Human Resources Planning

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Human resources planning are impossible and waste of time in a situation where the future is
unpredictable. By using an organization familial to you, with examples examine this contention.


HR planning implies a procedure that recognizes future and present human assets requirements
for an organization to achieve its objectives. In Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited
(TANESCO) context this term paper explains how HRP is neither impossible nor time of
wasting in circumstances where the future is irregular.

Despite of the Human resource planning challenges, Organization managers can improve the
utilization of human resource within organization, ensure proper preparation of the organization
budget, satisfy the organization expansion needs, train and develop organization employees as
well as offset labor imbalances problem.

The study conclude that a well and successful HRP application advance human resource
management results. Also, human resource planning to any organization is very important due to
the fact that it connects the organizational objectives to the function of human resource.

However, the study recommends that so as to advance the firms performance, there is necessitate
to totally embrace of human resource planning best practices. Also organization top management
ought to support HR planning. Such support will ensure that the fundamental resources and
contributions thoughts for the success of the planning are available.


ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................... i
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................ iii
LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................................... v
LIST OF ABBREVIATION........................................................................................................ vi
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND ................................................................................ 1
1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Human resource planning ..................................................................................................... 1
1.3 TANESCO ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.4 Organization of the Study ..................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER TWO .......................................................................................................................... 5
LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................ 5
2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Conception of Human Resource Planning ............................................................................ 5
2.2.1 Levels of HR planning ................................................................................................... 7
2.2.2 Principles of HRP .......................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Human resource planning activities ...................................................................................... 8
2.3.1 Analyzing organizational plans and goals ..................................................................... 9
2.3.2 Analyzing objectives of Human Resource Planning ................................................... 10
2.3.3 Forecasting Demand for HR ........................................................................................ 10
2.3.4 Forecasting Supply of Human Resources .................................................................... 12
2.3.5 Matching Demand and Supply..................................................................................... 13
2.3.6 Monitoring and Control ............................................................................................... 13
2.4 Factors of HRP .................................................................................................................... 14
2.4.1 External Factors ........................................................................................................... 15
2.4.2 Internal Factors ............................................................................................................ 16
2.5 Uses of Human Resource Planning..................................................................................... 17
2.5.1 Unceasing Evaluation .................................................................................................. 18
2.5.2 Considerations.............................................................................................................. 18
2.5.3 Staffing Requirements ................................................................................................. 18

2.5.4 Reaction to manpower issues ....................................................................................... 18
CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................... 20
DISCUSSION .............................................................................................................................. 20
3.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 20
3.2 HRP Challenges and solutions ............................................................................................ 20
3.3 HRP benefits ....................................................................................................................... 22
CHAPTER FOUR ....................................................................................................................... 25
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS .................................................................................... 25
4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 25
4.2 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 25
4.3 Suggestions ......................................................................................................................... 25
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 27


Figure 2.1 HRP flow chart………………………………………………….…………………9

Figure 2.1: HRP Determinants………………………………………………………………..22


HR - Human Resource

HRM - Human Resource Management

HRP - Human Resource Planning

TANESCO - Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited

ZECO - Zanzibar Electricity Corporation



1.1 Introduction

Organizations supposed to know workforce quantity, quality and what kind of workforce they
ought to need to encounter future and present organization necessities. This is the purpose of
manpower planning as it is now and then called, particularly in the general population segment.
Depicting the way workforce planning functions, remembering that it isn't as direct as it was
introduced when the thought of „manpower planning‟ wound up mainstream during the 70s is the
motivation behind this section. Human resource planning may be well established in the HRM
vocabulary but it does not seem to be embedded as a key HR activity. This part begins with a
meaning of HR planning and proceeds with discussion on HR planning that where future is
unpredictable HRP is neither impossible nor misuse of time.

1.2 Human resource planning

Planning refers to the procedures which managers practice to recognize and choose suitable
objectives and justifying the ways to attaining them in firm. They subsequent strategies which
from process of planning point of interest the objectives of association and determine how they
are proposed to be achieved. Stewart, (1994) asserted that like individuals, it is impossible to
accomplish all missions of organization accurately, so in a size of inclination, they have to
decide their professional rates and think their time, vitality, and other asset to discharge their

Conferring to Stewarrt, (1994) “organizations are set up to achieve purposes that individuals to
achieve on their own organization they provide a means of working with others to achieve goal
like to determine by whoever is in the best position to influence them. A key characteristic of
organization is their complexity”. Individuals in organization, depend on each other effort
through interactions and which enable them work to words the realization of common goal. Laid
down structures however fashion out how they relate to others. It can also be define as a group of
people identified with shared interest or purposes, example business or school.

