POA - DRAFT - Mirpur 1.65 Katha

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Serial No.: Book No.: Deed No.:

Year: Date:

Name and Address of the Office of the Relating Sub-Registrar:

Mirpur Sub-Registry Office
Mirpur, Dhaka.

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Nature of Mouza P.S./U. Z Dist. Consideration Money (if
Deed any)
Irrevocable ………………. Mirpur Dhaka
Power of Presently Value of the Land of
Attorney Mirpur, Block-D, Attorney’s Share:
Section-6 TK. 6,000,000/-
Class of Signing Money:
Description of the Property Land TK.3,900,000/-
Total Land: ……….
Total Land 1.65 (one point sixty-five) Katha, Total Consideration:
272.25 Ajutangsho. TK. 9,750,000/-
Share of the ATTORNEY:
0.99 (point ninety-nine) Katha, 163.35 In Word:
Ajutangsho. (TK. Ninety-Seven Lac
………………………………………….………. Fifty Thousand) only.
Entire Property is the Subject Matter of this
Power of Attorney for construction of a
Residential Apartment Building out of which a
60% built apartment spaces along with an
undivided and undemarcated 60% land out of
1.65 Katha is solely conferred and empowered
to the Attorney for sale or transfer to its buyers
or 3rd Party.

1. Date of Execution:
Calendar Day Month Year
English …………….. March 2021
Bangla ……………. …………… ………….

2. Name and Introduction of the Power Giver(s)/ PRINCIPAL(s):

a) Name : Nazma Akhter
Father’s Name : Azizul Haque
Mother’s Name : Zamila Khatun Photograph
Date of Birth : 01/12/1953 of the
Religion : Islam.
Profession : House wife.
Nationality : Bangladeshi by Birth.
National ID No. : 1940926528
TIN No. : 822641699884
Present Address : House # 40, Road # 20, Block-D, Section-6, Mirpur,
Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh.
Permanent Address : As same as present address.
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b) Name : Linkon
Father’s Name : Mir Mahbub Ali
Mother’s Name : Nazma Akhter Photograph
Date of Birth : 02/06/1978 of the
Religion : Islam.
Profession : Business.
Nationality : Bangladeshi by Birth.
National ID No. : 6440859947
TIN No. : 766981340477

Present Address : House # 40, Road # 20, Block-D, Section-6, Mirpur,

Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh
Permanent Address : As same as present address.

c) Name : Mousumi Akhter

Father’s Name : Mir Mahbub Ali
Mother’s Name : Nazma Akhter Photograph
Date of Birth : 07/07/1983 of the
Religion : Islam.
Profession : House Wife
Nationality : Bangladeshi by Birth.
National ID No. : 8686734594
TIN No. : 758366424222

Present Address : House # 40, Road # 20, Block-D, Section-6, Mirpur,

Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh
Permanent Address : As same as present address.

d) Name : Surovi Akhter

Father’s Name : Mir Mahbub Ali
Mother’s Name : Nazma Akhter Photograph
Date of Birth : 12/09/1988 of the
Religion : Islam.
Profession : Private Service
Nationality : Bangladeshi by Birth.
National ID No. : 2696406686962
TIN No. : 435015217201
Present Address : House # 40, Road # 20, Block-D, Section-6, Mirpur,
Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh

Permanent Address : As same as present address.

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3. Name and Introduction of the Power Receiver/ATTORNEY:


Represented by its Photograph
of the
Managing Director Attorney

MKA Shahinoor Rahman

Father’s Name : MKA Mannanoor Rahman
Mothers Name : Zaedah Rahman
Date of Birth : 28/08/1977
Religion : Islam
Profession : Business
Nationality : Bangladeshi
National ID No. : 2694807847780
TIN : 752266323728
Circle-245 (Co.)
Tax Area-12, Dhaka.
Present Address : House # 660 & 662, Avenue-04
Road 09, Mirpur DOHS, Dhaka-1216.
Permanent Address : Vill: Shahebpara, P.O & P.S: Lalmonirhat
Dist.: Lalmonirhat, Bangladesh.

