - Sieve Analysis Of Fine and Coarse Aggregates

 ASTM C29 - Unit Weight and Void In Aggregates

 ASTM D1883 - The California Bearing Ratio

 Base course – consist of unbound materials, such as gravel or crushed stone, or stabilized

materials, such as asphalt, cement or lime-treated materials. One of the researchers specify for

foundation layer as the study focus.

 CBR – California Bearing Ratio. Researchers use to test the strength of the aggregates.

 DPWH - Department of Public Works and Highways. Another basis for testing and materials

of this study for verifying the aggregates of the Simuay river will satisfy the standard


 Mechanical properties – Properties of aggregates that Simuay river will be test by the


 Sub base course – typically a granular borrow that is placed between the base and subgrade. the

researchers specify for foundation layer as the study focus. Researchers another specification for

the foundation layer as the study focus.



2.1 Physical Properties of Aggregates

2.1.1 Shape and size

Day (1999) identifies seven features affecting suitability of fine aggregate as concrete aggregate.

These include particle size distribution, particle shape and surface texture, clay, silt and dust content,

chemical impurities, presence of mechanically weak particles, water absorption and mica content.

Grading is singled out as the most important property, followed by particle shape and presence of

impurities that determines acceptance of fine aggregate as suitable for concrete manufacture.

Hence, it was reported that the size of the aggregates has a great impact on the strength of the

porous concrete and as the size of the aggregates increases, the concrete strength increases. However, for

aggregate size over 7mm, the compressive strength variation is not significant [16, 17]. Studying the

results reported by some researchers shows that as the average size of the aggregates increases, the

compressive strength and permeability increase, as the result of the extension of the microcracks [18].

2.1.2 Surface texture

Griffith and Kallas (19), from a study of crushed and uncrushed coarse and fine aggregates, found

that the relative proportions of coarse and fine aggregate for maximum stability is a function of the

angularity and surface texture of both coarse and fine aggregate fractions.

Griffith and Kallas (19) also, found that increased roughness of surface texture of fine aggregates

increased Marshall and Hveem stability values for asphaltic concrete at optimum asphalt. They also found

that increased roughness of surface texture of the fine aggregate fractions increased the minimum

percentage of voids in the mineral aggregate and increased the optimum asphalt content.

Thus, surface texture is the local deviation of a surface from a perfectly flat plane. The measure of the

surface texture is generally determined in terms of its roughness, waviness and form (Bhushan, 2002).

2.1.3 Bulk density

On the study of Reichert J. (2018) , the integrated effect of soil physical properties is evaluated by

multiple regressions, decompression and recovery coefficients are most influenced by soil bulk density
and soil organic matter analysis, while compressibility coefficient is also influenced by volumetric


2.1.4 Moisture Content.

This test shall consist of determination of moisture content on all fine-grained soil samples in

accordance with ASTM D2216. It is important to note that the moisture content w is expressed as a

percentage in Equation 5.5. Moisture content is an important soil property that relates with soil behavior,

clay content, organic content, calcium carbonate, shear strength, compressibility, and other engineering

properties. This test may not be required on soils with less than 35% passing #200 Sieve (0.075 mm).

2.2 Index Properties

The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), the

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), and various states have set specifications for

allowable fines content and plasticity index values for aggregates used in highway construction. A

summary of these limits is provided in Table 1. The fines content is commonly controlled by specifying a

certain limit on material passing the No. 200 sieve. According to Table 1, the maximum allowable

passing No. 200 sieve varies from 12% to 20%. Dust Ratio (DR) is defined as the ratio of material weight

passing No. 200 sieve to the one passing No. 40 sieve per AASHTO M147. Dust ratio is not commonly

considered as a criterion. However, 0.6 or 0.66 is the recommended upper limit of dust ratio in some

standards or specifications (Osouli et al. 2016).

Some states such as Illinois and Arkansas define various maximum allowed PI depending on the

gradation and the type of aggregates. In some states (e.g., Illinois), the PI requirement may be waived if

the dust ratio is less than 0.6. In terms of LL, some DOTs specified 25% LL as the maximum allowed.

However, Colorado allows LL values up to 35% (Osouli et al. 2017).