Human resource management is a vital way to deal with overseeing work relations which
underscores that utilizing individuals' capacities is basic to accomplishing competitive
advantage, this being achieved through a distinctive set of incorporated employment strategies,
performs and programmes (Braton et al, 2007). Graham, (1978) proclaimed that the motivation
behind HRM is to guarantee that the representatives of an organization are utilized so that the
business acquires the best conceivable profit by their capacities and the representatives get both
material and mental prizes from their work.

The most prominent problems limiting the progress and the overall development in most
countries of the third world are related to incapability in fitting the human element (Subaie,
2016). This has necessitated both the government and private sector organizations to come up
with various measures to enhance the human workforce, such as the human resource planning
(HRP). Thus, in the current turbulent environment facing organizations, proper human resource
planning is looked upon as being crucial for the survival of firms. A firm may be equipped with
all the required resources but without effective human resource it can accomplish very little of its
objectives if any. Jacobson (2010), asserted that the process of human resource planning has
received considerable attention in the recent past. This is attributed to the point saying even
though the existence of various HRP measures, work force in organizations is still being faced
with many challenges. This is linked majorly to the factors which influence the human resource
planning (Singh and Kassa, 2016).

Human resource plan is a guide that depicts how firm will meet its current and future human
asset needs dependent on the vital plans of the firm. HRP is a basic component for guaranteeing
firm achievement and can be actualized to a limited extent by HR administration strategies based
on these qualities. Mathias et al, (2003) defined HRP as the way toward breaking down and
distinguishing the requirement for and openness of HR with the goal that firm can accomplish its
objectives. Thus human resources planning determine the workforce that will be needed in
company‟s operation its planned objectives, therefore specific needs of the company are
recognized and preparation for plans takes place for achieving such needs. HRP can either be
official or unexpected procedure frequently planning tend to be apparent in yearly spending
plans, key arranging reports, financing proposition that recognizes the positions required for

achieving the association's work and how the expenses of keeping up those positions will be


Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited (TANESCO) is a parastatal organization under the
Ministry of Energy. The Company generates, transmits, distributes and sells electricity to
Tanzania Mainland and sells bulk power to the Zanzibar Electricity Corporation (ZECO) which
in turn sells it to the public in islands_ Unguja and Pemba. TANESCO owns most of the
electricity Generating, Transmitting and Distributing facilities in Tanzania Mainland.

The German colonialists established the first public electricity supply in Tanzania (which was
then called Tanganyika) in 1908 at Dar es Salaam. It served the railway workshops and a part of
the town where the colonialists were mostly staying. When the Tanganyika territory was
mandated to Great Britain in 1920, a Government Electricity Department was formed to take
over and operate the public supplies left by the Germans.

In 1931, the Government handed over the undertaking at Dar es Salaam and those elsewhere
upcountry (Dodoma, Tabora and Kigoma) to private enterprises. One of these companies was the
Tanganyika Electric supply Company Ltd. (TANESCO) which was established on 26th
November 1931 and the other company was the Dar es Salaam and District Electric Supply
Company Ltd (

Workforce management and development

Between 1964 and 1979 the number of employees rose from 1,406 to 4,481. During the same
period the percentage of Tanzania citizens rose from 87 to 99.5 while the percentage of
Tanzanians in senior positions went from 19 to 99.2. TANESCO is now fully Tanzanian

Somewhere in the range of 1964 and 1979 the quantity of workers ascended from 1,406 to 4,481.
Amid a similar period the level of Tanzania subjects ascended from 87 to 99.5 while the level of
Tanzanians in senior positions went from 19 to 99.2. TANESCO is presently completely
Tanzanian organization (

1.4 Organization of the Study

The term paper assignment is structured into four chapters. Chapter one gives the introduction,
which outlines the contextual to the study while Chapter two exhibited the survey of different
work related to the theme and talks of ideas on the topic, from both distributed and unpublished
sources. Followed by discussions which elucidate HRP are not unbearable nor discarded of time
in a circumstance where the future is erratic in context of TANESCO as government
organization. Chapter four present a conclusions and recommendations for the study. Finite
reference will cover the last part of this term paper.



2.1 Introduction

This chapter presents a review of selected existing knowledge from literature on human resource
planning. In so doing, the subject of inquiry was extracted in the light of previously conducted
research and scholarly work.