4. National ID No. of the PRINCIPAL(s): a) Nazma Akhter: 1940926528, b) Linkon:

6440859947, c) Mousumi Akhter: 8686734594, d) Surovi Akhter: 2696406686962
National ID No. of the ATTORNEY: 2694807847780
5. Description of the Objective of Special, General or Irrevocable Power which given
by the Power Giver/PRINCIPAL and Conferred Power and description of the Duties
and Responsibilities to be executed by the Power Receiver/ATTORNEY:

The ATTORNEY, EJAB DEVELPOERS LTD., private limited company duly incorporated
under the Companies Act, 1994 in Bangladesh having its office at a private limited
company duly incorporated under the Companies Act, 1994 in Bangladesh having its
office at House # 660 & 662, Avenue-04, Road 09, Mirpur DOHS, Dhaka-1216 and
represented by its Managing Director, MKA Shahinoor Rahman can act in the name and
on behalf of the PRINCIPAL in association with other co-sharers to perform execute all
or any of the several acts, deeds, powers, authorities, matters and things, that is to say:
i) To do everything, to acquire full control of possession and management of the
Schedule ‘A’ property.
ii) To represent us and to construct, develop, maintain look after, manage, administer
and protect 6 (six) storied Residential Building on the Scheduled-A Property as per
approved plan and necessary permission/approval of the authorities concerned
(National Housing Authority, RAJUK etc.) and to do all such acts, deeds things is

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connection with the affairs of the Scheduled Property as the said Attorney shall think
fit and proper.

iii) To prepare or cause the preparation of plan for a Residential building proposed to
be constructed on the Schedule A property and for the said purpose to represent
the PRINCIPAL for and on our behalf to obtain the approved plan from authorities
concerned and to take delivery of the copy of the approved plan in respect of the
said Schedule A property.

iv) To prepare or cause the preparation of plan for a Residential building proposed to
be constructed on the Schedule A property and for the said purpose to represent
the PRINCIPAL for and on their behalf to obtain the approved plan from authorities
concerned and to take delivery of the copy of the approved plan in respect of the
said Schedule A property.

v) To Construct 6 (six) storied Residential Building on the Scheduled-A Land, as per

Rajdhani Unnayan Karthipakhya’s (RAJUK’s) approved plan, obtain sanction of the
plan form Rajdhani Unnayan Karthipakhya (RAJUK), take water connection,
Electricity connection and Gas Connection in the Scheduled Land for the purpose of
building to be constructed thereon.

vi) To apply for and obtain electricity, gas, water, sewerage and/or connection of any
other utilities and the completion of other certificates from appropriate authorities
wherever necessary.

vii) To enter into the Scheduled Property and also to manage, administer and/or
develop the said Schedule A property together with the said construction thereon
for and on behalf of the PRINCIPAL and for that purpose to take all necessary legal
or other steps whatever deemed necessary and /or expedient.

viii)To appear for and on our behalf before National Housing Authority, the RAJUK,
Municipal or City Corporation, Urban Land ceiling Authority, Income Tax Authority
and/or any other Government Authority for the purpose of taking all necessary steps
for commencing and completing the proposed construction work on the Scheduled

ix) To Make draft, sign, execute and submit necessary applications and declarations,
give undertakings, pay fees, obtain sanction, orders and permission as shall be
expedient, from the appropriate authorities.

x) To apply for and obtain electricity, gas, water, sewerage and/or connection of any
other utilities and the collection of any certificates from appropriate authorities
wherever necessary.

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xi) To commence, initiate, file, prosecute, enforce, defend, answer, or oppose all
actions or other legal proceedings and demands touching any of the matters
aforesaid or any other matter relating to the premises or any part thereof.

xii) To appoint nominate and retain Advocates, Attorneys, Solicitors, Pleaders,

Architects, Engineers, Building Surveyors, Revenue Agents and to revoke such
appointments and retain or appoints others as occasion shall require.

xiii)To enter into Agreement for sale/transfer with individual or joint purchaser in
respect of following 60% apartments and Car Parking Spaces (3 Nos.) of the
proposed 6 (six) storey Residential Building to be constructed and proportionate
common areas in connection to the said apartments including 60% proportionate
share of undivided and un demarcated Scheduled land by obtaining necessary
permission from RAJUK, National Housing Authority and other authorities.

