Class 3 Eng Half Yearly

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Half-Yearly Examination
Name of the Student:

Roll No.:. Section: Branch:

1. Write your name, roll number, section and

Paper Code: branch in the space provided above.
2. This test paper consists of 10
printed pages.
Check if all the pages are there in your booklet.

3. For questions 1 to 19, each

question has 4 options
-A, B, Cand D. ONLY ONE of them is correct.
No. of Questions:
26 4. Carefully read all the options and choose the
option that you think BEST answers the questioon.
5. Then, on the OMR SHEET
given to you, find thee
corresponding question number and DARKEN
the circlecontaining your choice next to it.
Duration: Darken only ONE circle for each question.
6. For questions 20 to 26, write your answers in the
space given below the question in this booklet.

7. Return the TEST BOOKLET and OMR SHEET to

your teacher at the end of the test.
Maximum Marks
45 Marks 8. Relax and do your best!


Hello friend!
Grade 3
Are you ready for the test? Read the
and do
questions carefully. Sit back, relax
English your best!

Answer ALL the questions.
Marks: 19

Which sentence below is written correctly.

A Naina play with her dog in the evening.

B. Madan and my brother are best friends.
C. George and Rohan likes to eat ice cream.
D. Suhana share her toys with her sister.

2 Abdul had kept the books on the table. Where are now?

Which word fills the blank MOST suitably?

A. he
B. it
C. they
D. those

3 Meera tore the paper into two

Which word fills the blank MOST suitably?

B. picess
C. peaces
D. pieces
4 A herd of cattle is grazing in the green field

Which underlined word in the sentence above is a collective noun?

A herd
B. cattle
C. green

D. field

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questions 5 to 10.


legs and stout necks. One day. the giraffe and his íriends decided to play hade
L o n g a g o g 1 r a
h a d short
f f e s

ant's turm to seek all the animals.

the elephant
s e It
and ves. The deer hid behind a bush. The monikey climbed into the branches
to hide themselve:
nimals the water. The rabbit burrowed under the tree. But the
eseen. The crocodile slipped into
tree and tried to get inside. But his nak got
properplace to hide. He saw a hollow in a
in't find a
in vain. The giratïe started screarming.
g r aa u k d n

hard to free himself but all went

there. He tried
the girafte out by has neck and it
th animals came out of their hideouts. They pulled
the cries, all

Since then. raffes have long necks

in the story did not hide?

Which animal

A. the monkey
B. the elephant

C. the deer
the crocodile

Which animal dug a hole to hide?


A. the deer

B. the monkey

C. the rabbit

D. the crocodile

Where did the giraffe try to hide?

A. behind the bush

B. in the branches
C. in the water
D. in the hollow
neck because.
The animals pulled the giraffe by the

A. they wanted to make his neck long

B. they wanted to punish the giraffe
C. they wanted to free him from the hollow
D. they wanted to include him in their game

Turn over
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and stout necks.
Long ago, giraffes had short legs

Which word means the same as "stout" in the sentence above?

A. fat

B. sof
C. thin
D. weak

In which pair below are the two words OPPOSITES?

A. slip stuck
B. long - short

C. climb pull
D. stretch pull
Read the passage and answer questions 11 to 13.

Bloke said, "You help me to get the fish from the tank, and I will find you a bone in our kitchen."
Hope wanted the bone, but she thought it would be wrong to take1 e fish from the tank in Bloke's home.

Bloke was very keen to reach the fish and was getting some rope. Hope thought they should do something
Hey, Bloke!" she called, "come and smell this rose." Hope had a great nose. She could smell
But Bloke wasn't very excited about the rose. everything.

What did Bloke promise to find for Hope if she helps him get the fish?

A a rope

B. a bone

C. a fish
D. a rose

12 Why did Hope not want to help Bloke get the fish?

A. because the fish are her friends

B. because she wanted the fish for herself
C. because she wanted to save the fish from
D. because she did not know how to get the fish

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13"Hey, Bloke!" she called, "come and smell this rose."