2.3 Soil Classification

According to American Concrete Institute (ACI) (2007), the acceptance of an aggregate for use in

concrete on a particular job or in meeting a particular specification should be based upon specific

information obtained from tests used to measure the aggregate’s quality or, more importantly, its service

record, or both. More performance tests are also used to test aggregates in concrete. A typical consensus

specification for fine and coarse aggregate for concrete is ASTM C 33.

2.4 Assessing the suitability of Simuay river aggregates for sub-base and base course base on

DPWH 2013 Bluebook

According to ( M adams Joe Et. Al 2015) The sub-base is an important layer in both flexible and rigid

pavements. It mainly acts as a structural layer helping to spread the wheel loads so that the subgrade is

not over-stressed. It also plays a useful role as a separation layer bet. The projected the base and the

subgrade and provides a good working platform on which the other paving materials can be transported,

laid and compacted. It can also act as a drainage layer. The selection of material and the design of the

sub-base will depend upon the particular design function of the layer and also the expected in-situ

moisture conditions. Establish sub-bases can be used for both flexible and rigid road pavements, although

the reasons for doing this can vary. In order to identify the benefits of establishing sub-bases, it is

necessary to examine the role of the sub-base for each pavement type. A stabilized, and therefore stiffer,

sub-base provides greater load spreading ability and hence reduces stresses imposed on the subgrade.

When stabilized the sub-base provides much of the structural rigidity in the pavement and also assists.
2.5 Mechanical properties

Several mechanical properties of aggregate are of interest for the manufacture of concrete,

especially high strength concrete subjected to high wear.

Ren and Yin (2020), Aggregate structure plays a significant role in the pavement performance of

road materials. However, there is a lack of fundamental understanding of mechanical characteristics and

evolution characteristics of the aggregate structure in the existing research. In addition to understand this

complex structure, laboratory tests and numerical simulations using the discrete element method were

used to investigate macroscopic mechanical properties of aggregate structure and microscopic aggregate

contact forces, thus revealing the mechanical role of each size aggregate and evolution characteristics of

the aggregate structure. Therefore, Benedektsson (2015) conclude that the durability of construction

aggregates will therefore depend upon the quality of aggregate mechanical properties. In addition,

Shrestha et al. (2013) where analyse physical and mechanical properties of the material to evaluate the

potential uses of aggregates as construction aggregates.

Osouli et al. (2018) developed prediction model to predict soaked CBR values from unsoaked

CBR tests considering material type, fines content, PI (Plasticity index) and DR (Dust ratio). On the other

hand, Sarsam (2020) presents investagition to develop a simple a mathematical approach to the problem

of estimating the strength (soak CBR value) of local sand-aggregate material usually obtained from

riverbed and banks and used as subbase layer for road construction.
Taherkhani H. and Valizadeh, M (2016) investigated the effects of aggregates properties on the

performance of unbound aggregate base layer.

Whereas, Titi et al. (2018) Determined strength of the investigated base layer aggregates as

important for the performance evaluation and design/analysis of pavements. However, Xiao et al. (2012)

Analyzed that aggregates gradation have an effects on the Mechanical Properties of Aggregate Base–

Granular Subbase Materials.

ASTM International, a pH test procedure does not exist for coarse-grained material. Therefore,

D4972 standard test method for pH of soil, does not work for coarse-grained material as most or all of the

coarse-grained material, larger than the no.10 sieve. However, in terms of toughness and hardness,

Sadeghi et al. (2016) presents a capable classification for ballast characteristics which need to be

investigated beforehand, firstly to assign ballast functions, secondly need to clarify ballast requirements,

thirdly to map appropriate tests to evaluate ballast characteristics and then it must be such that if ballast

cannot carry out one of these duties, be able to call there is ballast defect. In addition, Mechanical tests are

considered as the best and most important indicators of ballast performance in service.

Likewise, Little et al. (2018), there are a number of different empirical tests by which the

toughness of aggregate particles can be measured. Some of the more common tests are the Los Angeles or

LA abrasion test (detailed under AASHTO T96) and the aggregate impact and crushing value tests
(detailed under British Standards 812-110 and 112). The LA abrasion test, as it is commonly referred to,

is conducted on a sample of coarse aggregate particles (typically retained on No. 12 sieve). Furthermore,

several different empirical tests are available to measure aggregate hardness. Two more common tests are

the British pendulum test and the micro-deval test.