Apartments and Car Parking Spaces with proportionate share of the undivided and
undemarcated area of land to be sold/ transferred by the Attorney as follows
(obtaining necessary permission from the proper authority):


Ground Car Parking 1 Car Park 3 Car Park
1st Floor Residential Space 100% 00%
2nd Floor Residential Space 100% 00%
3rd Floor Residential Space 00% 100%
4th Floor Residential Space 00% 100%
5th Floor Residential Space 00% 100%

xiv)To settle price for the above-mentioned apartments and car park spaces of
Developer’s share mentioned in the table in Clause-13 (Thirteen) of this document
with the prospective purchasers of the apartments and car parking spaces in the
Ground floor, receive payment in installments or at a time and deliver the
possessions of the apartment to the prospective purchasers.

xv) To appear before the Sub-Registrar and present for registration of the Sale deeds
executed in his own favour or in favour of his nominee or any intending buyer of the
Residential floors and/or admits execution thereof to the Sub-Registrar in respect of
the portion of the Developer’s Share as mentioned in the Clause-13 (Thirteen) of this
deed of Irrevocable Power of Attorney.

xvi)To obtain loan or facilitate the intending purchasers of Attorney’s share of flats on
schedule A Land to obtain Loan from any Scheduled Bank or any financial institutions
and execute any written instrument (if needed) in respect of the said apartments
mentioned against the share of Attorney in the Clause-13 (Thirteen) and
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Proportionate car parking spaces in the Ground Floor with undivided and
undemarcated land. The ATTORNEY shall have the liberty to do the same as per
requirement and expediency.

xvii) To appoint agent, substitutes, or any other person in respect of the said
apartments to be constructed on the Scheduled Land.

xviii) To put up advertisement on the site or elsewhere or make publicity in media and
shall be entitled into agreement towards that purpose.

xix)To appear and act in all the courts civil, revenue whatsoever whether original and
appellate, in the registration offices and in any other offices of the government or
local body, municipal authority or notified area or any other authority and sign and
verify plaints, written statements/objections, petitions, applications and present
appeals in any court and appoint on our behalf advocates, agents or any other legal

xx) To commence, initiate, file, prosecute, enforce, defend, answer, or oppose all
actions or other legal proceedings and demands touching any of the matters
aforesaid or any other matter relating to the premises or any part thereof.

xxi)To allow and pay all fees, cost charges and expenses to be allowed or paid in respect
of the Scheduled Property.

AND GENERALLY, to do, execute and perform any other act or acts, deed or deeds,
matter or thing whatsoever which in the opinion of our said Attorney ought to be done,
executed and performed in relation to our Scheduled Property or affairs ancillary or
incidental thereto as fully and effectually as we, ourselves could do the same if we were
personally present.

AND we do hereby ratify and agree to ratify and confirm all acts, deeds and things
lawfully done by our said Attorney by virtue of this Power.

6. Description of the Powers to Sale, Agreement for Sale or Mortgage by taking Loan;
or Description of Powers conferred regarding land development and being created
Plot or Building with Schedule of the Property; or Powers of Immovable Property
Management without Land Development; or Schedule of the Property, if applicable:

The Power Receiver/ATTORNEY shall have the right to enter into an agreement with the
prospective buyers regarding the Flats or the ATTORNEY may facilitate Loan for itself or
for its Buyers of the Flats on the Project Land mortgaging its share of the property as the
powers conferred by the Power Giver/PRINCIPAL which is described in the Clause No.5
of this Irrevocable Power of Attorney Deed.

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Schedule of the Property:
All that piece and parcel of undivided and undemarcated land All that piece and
parcel of undivided and undemarcated land measuring 1.65 (one point sixty-five)
Katha or 272.25 Ajutangsho situated in Mirpur in the Sub-Registry Office Mirpur, of
Plot No. 40, Road No. 20, Block-D, Section-6, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216, under Mouza-
Pallabi, presently Plot No. 40, Road No. 20, Block-D, Section-6, Police Station:
Pallabi, District: Dhaka fully described in the schedule hereto and hereinafter
referred to as the Scheduled Property.

