Question Bank System Analysis and Design MCA 205

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1. Discuss the primary characteristics of a system in brief. 2. Discuss the importance of database in MIS. 3. How important is the informal information system in system analysis? Explain. 4. What is a system? Discuss the elements of a system in brief. 5. Explain following clearly Abstract System, Closed System and Entropy. 6. What are the components of a system? 7. How would you view organization as a system? 8. Differentiate between information system and MIS. What is system boundry? 9. Explain the following terms : 1) Transaction Processing System 2) Decision Support System 3) Expert System 10. Discuss the formal systems and informal systems in an organization. 11. Define system and list its various characteristics. 12. What is the advantage of computer based information system over manual information system? 13. What is the need for system analysis and design in an organization? 14. Explain system development life cycle. 15. Describe the role of system analyst in an organization. 16. Distinguish between open and closed systems. 17. What is the difference between the system life cycle and a system development methodology? 18. What is the academic and personal qualification for a system analyst? Explain the challenges faced by a system analyst. 19. Why is documentation important to the information system life cycle? Explain. 20. Distinguish between initial investigation and feasibility study. In what way are they related? 21. What are the different activities of system design? Can system design simplify implementation?

22. What is the role of users during system analysis and design? 23. Why is it so critical to manage system development process? 24. Why is it difficult to determine user requirements? Justify the answer with suitable reasons. 25. What information tools to collect data are available for the analyst? Explain each tool in brief. 26. Why is it important that the analyst learns about an organization, policies and objectives? 27. In what respect is interviewing an art? Also discuss the advantages of interviews? 28. What is feasibility analysis? What types of data is required for feasibility analysis? 29. What is System Maintainance and why is it required? Explain. 30. Explain the terms : 1) Background analysis 2) Fact analysis 3) Performance analysis 4) Efficiency analysis 5) Service analysis 31. What is meant by Context Level Data Flow Diagram? Give the difference between DFD and Decision table. 32. What fact-finding techniques would you use for investigating the information requirement of a large organization? 33. Differentiate between DFD and Flow chart. Define notations of DFD using suitable examples. 34. What are input and output of system design phase? 35. What is meant by Cost Benefit Analysis? 36. For the hostel of your college, determine the following for system development : 1) Sources of information 2) Persons to be interviewed 3) Sample Questions in Questionaires. 37. Write about Data Dictionary. 38. Descibe the concept and procedure used in constructing DFD. Use an example of your own to illustrate and define the Data Dictionary. 39.What are the advantages and disadvantages of collecting the facts by using questionnaires? Explain in detail. 40. What are the precautions which should be taken while conducting an interview? List advantages and disadvantages of interviews. 41. What do you mean by problem definition and project initiation? Explain

your view with suitable examples. 42. What are the various factors that are to be considered while designing a Human Machine Interface. 43. Differentiate among the following plans : strategic, long range, medium range and short range. 44. What are turnaround documents? Give several exaples. 45. What implications would input design likely have on output design? How about the other way around? 46. Briefly explain the procedure and make up of post implementation review. Can one perform maintenance on a system without a post implemantation review? Why? 47. If you were asked to develop a form control program for your firm, how would you proceed? How would you control for unauthorized forms? 48. Discuss the primary activities of a software maintainance procedure. 49. Why is documentation needed? What are the elements that comprise a documentation package? Explain these elements briefly. 50. What are Fact-finding techniques? Which fact finding technique is generally recognized as most important and is most often used?
System Analysis and Design Unit I 1. 2. 3. 4. What do you understand by scope of the system? What are the elements of the system? Define characteristics of the system. Define following systems: i) Physical System ii) Abstract System iii) Open System iv) Closed System v) System Models vi) Formal Systems vii) Informal Systems 5. Explain Management Information Systems. 6. Explain Decision Support Systems. 7. Explain following with a real example. a) Pert Diagram b) Gantt Chart Case Studies (Application Problems): Please discuss following systems w.r.t. above said definitions. a) Human Resource Information System b) Payroll System

c) Organization Environment of IPEC Unit II 1. Explain major points of each phase of SDLC c) Recognition of needs d) Feasibility study e) Analysis f) Design g) Implementation h) Maintenance 2. Describe users contribution in each phase of SDLC. 3. What is War Effect? 4. Explain qualities of system Analyst. 5. Explain Role of system analyst. 6. What are the factors influencing when designing GUI? Case Studies: a) Perform Recognition Needs study of Super Market Business and Mall Business in Vaishali and Vasundhara region in coming years.

Unit III 1. 2. 3. 4. What do you understand by planning? State dimensions of planning. Explain Strategic, Managerial and Operational MIS planning. Explain Long range, Medium range and Short range planning. Explain following strategies of determining information requirement a) Asking b) Getting information from existing system c) Prototyping 5. Explain following terms a) Background Analysis b) Fact analysis c) Service Analysis d) Performance Analysis e) Efficiency Analysis Case Studies: a) Draw DFD for Safe Deposit Billing System b) Information oriented flowchart of Safe Deposit Billing System c) Input/ Output analysis of Safe Deposit Billing System

Unit IV 1. Explain structured and unstructured interview. 2. Explain different types of information. 3. Explain six guidelines for effective listening. 4. What are the advantages of using data flow approach over narrative explanations approach of data movement? 5. Explain structured analysis. Case Studies: a) General Model of publishers Ordering system Unit V 1. Explain eight steps of feasibility analysis. 2. Explain following types of feasibility study a) Economic feasibility b) Political feasibility c) Technical feasibility d) Behavioral feasibility 3. What are the important special considerations for user interface design? 4. What implications would input design likely have on output design? 5. State intangible benefits. How can they relate with monetary terms. Case Studies: a) Perform Different Feasibilty study of Super Market Business and Mall Business in Vaishali and Vasundhara region in coming years.

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