Mechanical properties of the aggregates have a great impact or role for the durability of the

structures or road pavement. However, mechanical characteristics have not been given attention or lack of

information or rear research. Therefore, some of the researchers gave a solution for this problem such

laboratory tests and numerical simulations to evaluate the potential uses of aggregates as construction

aggregates. For some area, researchers developed model prediction for the soaked CBR and unsoaked

CBR, and a simple mathematical approach. Most of the research subjected to mechanical properties

concluded that aggregate gradation, pH, toughness and hardness are the factors affect the mechanical

properties of the aggregates that may cause a failure of the structures or road pavements.



This study will be conducted at Simuay River, Sultan Mastura, Maguindanao. The place is selected due to

the absence of republishing documents about the Mechanical properties, Physical and soil details yet

known as one of the primary source of building materials used in Cotabato City and surrounding towns.


The researcher will use an experimental tool and will inline the activity according to the ASTM Standard

units to obtain the needs of the study.

Standard Reference:

Sampling Aggregate From Stockpiles ASTM D75


• Shovels or scoops, or both

• Sampling tubes of acceptable dimensions

• Mechanical sampling systems: normally a permanently attached device that allows a sample

container to pass perpendicularly through the entire stream of material or diverts the entire stream

of material into the container by manual, hydraulic, or pneumatic operation ,

• Sampling containers

Procedure – General

In some situations it is mandatory to sample aggregates that have been stored in stockpiles or loaded into

rail cars, barges, or trucks. In such cases the procedure should ensure that segregation does not introduce

a serious bias in the results.


In sampling material from stockpiles it is very difficult to ensure unbiased samples, due to the segregation

which often occurs when material is stockpiled, with coarser particles rolling to the outside base of the


For coarse or mixed coarse and fine aggregate, every effort should be made to enlist the services of power

equipment to develop a separate, small sampling pile composed of materials drawn from various levels

and locations in the main pile after which several increments may be combined to compose the field

sample. If necessary to indicate the degree of variability existing within the main pile, separate samples

should be drawn from separate areas of the pile.

Where power equipment is not available, samples from stockpiles should be made up of at least three

increments taken from the top third, at the mid-point, and at the bottom third of the volume of the pile. A

board shoved vertically into the pile just above the sampling point aids in preventing further segregation.

In sampling stockpiles of fine aggregate the outer layer, which may have become segregated, should be

removed and the sample taken from the material beneath. Sampling tubes approximately 30-mm min by

2-m min in length may be inserted into the pile at random locations to extract a minimum of five

increments of material to form the sample.


1) Property Test


Standard Reference:

ASTM D 2488 - Standard Practice for Description and Identification of Soils (Visual - Manual


• Magnifying glass


Using magnifying glass, identify particle shape (angular, subangular, rounded, subrounded) using Figure

1 and Table 2.

Table 2. Criteria for Describing Shape of Coarse-Grained Soil


Description Criteria
Figure 1. Shape of Coarse-
Grained Soil Particles Angular Particles have sharp edges and relatively plane

sides with unpolished surfaces.

Subangular Particles are similar to angular description, but

have rounded edges.

Subrounded Particles have nearly plane sides, but have well-

rounded corners and edges.

Rounded Particles have smoothly curved sides and no



Standard Reference:

ASTM C 127/C 128 - Standard Test Method for Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate


Balance, Sample container, water tank and sieves

8.1 Dry the test sample to constant weight at a temperature of 110±5°C (230±9°F). cool in air at room
temperature for 1 to 3 h for test samples of 37.5-mm ( 1 ½ -in.) nominal maximum size, or longer for
larger sizes until the aggregate has cooled to a temperature that is comfortable to handle (approxi mately
50 deg C ) . Subsequently immerse the aggregate in water at room temperature for a period of 24 ± 4h.

NOTE 2--When testing coarse aggregate of large nominal maximum size requiring large test samples, it
may be more convenient to perform the test on two or more subsamples, and the values obtained
combined for the computations described in Section 9.

8.2 Where the absorption and specific gravity values are to be used in proportioning concrete mixtures in
which the aggregates will be in their naturally moist condition, the requirement for initial drying to
constant weight may be eliminated, and, if the surfaces of the particles in the sample have been kept
continuously wet until test, the 24-h soaking may also be eliminated.

NOTE 3-Values for absorption and bulk specific gravity (SSD) may be significantly higher for aggregate
not oven dried before soaking than for the same aggregate treated in accordance with 8.1. This is
especially true of particles larger than 75 mm (3 in.) since the water may not be able to penetrate the
pores to the center of the particle in the prescribed soaking period.