Butted and Bounded by:

North : Road No. 20
South : Drain
East : Plot No. 42
West : Plot No. 38

Chain of Ownership of the PRINCIPAL on the Scheduled Property:

WHEREAS, Ministry of Housing and Public Works allotted the Plot No. 40, Road No.
20, Block-D, Section-6, Mirpur, Dhaka to Mir Mahbub Ali, son of …………………………..
…… by an Allotment Letter vide registered deed no.

AND WHEREAS said Mir Mahbub Ali, son of ………………………………….. &

…………………………………..had been owning and possessing the Scheduled Land
peacefully and thereafter as per his application Assistant Commissioner, Ministry of
Housing and Public Works, Govt. of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh made a
permanent lease in favour of ……………………………… vide registered Lease Agreement
No.7457 registered in the Sub-Registry Office, Mirpur, Dhaka and he had paid Land
Development Tax vide Jote No………. and thereafter he recorded his name in the
Dhaka City Jarip Khatian No. ……….. having Dhaka City Jarip Dag No. …….. of Mouza
………………, P.S.: Mirpur, Dhaka.

AND WHEREAS said Nazma Akhter, Father’s Name : Azizul Haque, Mother’s Name:
Zamila Khatun, Husband Name: Mir Mahbub Ali, Date of Birth: 01/12/1953, National ID
No. 1940926528, (2) Linkon, Father’s Name: Mir Mahbub Ali, Mother’s Name: Nazma
Akhter, Date of Birth: 02/06/1978, National ID No.: 6440859947, (3) Mousumi Akhter,
Father’s Name: Mir Mahbub Ali, Mother’s Name: Nazma Akhter, Date of Birth:
07/07/1983, National ID No.: 8686734594, (4) Surovi Akhter, Father’s Name: Mir

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Mahbub Ali, Mother’s Name: Nazma Akhter, Date of Birth: 12/09/1988, National ID
No.: 2696406686962, Address: House # 40, Road # 20, Block-D, Section-6, Mirpur,
Dhaka-1216 by faith Muslim, by Nationality Bangladeshi are present
LANDOWNER(S)/PRINCIPAL(S) became the absolute owner of the Scheduled land
measuring 1.65 (one point sixty five) Katha of Plot No. 40, Road No. 20, Block No.
D, Section No. 6 of Mirpur Housing, Mouza …………………… presently Mirpur Housing,
P.S. Mirpur, District: Dhaka fully described in the Schedule having absolute right,
title and interest therein and also exercising all rights and ownership thereunder.

Purpose for the execution of the Power of Attorney:

The PRINCIPAL(S) decided to construct a 6 (six) storied Residential Building on the
Scheduled Land comprising of Apartments from the 1 st to 5 th Floor and Car Parking
Spaces in Ground Floor.

7. Description of Powers conferred regarding Land Development, and Power to Sale or

Transfer the obtained share of Plot, Building or a Space after Development of the
Proposed Land:
The Power Giver/ATTORNEY will construct a 6 (six) storied Residential Building on the
Scheduled Land and complete all works relating to construction.
Apartments and Car Parking Spaces with proportionate share of the undivided and
undemarcated area of land to be sold/ transferred by the ATTORNEY as follows:

DESCRIPTION OF 60% of the property

Ground Floor Car Parking 3 Car Park
2nd Floor Residential Space 100%
3rd Floor Residential Space 100%
4th Floor Residential Space 100%
Roof Service Space 50%

8. Consideration Money of the Property under Section of the 2(2):

Value of the Land : TK….,000,000/- (TK. ………………..) only.
Signing Money : TK. 3,750,000/- (TK. Thirty-Seven Lac Fifty Thousand).
Total consideration Money : TK…..,000,000/- (TK. ……………………….) only.

