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Nepal’s largest selling English daily

Printed simultaneously in Kathmandu, Biratnagar, Bharatpur and Nepalgunj
Vol XXX No. 263 | 8 pages | Rs.5
Tuesday, November 15, 2022 | 29-07-2079
29.8O C -0.3O C
Janakpur Jumla

Today Deprived and repeatedly duped, Growing acts of violence

n National
Musahars are losing faith in state add to security challenges
The biggest challenge for Barsha
Man Pun, ruling coalition’s
common candidate for lower house
from Rolpa, is to ensure vote
The residents of Musahari tole in Dhanusha say party leaders come seeking their votes
for next week’s elections
transfer from other members of the
alliance. Pg 2
before every election, but forget about them as soon as they get elected. Incidents of clashes, vandalism and personal attacks have
The Supreme Court on Monday rapidly increased, threatening free and fair polls.
decided to give continuity to the inter-
im order against the Election ANUP OJHA various parties as well as acts of van-
Commission, thereby allowing Rastriya KATHMANDU, NOV 14 dalism and personal attacks have
Swatantra Party candidate Toshima increased rapidly, threatening the pos-
Karki to contest a lower house seat. Pg 3 On Monday night, CPN-UML’s sibility of free and fair elections.
Gandaki province secretariat member Many have expressed concerns over
With Nepali hydropower projects Hari Kafle got injured after a gang set such “undemocratic activities” that
producing less electricity due to upon him at a hotel in Palungtar may create grounds to question the
receding water levels in rivers, the Municipality. elections’ credibility.
Nepal Electricity Authority has Kafle’s team was campaigning for The government has announced a
reduced electricity exports to the party’s candidate for federal elec- plan to deploy 300,000 security person-
India. Pg 3 tions from Gorkha-2. He had to get nel to maintain security during the
seven stitches in his head and is elections to elect members to both the
undergoing treatment at a health facil- House of Representatives and provin-
ity in Dumre Bazar, Tanahun. cial assemblies. The two elections will
n OPinion Similarly, on Sunday afternoon, a be held in a single phase on November
clash ensued between cadres of the 20. The Nepal police has announced
Rabi Lamichhane-led Rastriya deployment of 71,693 police personnel
Swatantra Party and supporters of and 115,000 temporary police for the
the ruling coalition at Kurintar in elections, while the Nepal Army is pre-
Chitwan. paring to deploy a 71,000-strong force.
A verbal altercation ensued after The Armed Police Force is set to mobi-
cadres of the ruling coalition vandal- lise another 35,000 personnel, while
ised the vehicle carrying cadres of more than 200 will be deployed from
Lamichhane’s party in the Munglin- the National Investigation Department.
Kurintar area. The relevant video has Observers say having a bigger secu-
gone viral on social media, with many rity apparatus isn’t enough if it can-
Post Photo: Prakash Chandra Timilsena condemning the vandalism. not secure public security on the
(From right) Sitali Sada, Birma Devi Sada, Shail Devi Sada and others pictured on the porches of their huts at Musahari tole in Mukhiyapatti Lamichhane is the House of ground.
Musaharniya in Dhanusha on Monday. Twenty-two impoverished Musahar families have been living on a small tract of land for generations. Representative candidate from >> Continued on page 2
There are two key challeng- NISHAN KHATIWADA their election manifestos—Rail and plight, she says. “We voted for the On the same day, there was a
es the United States has to JANAKPUR, NOV 14 Panijahaj [train and ship] have gotten umbrella symbol [Rastriya Janata clash between the cadres of the
manage—one is in its contri- their place. But neither the local lead- Party-Nepal] and the party also won, CPN-UML and the ruling alli-
bution to climate change, The huts made with mud, wood, and ers nor the known faces of the top but they then didn’t do anything for ance at Naugadh Rural
and the second is towards hay have been raised a little from the political parties from the region care us,” Sada told the Post. Municipality, in Darchula. In the
recovering from the impacts ground to ensure safety from the about the Musahari tole and the prob- The 22 families share one tube-well clash on Sunday afternoon,
of Covid-19, writes Sujeev floods that inundate the Musahari tole lems its residents have faced for gen- for potable water. “But better-off fami- Jayabhan Singh Dhami of the
Shakya. Pg 4 every monsoon. erations. lies living nearby got new tubewells ruling alliance was badly injured
The tole is a settlement of 22 poor The leaders of the political parties under a government grant,” she said. and referred to a hospital in
Musahar families with a total of 131 have already begun electioneering The Musahars do not have access to Dhangadhi.
members, and falls in ward 3 of and they also visit the Musahari tole a toilet. So they defecate in the open in With the November 20 election
n Sports Mukhiyapatti Musaharniya Rural with their usual tall promises. Are the the nearby fields. under a week away, incidents of
Municipality, which is around 15 kilo- leaders genuinely bothered or are the >> Continued on page 2 clashes between the cadres of
metres from the Janakpur Sub Musahars again being seen as no
Nepal succumbed to an 84-run Metropolitan City. The settlement is more than vote-banks, the tole resi-
defeat against the United Arab spread on around three Kattha land dents wonder.
Emirates (UAE) in the first game of (10,935 square feet approximately). Forty-four-year old Birma Devi
the three-match One-Day International The Musahars have been living in Sada’s husband died 12 years ago
(ODI) bilateral series at the TU ground these flimsy huts for generations. And while working in India. Now she lives
in Kirtipur on Monday. Pg 6 most of the residents do not have land on the income of her sons who work in
registration certificates for the land the fields on daily wages. There are
their huts occupy. days they don’t get any work.
Leaders change. Elections come and She lives in a congested place along
go. The only thing that persists is a life with her three daughters and two
full of miseries and stories galore of sons.
neglect by political leaders. Come elections, politicians visit us
The top leaders of the major parties asking for votes, but after getting
have included populist agendas in elected, they forget about us and our

Biden and Xi meet, seek

to manage differences

President Joe Biden and

Chinese President Xi Jinping
opened their first in-person
meeting on Monday since the
US president took office nearly
two years ago, aiming to
‘manage’ differences between
the superpowers as they com-
pete for global influence amid
increasing economic and secu-
rity tensions.
Xi and Biden greeted each
other with a handshake at a
luxury resort hotel in Indonesia,
where they are attending the
Group of 20 summit of large
economies, before they sat down
for what was expected to be a
conversation lasting several
>> Continued on page 2


TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2022 | 02


n District digest As elections approach, Ruling alliance faces a tall

Nepal, India launch joint
border patrolling
BARDIYA: Security personnel of Nepal and
acts of violence surge order for vote transfer in Rolpa
India have jointly intensified border >> Continued from page 1 well as the Home Ministry,” said
patrol in Bardiya in light of the general “There is no point deploying secu- Pokharel.
and provincial election scheduled for
November 20. A joint security force has
rity personnel if they cannot stop
acts of personal attacks, vandalism
When the Post inquired about
these incidents, Chief Election For the federal polls, Barsha Man Pun, the deputy general secretary of the Maoist Centre,
been deployed in the no man’s land area,
according to Chief District Officer
and clashes between cadres of dif-
ferent parties,” said Pradip
Commissioner Dinesh Kumar
Thapaliya expressed his is up against Purna Bahadur Budha, his former comrade-in-arms.
Bandhu Prasad Bastola. The security per- Pokharel, chairperson of the commitment to stopping such acts at
sonnel are patrolling an area of ​​about Election Observation Committee, any cost. KASHIRAM DANGI The Maoist cadres are divided on
20km, especially the forest area of ​​border Nepal. “The commission is concerned ROLPA, NOV 14 whether to support Congress candi-
post number ‘61’ of the international bor- “If such incidents escalate, a kind about acts of violence,” said date Amar Singh or Dipendra.
der. The Indian side of the border is cov- of fear will be created on election Thapaliya. “Last week, we published Barsha Man Pun, the deputy general “We did not know that the Maoist
ered in dense forest while there are set- day.” a notice over a case in Dadeldhura, secretary of CPN (Maoist Centre), is district leadership was against forg-
tlements of Jamuni, Gularia, Madhuvan, He even brought up the decision whereby independent candidate contesting for the federal parliament ing an electoral alliance with the
Rajapur municipalities and Baghaiyatal of the outfit led by Netra Bikram Sagar Dhakal was reportedly barred seat from Rolpa, an epicentre of Maoist Congress. But the Maoist decided to
rural municipality on the Nepali side, Chand ‘Biplav’ to foil the November from campaigning. We raised the insurgency. He is the common candi- have an election alliance with the
Bastola said. “Security has been height- 20 elections. Pokharel said vandal- issue with the Home Ministry.” date of the ruling alliance in the dis- Congress in the centre,” said Barsha
ened in the area to keep criminal ism and personal attacks aren’t Dhakal has filed his candidacy in trict, which has a single electoral con- Man, admitting that the ruling party
activities in check during the healthy signs. Dadeldhura district to challenge stituency. Pun is up against Purna alliance had a tough time ensuring the
election,” he said. “It’s the duty of the Election Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Bahadur Budha Magar, his one-time vote transfer. “The party leadership
Commission and the Home Ministry Deuba. The independent candidate party comrade and former Maoist com- Post file Photo directed Dipendra to withdraw his
to stop attacks and vandalism or any was barred by the district adminis- batant who is contesting the November Barsha Man Pun. candidacy but he refused.”
Two held with brown sugar kind of violent activities that cre- tration from campaigning in the 20 polls under the CPN-UML ticket. According to party insiders, some
SIRAHA: Police arrested two youths in pos- ates fear in the general public,” said Prime Minister’s home district. Pun, who has already served as suffering from jaundice but I have no prominent Maoist leaders including
session of 10.9 grams of brown sugar at Pokharel. “For example, when Rabi Thapaliya said the commission Finance Minister, is the election com- time to rest due to hectic election former minister Jayapuri Gharti
Dhangadhimai Municipality-5 in Siraha Lamichhane’s vehicle was being has taken the matter seriously and mander of the ruling alliance in Rolpa, schedule,” he told the Post. “The party Magar, Chief Minister of Lumbini
on Sunday. The suspects, who were trav- vandalised on Sunday, the local discussed it with the home ministry a hill district of Lumbini Province. activists ask me to join election rallies Province Kul Prasad KC, Jhakku
elling on a motorcycle, were detained police acted like bystanders.” as well. Maoist leader and provincial assembly in the villages and I have to go.” Prasad Subedi and Raj Bahadur Budha
with the narcotic during a security For poll security, the Home Thapaliya further said that with candidate of Rolpa (1) Jokha Bahadur But the biggest challenge for him is to Magar are dissatisfied with Pun.
check at Tettisbigha area. The security Ministry has also deployed 1,300 regard to vandalism and clashes Mahara and Nepali Congress leader ensure vote transfer to the common The UML candidates, on the other
personnel also seized Rs29,000 in cash traffic police personnel from between cadres of various parties, and provincial assembly candidate of candidate of the ruling alliance. The hand, are determined to take advan-
from the suspects. Detailed investigation Kathmandu Valley in 24 districts. the commission has called a meeting Rolpa (2) Amar Singh Pun are accompa- alliance has asked the supporters of the tage from the rifts within the Nepali
is underway after the district court The increasing acts of violence with security agencies, including nying Pun in the campaign trail. Nepali Congress, the Maoist Centre, Congress and the Maoist.
remanded the suspects into custody, “are really going to test the credibil- the secretary of the Home Ministry, The Maoist deputy general secre- CPN (Unified Socialist) and Rastriya Purna Bahadur, the UML’s candi-
police said. ity of the Election Commission as on Tuesday. tary has a responsibility to implement Janamorcha to cast their ballots for the date for the federal polls, said his
the ruling alliance’s decision and Maoist candidate in the House of team’s door-to-door campaign is in full
address the dissatisfaction within the Representative and provincial assembly swing. He was the battalion command-
Maoist and other alliance parties. He in Rolpa (1) while they have to support er of the Maoist army during the
Government of Nepal also has to placate the locals who often Congress candidate in Rolpa (2). insurgency but after the Nepal
Ministry of Communication and Information Technology complain he did very little for the Moreover, Maoist district in-charge Communist Party, formed after the
development of Rolpa despite holding Dipendra Pun stands against the rul- merger of UML and the Maoists, was
National Information Technology Center ministerial berths several times. ing alliance. Challenging its decision, invalidated by the Supreme Court, he
Pun, who is 51, says he is not in the he filed his rebel candidacy against decided to stay with the KP Sharma
Singhadurbar, Kathmandu best of his health right now. “I am Congress candidate Amar Singh Pun. Oli-led party.