8.3 Remove the test sample from the water and roll it in a large absorbent cloth until all visible films of
water are removed. Wipe the larger particles individually. A moving stream of air may be used to assist in
the drying operation. Take care to avoid evaporation of water from aggregate pores during the surface-
drying operation. Weigh the test sample in the saturated surface-dry condition. Record this and all
subsequent weights to the nearest 0.5 g or 0.05% of the sample weight. whichever is greater.

8.4 After weighing, immediately place the saturated surface-dry test sample in the sample container and
determine its weight in water at 23 1.7°C 73.4 plus/minus 3 deg * F ) having a density of 997 plus/minus
2 * kg / (m ^ 3) Take care to remove all entrapped air before weighing by shaking the container while

NOTE 4-The container should be immersed to a depth sufficient to cover it and the test sample during
weighing Wire suspending the container should be of the smallest practical size to minimize any possible
effects of a variable immersed length.

8.5 Dry the test sample to constant weight at a temperature of 110 plus/minus 5 deg * C 230 plus/minus 9
deg * F ). cool in air at room temperature I to 3 h, or until the aggregate has cooled to a temperature that
is comfortable to handle (approximately 50 deg * C ) and weigh.


Standard Reference:

ASTM D 2216 - Standard Test Method for Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of

Soil, Rock, and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures


Drying oven, Balance, Moisture can, Gloves, Spatula

1. Record the moisture can and lid number. Determine and record the mass of an empty, clean, and

dry moisture can with its lid (MC)

2. Place the moist soil in the moisture can and secure the lid. Determine and record the mass of the

moisture can (now containing the moist soil) with the lid (MCMS).

3. Remove the lid and place the moisture can (containing the moist soil) in the drying oven that is

4. set at 105 C. Leave it in the oven overnight.

5. Remove the moisture can. Carefully but securely, replace the lid on the moisture can using

gloves, and allow it to cool to room temperature. Determine and record the mass of the moisture

can and lid (containing the dry soil) (MCDS).

Empty the moisture can and clean the can and lid.


Liquid Limits

Standard Reference:

ASTM D 4318 - Standard Test Method for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils


1. Liquid limit device

2. Porcelain (evaporating) dish

3. Flat grooving tool with gage

4. Eight moisture cans

5. Balance

6. Glass plate

7. Spatula

8. Wash bottle filled with distilled water

9. Drying oven set at 105C


1) Take roughly 3/4 of the soil and place it into the porcelain dish. Assume that the soil was previously

passed through a No. 40 sieve, air-dried, and then pulverized. Thoroughly mix the soil with a small
amount of distilled water until it appears as a smooth uniform paste. Cover the dish with cellophane to

prevent moisture from escaping.

2) Weigh four of the empty moisture cans with their lids and record the respective weights and can

numbers on the data sheet.

3) Adjust the liquid limit apparatus by checking the height of drop of the cup. The point on the cup that

comes in contact with the base should rise to a height of 10 mm. The block on the end of the grooving

tool is 10 mm high and should be used as a gage. Practice using the cup and determine the correct rate to

rotate the crank so that the cup drops approximately two times per second.

(4)Place a portion of the previously mixed soil into the cup of the liquid limit apparatus at the point where

the cup rests on the base. Squeeze the soil down to eliminate air pockets and spread it into the cup to a

depth of about 10 mm at its deepest point. The soil pat should form an approximately horizontal surface

(See Photo B).

(5) Use the grooving tool carefully cut a clean straight groove down the center of the cup. The tool should

remain perpendicular to the surface of the cup as groove is being made. Use extreme care to prevent

sliding the soil relative to the surface of the cup (See Photo C).

(6)Make sure that the base of the apparatus below the cup and the underside of the cup is clean of soil.

Tum the crank of the apparatus at a rate of approximately two drops per second and count the number of

drops, N, it takes to make the two halves of the soil pat come into contact at the bottom of the groove

along a distance of 13 mm (1/2 in.) (See Photo D). If the number of drops exceeds 50, then go directly to

step eight and do not record the number of drops, otherwise, record the number of drops on the data sheet.

(7) Take a sample, using the spatula, from edge to edge of the soil pat. The sample should include the soil

on both sides of where the groove came into contact. Place the soil into a moisture can cover it.