2.2 Conception of Human Resource Planning

Human resource planning discernment isn't new to companies, but attitudinal behaviors of
organizations‟ management are responsible for organizations‟ inability to implement HRP. So as
to advance organizational efficiency, HRP consider bigger issues associated with the ways in
which manpower are working and advanced (Armstrong 2001). HRP alludes to the procedure
that ensures the human resource requirements of an undertaking are perceived and designs are
made for fulfilling those necessities. This implies that, the management establishes means to the
company that will allow it to shift from its present workforce situation to its anticipated situation.
The HRP administration ordinarily battles to accurate number of workforce which possess right
skills and knowledge at the right time will augment long-run benefits for both the association and
the person.

The planning of HR implies orderly investigation of workforce prerequisites so as to guarantee

precise laborers quantities consist required aptitudes are realistic when needed. Now days, many
firms are becoming conscious about the requirement for genuine human asset arranging, since
human asset would lean toward the associations that enable them to achieve their actual
forthcoming and, in this manner, help the organizations to accomplish their objectives.
Theoretically, the primary part of business planning need to be Human resource planning.

Strategic planning process ought to delineate projected alteration in the scale and kind of
activities performed by the enterprise. Strategic planning should categorize the core
competencies the enterprise requires to accomplish its goals and, then it skills requirements. The
availability of strategic business plans, HR planning understands them as people requirements.
Business strategy may be influenced by human resource planning by attracting regard for
manners by which individuals could be created and sent all the more adequately to promote the
accomplishment of business objectives, and in addition concentrating on any difficulties that
may must be settled with the end goal to ensure that the general population required will be
realistic and will be fit for making the important commitment (Armstrong, 2001).

Recognizing the skills and understanding obligatory to clearly identify workforce needs and
attract and retain an effective workforce for an organization HRP is extremely fundamental.
Understanding how recruitment and selection fits into the more extensive hierarchical structure,
procedures, and objectives of the firm and how this capacity is identified with alternate elements
of HRP is the obligation of firm‟s HR planners of the association. Guaranteeing that the correct
faculty are in the correct activity at the perfect time usually has been occupation of HRP.

De-Cenco et al (1996) defined HRP as the long term progression of defining the workforce
requirements of firm. Human resources planning ought to be connected to other HRM functions
it cannot exist in isolation. Basis of staffing is HR Planning; hence, it is a progression that
categorizes current and future human resources requirements for an organization to attain its
goals. This implies forecasting an organization‟s future demand and supply for workers, based
on its business requirements; and later developing and employing the strategies necessary to
meet up these needs. HRP consists of gap analysis between present HR supply and future
demand. Strategies are then developed to tackle the gap and may entail recruitment, internal
staffing, development, training, contracting and partnering, and activities relating to downsizing.
Future needs forecasting means understanding the future business directions of the organization
so that the HR requirements can be properly recognized.

HR planning can be performed in any level of an organization, yet a key to progress is

continually understanding and interfacing with business bearing. The individual development
plans is an element of HRP duties. Encourage education and to grant people with the knowledge
and portfolio of transferable skills that will assist to progress their careers is the aim of Human
resource development planning. In this thought learning highly focuses on career correlated
knowledge plus highly stress on the workers future career and needed experience. Supremely,
development planning aids to shape people better for their present career and it focuses on job
development or some mix of both.

2.2.1 Levels of HR planning
There are several level with various reasons that human resource planning can be practiced. Each
and every level of HRP is different in every aspect. The subsequent section elaborates five levels
of HR planning:

i. Nationwide Level

Here the HRP assist educational amenities plan, well-being issues amenities, farming and
manufacturing growth and occupation strategies. The workforce for the nation is planned in this
level of Nationwide. In this level, the projection of requirements and supply of the national
workforce are determined.

ii. Sector Level

HRP at the sector level helps to plan for a particular sector like agriculture and industry. Sectoral
Level enables the government of the country to allocate its resources to the various sectors based
on the priority accorded to the particular sector.

iii. Industry Level

This is also human resource planning level. The industry level considers the operational level of
the specific business when labor necessities are well thoroughly considered.

iv. HRP at the Unit Level

Human resource planning here is highly concerned with projection of the workforce
requirements of the firm‟s key arrangement is the major distress. Through workforce plan, the
sudden intrusions inside the firm development is dodged given that it bring up deficiencies of
specific kinds of representatives, assuming any, ahead of time, in this way helping the
administration to execute fitting procedures to consent to the circumstance.

v. Departmental Level

Human resource planning in departmental level based at the manpower requirements of a

specific division with the firm.