Notice for Intent to Award

Musahars tired of unkept poll promises

Date: 2079/07/29 (November15, 2022)
Pursuant to clause 27 sub-clause (2) of Public Procurement Act 2063 this is to notify all concerned
that following bidder has been selected as lowest evaluated substantially responsive bidder for the
>> Continued from page 1 modation in two huts. Her sons and their wives sleep inside,
Supply, Delivery, installation and Commissioning of Server and Storage for Existing Private Cloud Sitali Sada, another tole resident, has a hut partitioned but she makes do on the porch outside. On rainy nights, she
Appliance. into three rooms, shared by her three sons and their wives. can’t sleep at all.
The mother sleeps on the tarpaulin-covered porch outside. The Musahars ultimately blame the Nepal government
Bid Price “Before every election, the leaders always promise to for their sufferings and surmise life would be better if they
IFB No. Name of Bidder build a house with a bathroom for each of us,” Sitali said. moved across the border to India..
( Including VAT) She has difficulty in hearing, but has not sought medical The Indian government helps Dalits by providing them
World Distribution Nepal Pvt. Ltd., help for the lack of money. “I requested the local leaders for food and proper houses, they said. “What has our govern-
NITC/G/NCB-04/079-80 Rs. 7,91,27,120.00 help with treatment, but no one seemed bothered.” ment done for us? Absolutely nothing,” they aver.
Kanthipath, Kathmandu All the families cook food outside their huts, with brush- “We re-roofed our thatched huts with tiles, but the tiles
wood collected from nearby fields. And collecting fuelwood have also been damaged by a hailstorm,” said Sitali. “The
is not easy. “We get scolded by government has not helped us repair them.”
the owners for trespassing,” Dukhi Sada, a farm worker, has no time to meet political
Sitali said. leaders. “Leaders win, fail to keep their promises, and yet
“Whenever the leaders come back to us, trying to trick us every time,” he said. “But
come to us begging for votes, our problems remain the same. Our forefathers set up the
we ask what they have done settlement here by cutting down the forest. But we don’t
for us, to improve our living even have laalpurja [land registration certificate].”
conditions. They can’t answer Article 40 (5) of the Constitution of Nepal states that the
and leave,” she added. State shall provide land for one time to landless Dalits.
Disappointed with their But no one is sure when the poor Musahars will get land
elected representatives, the from the State to legally call their own.
Musahars try new candidates Gyan Chand Sada, 70, has some hope that those elected in
every time, but get duped each the November 20 polls will help them build new houses and
time, they say. dig tube-wells. “But we have had a bitter experience. They
Shail Devi Sada, 60, has a stop counting us as citizens the moment they win elec-
family of 12 sharing accom- tions,” he says ruefully.

Apex court seeks reasons after

petitions against Dahal rejected
POST REPORT conflict period fall under the jurisdiction of
KATHMANDU, NOV 14 the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
and the petitioners had already registered
The Supreme Court has asked its administra- their cases at the Commission.
tion to clarify why it refused to register writ Petitioner Aaran said he had filed a peti-
petitions against CPN (Maoist Centre) tion along with the relatives of other 17
Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal. Maoists who were killed by their own. The
A single bench of Acting Chief Justice Hari other petitioner Kalyan Budhathoki had
Krishna Karki, on Monday, decided to seek a filed a writ along with six other victims of
report on why the Supreme Court administra- the Maoist insurgency.
tion had to refuse to register the writ petitions The petitioners have demanded action
filed by advocates Gyanendra Aaran and against Chairman Dahal saying that he,
Kalyan Budhathoki. “Today, the Supreme speaking at public function on January 15,
Court has ordered its administration to give 2020, had admitted to have killed 5,000 among
clarification for not registering our petitions,” the around 17,000 who lost their lives during
said advocate Aaran. “Probably the hearing the decade-long insurgency. “The hearing on
will be held after the polls.” the petitions will begin once the Supreme
The Supreme Court administration had Court administration furnishes the report,”
refused to register both the petitions on said Bimal Poudel, spokesperson of the
Thursday stating that the cases related to the Supreme Court.

Biden, Xi meet in Indonesia

>> Continued from page 1 changed, to state the obvious, at home.” The
“As the leaders of our two nations, we president said of his own situation: “I know
share responsibility, in my view, to show that I’m coming in stronger.”
China and the United States can manage our White House aides have repeatedly sought
differences, prevent competition from to play down any notion of conflict between
becoming anything ever near conflict, and to the two nations and have emphasized that
find ways to work together on urgent global they believe the countries can work in tan-
issues that require our mutual cooperation,” dem on shared challenges such as climate
Biden said to open the meeting. change and health security.
Xi said he hoped they would “chart the But relations have grown more strained
right course for the China-US relationship” under successive American administrations,
and that he was prepared for a “candid and as economic, trade, human rights and securi-
in-depth exchange of views” with Biden. ty differences have come to the fore.
Both men entered the highly anticipated As president, Biden has repeatedly taken
meeting with bolstered political standing at China to task for human rights abuses
home. Democrats triumphantly held onto against the Uyghur people and other ethnic
control of the US Senate, with a chance to minorities, crackdowns on democracy activ-
boost their ranks by one in a runoff election ists in Hong Kong, coercive trade practices,
in Georgia next month, while Xi was award- military provocations against self-ruled
ed a third five-year term in October by the Taiwan and differences over Russia’s prose-
Communist Party’s national congress, a cution of its war against Ukraine. Chinese
break with tradition. officials have largely refrained from public
“We have very little misunderstanding,” criticism of Russia’s war, although Beijing
Biden told reporters in Cambodia on Sunday, has avoided direct support, such as supply-
where he participated in a gathering of ing arms. Taiwan has emerged as one of the
southeast Asian nations before leaving for most contentious issues between Washington
Indonesia. “We just got to figure out where and Beijing. Multiple times in his presidency,
the red lines are and ... what are the most Biden has said the US would defend the
important things to each of us going into the island—which China has eyed for eventual
next two years.” unification—in case of a Beijing-led
Biden added: “His circumstance has invasion.