Immediately weigh the moisture can containing the soil, record its mass, remove the lid, and place the can

into the oven. Leave the moisture can in the oven for at least 16 hours. Place the soil remaining in the cup

into the porcelain dish. Clean and dry the cup on the apparatus and the grooving tool.

(8) Remix the entire soil specimen in the porcelain dish. Add a small amount of distilled water to increase

the water content so that the number of drops required to close the groove decrease.

(9) Repeat steps six, seven, and eight for at least two additional trials producing successively lower

numbers of drops to close the groove. One of the trials shall be for a closure requiring 25 to 35 drops, one
for closure between 20 and 30 drops, and one trial for a closure requiring 15 to 25 drops. Determine the

water content from each trial by using the same method used in the first laboratory. Remember to use the

same balance for all weighing.


Liquid Limit:

(1) Calculate the water content of each of the liquid limit moisture cans after they have been in the oven

for at least 16 hours.

(2) Plot the number of drops, N, (on the log scale) versus the water content (w). Draw the best-fit straight

line through the plotted points and determine the liquid limit (LL) as the water content at 25 drops.


Standard Reference:

ASTM C136 Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregate


 Balance

 Sieves

 Mechanical Sieve Shaker

 Oven


1. Dry the sample to constant mass at a temperature of 110 +5°C (2309°F).

NOTE 4 For control purposes, particularly where rapid results are desired, it is generally not necessary to

dry coarse aggregate for the sieve analysis test. The results are little affected by the moisture content

unless: (1) the nominal maximum size is smaller than about 12.5 mm (in.); (2) the course aggregate

contains appreciable material finer than 4.75 mm (No. 4); or (3) the coarse aggregate is highly absorptive

(a lightweight aggregate, for example). Also, samples may be dried at the higher temperatures associated

with the use of hot plates without affecting results, provided steam escapes without generating pressures
sufficient to Fracture the particles, and temperatures are not so great as to cause chemical breakdown of

the aggregate.

2. Select sieves with suitable openings to furnish the information required by the specifications

covering the mate rial to be tested. Use additional sieves as desired or necessary to provide other

information, such as fineness modulus, or to regulate the amount of material on a sieve. Nest the

sieves in order of decreasing size of opening from top to bottom and place the sample on the top

sieve. Agitate the sieves by hand or by mechanical apparatus for a sufficient period, established

by trial or checked by measurement on the actual test sample, to meet the criterion for adequacy

or sieving described in 8.4.

3. Limit the quantity of material on a given sieve so that all particles have opportunity to reach sieve

openings a number of times during the sieving operation. For sieves with openings smaller than

4.75-mm (No. 4), the quantity retained on any sieve at the completion of the sieving operation

shall not exceed 7 kg/m² of sieving surface area (Note 5). For sieves with openings 4.75 mm (No.

4) and larger, the quantity retained in kg shall not exceed the product of 2.5 X (sieve opening.

mm X (effective sieving area. m²)). This quantity is shown in Table 1 for five sieve-frame

dimensions in common use. In no case shall the quantity retained be so great as to cause

permanent deformation of the sieve cloth.

4. Prevent an overload of material on an individual sieve by one of the following methods:

5. Insert an additional sieve with opening size interme diate between the sieve that may be

overloaded and the sieve immediately above that sieve in the original set of sieves. Split

the sample into two or more portions, sieving each portion individually. Combine the masses of

the several portions retained on a specific sieve before calculating the percentage of the sample

on the sieve. Use sieves having a larger frame size and providing greater sieving area.

NOTE 5-The 7 kg/m² amounts to 200 g for the usual 203.2-mm (8-in.) diameter sieve (with effective

sieving surface diameter of 190.5 mm (7.5 in.)).

6. Continue sieving for a sufficient period and in such manner that, after completion, not more than

1% by mass of the material retained on any individual sieve will pass that sieve during I min of

continuous hand sieving performed as follows: Hold the individual sieve, provided with a snug-

fitting pan and cover, in a slightly inclined position in one hand. Strike the side of the sieve

sharply and with an upward motion against the heel of the other hand at the rate of about 150

times per minute, turn the sieve about one sixth of a revolution at intervals of about 25 strokes. In

determining sufficiency of sieving for sizes larger than the 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve, limit the

material on the sieve to a single layer of particles. If the size of the mounted testing sieves makes

the described sieving motion impractical, use 203-mm (8 in.) diameter sieves to verify the

sufficiency of sieving.