Why did Hope say this?

A. She wanted to please Bloke.

B. She wanted Bloke to play with her.

C. She wanted to give the rose to Bloke.

D. She wanted Bloke to forget about the fish.

Read the passage and answer questions 14 to 16.


Suddenly, an old toad croaked.

It lived under a bench in the boat.

Jeremy gota fright and almost jumped out of his skin.

Amber laughed and laughed at Jeremy. Ater a time, she said, "Let's put the old toad out!"

"No." said Jeremy, "let's pretend that toad is really a ship's captain under a magic spell. We can pretend that
our old boat is his ship and that it is under a magic spell, too."

Yes! Yes!" squealed Amber. She was delighted at this idea. Old Toad gave a croak. It was saying 'yes', to0.

14 What scared Jeremy?

A. the boat

B. the river

C. the toad

D. Amber
We pretend that our old boat
pretend that Toad is really a ship's captain under a magic spell.
is his ship and that it is under a magic spell, too."

What do we BEST understand from this statement?

A. that the toad has magical powers

B. that their boat is a big magical ship
C. that the toad is the real captain of the ship

D. that they are playing an imaginary game

Turm over
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How did Amber feel about the idea given by Jeremy?

A. She was thrilled.

B. She was scared.

C. She was bored.

D. She was angry.

Read the lines of the poem given below and answer questions 17 to 19.


If you that little

barking at the cars,
A raggy dog, a shaggy dog,
with eyes like twinkling stars,
Just let me know
for though he's bad as bad can be,
I I wouldn't change that dog
for all the treasures of the sea!

1 7 "A raggy dog, a shaggy dog

with eyes like twinkling stars"

In these lines, the poet tells that the eyes

of the dog are
A. dull

B. pale
C. bright
D. twisted

18 I wouldn't change that dog

for all the treasures of the sea!"

These lines tell us that the poet is his dog.

A. sad for

B. angry with
C. afraid of
D. happy with

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with "know"?
19 Which of these words rhymes

A. cow

B. low

C. how

D. now


Answer ALL the questions. Marks: 10

24 in two sentences.
Read the passage and answer questions 20 to one or


Dolly liked toast. She used to dip it in water before she

wanted toast, she would peck Pushkin's sleeve.

Dolly's owner was called Pushkin. He was deaf. When Dolly
But one day there was a thread hanging loose from Pushkin's sleeve. When Dolly pecked, the thread got
stuck in her mouth.
As Dolly walked away, the thread became longer and longer. The sleeve looked dreadful. Dolly was upset.
What would Pushkin think?

to her duck It was made from bread crates, roped together. Dolly thought she
Dolly walked quickly yard.
should hide.

But Pushkin followed the thread.

It led all the way to Dolly's yard. There she was, upset, sitting on her nest. Pushkin was a kind man and did
not yell at her.

20 What did Dolly like to eat and how?


2Dolly would peck at Pushkin's sleeve.

When does Dolly peck at Pushkin's sleeve? Why?


O CSSL Global Pvt. Ltd., 2022. Tun over

feel about it
sdeeve become longer? How did Dolly
from Pushkin's
did the thrred


What was it made of?

Waerr did Dolly go?


24 How did Pushkin find Dolly and what was she doing?


Marks: 16

Answer the question 25.

words below.
Complete the passage with the

(tiring, watching, running, chasing)

(i) rabbit. After (i) the

Onc day. a big dog was a a
. chase, the dog gave up

hunt A goat
(111) this teased the dog, saying that the little one is better than the beast. 10

this. the dog replied, "The rabbit was (iv) for its life, I was only running for dinner.

Answer: ()_ (i) (ii) (iv)

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ONE question:26a or 26b.
Answer any
Describe the given picture in about 80-100 words.


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in about
Describe the given picture


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