03 | TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2022


n Briefing
Nepal reduces power Visiting Chinese vice minister
export to India as heading for Hong Kong today
Congress takes action against
rebel candidates, their
proposers and supporters

production dips
KATHMANDU: The Nepali Congress has
taken action against five people
including leaders who filed rebel can-
Li Qun has requested for ‘informal meetings’ with Prime Minister Deuba and
didacy for the November 20 polls
against official candidates of the
Foreign Minister Khadka but meetings are unlikely, say officials.
party and the ruling alliance. A meet-
ing of the party’s Disciplinary With water levels in rivers receding, power generation has POST REPORT and Foreign Minister Narayan Kathmandu Durbar Square on Sunday.
KATHMANDU, NOV 14 Khadka, both leaders were busy in The Chinese government recently
Committee took action against
Mangal Bahadur Sahi of Humla and slumped which will go down further in the days to come. election campaigns and the meetings completed the restoration of the
Dharmendra Prasad Yadav, Rabindra Visiting Chinese Vice Minister for have not taken place yet, according to complex, which was destroyed in the
Prasad Yadav, Birendra Prasad Yadav, Culture and Tourism Li Qun is leav- an aide to the Prime Minister. 2015 earthquake.
and Ram Ekwal Prasad Yadav (Silpu) ing for Hong Kong on Tuesday after “Since the Prime Minister Deuba is Li is the first Chinese official to
of Bara. They were expelled from the completing his five-day Nepal visit. leaving the Capital on Tuesday morn- visit Nepal after Xi Jinping was
party’s general membership for five He arrived in Kathmandu on ing and Foreign Minister Khadka is in reelected for a record third time as
years as per the party’s statute. The Friday night. his hometown of Udayapur, it is general secretary of the Communist
party had taken action against rebel Li, who is also the head of the unlikely for them to hold a meeting Party of China. Since the visit was
candidates and their proposers and National Cultural Heritage with the Chinese official,” the aide termed ‘personal,’ there is no official
supporters earlier too. On November Administration, visited Nepal on a said. announcement of the visit by both
9, the party had taken action against ‘personal’ visit, according to the gov- A senior security official with Nepal and China.
Ram Kumar Rai, constituency ernment officials. Earlier, Nepal had knowledge of the Chinese delegation’s On Saturday, the Chinese delegation
President of Udayapur-2, who had asked Chinese officials to postpone movement told the Post that the visited the Kathmandu Durbar
filed a rebel candidacy, his proposer the visit until after the November Chinese officials have not held any Square and inspected the heritage site
Leelaraj Danuwar and supporter Min 20 elections but the Chinese side political meetings, including with and Chinese-assisted restoration
Kumar Dahal, removing them from declined the request saying the visit Nepali communist leaders. work. The Chinese delegation also
the party general membership. was not political. Li has not held any On Monday, after touring the visited the China Cultural Center
political meetings until Monday Bhaktapur Durbar Square, the at Maharajgunj and the Chinese
Post file Photo evening, according to a senior securi- Chinese delegation headed for the embassy, Kathmandu.
UML’s team electioneering Nepal’s current power output is around 1,550MW, Nepal Electricity Authority says. ty official. hilltop resort of Nagarkot to spend On Sunday, they visited
Although the Chinese side had the night. Swayambhunath, the Chhauni-based
in Gorkha attacked PRITHVI MAN SHRESTHA under construction. requested for informal meetings with Li visited the nine-storey National Museum, Basantapur, Asan
KATHMANDU, NOV 14 The planned 1200MW Budhi Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba Basantapur Palace Complex at and Bauddhanath.
Gandaki Hydropower Project is a res-
With generation by Nepal’s hydropow- ervoir-based plant whose development
er projects falling, the Nepal is expected to address electricity
Electricity Authority’s export of
electricity to India has also dipped.
On Monday, the NEA exported
shortfalls in the winter in the long
term. But, there is a long way to go
before its construction commences. Supreme Court upholds Toshima
Karki’s candidacy for upcoming polls
230MW to the southern neighbour, However, more run-of-the-river-type
although Nepal is authorised to sell projects coming online in the next few
over 400MW of electricity in the years are expected to address the
Indian market. Recently, the NEA shortfall of power even in the winter
started exporting the power generated because power will be added to the
also by the Chilime (22.1MW) and grid even for the dry season which POST REPORT rary nature and is not a regular pay, polls as she held a position of benefit.
Solukhola (23.5MW) hydropower starts in December lasting till May. KATHMANDU, NOV 14 her position cannot be considered one On October 31, Karki registered a
projects. But as per its agreement with India, of benefit,” states the Supreme Court writ petition at the apex court against
The total installed capacity of the NEA has to export power in the The Supreme Court on Monday decid- decision. “Therefore, the Supreme the commission’s October 29 decision.
hydropower projects in Nepal is over wet season (June-November). For this ed to uphold its previous decision of Court’s interim order issued on Following the apex court’s
Photo courtesy: Aswin Dani 2,200MW, according to the NEA. But, the state-owned power utility has been continuing the interim order not to November 1 need not be annulled.” November 1 decision against its
the state-owned power utility said that seeking permission from Indian implement the Election Commission’s A single bench of Justice Chudal on annulment of Karki’s candidacy, the
GORKHA: A team of CPN-UML leaders available output at the moment is authorities to export power generated decision to annul candidacy of Dr November 1 issued the interim order Election Commission had asked the
and cadres electioneering for the par- around 1,550MW as projects’ output by more hydropower projects besides Toshima Karki. to the poll body following the hearing Supreme Court to vacate its interim
ty’s candidate in Gorkha-2 was fluctuates depending on water levels the current eight projects. The court’s decision has cleared the on the writ petition filed by Karki. order against its decision.
attacked by a group on Sunday night. of rivers and production dips to the Currently, the NEA has been selling confusion over Karki’s candidacy for The Election Commission has Karki, an elected board member of
Hari Kafle, UML’s Gandaki province lowest especially during winter. 37.7MW from the Trishuli and the upcoming elections. stayed silent on the application Karki Nepal Medical Council, is contesting
secretariat member, got injured in the Domestic peak demands of the elec- Devighat hydropower projects; 140MW A division bench of justices Ishwar filed on September 13 demanding the the federal elections from Lalitpur-3,
attack by the gang at a hotel in tricity on Monday stood at 1,418MW. from Kaligandaki Hydropower Prasad Khatiwada and Til Prasad election body to clarify whether her representing the newly formed
Palungtar Municipality-6, Chyangli at Nepal’s hydropower projects are Project; 68MW from Middle Shrestha decided to uphold the inter- position as an elected board member Rastriya Swatantra Party.
around 11:30pm, police said. Kafle has mostly run-of-the-river type and they Marsyangdi; 67MW from Marsyangdi; im order issued by a single bench of of the medical council was considered Commission officials have cited the
received seven stitches to his head cannot produce power to their opti- 51MW from Likhu-4; 22.1 MW from Justice Kumar Chudal on November 1. a ‘position of benefit’ or not. Karki provision in Section 9 of the Election
and is undergoing treatment at a mum capacity when water level in the Chilime; and 23.5 MW from Solukhola On November 6, Secretary of has said she sought the poll commis- Commission Act and Section 15 of the
health facility in Dumre, Tanahun. rivers decreases. For example, the hydropower projects. Election Commission Gokarna Mani sion’s clarification to decide on wheth- House of Representatives Election
Police have arrested two people for 456MW Upper Tamakoshi Hydropower Likewise, the NEA is still awaiting Duwadi had filed a petition at the top er or not to contest the polls. But the Act, both of which state that anyone
their alleged involvement in the Project has been producing just the approval from the southern neigh- court to vacate its previous decision. commission abruptly decided to annul can file a complaint against candi-
attack. Superintendent of Police 200MW, according to NEA spokesman bour for exporting power from other “Since the allowance received by her candidacy on October 29, saying dates, even after the publication of the
Kedar Khanal at the District Police Suresh Bahadur Bhattarai. projects including Mistrikhola, Likhu the petitioner seems to be of tempo- she was not eligible to contest the final list of candidates.
Office, Gorkha said they are search- “As the output has already started Khola-A, Likhukhola, Kabeli B1,
ing for two more people suspected to to decline, we cannot export power to Maikhola, Hewa Khola A and Lower
have been involved in the attack. the quantity that Nepal has been Modi hydropower projects whose
“The gang attacked the leaders when authorised to export to its southern combined capacity is around 170MW.
they were having dinner,” Khanal neighbour ,” Bhattarai said. Starting from the rainy season until
said. “They entered the hotel search- The country’s only storage-type pro- a few days ago, the NEA was facing
ing for Deepak Tamang and started ject is Kulekhani whose three projects spillage of power especially at night
attacking him. We had received threat produce a total of 106MW. The 140MW when domestic power consumption
calls. We think the attack was Tanahun Hydropower Project is slumps. As a result, it failed to earn as
preplanned.” another storage type project, which is much as it wanted through exports.



TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2022 | 04


American musings
Our View The other view

Nice things cost money For the US to tell the world

what to do about plastic
Like it or not, the rights to broadcast waste, the credibility gap
the World Cup will get costlier with time. has to be managed first.
As football lovers elsewhere prepare to snuggle down to SUJEEV SHAKYA
watch the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, Nepali fans still don’t
The United States is just recovering
know if they will get to watch it live on television as from a much-touted “red wave” where
a row over extra charges rages in the Supreme Court. The it was envisaged that the Republican
highest court in the land has ordered the holder of the Party would take over the Senate and
the House, paralysing the government
exclusive broadcast rights for Nepal not to charge extra fees till the next elections. The elections
from television viewers. As cable TV operators are already showed that people can still be sensible
collecting regular subscription fees from their customers, the not to let right-wing activists take over
the agenda and bring about more
court said, it is illegal to charge more for the one-off event.
division in a country that has not seen
Media Hub, the broadcaster, argues that there is just no such levels of polarisation in past dec-
way it can recover the Rs400 million it has paid for the rights ades. This also means focusing on eco-
without charging a premium, which it has fixed at Rs500 per nomic recovery, job creation and bat-
tling inflation.
set-top box. Post-pandemic, after a very interest- Shutterstock
While we see that the plaintiffs including consumer rights ing episode last year, it was great to be bag altogether. The shortage of staff at also facing an acute shortage of staff There has to be more self-reflection,
activists have a point, we believe the official broadcaster back in the US. The little chivalry in eateries has ensured more usage of and there is a tendency to work with and at one of the discussions at a col-
too has a solid case. After the government enacted its clean people—be it opening the door or just disposable plates, glasses and lots of fewer people. New models of cafes are lege, we were ideating on a five-year
letting people move—perhaps keeps other stuff. The US produces 40 million asking cashiers to double up as servers, undergraduate programme where
feed policy under which foreign commercials were forbidden this country going, apart from their tonnes of plastic waste per year, which and online ordering is changing how there will be a gap year after two years
from Nepali TV screens two years ago, the burden shifted to general positive attitude. Random con- works out at around 130 kg per person. orders are taken and delivered. There for students to join a study abroad pro-
the Nepali advertising market to produce domestic ads versations in the elevator or a smile That is around 40,000 times what is are more homeless visible in the streets, gramme, engage in programmes that
from a fellow walker in the park or just produced in Nepal while the US popula- and Uber drivers tell you about the chal- have more human interaction, and be
to fill the gap. Yet, with the country’s economy in the dol-
that driver letting you take your tion is just 11 times that of Nepal. lenges they faced during the pandemic. able, as we say in coaching, to get into a
drums, very few Nepali businesses have seen the logic turn or cross the street are a good While there is a lot of feel-good factor The bigger challenge is perhaps learning mode instead of a judging
of running ads on cable TV. As a result, the broadcasters reminder of the attitude of the people. about recycled plastic, only a fraction going to be managing the impact on mode. There is definitely more demand
have had to recoup nearly all their investments via fixed sub- Of course, Nepal has a great brand of the waste gets recycled. Therefore, to mental health. People have switched for learning programmes that help peo-
recall here with people sharing fond tell the world what to do in terms of jobs, they have done many things to ple reflect and engage in a sabbatical
scription costs. memories of their trips, the documen- managing plastic waste, be it US-based cope with the pandemic, and there is a and plan years ahead. However, there is
In order to broadcast the games, Media Hub has paid $1.5 taries they have watched or the books companies or institutions, the credibil- sense of fatigue. Educational institu- uncertainty what crisis will grip the
million to Viacom 18 India, along with taxes to the govern- they have read. ity gap has to be managed. tions are figuring out how to design world next. We have seen the impact of
Of course, there are key challenges While there may be some commit- new sets of curriculum for students as the war on Ukraine, and all eyes here
ment of Nepal. Moreover, Rs500 is not a mandatory fee; those
the US has to manage. One is in its con- ments from this administration in the nature of the jobs are changing, are set on what China will do in the
who don’t want to watch the World Cup don’t have to pay. tribution to climate change, and the contrast to its predecessor, it is and there is a need for more soft skills coming years as it removes travel and
According to the broadcasters, many cable TV customers second is towards recovering from the unsure how there will be major policy than technical training. other restrictions.
have welcomed their decision and already paid for the live impact of Covid-19. implementation till basic citizen behav- Younger people who have spent years The US and the world do not perhaps
iour changes from consumption to online during the pandemic are finding have the bandwidth to handle another
broadcast in advance. Whether or not that is true, it is also Managing waste waste reduction. it difficult to cope with the new in-per- crisis. So the key will be to see how
hard to argue that getting to watch the World Cup for free is The discourse around climate change son environment in many cases. The countries can come together to manage
the right of each and every Nepali, when doing so is a clear has not percolated to the daily life of Post-Covid recovery limitation on human interaction and the global economy and the lives of the
luxury. This is a free market economy where the sellers have people. Plastic forms the key part of One impact of the pandemic is very reliance on the smartphone for commu- people recovering from the pandemic
any activity—eating, entertainment or visible. Many restaurants have closed nication, entertainment and content in a better way.
something good to offer, and most buyers are willing to pay a packaging. There is a feel-good factor and so have other establishments. Some consumption has changed how one
reasonable amount for it. (Or is Nepal’s economy controlled?) as long as there is a “recycled” logo on of my favourites are gone. There are views basic human conversations or
it. The discourse is yet to shift to how to fewer people coming to work in-person, activities. Human behaviour is judged Shakya is the founder
The final court decision is set for November 16, just four days CEO of beed, and
eliminate the use of basic stuff like which means less space is rented and from the myopia of what content one is
before the inaugural game. It could have come sooner. author of ‘Unleashing
napkins or some packaging material. fewer people are turning up at eateries. viewing. Cultural sensitivities are
The World Cup is a multi-billion dollar business, and is How consciously to use a cloth packing Takeouts do well and inflation has also ignored, and a sense of divisiveness Nepal’ and ‘Unleashing
The Vajra’.
getting more expensive by the day. Like it or not, the rights to bag or even ensure one does not need a impacted spending. Establishments are therefore prevails.
broadcast it live will get costlier with time. In such a case,
there are only two options: Allow the broadcast rights hold-
ers to charge extra from willing customers, or prevent every-

Leveraging public debt for fiscal sustainability

one in the country from watching the World Cup. But if the
argument is that all Nepalis should get to watch the World
Cup, there is also a third option: The state broadcaster
buys the ultra-expensive rights and shows the event
on its free-to-air channels. Really, when deciding the right or
wrong in a case, we should not have to contemplate such far-
Public debt could be performance on fiscal equalisation
grants, revisit existing revenue-shar-
coordination between various govern-
ment bodies while enabling sub-nation-
es should undergo structural reforms
to lower their burden on the govern-

fetched options. crucial factor for ing frameworks, and tie up other
non-discretionary grants with objec-
al governments to operationalise their
public debts could add value.
ment, allowing it to focus on other pri-
ority areas. The eighth-periodic plan of

sub-national governments tive performance standards to build an

incentivising environment for sub-na-
Furthermore, as public debt continues
to grow in Nepal, servicing those
the government of Nepal has pointed
out the inefficiency of public enterpris-

Their view to deliver development. tional governments. It should also

be ensured that the mid-term develop-
debts needs to be thought out carefully,
and provisions like hedging to mitigate
es due to overstaffing, political inter-
vention and lack of accountability. The
ment plans connect with fiscal potential market risks should be same challenges have been identified
PRAMOD RIJAL budgets through sound “mid-term fis- built further into the existing legal by later research as well. Therefore, the
cal frameworks” and “mid-term framework. government of Nepal should explore

