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First slide: “Good morning everyone, before anything else I would like to

introduce my self, I am Richard Mag-aso and I am your reporter in module 14.


Second slide: “Constructivism: Knowledge construction and concept


Third slide: “As we start, I will present the learning objectives”

Fourth slide: “For the introduction”

Fifth slide: “This is the advance organizer of constructivism: So the content

for today’s discussion will be: Views of constructivism, which is divided into 2,
the individual constructivism and social constructivism. Another are the
characteristic of constructivism and organizing knowledge”

Sixth slide: “As we continue we have here a quotation from William Butlers
Yeats Treats, which says that “Teaching is not about filling up the pail; it is
about lighting a fire”. In this quotation, “filling up the pail” is more linked to rote
learning and behaviorism. It connotes that teaching is dominated by the
teacher and the learners are passive receivers of knowledge. “Lighting the
fire” is related to the cognitive perspective and constructivism. It signifies that
teaching involves giving opportunities for learners to explore and discover.
Learners construct their own meaning. Learners generate insights and are

Seventh slide: “Before we proceed to the lesson proper, let us define first
What is Constructivism”

So naa ba moy idea kung unsa ang constructivism?

*so wala……..

Eigth slide: “so ang constructivism”

Explaination human sa last*

“So kaning constructivism daw is a theory nga mostly ginagamit ni sa

teachers as to hope learners understand”

Nineth slide: “For example”

Explanation: “so this mean, let the learners know and construct in their own

Tenth slide: “so mao ni ang constructivism”

Eleventh slide: “Another thing is”

Twelveth slide: “so if ang teacher sge lang og lecture without any activities
given that will experience or interact to the students, then unsaon sa learners
or sa students pag construct sa ilang knowledge?, diba mag lisod ang usa ka

Thirteenth slide: “so ang paagi ani, kailangan maka experience ang learners
na something maka develop or ma enhance ang ilang knowledge. From the
word construct, so kailangan naay activities or task para sa students aron ang
learners maka construct og knowledge.”

Fourteenth slide: “so kailangan sad sa isa ka student nga e establish ang
ilang understanding through experiences.”

Fifteen slide: “Mao ni sya nga gi tawag nga constructivism”

Sixteenth slide: “Because this constructivism points out that experiential

learning is more powerful than lectures and worksheets”.

Seventeen slide: “Now let us proceed to the 2 views of constructivism”

*Explanation of Individual constructivism: “ang tao is mag learn through
experience and own discovery”

*Explanation of Social Constructivism: “ang tao is mag learn best pinaagi sa

pakighalubilo sa ubang tao and maka kuha ug ideas sa uban”

“Mao to sya ang 2 views of constructivism”

Eighteen and nineteen slide: “Let us proceed to the characteristics of

constructivism, there are 4 characteristics that these 2 views have in common.
According to Eggen and Kauchak, these are:”

*Explanation of Learners construct understanding: “ang mga leaners kay

maasabot ug makatuon sa new information base sa mga natun an ug sa mga
past experiences”

*Explanation of New learning: “ang mga bag o na matun an is dependent sa

present na pagsabot/schema”

*Explanation of Learning is facilitated: “ang social interaction or groupings kay

very helpful sa pag learn since maka connect and maka collaborate ug ideas
about sa isa ka topic”

*Explanation of Meaningful: “ang mga real life activities kay very important
para maka sabot ug maka tuon ang mga learners. Example ani kay hands on
activites like experiment or cooking”

Twenty slide: “Let us proceed to the organizing knowledge”

Twenty one slide:
*Explanation of Defining feature: “we all know nga ang triangle have 3 sides,
so having 3 sides is a defining feature of triangle kay kung upat na ang sides
square nana sya diba? Dili na sya triangle, so that makes it a defining feature.
So kailangan jud pag defining features dapat present in all instances”

*Explanation of correlational feature: “A loving mother can be very good in

taking care of the kids, makita diha sa picture na gi hug gyud niya iyang anak,
pero dili tanan loving mother kay showy sa action like hugging”

Twenty two slide: “So let us proceed to the concept as prototype”

*Explanation of prototype: “ang prototype kay ga pakita ug typical na example

or mao na sya ang representation sa isa ka concept, ang example ani is a
common cat, makita ninyo sa picture na ang common cat kay naay whiskers
and black lines, mao na sya ang kasagara makita nato na image sa usa ka

Twenty three slide: “let us proceed to the concept as exemplars”

*Explanation: “ang exemplars kay ga show ug lain lain na examples. Gapakita

ni sya sa learners na ang isa ka concept kay naay lain lain nga examples”

*Explanation: “ang concept sa isa ka learner sa vegetables kay daghan nagka

lain lain na vegetables like squash, eggplant, ug uban pa”

Twenty four slide: “Now let us proceed to the making concept learning

Twenty five slide: “now lets proceed to the schema and script”

*Explanation of Schema: “ang schema daw kay preconceived idea that we

use to interpret new information, for example, a child may see a cow and say
“Look, a horse” so here, the childs schema of horse is likely based on the fact
that it’s a large animal with four legs. But the parent then correct the child;
“No, it’s a cow. See, it has a short neck and an udder”
Now, the child have two separate schema; one for horse and one for cow. So
mao na ang schema”

*Explanation of script: “ script are also called event schemas which

encompasses the squence of action and behaviors one expects during a
given event, the example of this is kung mag tan aw ug movie sa sinehan,
diba magpalit man gyud ta og tickets, snacks and mag pili og seat. So Na
anticipate na nato daan in our mind ang mahitabo, mao na sya ang script”

Twenty six slide: “Now let us proceed to the applying constructivism”

Twenty seven slide: “So diri ra kutob ang akong report thank you everyone
for listening and once again good morning”

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