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Inclusions - Aesthetics of the Capitalocene - Nicolas Bourriaud

Sternberg Press 2022 ISBN 9783956795862 Acqn 32158
Pb 13x19cm 144pp £18.95

"Today, the ecological catastrophe challenges us to rethink the space our societies have
assigned to art. Creativity, critical thinking, exchange, transcendence, the relationship to the
Other and to History are values intrinsic to artistic practice that will soon be of vital importance for
the future of mankind. We need art to give a meaning to our lives, and the banks will not supply
that. By attempting to unfold a few of the aesthetic figures floating in the global imaginary, this
book intends to describe what is at stake in artistic activity in the age of the Capitalocene and to
argue for it as a vital need."

The current ecological crisis brings about a new relational landscape: an unprecedented collapse
of distances creates interspecies promiscuities and a crisis of the human scale. In his latest book,
Inclusions, Nicolas Bourriaud proposes that artists are the anthropologists of this new era. Artists
acknowledge the fading of the division between nature and culture, which has been the matrix of
segregation for millenia. Capitalism, patriarchy, slavery, social segregation, the exploitation of
land, subsoil, and animals-all are based on status distinctions between subject and object.
Against the commodification of natural elements, Bourriaud sees a new generation of artists
calling for a molecular anthropology that studies the human effects on the universe and the
interaction between humans and nonhumans. Contemporary art reconnects to archaic magic, the
witches, sorcerers, and shamans of precapitalist societies. Against the devitalization of the world,
art has managed to preserve certain aspects of the social function and spiritualist practices of
these societies. Inclusions explores art history as a network of underground galleries, and sutures
sundered connections.

Sven Lutticken - Objections Forms of Abstraction Volume 1

Sternberg Press 2022 ISBN 9783956795305 Acqn 32161
Pb 16x22cm 432pp ills £18.50

Forms of Abstraction engages with abstrac_tion not as a formal option in art, or as an airy
theoretical speculation, but as an operational force that has redesigned our world and continues
to do so. The first volume, Objections, takes its cue from the Latin root of object, obiectum-which
refers to something put before the subject, something thrown in one's way. This sense of the
object as obstacle or obstruction, and of the artwork as an aesthetic and political objection, is
explored in this volume. Objections sees artists engaging with materiality and value, with
subatomic particles and radiation as well as with the objectification of human and nonhuman
organisms. Along the way, we encounter theoretical objects such as the fetish, the plaster cast,
the patented bacteria, the buried radioactive container, and the contemporary artwork itself.
Contem_porary art is analyzed here as a set of aesthetic practices revolving around prob_lematic
and questionable objects that can act as productive objections.

Metalworks - designing and making

Sternberg Press 2022 ISBN 9783956796630 Acqn 32922
Hb 21-27cm 160pp col ills £22.75

Published in conjunction with the "metalworks - designing & making" exhibition in the Konschthal
Esch, this book uses the production of some twenty international creators to discuss methods of
transforming metal in contemporary design. Around forty objects have been classified into sixteen
categories, illustrating how these creators have adopted and crafted metal. Some experiment with
the material and its properties, others question the physical limits of existing techniques.
Accompanied by a historical text recounting the uses of metal in furniture since the eighteenth
century, and the history of the metallurgical industry in Luxembourg, this publication brings
together some sixty biographies, explanatory texts, and a technical lexicon on methods of
transformation and the selected objects.

Texts by Michel Feinen, Charlotte Masse, Christian Mosar, Joris Thomas, Georges Zigrand.
Contributions by Studio Bouroullec, Linde Freya Tangelder - Destroyers/Builders, DIOR, Michel
Feinen, Gefertec, Konstantin Grcic, Zuni Icosahedron, Jakob Jorgensen, Sigve Knutson, Joris
Laarman Lab, Ron Arad and Associates Limited, Xavier Lust, Philippe Malouin, Stefan Diez
Office, PELLE, Lewis Power, Muller Van Severen, Heatherwick Studio, Tom Dixon Studio, Zieta
Studio, Studio Swine, Joris Thomas, Jonas Trampedach, Georges Zigrand.

Wonderflux - A Decade of e-flux Journal

Sternberg Press 2020 ISBN 9783956795671 Acqn 30808
Pb 11x18cm 120pp ills £15.50

In WONDERFLUX you will find yourself in front of disappearing mirrors held up to curators,
critics, and artists; sailing through counterfactual universes; face-to-face with cold-blooded killers,
faceless men, weary but buoyant prophets; all the while imbued with stubborn thriving and
stubborn refusal to be moved or monetized, and once in a while having earnest conversations
with robot(s and) workers.

The authors included here have shaped the varied concerns and urgencies of e-flux journal since
2008. As a theory-driven art journal made up entirely of hypertext and digital images and
embraced by academic circles, we sometimes wonder about the artistic and sensual use of text
and image. Does the thinking of some of our favourite authors also speak to a place beyond
floods of automatic links and references and rectangular photographic portals? To a broader and
more applied artistic domain like the imaginative sensibility of illustration, where entire worlds
arise from the simple and deliberate placement of lines on paper?

Contributions by Franco 'Bifo' Berardi and Andrew Alexander, Raqs Media Collective & Freddy
Carrasco, Liam Gillick, Elizabeth A. Povinelli & Clara Bessijelle Johansson, Martha Rosler & Josh
Neufeld, Reza Negarastani & Keith Tilford, Hu Fang & Mojo Wang, Keller Easterling & Meijia Xu.

Roee Rosen - Kafka for Kids

Sternberg Press 2022 ISBN 9783956796623 Acqn 32923
Pb 14x21cm 224pp col ills £26.50

Roee Rosen's film Kafka for Kids is set as the pilot episode for a TV series that perversely aims
to make Kafka's tale "Metamorphosis" palpable for toddlers. In its title, the film Kafka for Kids
implies that the intellectual great of modern literature will finally be presented in a way that is
generally understandable. Roee Rosen wants to present Franz Kafka, of all people, with his
contorted thought constructions, in a way that is even accessible to kids! But unfortunately, that's
not how things turn out: the star writer of the educated middle class is not simplified, but his story
becomes much more complex, corresponding to reality, for reality is more complicated than we
like to represent using biaxial graphs.

Featuring the original script of the movie, readers are invited to dive into a magical story, followed
by essays that give a deeper insight in the literary aspects of Roee Rosen's oeuvre. A stowaway
on the journey, Rosen playfully and with wonderful self-irony, does not negate the complexity of
the present, but takes it to the next level by exploring how all things are interlinked. Rosen neither
doubts the complexity of our reality, nor does he oversimplify to a fault.

Texts by Sergio Edelsztein, Fanni Fetzer, Jean-Pierre Rehm.

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