10. Description of Financial Duties and Responsibilities:

That the Power Receiver/ATTORNEY will arrange all Project cost from its own capacity
and collecting Money from the prospective Buyers by selling the Flats.
11. Time Limitation regarding the execution of the conferred Powers (if any):
Until the aforementioned Apartment Building is fully constructed, 60% Apartment Area
and 03 (three) Nos. Car parking along with proportionate undivided and undemarcated
60% share of land of the Scheduled Property is sold and lawfully transferred by the
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Attorney to its selected Buyer(s)/Allottees/Transferees (obtaining necessary permission)
and the remaining 40% built up Apartments & Car Parking is delivered to the PRINCIPAL.

12. Any Information or Special Condition due to Reflection of the will of the PARTIES,
if applicable: Not Applicable.
13. Assenting Signature of the Power Receiver/ATTORNEY:

Name of the Power Signature & Date



represented by its
Managing Director

14. Name and signature of the PRINCIPAL(S):

Name of the Power Signature & Date


(1) Nazma Akhter

(2) Linkon

(3) Mousumi Akhter

(4) Surovi Akhter

15. Name, Introduction and Signature of the Witnesses:

Name : Signature :
& Date

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Father’s Name : Mother’s Name :

Age : Profession :

Nationality : Religion :

Address :

Name : Signature :
& Date

Father’s Name : Mother’s Name :

Age : Profession :

Nationality : Religion :

Address :

16. Name, Introduction and Signature of the Deed Writer/ Solicitor/Advocate:

This Power of Attorney deed is typed and comprised in 13 (Thirteen) pages.

This Power of Attorney Deed is drafted by:

Name of the Deed Writer : …………………………..
Address : ………………………………., Dhaka.
Sanad No. : ……. (S.R Office Gulshan,Tejgaon, Dhaka.)
Signature :

17. AFFIDAVIT given by the Power Giver(s)/ PRINCIPAL(S):


Nazma Akhter, Father’s Name : Azizul Haque, Mother’s Name: Zamila Khatun, Husband Name:
Mir Mahbub Ali, Date of Birth: 01/12/1953, National ID No. 1940926528, (2) Linkon, Father’s
Name: Mir Mahbub Ali, Mother’s Name: Nazma Akhter, Date of Birth: 02/06/1978, National
ID No.: 6440859947, (3) Mousumi Akhter, Father’s Name: Mir Mahbub Ali, Mother’s Name:
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Nazma Akhter, Date of Birth: 07/07/1983, National ID No.: 8686734594, (4) Surovi Akhter,
Father’s Name: Mir Mahbub Ali, Mother’s Name: Nazma Akhter, Date of Birth: 12/09/1988,
National ID No.: 2696406686962, Address: House # 40, Road # 20, Block-D, Section-6, Mirpur,
Dhaka-1216 by faith Muslim, by Nationality Bangladeshi.

Hereby we are swearing an Affidavit that I/We am/are the national/citizen of Bangladesh.
I/We have been declaring that:
01. That the immovable property is not attached under the Bangladesh Collaborators
(Special Tribunals) Order, 1972 (P.O. No.8 of 1972).
02. That the immovable property is not an abandoned property within the meaning of the
Bangladesh Abandoned Property (Control, Management and Disposal) Order, 1972 (P.O.
No.16 of 1972).
03. That the immovable property is not void under any law for the time being in force.
04. That the immovable property does not contravene any provision of any other law for
the time being in force.
05. That the proposed immovable property is not liable to be void under Article 5A of the
Bangladesh Scheduled Property Holding (Limitation) Order, 1972 (P.O. No.98 of 1972).
06. That the immovable property has been correctly described and it is not undervalued and
the applicant has transferable right in the Property.
Hereby I/We further declare that I/We am/are the absolute owner of the Scheduled
Property mentioned in this instance of the Deed of Irrevocable Deed of Power of
Attorney and the Scheduled Property in the Deed of Irrevocable Power of Attorney
which is not in the Deed of Irrevocable Power of Attorney which is not Mortgaged,
Leased, or contracted for sale or any encumbrances whatsoever.
………………. 2021.

Signature of the Deponent:

Declaration of the Identifier:

I do hereby declare that the Deponent is known to me and he signed in the Deed in front of me.

Signature of the Identifier:

19. Name of the Competent officer, Seal with designation and Date with Signature:

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