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Day wise 3Hrs PER DAY Topics

Introduction to FEA, Importance of FEA ,

A Case study, step by step approach to
Analysis stages , Model study and
Importance of idealization, clean up
Introduction to Merge and inheritance,
Day 1 import geometry, independent geometry,
introduction to material properties (isotropic
vs anisotropic vs orthotropic), material
customization and assignment, coordinate
systems and types
Creating new coordinate systems, material
orientations. Introduction to 1D Geometry –
beam elements, Assigning cross sections,
beam sections,
Problem: Solving 1d problem using beam
elements (Chassis or frame sections). Post
processing results and graph (SF AND BM
Dig) plots

Introduction to 2D elements (Plane and shell

elements), Importance of mid surface.
Shell elements vs plane elements, Idealizing
sheet metal geometry to shell modelling ,
Shell properties ,Meshing ,element size ,free
mesh vs mapped mesh introduction to
axisymmetric modelling
Day 2 Types of supports Displacement ,planar ,pin
,ball symmetry
Loads Self wt, pressure ,gravity, centrifugal
force and moment
Problem: Plate and sheet metal model
Pressure vessel BC and analysis using shell
Meshing types and quality parameters,
importance of convergence. Convergence
Import 3D Models, units settings,
Types of supports Displacement ,planar ,pin
Day 3 ,ball symmetry
Loads Self wt, pressure ,gravity, centrifugal
force and moment
dimensional accuracy, Post processing
results and views
Design and FEA of 3D Bracket.
Introduction to modal analysis , Mode
shapes vs modal values
Mass properties
Modal analysis of one automobile part
DAY 4 Infer results
Introduction buckling analysis
Plotting and inferring buckling results
Buckling vs non-linear analysis
Introduction to harmonic loads

Introduction to contacts , interface, types

Introduction to bolt nut simulations using
DAY 5 spring element’s vs weighted links vs
fasteners ,weld connection with example
Rigid link vs weighted link load distribution
Surface regions vs volume regions
Introduction to mass element’s ,mass
properties and mass loads distribution
Introduction to Fatigue study, Design and
analysis of automobile component.
DAY 6 Thermal study of automobile part, Post
processing, animation, view creations, report
generation, measures, settings, output

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