7. In the case of coarse and fine aggregate mixtures, the portion of the sample finer than the 4.75-

mm (No. 4) sieve may be distributed among two or more sets of sieves to prevent overloading of

individual sieves.

8. Alternatively, the portion finer than the 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve may be reduced in size using a

mechanical splitter according to Practice C 702. If this procedure is followed. compute the mass

of each size increment of the original sample as follows:


A = mass of size increment on total sample basis.

W = mass of fraction finer than 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve in total sample.

W₂ = mass of reduced portion of material finer than 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve actually sieved, and

B = mass of size increment in reduced portion sieved.

9. Unless a mechanical sieve shaker is used, hand sieve particles larger than 75 mm (3 in.) by

determining the smallest sieve opening through which each particle will pass. Start the test on the

smallest sieve to be used. Rotate the particles, if necessary, in order to determine whether they

will pass through a particular opening: however, do not force particles to pass through an


10. Determine the mass of each size increment on a scale or balance conforming to the requirements

specified in 5.1 to the nearest 0.1% of the total original dry sample mass. The total mass of the

material after sieving should check closely with original mass of sample placed on the sieves. If

the amounts differ by more than 0.3 %, based on the original dry sample mass, the results should

not be used for acceptance purposes. 8.8 If the sample has previously been tested by Test Method

C117, add the mass finer than the 75-um (No. 200) sieve determined by that method to the mass

passing the 75-um (No. 200) sieve by dry sieving of the same sample in this method.


Standard Reference:

ASTM D2487-17: Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil

Classification System)


A plasticity chart, similar to Fig. 4, and a cumulative particle-size distribution curve, similar to Fig. 5, are



Classify the soil as fine-grained if 50% or more by dry mass of the test specimen passes the No. 200 (75-

µm) sieve and follow Section 10.

Classify the soil as coarse-grained if more than 50 % by dry mass of the test specimen is retained on the

No. 200 (75-um) sieve and follow Section 11.

Procedure for Classification of Fine-Grained Soils

(50 % or more by dry mass passing the No. 200 (75-µm) sieve)
1) The soil is an inorganic clay if the position of the plasticity index versus liquid limit plot. Fig. 4,

falls on or above the "A" line, the plasticity index is greater than 4, and the presence of organic

matter does not influence the liquid limit as described in 10.3.2.

2) Classify the soil as a lean clay, CL, if the liquid limit is less than 50. See area identified as CL on

Fig. 4. 10.1.2 Classify the soil as a fat clay, CH. if the liquid limit is 50 or greater. See area

identified as CH on Fig. 4.

NOTE 7-In cases where the liquid limit exceeds 110 or the plasticity index exceeds 60, the plasticity chart

may be expanded by maintaining the same scale on both axes and extending the "A" line at the indicated


3) Classify the soil as a silty clay, CL-ML, if the position of the plasticity index versus liquid limit

plot falls on or above the "A" line and the plasticity index is in the range of 4 to 7. See area

identified as CL-ML on Fig. 4.

4) The soil is an inorganic silt if the position of the plasticity index versus liquid limit plot, Fig. 4.

falls below the "A" line or the plasticity index is less than 4, and presence of organic matter does

not influence the liquid limit as determined in 10.3.2.

NOTE 8-If performance of the Atterberg Limits test results in the soil being reported as

nonplastic (D4318, 11.4), then assign the plasticity index a value of zero for classification

purposes because the plotted result will fall below the "A" line.

5) Classify the soil as a silt, ML, if the liquid limit is less than 50. See area identified as ML on Fig.

4. 10.2.2 Classify the soil as an elastic silt, MH, if the liquid limit is 50 or greater. See area

identified as MH on Fig. 4. 10.3 The soil is an organic silt or clay if organic matter is present in

sufficient amounts to influence the liquid limit as determined in 10.3.2

6) If the soil has a dark color and an organic odor when moist and warm, a second liquid limit test in

accordance with D4318 shall be performed on a test specimen which has been oven dried at

1105°C to a constant mass.

