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Day 1

1. Make a card name (icebreaker)

-Write the name, 3 adjectives to describe ourselves.
- Present the card name
=> Mingle activity: go around and introduce yourself to other people.
Teacher goes around and listens
- The techinique used to gather Ss like: clap your hands if you hear your T
 Mingle activity (ice breaker) used for: informal assessment (vocavulary, pronunciation,
…) -> teach/correct the errors
 Used to - introduce others (set a context to make it meaningful)
- Review materials
- Role play or improvise

2. Vocabulary jar
- Write a verb
- Your name
- A new word you have just learned
 Put it in the jar
3. How to check Ss’ understanding
- Make stop light (3 colors, red: help me I’m lost, yellow: some parts I don’t
understand, green: I’m good) or use hand gesture
4. Motivation & Connection with Self

5. Kudos

I give kudos to…… because…..


1. Icebreaker
- Musical chairs
2. Teacher tricks
- Put the name in a cups -> get 100% engagement when ask a question if nobody
- raise hands
3. Classmanagement
- Respect: teacher (listen, obey, turn work on time), classmates (not laughing, no
name calling, no fighting
- Consequences (what is gonna happen if you break my rule): move you, sing a song,
ask you to leave, go to Dean’s office, call parents.
4. Rally Table
5. Agency thinking

The level of intention, confidence, and ability to actually follow different pathways to the
desired future.

The belief and positive and positive motivation to follow the path are key here.

You need to stay motivated to make the effort required to actually reach your goals or solve
your problems.

The more a person believes in their own ability to achieve the pathway and agency thinking,
greater the chance that they will develop a feeling of hope.

6. Pathway thinking
7. Hope Theory
- Hopeful people spread hope
- Hope can be taught/learned
- Hope can increase or decrease
- Hope is a choice
- Hopeful thinking is related to greater scholastic & social competence
- Hope strengths us during negative life events.
- Hopeful people see a better future
- Hopeful is not related to intelligence
- Hopeful is not related to income


1. Goals
- Something we want to achieve
- Why it’s important: purpose&meaning
- SMART goal:
+ Specific: I will be able to (no “should, would like to”)
+ Measurable: (see your progress)
+ Achievable: possible
+ Relevant: practical + purposes (meaningful)
+ Timebound: has beginning + end

I will be able to achieve 6.5 band in IELTS writing in 3 months.

I am going to get a C1 certificate in 5 months.
I am going to speak advanced vocabulary ab

2. The Mind
The connection between the mind and the body
3. Stress: The Cycle
- How does stress affect your body, mind, memory.
- 1. Stressors -> 2.body’s response -> 3.stressor remove -> 4. Body feels safe -> 1…
- Complete the cycle

1. Play game to review last lessons

- 2 teams write on the board what they learned yesterday
2. CLIL Approach
- The benefits:
3. Label pictures and objects: Use them in discussion
4. Use picture/bilingual dictionaries and bilingual labels in the classroom
5. Students make pictorial flashcards
6. Add visuals to graphic organizers, assessments and instructions.



1. Teaching about stress

- How to make stress your friend
- How to change our thinking
 Adopting in teaching students to shift their mind, encourage Ss
2. Increasing classroom interactions
- Map (show a map about a place): L,S skill - Understand (Bloom’s Taxonomy)
- Photos: S,L - U
- Song feeling & type (ask questions about the songs): L, S - U
- Unscramble: W, R, L (Student Assessment) – R (remember)
- Order the lyrica: L,R (SA) – R (remember)
- Gap fill (paper with lyrics): R,W,L (TA) – R (remember)
- Check answer: L,S,R (SA/TA) -
- Vocabulary (highlight new words): R,W,S,L (TA) - U
- Meaning questions (questions relatted to the song); S,R,L,W (TA) – Evaluate,Apply,
- Travel Goals & drawing: W, S (TA) – Ap, E, Create
3. Questions Teachers Should Ask
- Is the input
4. The website

1. Leveled questions for Els
- Write questions, anticipated answers, teaches & responses
- Discuss teacher talk strategies when speaking to Els at different proficiency levels
 Level questioning:
- pose questions phrased at EL’s levels of oral profiency.

+ Advanced questioning:
+ Intermediate questioning: longer, more phrased questions that use less frequent vocabulary
and verb tenses to focus on the present, past, future.

+ Beginning questioning: short, simply phrased questions that use frequent vocabulary and
verb tenses that focus on


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