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If Rizal were a blogger, what would he have blogged about?

A Filipino polymath. A polyglot. A poet, an essayist, a Diarist, a correspondent, a writer. A doctor, an engineer, an ophthalmologist, a man who had multiple jobs. An educator. JOSE RIZAL, our national hero. He was considered one of the most prominent advocator during the Spanish era for he had opened a lot of minds to fight for their rights and freedom which by then, surrendered to the flag of Spain. He fought for Philippine independence through swords of pen and mighty words that are still tattooed on everyones mind. Rizal was a peaceful reformist who changed us from being slaves to tyrants of our own country represented by his writings. The novels, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, pictured the society of the Philippines way back on Spaniards colonization. In Noli Me Tangere (The Social Cancer), Rizal saw the need to discuss how routed and abusive the friars and the church were for Filipinos to fight back. However, in El Filibusterismo (The Filibustering/The reign of greed) Rizal also saw that if greed would reign over people, the treasures within our country would not reveal themselves. However, another writing of Rizal was A la Juventud Filipina (To the Filipino Youth), tackles how Spain bestowed education to the Philippines. In his poem, he described how education was considered as the breath of life instilling charming virtue and how Spanish teachers became the light of the eternal splendor. Rizal tackled that the Filipino youth of

today, are the greatest hope of our nation if proper education would be given to them. Today, 2011, is the 150th anniversary of our national hero. We missed the chance to be with him through his years. But if he was one of todays generations, he would not be our national hero, making him an ordinary person like us, but then he will be someone. If he was living today, hell probably study at a prestigious university, one of the deans lister in his school and the greatest blogger. He would blog about the social problems he sees in our society and encourages people to justify it all together. Just like in Noli Me Tangere, he would probably write a story about our social concerns, economic problems and political issues post it and let be read by thousands of Filipinos using blogs. In this way, it is easier to see how we are blinded by our society. If he was blogger, probably his blog would be a page of quotations saying how greed can take away our liberty and how important education is. Being blinded by todays western colonization, can make us a stranger in our own country. The Philippines is full of treasures. The reason why we dont see them is that, we admire other countrys development first than our own. We should start studying our countrys state for we, not just the Filipino youth, are the reasons for tomorrows success. If Rizal was a blogger, he would be the greatest blogger of our time!

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