Class 9 History & PS

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DATE:- _________ I UNIT TEST

Q1. A) Choose the right option and rewrite the sentences: (3)

1. ______________is the father of Green Revolution in India.

a. Dr. Varghese Kurien b. Homi Baba c. M.S. Swaminathan d. Dr. Norman Borlaug

2. The______________ is included among the audio-visual media.

a.Newspaper. b. Television c. All India Radio. d. Periodicals

3. ______________ means having excessive pride about one’s region.

a. Communalism d. Naxalism c. Regionalism d. State Affairs

B) Match the pair: (2)

1) Coloumn "A" Coloumn "B"

i. PTI a. Postage Trust of India

ii. MNF b. Press Trust of India

c. Mizo National Front

Q2. A) Identify the wrong pair and rewrite the correct one: (1)

Jal Cooper ___ Philatelist

Amar Shaik ___ Art Collector
Shri PV. Narasimha Rao ___ Ecomonic Reforms
Shri Chandrashekar ___ Economic condition in the country was critical

Q2. B) Give Reason (Any 1): (2)

1. The Morarji Desai government lasted for short.

2. Audio visual media are an important source for writing the history of modern India.
3. We should fight communalism with all our strength.

Q3. A) Answer the following question (Any 1) (2)

1. What are the Objectives of the India Economy?

2. What can we do to end communalism?
Q3. B) Write short Notes On (Any 1) (2)

1. Communalism.
2. Globalisation.


Q1. A) Choose the right option and rewrite the sentences: (2)

1. A system of independent and sovereign state is ______________.

a. Political System b. International System c. Social System d. None of These

2. The main responsibility of the league of nation is ______________.

a. To avoid war.
b. To secure independence of colonies.
c. To improve the economies of different nations.
d. To bring about disarmament.

Q1. B) Explain the reasons whether the following statements are True or False: (2)

1. The League of Nations was established after the First world war.
2. The world became unipolar due to the cold war.

Q2. A) Explain the concept of (Any 1): (2)

1. Cold War.
2. Interdependence.

Q2. B) Answer the following question (Any 1) (2)

1. What measures should the League of Nations have taken to avoid the Second World War?
2. Compare the First World War & Second World War with the help of following points.

Points First World War Second World War

1. Period
2. Involved Nations


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