Phase 1

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2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

Phase 1
-Expected low -Expected low yield -Expected high -Expected
-Prune half of 4.5 yield due to due to harvesting yield due to high yield
hectares harvesting from from 1.5 hector. harvesting from due to
equivalent to 2.2 3.7 hectors First fly crop from complete 7 ha; continued
hectares before which include old 1.2 ha planted in mature 1.2 ha Management
the rains. 2.2 and 1.5 2022 and pruned planted 2022, 1.5 practices,
planted in 2020. coffee trees from Ha planted 2020, Harvesting
-Increasing 2022 total 3.7 ha. 4.5 ha of pruned from 7 ha.
compost manure coffee trees
application in (results
order to increase -Increasing -Continue on observations).
growth and compost manure compost - Continue
development of application to application - Continue on on compost
new branches. increase growth program. compost application
development of application program
-Estimated yield in new branches. program.
tonnes is + or - 7.5
tonnes. -Estimated yield
in tonnes is 7.5 +
-Brokerage to fill or - -Estimated yield in
the container of tonnes 7.5 + or -
about 19.2 metric -Brokerage to fill -Estimated yield in
tonnes. the container of tonnes is 18.5 -Estimated
about 19.2 -Brokerage to fill tonnes + or - yield in
metric tonnes. container of about tonnes 18
19.2 metric tonnes. tonnes + or -

Phase 2 - Beginning -First harvest of fly

planting of 3 crop from 3
- Looking into 3 hectares./ hectares.
coffee hectares finalising
partnership with partnerships.

Phase 3 - Acquire 27 - Preparation of -planting of field

hectors of land fields/reservoir etc.
cross LHI

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