2.2.2 Principles of HRP
Human resource planning principles have need of awareness to essential impressions including
the significance of human resource and incorporation of manpower and organization goals with
proficiency. Appropriate plan that synchronizes organizational attitude and workforce strategies
are ensured by HRP.

i. Workforce planning stress human resource significance

Human resources significance is highly stressed by human resource planning principle. This
principle is experienced by appealing leadership that is aware of the consequences of the
department of HR functional. The modern HRM is guided by numerous superseding
philosophies, is what noted by business advisors. Maybe the foremost rule may be a simple
acknowledgment that manpower is the foremost critical resources of the firm; without
successfully overseeing this resource business cannot be effective (Business encyclopedia 2nd
Edition). To comprehend the significance of human resource is to envisage firm with without
prolific manpower that are provided by management and human resources planning.

ii. Human Resources amalgamation

Organization requirements, upward to downward, comprising each associate of its labor force is
supplied by human resource. HR attitude on amalgamation of manpower occupations with
overall goals of the firm cannot be ignored. First principle shows significance of joining together
manpower and objectives of the firm. Exercises of organization workforce are only an expansion
of administration is signs of destitute arranging and disappointment to grasp progressive thoughts
that advance the company's benefits. Widely inclusive way to deal with the mix guideline of
association workforce arranging ensures human asset will be totally dedicated to and a segment
of goals of the firm.

2.3 Human resource planning activities

The following are several activities involved in the HR planning process;

Figure 2.1 Human resource planning flow chart

2.3.1 Analyzing organizational plans and goals

HRP processes commence with the general organizational plans and goals analysis. Reason
being the plans of human resource originate from marketable strategies. Investigation of
strategies for success into sub-sectional and practical plans, for example, innovation, creation,
fund, promoting, extension expansion accommodates surveying the human asset prerequisites for
every movement in each segment and office. Correspondingly the analysis of objectives of the
organization also delivers for HR needed by the firm. For instance, if the objective of the

organization is speedy growth and expansion it would require more manpower for its all
functional areas. Thus, it is obvious the human resource planning needs to be created in
agreement to the overall organizational plans and objectives.

2.3.2 Analyzing objectives of Human Resource Planning

Major function of HRP is matching employees‟ abilities to organization requirements, with an

emphasis on future instead of current arrangements. The crucial mission of human resource
planning is to relate future human resources to future enterprise need so as to maximize the
future return on investment in human resources. Human resource managers have to to identify
the objectives of HRP with regard to the utilization of human resources in the organization.

Whilst developing specific objectives of HRP certain likely questions need to be concentrated on

i. How training and development for workforce will be provided?

ii. How job positions will be reorganized by keep away from boring jobs?
iii. How organization will be downsized in case of changing business and industrial
iv. Vacancies raised will be occupied in through external or internal sources?
v. What selection procedures will use?

2.3.3 Forecasting Demand for HR

HR neeeds in the firm have a tendency of varying contingent on both outer and inside
components. Development and extension, plan and auxiliary changes, administration rationality,
death, change in authority style, representatives abdication retirement and demise are among
inward factors. Outer variables comprise of rivalry, financial, political atmosphere, and
innovation and government strategy. Subsequently, the accompanying elements should be
viewed as while foreseeing future interest for HR in the firm; Forecasting demand for human
resources help to:

i. Maintain sufficient accessibility of workforce with various capabilities and aptitudes as

and when required in the firm.

ii. Measure the quantity of works aimed at creating a given number of products or services
at a given time in given administrations measure,
iii. Establish a staff-mix required at dissimilar themes within the future.

There are several techniques differ from simple to sophisticated ones used in human resource
forecasting. These comprise of:

 Ratio trend analysis

Ratio trend analysis performed by concentrate past magnitudes between the quantity of direct
workers and backhanded representatives in an assembling plant, and gauging future proportions,
having offered some leniency for changes in association or techniques. Action level foreseen are
then used to decide coordinate work necessities, and the figure proportion of aberrant to
coordinate used to ascertain the quantity of circuitous specialists required.

 Work study techniques

These methods utilized when it is probably going to apply work estimation to process the time
that activities should take and the quantity of individuals required. Be that as it may, these
strategies for direct workers can be jointed with proportion slant investigation to figure the
quantity of roundabout representatives required.

 Anticipating competence and knowledge requirements

This technique is mainly a subject of managerial judgment. This judgment should however be
practiced on the basis of a careful analysis of the impact of projected product-market
developments and the introduction of new technology.

 Management Judgment

Management Judgment is a straightforward technique and it is a time-saving method. In this

method, either a top-down or bottom-up method used for predicting future HR needs for the
company. For bottom-up method, departmental needs for workforce and present it to the top
managers for their assessment and consideration is prepared by line manager. For top-down
approach, the top managers set up the departmental forecasts which are reviewed with the
departmental heads or managers. It ought to be realized that none methodologies is precise.