Stop endangering world The Nepalese economy, which was

slowly returning to normalcy in the
aftermath of Covid-19, has been dealt a
expenditure frameworks” to ensure
consistency and predictability in the
government’s priorities.
Public-private partnerships can
release fiscal space at sub-national lev-
els. To leverage them, the Ministry of
structural reform alternatives like pri-
vatisation, management contract, stra-
tegic partnerships, etc., depending on
The UN should play a more convincing role in heavy blow by the ongoing liquidity
crisis, supply disruptions created by
In terms of public debt, the debt
framework should be improved to ena-
Finance needs to take the lead in devel-
oping the “fiscal commitments and
the nature and appraisal of non-essen-
tial service-providing enterprises. As
persuading countries to find common grounds. the Ukraine War, depletion of foreign
reserves, and rising interest rates and
ble governments to leverage it better
while preserving fiscal sustainability.
contingent liabilities framework”.
Nepal then must ensure that all
has been witnessed before, reform
plans will be met with many political
inflation. The nation has taken several Public debt offers an alternative means projects go through the fiscal commit- challenges from stakeholders like polit-
Countries scurrying to source more natural gas to replace Russian measures to check the deterioration of to finance the country’s appetite for ment and contingent liabilities assess- ical leaders, labour unions, and special
gas supply are risking years of emissions that could thwart climate economic indicators by restricting or increased expenditure since raising ment before they are approved. interest groups. Therefore, the govern-
goals, according to a new research by the Climate Action Tracker banning certain imports, introducing a taxes are less-preferred instrument Approval should be subject to the ment should engage and look to edu-
(CAT). These countries mostly happen to be the more advanced tighter monetary policy, and so forth. from a political point of view. Public assessment showing a positive effect, cate and secure the buy-ins of all of
The tensions exhibited by the macroe- debt can yield positive results for the or at least a neutral effect, on the coun- these groups.
ones, who had earlier made big pledges to drastically cut back on
conomic indicators could stretch into entire economy if done right. However, try’s balance sheet.
their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, since up until now, they the foreseeable future if thought- Conclusion
have been the primary emitters. Not only is this unfair to the rest through reforms are not brought about. If implemented, benefits of the said
of the world—particularly the more climate vulnerable countries reforms will accrue to the Nepalese
who are least responsible for climate change—but is extremely Macro-fiscal challenges economy in the form of incentives for
Five years of federalism have seen the sub-national governments to focus on
reckless and dangerous.
federal budget expand by 36.29 percent local needs and aspirations, improved
According to the CEO of Climate Analytics, a research institute on the fiscal front. However, capital resource-sharing frameworks between
that is part of CAT, the world is currently “witnessing a major push expenditure has only grown by 20 per- the federal and sub-national govern-
for expanded fossil gas LNG production and import capacity across cent over the same period. As a result, ments, improved efficiency of govern-
the world.” The projects that are in the pipeline could emit 10 per- government revenue has consistently ment spending, and freeing up of the
hovered around 20.92 percent of GDP. fiscal space at sub-national levels.
cent of the world’s remaining carbon budget—the cumulative
Between 2017 and 2021, average capital Similarly, aligning the annual budgets
amount that can be emitted if warming beyond 1.5 degrees Celsius spending as a percentage of capital with the periodic development plans
is to be avoided. Among them are projects for new gas drilling in expenditure remained at 67.12 percent. through the “mid-term fiscal frame-
Canada and LNG import capacity in Germany and Vietnam. This shows that citizens generally pay work”, “fiscal rules”, and “mid-term
Under the Paris Agreement, countries had agreed to attempt to a higher share of their income in taxes, expenditure framework” will ensure
but only a smaller fraction is directed that programmes are put in the budget
stop GHGs heating the planet by more than 1.5 degrees Celsius
toward capital expenditure. And even based on national priority instead of
above the pre-industrial levels. Scientists have made it clear that though the debt level looks safe at the on an ad-hoc basis based on the inter-
going past that level would unleash far more severe climate impacts moment (38.25 percent of GDP), in the ests of the policymakers. Furthermore,
than the deadly wildfires, floods, and rising seas that we are already lack of fiscal disciplinary measures, it when merged with increased incen-
witnessing today. Yet, due to narrow geopolitical interests, the more could go to unsustainable levels in little tives for government actors, this will
time. Therefore, correcting the econo- help significantly improve the budget
advanced countries, while paying lip service to climate goals and
my in the short run is not the only implementation records of the federal
lecturing others, are waging an energy war that is putting the matter of concern for Nepal. There are and sub-national governments.
entire world at risk—partly by risking nuclear war, partly by ignor- multiple macro-fiscal challenges that When national priorities guide the
ing the consequences of intensified GHG emissions. cannot be looked at in isolation. budgets and the expenditure capacities
Bangladesh, being one of the most climate vulnerable countries This article focuses on the challeng- of federal and sub-national govern-
es and some possible ways forward, ments are improved, the taxpayers’
in the world, should bring the matter up at the ongoing 27th United
focusing more on the latter. At present, resources will be spent on meaningful
Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Egypt, along with some of the key challenges on this Shutterstock areas. Every area of government
others, and seek to put an end to this madness. Without a political front are: i) discrepancies in the grants that also requires debt-financed Public procurement policy and prac- spending has a default trade-off of
understanding, the ongoing energy war and war in general cannot transfer mechanisms, ii) lack of a clear expenditures to be tracked and report- tices should be improved in a way that whether to scatter resources and secure
be stopped. And that will only worsen the climate change problem framework for public debt in the feder- ed to the public promptly. As the consti- they support infrastructure develop- inept results or focus on a few key
al context, iii) insufficient leveraging tution of Nepal assigns many expendi- ment. Sub-national governments need areas and create an impact therein.
that endangers us all. Here, we urge the UN to play a more convinc-
of public-private partnerships, iv) inef- ture powers to the sub-national govern- to be made able to practice procure- As clear legal frameworks to pool
ing role in persuading countries to find common grounds, and let ficient and inefficacious public pro- ments, public debt could be a crucial ment as per their local contexts instead resources from the public and private
common sense prevail. curement provisions and practices, and factor for them to deliver development. of following federal legislation. This sectors are laid out, it will enhance
Countries around the world have made numerous commitments v) weak state-owned enterprises that Continuing the spirit of federalism means enabling local governments to Nepal’s capacities to make targeted
to cut down on dirty energy, to invest more on renewables, etc. At a are draining the treasury. would also mean devolving powers develop their legislation instead of just spending on not just infrastructures
related to debt management to sub-na- the regulation based on federal legisla- but also on education, health, and
time when scientists are arguing that even those might not be
Policy reforms with implementation tional levels. The same is not adhered tion. This is also important because social protection, laying a foundation
enough, the world cannot afford to move backwards. Instead of Grant transfer mechanisms need to be to by the current framework. This high- following the current procedures as for development.
making new pledges just for the sake of optics, countries around made more transparent and efficient to lights the centralised tendency of the mandated by the federal legislation has
the world—particularly those most responsible for climate incentivise sub-national governments federal government. been seen to push the project imple-
change—should really live up to their past pledges. Only then will to spend well. The current grant trans- Additionally, having one federal mentations late into the fiscal years,
fer mechanism has limitations regard- institution administer and manage resulting in most of the spending hap-
their new pledges mean anything, and the world will have a chance Rijal is an economist.
ing its ability to do so. A potential debts of all levels of government could pening in the last quarter, thereby com-
of avoiding total catastrophe. improvement to the current mecha- result in delays. Hence, a new structur- promising the quality of work.
 — The Daily Star/Ann nism could be to give a higher weight to al framework that could yield better Finally, weak state-owned enterpris-

05 | TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2022

US Dollar
Euro 134.35
130.32 Orange farmers prosper after switching to avocados
Pound Sterling 153.64
The number of farmers growing avocado in Dhankuta increased from 1,963 to 4,926 in four years, according to officials.
Japanese Yen (10) 9.28
Chinese Yuan 18.47 RAMESH CHANDRA ADHIKARI “The fairs have encouraged farmers Farmers say issues such as the
DHANKUTA, NOV 14 engaged in commercial avocado pro- fruits falling from the trees before
Qatari Riyal 35.78
duction,” said Chintan Tamang, they have ripened have increased in
Australian Dollar 87.03 Orange farmer Jyotiram Pokhrel of mayor of Dhankuta Municipality. “Its recent years. The trees have also been
Exchange rates fixed by Nepal Rastra Bank Kachide, Dhankuta gave up growing cultivation spread after the munici- attacked by worms.
the citrus fruit after many decades pality started providing free saplings.” “Along with the attraction for avoca-
and switched to avocados. He had The number of farmers producing do farming, disease-related issues
bullion Price Per tola
become tired of fighting diseases in saplings has also increased in recent have also increased in recent years,”
his orange crop all the time. years. said Khemraj Thapa, chairman of the
Fine Gold Rs 97,200 “Orange trees are often infected by According to the Agriculture Avocado Farmers Group of the dis-
diseases. There is more money in cul- Knowledge Centre in the district, trict. “Farmers’ investment could go
Silver Rs 1,295 tivating avocados,” he said. Pokhrel more than 300,000 avocado saplings to waste in the absence of technical
has no regrets about his decision. are produced annually. knowledge.”
Source: FENEGOSIDA Avocado is nutritious and contains Local farmers have received orders Mayor Tamang said the municipali-
a wide variety of nutrients, including for saplings from Palpa, Tanahu, ty had started working to address
multiple vitamins and minerals. They Syangja, Lamjung, Chitwan, Kaski farmer concerns in coordination with
gasoline watch have a green-skinned, fleshy body that and Gorkha districts. the Agriculture Research Station,
may be pear-shaped, egg-shaped or Nursery owner Bharat Guragain Pakhribas.
spherical. said he sold around 7,000 avocado Farmers have also been concerned
Like Pokhrel, dozens of farmers in saplings last year. “With demand for about not being able to grow other
Dhankuta have switched to commer- the fruit growing, more people vegetables near the avocado trees as
cial avocado farming in recent years. have been planting avocado,” the ground around the trees turns dry
Four years ago, there were 1,963 Guragain said. and becomes unsuitable for growing
farmers engaged in avocado produc- The number of nurseries producing any other crop.
tion in Dhankuta. As of last year, the avocado saplings has increased from Technicians say problems have
number had jumped to 4,926, accord- five nurseries four years ago to 137 emerged because avocado farmers
ing to the Agriculture Knowledge last year. have not been following the prescribed
Centre Dhankuta. To meet the increasing demand, method for planting the trees.
Farmers say avocado trees start pro- the Agriculture Research Station, “The trees should be planted 20 feet
ducing fruit four to five years after Pakhribas has carried out research apart,” said Bhaktaman Rai, an
planting. “We don’t have to worry to produce saplings through tissue agriculture technician. “Problems
much about market and prices like is culture. arise if farmers do not follow this
the case with oranges.” “Using this method, at least 10 sap- rule and plant more trees in a small
Farmer Gopal Wagle of Pallek, lings can be produced from a seed,” area with the intention of producing
Dhankuta-3 said, “We are happy with said Govinda Timsina, chief of the more fruits.”
the prices we have been getting for station. Rai agrees that farmer complaints
avocado.” The station also plans to adopt a regarding not receiving the required
The fruit is not native to Dhankuta. grafting method with assistance from technical support in times of need
Locals believe the fruit was intro- foreign technicians in the coming have increased recently.
duced in the district about four dec- days. Farmers have also attempted to pro-
ades ago. Four years ago, avocado farmers in duce avocado oil. Gopal Wagle and his
A British agriculture scientist who Dhankuta Municipality sold 77.7 wife Kamala of Dhankuta-3 produced
worked at the Agriculture Research  POST FILE PHOTO tonnes of the fruit and earned Rs2.3 avocado oil three years ago using a
Station in Pakhribas, Dhankuta had Four years ago, avocado farmers in Dhankuta Municipality sold 77.7 tonnes of the fruit and million. Last year, they sold 239.4 traditional home-made machine.
n Briefing given an avocado plant to Bharat Joshi earned Rs2.3 million. Last year, they sold 239.4 tonnes worth Rs32 million. tonnes worth Rs32 million. “We produced one litre of oil from
of Bal Mandir Tol, Dhankuta-5. The price has also increased and 10 kg of avocados,” said Gopal adding,
Joshi’s son Sujan remembers the started selling avocado saplings at construction of the Dharan-Dhankuta boosted farmer incomes in recent “We need modern technology for this
Radisson Hotel Kathmandu tree bearing fruit after five years. “We Rs10 each. Avocado farming then road more than four decades ago years, according to the municipality. purpose.”
did not like its taste at first,” he said. spread to neighbouring districts. introduced the fruit in the region,” “In the past four years, the average The Wagles sold the oil at Rs2,000
celebrates advent of Christmas The fruit remained neglected for a Leading farmers of the district have said Rai. price of avocado in the district has per litre, but they have stopped mak-
KATHMANDU: Radisson Hotel few years until a foreigner working at played an important role in promoting The local administration declared swelled nearly fourfold from Rs30 to ing avocado oil. “Demand for oil in the
Kathmandu organised a ‘fruit soak- a non-governmental organisation commercial farming of the fruit. Dhankuta an avocado capital in 2018 Rs110 per kg.” market has fallen short of our expec-
ing’ ceremony on Sunday to celebrate bought the fruit for Rs50 per kg. Word Agriculture technician Surya due to the rising popularity of the The municipality’s statistics show tations,” said Wagle.
the advent of Christmas and the start spread and more people started buy- Sapkota said farmers shifted towards fruit. In the past four years, the dis- that 4,926 farmers have planted avoca- Entrepreneur Prakiti Gautam
of winter festivities. The event was ing avocados. avocado farming after orange trees trict has organised avocado fairs twice dos on 12,999 hectares. believes it is necessary to brand the
held at Terrace Garden, an outdoor The fruit started becoming popular were affected by various diseases such to promote its cultivation. Farmers also worry about how long fruit to make various products.
venue located on the fourth floor. in the district, but Joshi didn’t know as rotting roots. Commercial avocado farming has the good times will last, and if avoca- “Beside selling the fruits, we need to
Women professionals from different what it was called. Around three and a Senior agriculture technician become a key income generator in do farming will not share the same process them and make various prod-
sectors were invited by the hotel to half decades ago, technicians from the Jeevan Rai believes avocado was the district. fate as orange farming. ucts,” said Gautam.
celebrate the mixing. The attendees District Agriculture Office gave him brought to Nepal more than five dec-
followed the Chef ’s guidelines and details about the fruit. ades ago, even before the establish-
mixed the comprehensive list of dry In the following years, more people ment of the Agriculture Research
fruits with spices, herbs, wine, beer, started growing avocados. Around Station at Pakhribas, Dhankuta.
rum and whisky. (PR) three decades ago, the Joshi family “The engineers employed in the