7) The soil is an organic silt or organic clay if the liquid limit after oven drying is less than 75% of

the liquid limit of the original specimen determined before oven drying.
8) Classify the soil as an organic silt or organic clay, OL, if the liquid limit (not oven dried) is less

than 50%. Classify the soil as an organic silt, OL, if the plasticity index is less than 4. or the

position of the plasticity index versus liquid limit plot falls below the "A" line. Classify the soil as

an organic clay, OL, if the plasticity index is 4 or greater and the position of the plasticity index

versus liquid limit plot falls on or above the "A" line. See area identified as OL (or CL-ML) on

Fig. 4.

9) Classify the soil as an organic clay or organic silt, OH, if the liquid limit (not oven dried) is 50 or

greater. Classify the soil as an organic silt, OH, if the position of the plasticity index versus liquid

limit plot falls below the "A" line. Classify the soil as an organic clay, OH, if the position of the

plasticity index versus liquid-limit plot falls on or above the "A" line. See area identified as OH

on Fig. 4.

10) If less than 30% but 15% or more of the test specimen is retained on the No. 200 (75-um) sieve,

the words" with sand" or "with gravel" (whichever is predominant) shall be added to the group

name. For example, lean clay with sand, CL: silt with gravel, ML. If the percent of sand is equal

to the percent of gravel, use "with sand."

11) If 30% or more of the test specimen is retained on the No. 200 (75-um) sieve, the words "sandy"

or gravelly" shall be added to the group name. Add the word "sandy" if 30% or more of the test

specimen is retained on the No. 200 (75-um) sieve and the coarse-grained portion is

predominantly sand. Add the word "gravelly" if 30% or more of the test specimen is retained on

the No. 200 (75-um) sieve and the coarse-grained portion is predominantly gravel. For example,

sandy lean clay. CL: gravelly fat clay. CH; sandy silt, ML. If the percent of sand is equal to the

percent of gravel, use "sandy."

Procedure for Classification of Coarse-Grained Soils

(more than 50% retained on the No. 200 (75-um) sieve) 11.1 Classify the soil as gravel if more than 50%

of the coarse fraction [plus No. 200 (75-um) sieve] is retained on the No. 4 (4.75-mm) sieve.

12) Classify the soil as sand if 50 % or more of the coarse fraction [plus No. 200 (75-um) sieve]

passes the No. 4 (4.75-mm) sieve.

13) If 12% or less of the test specimen passes the No. 200 (75-um) sieve, plot the cumulative particle-

size distribution, Fig. 5. and compute the coefficient of uniformity. Cu, and coefficient of

curvature, Cc, as given in Eqs 1 and 2.


14) D10 ,D30 and D60 = the particle-size diameters correspond ing to 10, 30, and 60%, respectively,

passing on the cumula tive particle-size distribution curve, Fig. 5.

NOTE 9-It may be necessary to extrapolate the curve to obtain the Dio diameter.

15) If less than 5% of the test specimen passes the No. 200 (75-µm) sieve, classify the soil as a well-

graded gravel, GW, or well-graded sand, SW, if Cu is greater than or equal to 4.0 for gravel or

greater than 6.0 for sand, and Ce is at least 1.0. but not more than 3.0.

16) If less than 5% of the test specimen passes the No. 200 (75-um) sieve, classify the soil as poorly

graded gravel, GP, or poorly graded sand, SP. if either the C or the Cc criteria for well-graded

soils are not satisfied.

17) If more than 12% of the test specimen passes the No. 200 (75-µm) sieve, the soil shall be

considered a coarse grained soil with fines. The fines are determined to be either clayey or silty

based on the plasticity index versus liquid limit plot on Fig. 4. (See if insufficient material

available for testing).

4) Soil pH

Soil pH will be determine via laboratory test in Department of Agriculture (DOA) Located in

front of the Cotabato State of University (CSU) school Building Cotabato City.

5) Assessing the suitability of Simuay river aggregates for sub-base and base course base on

DPWH 2013 Bluebook

6) Mechanical Properties


Standard Reference:

ASTM D1883-21 - Standard Test Method for California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of Laboratory-Compacted

 Loading Machine
 Penetration Piston
 Sieves
 Mold
 Spacer Disk
 Mixing Tools
 Procedures:
 Specimen Preparation

1. A ¾ in (19 mm) sieve is used to sieve the soil specimen. If all material passes through the sieve,
we can use all of it for the test. But some of the material might be retained in the sieve. In that
situation have to replace the retained amount with an equal amount of the materials which pass ¾
in the sieve and retained on the #4 sieve.