Global IME Bank,

Bank of Kathmandu
sign final pact to merge
After the merger, the new bank named as Global IME BOK
Limited will become Nepal’s largest commercial bank.
POST REPORT new bank will be Global large banks to invest in big
KATHMANDU, NOV 14 IME BOK Limited. infrastructure projects.
The bank will consist of On the same occasion,
Global IME Bank Limited seven board of directors— Shrestha said that for
and Bank of Kathmandu five from Global IME Bank the country’s economic
(BOK) on Monday signed including its chairman transformation, there
a final memorandum Dhakal. There will be two is a need for big and capa-
of understanding for a board of directors on ble banks. “We hope that
merger. behalf of Bank of the Global IME BOK
After the merger, the Kathmandu. Ratnaraj Limited will achieve suc-
bank will become the larg- Bajracharya, chief execu- cess and contribute to
est commercial bank in tive officer of Global IME the country’s economic
Nepal with a total capital Bank, will remain as the prosperity.”
of Rs57 billion, the bank chief executive officer of
said in a statement. the new bank.
The bank’s paid-up capi- After the merger, Global dfOu|];g x/fof]
tal will reach Rs35.77 bil- IME BOK Limited will ldlt @)&( c;f]h @% ut]sf lbg
lion with the total deposits have 385 branch offices,
of Rs400 billion and loans 367 ATM counters, 275
e/tk'/af6 gf/fo0fu9 hf“bf
of Rs379 billion. branchless banking ser- HSEB sf] CHOLA KANT
Global IME Bank vices, 61 extended branch MAHATO sf] gfddf /x]sf] +2
Chair man Chandra offices and 3 foreign con- sf] /=g+= 724834018 sf] MIGRA-
Prasad Dhakal and BOK tact offices, the bank said
Chair man Prakash in a statement.
Shrestha signed the mem- The new bank will x'“bf kfpg' x'g] dxfg'efjn] glhssf]
orandum of understand- have more than 4 million k|x/L rf}sL jf tnsf] ljj/0fdf ;Dks{
ing for the merger customers. u/L lbg'x'g xflb{s cg'/f]w ub{5' .
amidst a programme in Speaking at the signing
Kathmandu on Monday. ceremony, Dhakal said Name: Chola Kant Mahato
Previously, the board there is a need for Mo.: 98214-46265
of directors of both banks
had approved the share
swap ratio of 1:1, deter-
mined based on the
evaluation report of mova-
ble and immovable assets,
liabilities and transac-
tions received from the
appraiser for the purpose
of merger between the
two banks.
According to the bank’s
statement, the name of the

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2022 | 06

Sports | Medley

Nepal to co-host U-19 Women’s T20 World Cup 2027

SPORTS BUREAU the co-host of the event. “Nepal will host a Women’s T20 World Cup 2024 was approved.
Nepal lose first ODI
KATHMANDU, Nov 14 group match and a semi-final match of the tour-
nament,” said Chand. “We are planning to host
Eight teams will qualify for the event automati-
cally, comprising the top three teams from each The Rhinos slump to an 84-run defeat in the opening match after
Nepal and Bangladesh will jointly host the ICC
U-19 Women’s T20 World Cup in 2027.
a match in Kathmandu and another, outside the
Valley. We will now gear up our preparations to
group from the ICC Women’s T20 World Cup
2023, the host Bangladesh (if not in the top three they were restricted to 179-9, chasing a 264-run target.
The International Cricket Council (ICC) said host the global event.” of Group 1) and the next highest-ranked teams
in a news statement that its Board has approved The ICC Board also approved Sri Lanka, in the T20I Rankings. The remaining two teams SPORTS BUREAU
Nepal and Bangladesh as the co-hosts for the Malaysia and Thailand, Zimbabwe and Namibia, will be identified through the 10-team T20 World KATHMANDU, Nov 14
ICC U-19 women’s event. “The 2027 U-19 Women’s as the host countries of the other ICC U-19 Cup Global Qualifier.
event will be jointly hosted by Bangladesh and events, from 2024-2027. The qualification pathway for the 14-team ICC Nepal succumbed to an 84-run defeat against
Nepal,” the ICC said. The ICC U-19 Men’s Cricket World Cup 2024 Men’s Cricket World Cup 2027 was also decided the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in the first
This will be the first global tournament to be will be hosted by Sri Lanka while the 2026 edi- with 10 teams gaining automatic qualification. match of the three-match One-Day
hosted by Nepal. tion will be staged in Zimbabwe and Namibia. The 10 will comprise South Africa and Zimbabwe International (ODI) bilateral series at the TU
The Cricket Association of Nepal President The U-19 Women’s T20 World Cup 2025 will be as hosts and the next eight highest-ranked ground in Kirtipur on Monday.
Chatur Bahadur Chand said Bangladesh will be held in Malaysia and Thailand. teams on the ODI rankings. The remaining four Nepal’s poor show with the bat was to be
the event’s main organiser, while Nepal will be The qualification pathway for the 10-team ICC teams will qualify via the CWC Global Qualifier. blamed for the defeat as they were restricted
to 179-9 after the visiting UAE team, sent into
bat first, posted 263-7 in the allotted 50 overs.
Nepal’s ODI debutant Arjun Saud, who
came out to open the innings, and Dipendra
Singh Airee’s half centuries went in vain as
Nepal lost other batters cheaply. Apart from
the duo, opener Aasif Sheikh (12 runs) and
tailender Gulshan Jha (not out 19) were the
only other Nepali batters to reach double-dig-
it scores.
Chasing the target, Nepal lost wickets in
quick succession, despite opener Saud scor-
ing a patient 79-ball 51, that included five hits
to the fence. post Photo: Hemanta Shrestha
Nepal’s top order batters, opener Sheikh, UAE’s Aayan Afzal Khan returned the figures of
one-down batter Gyanendra Malla (0) and 4-14, also bowling four maiden overs, on Monday.
Rohit Kumar Paudel (1), shouldering the ODI
captain’s responsibility for the first time, Brief scores
were all dismissed by the UAE’s debutant
bowler Aayan Afzal Khan in a space of five United Arab Emirates Tour of Nepal
runs with only 32 runs on board.
Nepal’s captain Paudel pointed out that his First ODI, TU cricket ground
side failed to execute match plans with both Toss: Nepal, elected to field first.
the ball and bat. United Arab Emirates 263-7
“We collapsed at an early stage in batting
and lost three wickets too quickly. We could R Mustafa 53 (73), M Waseem 44 (41)
have chased the target had we not lost early G Jha 6-0-26-2
wickets,” said Paudel, who was also full of Nepal 179-9
praise for Khan. “Aayan bowled really well
and put us under pressure.” A Saud 51 (79), DS Airee 54 (84)
Saud shared a 68-run partnership for fifth AA Khan 10-4-14-4
wicket with Airee, before being clean bowled UAE win by 84 runs.
by Rohan Mustafa in the 31st over. Airee
scored 54 runs off 84 balls, comprising six Player of the Match: Aayan Afzal Khan
sixes. He was caught by Alishan Sharafu off
Zahoor Khan in the 40th over. Chundagapoyil Rizwan, taking over the cap-
Shiekh hit a boundary while facing 19 tain’s responsibility for the first time in an
deliveries, while Jha hit a boundary and a six ODI match, for two runs on the last delivery
in his unbeaten knock off 34 balls. Apart of the same over.
from Saud, Hari Shankar Shah playing in his Opener Aravind, the third UAE wicket to
first ODI match was dismissed for eight runs. fall, contributed 40 off 82 balls with six hits to
Kushal Bhurtel (6), Sompal Kami (3) and the fence. He was trapped leg before by
Karan KC (3) were all out cheaply. Dipendra Singh Airee.
The UAE’s slow left arm orthodox bowler Alishan Sharafu scored 29 off 39 balls,
Khan bowled impressively, claiming four Ahmed Raza remained not out on 27 off 16,
wickets in his 10-overs. The teenager who Aayan Afzal Khan 26 off 28 and Basil Hameed
turns 17 on Tuesday, conceded only 14 runs 14 off 16 were the other contributors to the
while bowling four maidens. Basil Hamid UAE score.
accounted for two wickets, while Zahoor Nepal’s Gulshan Jha picked up two wickets
Khan, Rohan Mustafa and Ahmed Raza in his six-over spell, conceding 26 runs, while
shared a wicket each. Sompal Kami and Dipendra Singh Airee
For the UAE, Rohan Mustafa scored 53 accounted for a wicket each.
runs, the highest of the innings, after open- The UAE captain Rizwan said that it was a
ers Muhammad Waseem and Vriitya Aravind good experience coming to Nepal and playing
gave them a sound start, sharing a 75-run in front of a big crowd.
stand for the opening wicket. “We look forward to carrying the
Mustafa, dropped from UAE’s World T20 momentum in the upcoming matches.
squad that recently returned from Australia, Though the score was not big on a good bat-
proved his worth by cracking seven bounda- ting pitch like this, the boys came up with a
ries in his 73-ball knock. He was caught off tight bowling performance and defended our
the bowling of medium pacer Sompal Kami score,” he said.
by Aasif Sheikh. “It was an amazing performance by Aayan
Waseem hit a 41-ball 44 that included six (Khan) to get wickets in debut ODI game.
hits to the fence and a six, before Gulshan To have a spell like that really speaks of his
Jha got him out. Jha also dismissed captain calibre,” Rizwan added.

ARIES (March 21-April 19) *** CANCER (June 22-July 22) ** LIBRA (September 23-October 22) *** CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19) ***
This cosmic climate is perfect for believing in This celestial exchange is all about fighting for Don’t feel guilty about engaging in some inno- Give yourself space to accept and release any
yourself in recommitting to goals. You may feel your sense of stability, whether you need a new cent flirting early this morning. This cosmic grief that’s been weighing on your heart and
impatient for progress, but try not to force your creative outlet, routine, or ways to save money. climate allows you to boost your confidence mind recently. Watch out for tension and dishar-
transformation. You may benefit from extra You may have to choose a path that you’re not through the affections of others, but try not to mony this evening, especially when it comes to
celestial support, so, make a few wishes. sure of. Practice self-love tonight. break any hearts in the process. your romantic entanglements.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) *** LEO (July 23-August 22) *** SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) **** AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) ***
Vivid dreams could provide insight into how to This cosmic climate will motivate and heal you, Getting an early start can help you feel more You will be spreading good vibes today.
heal your mind and soul. Take a moment to helping you feel refreshed and optimistic as you secure within your occupational path today. Unfortunately, the energy could get a little tense
meditate and find your centre when you awak- stir from your slumber. Frustrations may brew Watch out for tension at home this evening. this evening, and fears could hold you back from
en, noting any profound insights that find you. within your love life later this evening. Try not Your housemates may seem more cold than pursuing true love. You’ll feel more open to con-
Watch out for rockier vibes this evening. to stay low during arguments. usual. The vibes will stabilize later tonight. nectivity later today.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21) *** VIRGO (August 23-September 22) ** SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21) *** PISCES (February 19-March 20) ***
Supporting your friends will elevate your confi- You may wake up feeling more sensitive than You’ll awaken to a creative and playful energy Embrace the beauty that surrounds you, as
dence while allowing you to feel good about usual. So, be sure to nurture your heart, mind, this morning. Watch your words this evening, doing so will bring healing to your heart. Watch
yourself. Don’t forget to focus on your own ener- and soul before starting the day. Work-related which could create some serious conversational your stress levels later tonight, and try not to get
gy and spiritual connection. You’ll feel romance frustrations could brew this evening. Home will tension. Luckily, the vibe will feel harmonious wrapped up in any unnecessary conflicts. You’ll
and charisma this evening. feel relaxing tonight. as the day comes to a close. feel a shift as the day ends.

Crossword Sudoku

Yesterday’s Solution

07 | TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2022 Sports

Things to watch at FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 France add Thuram,
Disasi replaces
Cup winners’ medal that, to many, Format
Group A
Group b
Group c
Group d
would solidify him as football’s great-
est player. He is in stellar form for
Paris Saint-Germain at the moment.
There are eight groups of four teams,
with the top two advancing to the
16-team knockout stage.
There will be four games back-to- Associated Press
Ecuador Iran Saudi Arabia Australia Cristiano Ronaldo, Portugal back per day for most of the first two PARIS, Nov 14
He has won the sets of group games, then simultaneous
E u r o p e a n kickoffs for the last two games in each Marcus Thuram was handed the last
Senegal United States Mexico Denmark Championship group. There’ll be no break for the spot in the France squad that will
but the leading knockout stage, which begins the day defend their World Cup title in Qatar
Netherlands Wales Poland Tunisia scorer in men’s after the group stage ends. while the uncapped Axel Disasi was
inter national The first day without football comes also called up on Monday after Presnel
Group e Group f Group g Group h football hasn’t on December 7—the 17th day of Kimpembe had to pull out.
played in a World Cup final, let alone competition. The French football federation said
Spain Belgium Brazil Portugal won one. He is 37 years old now and no Borussia Monchengladbach forward
longer first choice at Manchester Must-see games Thuram, 25, had been added to Didier
United—so make the most of him Argentina vs Mexico, November 26 Deschamps’ list after the coach had
Costa Rica Canada Serbia Ghana while you can. The first of the big continental summoned only 25 players when
rivalries in the group stage, with he announced his squad last week,
Germany Morocco Switzerland Uruguay Kylian Mbappe, France Messi potentially sealing his and leaving one spot open.
The star of the Argentina’s spot in the last 16. Paris Saint-Germain defender
last World Cup at Kimpembe, meanwhile, spoke with
Japan Croatia Cameroon South Korea the age of 19 and Spain vs Germany, November 27 Deschamps and the team’s doctor at
he is only getting Surely there can’t have been many France’s training ground on Monday
Associated Press Top teams country with the most depth to their better. The bigger group-stage matches than this and told them he did not believe he
NEW YORK, Nov 14 Brazil (Number one in FIFA ranking) squad, despite an injury list that speedy striker at a World Cup? Two recent champi- had sufficiently recovered from an
Neymar, Vinicius Junior and the rest includes Paul Pogba and N’Golo could match ons, two giants of European and world Achilles injury.
A last chance for Lionel Messi and of the flair-filled Selecao are peaking Kante. Mbappe and Karim Benzema Brazil great Pele in being a champion football. Disasi, 24, has not missed a single
Cristiano Ronaldo. Kylian Mbappe at the right time. Is a first World Cup are leading the attack. No team have at his first two World Cups. minute of Monaco’s 15 league games
back on the biggest stage of all. Brazil title since 2002 on the horizon? retained their World Cup title since Iran vs United States, November 29 this season. He has scored two goals
bidding for a record-extending sixth Brazil in 1962. Kevin De Bruyne, Belgium It has been labelled as “The Mother of and delivered four assists in all
title. Belgium (Number two) Widely regarded All Games Part II.” Just like at the competitions.
One of the most eagerly anticipated The “Golden Generation” is gradually England (Number five) as the world’s World Cup in 1998, the two countries Thuram will complement France’s
World Cups in memory—as much for breaking up but there’s still Kevin De The team have hit a bad patch of best midfielder, will meet in the group stage in a polit- already impressive attacking sector
off-the-field reasons as those on it— Bruyne leading the Belgian charge. form—winless in six games—but has his driving runs ically charged matchup. Diplomatic alongside Karim Benzema, Kingsley
begins Sunday in Qatar. There is a doubt about the fitness of a strong track record in recent major and crossing are relations have yet to be restored Coman, Ousmane Dembele, Olivier
Thirty-two teams, 64 matches, 29 Romelu Lukaku, however. tournaments. England were semi-fi- among the best between the nations since being Giroud, Antoine Griezmann, Kylian
days. The first World Cup in the nalists at the World Cup in 2018 and sights in football. severed in 1980. Mbappe and Christopher Nkunku.
Middle East. Argentina (Number three) finalists at the European Belgium will be thankful he is Thuram, the son of the 1998 World
League play around the world has No World Cup title since the days of Championship in 2021. arriving in Qatar healthy. Ghana vs Uruguay, December 2 Cup winner Lilian Thuram, has been
paused and now football’s focus is on the great Diego Maradona. This will Anyone remember the night of July 2, in impressive form this season, with
Qatar, whose national team opens the be the first World Cup since his Big stars Neymar, Brazil 2010? In the last minute of extra time 13 goals and four assists in all compe-
tournament with a match against death in November 2020 and Argentina Lionel Messi, Argentina Often overshad- in a World Cup quarter-final match titions. A tall and versatile player, he
Ecuador. has improved under coach Lionel The seven-time owed by Mbappe between Uruguay and Ghana, Luis can be used in different systems.
Here are a few things to watch when Scaloni, with Messi still at their core world player of and Messi at Suarez deliberately stopped the ball Thuram has played four times with
group games get going in the smallest and leading the team on a 35-match the year might Paris Saint- with his hand on the goalline, got sent France but has not featured with the
country ever to host a World Cup, unbeaten run. have been saving Germain, still off, only for Ghana to miss the penalty national squad since the European
where some fans will be staying in his 35-year-old the main man and lose in a shootout as Suarez cele- Championship in June last year.
floating hotels when they head over to France (Number four) legs for one last for Brazil. Watch brated on the sideline. Revenge would France will be without Paul Pogba
take in the action: The defending champions. Still the push at a World out for tricks and flicks. be sweet for Ghana. and N’Golo Kante because of injuries.