2. After sieving, make 3 sample specimens each containing 6.8 kg (15 lb).

3. Specimen 1,2,3 will be compacted with about 10, 30 & 56 blows respectively. This will provide
variations in the percentage of maximum dry density.

4. Sufficient amounts of water shall be mixed with specimens to maintain optimum water content.

5. The mold shall be attached to the base plate with the extension collar. Then the weight shall be
measured. Then a spacer disk shall be placed into the mold with a filter paper on top of the spacer

6. The mold shall be filled with soil in 3 layers. For example: for specimen 1, we have to provide 10
blows per layer with the rammer for the compaction.

7. The water content of the material shall be determined before and after the compaction procedure.

8. Then the extension collar shall be removed and the top of the mold shall be trimmed with a
straightedge to smoothen the surface.

9. The other two specimens shall be compacted following the same procedures mentioned above.

10. Remove spacer disk, base plate. then the weight of Mold plus compacted soil shall be measured.

11. Then invert the mold and soil and attach the base plate to the mold with a coarse filter paper.


1. Place a specified amount of surcharge weight (typically 4.54 kg) on top of the base plate.

2. Use a water tank to soak the specimen for around 4 days (96 hrs.)

3. Measure the height of the specimen before and after soaking to determine the swell percentage of
the initial height. An expansion measurement equipment can be used for this purpose.

4. After 4 days of soaking, the mold shall be from water. The base plate, filter paper, and surcharge
weights shall also be removed. mass of the mold plus soil shall be measured.


1. Place the mold under the penetration piston of the compressing machine. The same amount of
surcharge weight (4.54 kg) shall be placed on top of the mold.

2. Then the compressing machine shall be started to apply load with a constant penetration rate of
0.05 in. (1.27 mm)/min. The piston will start to penetrate through the soil for the loading.
3. The machine has two indicators. One is a proving ring and another is dial gauge. The dial gauge
indicates the penetration and the proving ring will indicate the amount of load is applied to gain
that penetration.

4. See the table below, column 2 shall be filled in with corresponding proving ring readings for the
penetrations specified in column 1.

5. Proving readings shall be multiplied with machine constant to find the piston load (col. 3)

6. Then penetration stress shall be determined from piston load (col. 4)


Standard Reference:

ASTM C131 Standard Test Method for Resistance to Degradation of Small-Size Coarse Aggregate by

Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles Machine


Obtain the field sample in accordance with Practice D 75, and reduce the field sample to adequate sample

size in accordance with Practice C 702. 8. Test Sample Preparation


1) Wash the reduced sample and oven dry at 110 6 5°C (230 6 9°F) to substantially constant mass

(see 9.1.1), separate into individual size fractions, and recombine to the grading of Table 1 most

nearly corresponding to the range of sizes in the aggregate as furnished for the work. Record the

mass of the sample prior to test to the nearest 1 g. 9. Procedure

2) Place the test sample and the charge in the Los Angeles testing machine and rotate the machine at

a speed of 30 to 33 r/min for 500 revolutions (Note 6). After the prescribed number of

revolutions, discharge the material from the machine and make a preliminary separation of the

sample on a sieve coarser than the 1.70-mm (No. 12) sieve. Sieve the finer portion on a 1.70-mm

sieve in a manner conforming to Test Method C 136. Wash the material coarser than the 1.70-mm

(No. 12) sieve and oven-dry at 110 6 5°C (230 6 9°F) to substantially constant mass (see 9.1.1),

and determine the mass to the nearest 1 g (Note 7).

3) If the aggregate is essentially free of adherent coatings and dust, the requirement for washing

after the test is optional. However, in the case of referee testing, the washing procedure shall be

NOTE 6—Valuable information concerning the uniformity of the sample under test may be obtained by determining the loss
after 100 revolutions. The loss should be determined by dry sieving the material on the 1.70-mm sieve without washing. The ratio

of the loss after 100 revolutions to the loss after 500 revolutions should not greatly exceed 0.20 for material of uniform hardness.

When this determination is made, take care to avoid losing any part of the sample; return the entire sample, including the dust of

fracture, to the testing machine for the final 400 revolutions required to complete the test.

NOTE 7—Elimination of washing after test will seldom reduce the measured loss by more than about 0.2 % of the original
sample mass.


The researchers will now taking the sample to record the result.



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