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Focus sharpens on Qatar as World Cup nears

FIFA’s pleas have only increased scrutiny of the Gulf state’s treatment of migrant workers, women and LGBTQ community.
Agence France-Presse with a price tag of $36 billion serves
DOHA, Nov 14 five of the eight venues.
Some estimates put total infrastruc-
The week-long countdown to the ture spending over the past decade at
World Cup in Qatar began on Monday $200 billion.
as the world’s leading footballers Organisers have predicted more
focused their attention on one of the than one million fans will travel to
most controversial tournaments in Qatar and they have responded to con-
history. cerns about a lack of accommodation
The first World Cup to be held in the by using three cruise ships as floating
Arab world will kick off on Sunday hotels. They are fully booked for the
when the host nation face Ecuador. first two weeks of the tournament.
It marks the culmination of Qatar’s Organisers say that 2.9 million of
extraordinary campaign to first win the 3.1 million tickets have been
the vote to land the tournament and sold and fans have been waiting
then embark on a spending spree of outside the FIFA ticketing centre
tens of billions of dollars to build hoping scarce tickets become available
stadiums and infrastructure. for top games.
Holding football’s showpiece event In Europe, unease at a country with
in a desert state has necessitated an virtually no tradition of football
unprecedented reorganisation of the Ap/Rss hosting the tournament is keenly felt.
international football calendar, shift- A worker walks past a billboard showing an illustration of the upcoming Qatar 2022 Germany’s 2014 World Cup-winning
ing the World Cup from its normal slot FIFA World Cup mascot ‘La’eeb’ in Doha, Qatar on Saturday.  captain Philipp Lahm said on
in the northern hemisphere summer Sunday that Qatar should never have
to avoid the Gulf ’s scorching heat. treatment of migrant workers, women who built the tournament’s gleaming been allowed to host the World Cup
Domestic leagues will pause for six and the LGBTQ community. stadiums. and vowed to stay away from the
weeks to allow the tournament to take Labourers from South Asia have Qatar has angrily rebuffed most of tournament.
place, but preparation time is short. been at the centre of an often acrimo- the attacks and local media have “Awarding the World Cup to Qatar
While the players packed their bags nious dispute over deaths, injuries blasted the “arrogance” of some was a mistake,” Lahm wrote in a
and joined up with their international and their working conditions since Western countries. column for Die Zeit newspaper. “It
teammates, the spotlight on Qatar Qatar was awarded the World Cup The country of barely three million doesn’t belong there.”
intensified. in 2010. people, one of the world’s biggest “Homosexuals are still criminal-
FIFA’s pleas to “focus on the foot- Amnesty International on Friday producers of natural gas, has spent ised, women do not have the same
ball” have struggled to be heard as the made an urgent plea for FIFA presi- lavishly. rights as men, freedom of the press ap/rss
countdown to kick-off has only dent Gianni Infantino to commit to a New stadiums cost more than $6.5 and freedom of expression are Uruguay’s Luis Suarez takes selfies with fans at the airport in Montevideo, Uruguay, before
increased scrutiny of the Gulf state’s compensation package for the workers billion and a driverless metro system restricted,” Lahm added. departing for Qatar to play at the World Cup tournament.


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TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2022 | 08

Culture & Lifestyle

(C.R.P.D.) - 3/052/053

The oversimplification of mental health ‘Satta Sangharsha’ now

If you feel you have a mental health issue, seek a professional’s help instead of self-diagnosing. available in the market
life, sleep, appetite, mood and motiva-
tion. For example, when a person gets The book by Ramkrishna Bhandari explores the country’s
diagnosed with an obsessive-compul-
sive disorder, their compulsions would political development from 1990 to 2020.
be so debilitating that they cannot
attend to their studies or work effec- Post Report
tively. Their obsessive thoughts would Kathmandu

affect their relationships with close
ones so much that it creates distance amkrishna Bhandari’s new
and conflict among them. book, Satta Sangharsha, is
Also, the danger of misdiagnosis now available in the market.
always remains. People of different Bhandari is a journalist at
age groups can exhibit different symp- Kantipur Television. At the
toms for the same underlying disorder. heart of the book is the political devel-
For example, a child exhibiting anger opment Nepal witnessed after the peo-
and aggression can signify depres- ple’s movement of 1990 successfully
overthrew the 30-year-long Panchayat
regime and re-established democracy
People of different in Nepal. The book explores how 28
governments were formed during the
age groups can 30-year period from 1990 to 2020.
In the book, Bhandari gives impor-
exhibit different tance to primary sources by having
symptoms for the direct conversations with important
political figures, including the prime
same underlying ministers of the 28 governments. The
book serves as a useful handbook for
disorder. leaders, political science students and
researchers, journalists, and general
Shutterstock readers looking to understand the for-
Tashi Gurung judged, had trouble interacting with tal health, and this has resulted in a sion, unlike in the adult version, mation, organization, and operation

strangers, and was worried about marked increase in teens and where the symptoms could manifest of the government of Nepal. The illus- history to understand how political
e have all heard peo- humiliating myself. I had even looked young adults using social media/ as feeling low and lacking energy. trations presented in the book make it parties risked everything for the res-
ple within our social up all the symptoms and convinced online information to diagnose them- However, we cannot also discount readable and also point out the need to toration of democracy and how their
circle say things like, myself that I had a social anxiety dis- selves with various kinds of mental all the positive impacts social media discuss the party and its leaders’ leadership finally managed to reach
“I am so OCD!,” “I order. I never went to get a psychiatric illnesses. has had on mental health. For many desire to remain in power. and stay in power.
think I am narcissis- diagnosis or sought help from a thera- While easy access to mental health young individuals dealing with The book urges readers to go The book is published by Sangri-La
tic,” or “She is so bipolar.” Many of us pist. Instead, I just labelled myself as information has led many individuals mental health challenges, social media through the country’s recent political Books.
casually use these psychological diag- someone suffering from anxiety and, to seek the help they need, it has also has also served as a safety net and a
nostic terms to label ourselves or oth- at times, almost wore it like a badge of led many to label themselves with a place to feel a sense of belongingness

Taylor Swift wins big in

ers, but the question remains: Do we honour. disorder or illness without getting a with people dealing with similar
actually know what the diagnosis Years later, when I became a practis- professional assessment (as I did) and issues.
entails? ing mental health professional, I real- sometimes even rely on ineffective or Social media is a great platform to

Germany at the MTV EMAs

ised that I DO NOT have the disorder. inappropriate treatments. get an idea of the importance of men-
I still remember the insight my super- As I mentioned before, we have tal health and various mental disor-
visor gave me--for any of these clus- heard people around us say, “So and so ders. But if you feel you have a mental
ters of symptoms to be termed a disor- is so OCD. She wants everything in life health issue, an appointment with a
der, it needs to be pervasive and per- to be in order,” or “I think psychiatrist, clinical psychologist, LOUISE DIXON singer-songwriter.
sistent. I have OCD because I like a routine counsellor or therapist would be the DUSSELDORF, Germany David Guetta and Bebe Rexha

The question to ask would be, my schedule”. But then again, just way to go. opened the show with their hit collab-
supervisor informed me, does the dis- because someone like things a certain It should also be noted that we do aylor Swift won big at oration “I’m Good (Blue),” a track that
Mental Health order affect one’s daily functioning in way doesn’t guarantee that they have not need to have a mental disorder to Sunday’s MTV EMAs. Swift, nearly didn’t get released.
school, work, and with family and OCD. If the person can function nor- talk to a mental health professional. In who led the nominations Rexha explained on the carpet, “we
People are more aware of various friends? If it does, then the issue is mally despite that, it would be better fact, this is a huge myth that we must along with Harry Styles with had no idea that it was gonna blow up
psychopathologies or illnesses thanks considered pervasive. And how often to label them as being organised rath- get rid of. All individuals face strug- seven a piece, walked away and be so viral on TikTok. And here
to informative mental health content do the symptoms occur? A month? Or er than someone with the disorder. gles in their daily lives. Seeking coun- with four wins, including for best art- we are performing it and nominated
on social media. But along with easy at least two weeks? If it keeps recur- For an official diagnosis to be made, selling and therapy can help us deal ist, best video and best longform for ‘Best Collab.’”
access to information on mental ring, then the problem is considered the psychologist would have to look with our stressors and get the emo- video. Hot on their toes was Muse, who
health, there comes the danger of persistent. into the range of experiences the indi- tional support we need. Currently topping the charts with returned to the EMAs for a fiery per-
oversimplification of mental health I did have social anxiety when I was vidual is going through, which “Anti-Hero” from her record-breaking formance of “Will of the People,” later
problems and self-diagnostic tenden- a teen, but in simple terms, it just includes the interval between symp- Gurung is a counseling psychologist. new album “Midnights,” Swift made a winning best rock act. They dedicated
cies that can be detrimental to our wasn’t a disorder. toms and how long they last, whether He is currently working in Happy surprise appearance at the awards in their award to the people of Ukraine
well-being. In the last three years, the pandemic the symptoms are affecting the per- Minds, a mental health and well-being Dusseldorf to collect her haul, the lat- and the women of Iran.
During my teen years, I feared being has had a detrimental impact on men- son’s ability to function in day-to-day platform. est in a long line of accolades for the — Associated Press



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