Estimates dependent on these methodologies experience the ill effects of subjectivity.
Administration Judgment is best utilized just for little firms where adequate information base
isn't promptly reachable.

 Flow Models

The simplest model amongst the flow models known as Markov model. The technique consists
of the following:

i. Determination of time period that will be covered under forecast.

ii. Establishment of employee‟s categories. There should not be overlapping among the
various categories.
iii. Enumeration of annual flows among various categories ox states for several time periods.
iv. Estimation of probability of flows or movements from one category to another based on
past trends in this regard.

Yet, the Markovian model is exceptionally depended on past information, which may not be
precise in anomalous circumstances like times of tempestuous change, and individual exactness
in estimate is yielded at the expense of gathering precision.

2.3.4 Forecasting Supply of Human Resources

The following undertaking engaged with HRP after estimate human asset request is to conjecture
human asset supply. This gauging gives the amount and nature of individuals accessible from
inner and outside wellsprings of labor supply, subsequent to considering truancy, exchanges
advancements, and changes in work hours, and different states of works. Estimating of HR starts
with the present human asset stock, otherwise called human resource review. The human
resource stock comprises of data about current HR in the association. The human asset stock
what is accessible in the supply of labor and what can be normal in future. Accordingly, it can
bring up whether the supply of HR is not as much as its interest or the other way around. At all
be the circumstance, a similar will be made great thusly. The supply evaluating includes
workforce assessments; laborers consumption; and change made because of employment rules.
Stages engaged with supply gauging for human asset are as per the following beneath:

 Human Resource Audits

Here workers‟ capabilities are inspected, abilities and skills. This inspection assist HRP specialist
to be aware of the available capabilities in the organization and enables organization recognize
workforce supply challenges rising in the future. Such inventories need to be restructured
occasionally else current personnel disregarded for occupations beginnings will result within the

 Worker Wastage

Subsequent to reviewing human asset the accompanying advance of supply foreseeing is

projection of future wastage of workforce from firm. Idea behind is to recognize in advance the
workers who quit the job and anticipate the associated likely wastage. Layoffs, disablement
retirements, dismissals, ill heath and death are some of reasons which may make workers to
leave the job. Corrective action should be delivered over absenteeism motives and labor turnover
reasons. The rate of labor turnover need to be computed by the management; however the
management required conducting exit interview. By doing so, this will help to anticipate the
level of possible waste, motives for wastage and helps in reducing the chances of wastages.

2.3.5 Matching Demand and Supply

This comes when supply and demand for workforce of firm is projection, this requirement
should be settled. The settlement tend uncover either shortage or overabundance of HR in future.
Consequently, plans will be set to meet the situation that is to strike a balance between the two. If
there shortage of human resources, this will be overcome by recruitment, transfer, promotion,
training and development and retention. On the opposing, in case of excess human resources, it
can be made good through schemes like redeployment, retrenchment; voluntary retirement
scheme through golden handshake.

2.3.6 Monitoring and Control

Monitoring and control is the final stage encompassed in human resource planning. After
implementing actions plan, they require evaluation, regulated and monitored against the
standards set. Indeed, the monitoring of action plans and programmes help expose shortages.
Remedial activities empower the association expel deficiencies and, in this way, control the
usage of activity designs in the right way. On the off chance that adjustments in business

environment happen, the activity designs arranged before should be tweaked in the light of
association changes and in the changed business atmosphere.

2.4 Factors of HRP

There are two factors; internal factors as well as external factors that influence Human Resource
Planning (HRP). Most significant factors include government policies, economic development
level, Job analysis, time horizons and company policy. Below is the figure representing internal
factors and external factors which Human resource planning is influenced by;

Figure 2.1: HRP Determinants.

Source: Student (2018)

2.4.1 External Factors

i. Government Policies: Externally, Human resource planning is highly affected by policies

formed by government of the country such policies are labor policy, industrial relations
policy as well as the policy towards reserving certain job or jobs for various
ii. Economic Development level: This is additionally outside factor, the level of monetary
improvement sets up the level of human resource advancement within a nation with
consequently HR availability in the nation.
iii. Environment Uncertainties: Human resource administrators scarcely ever have the
benefit of working in an immovable and expected condition. Each firm is exceedingly
influenced by social, financial and political changes. Human resource organizers manage

ecological vulnerabilities via deliberately figuring enrollment, choice, and preparing and
improvement approaches and projects. Adjusting components are incorporated with the
Human asset administration program through cutbacks, and strategic scheduling, work
sharing, retirement, progression arranging, advancement channels, and other workforce
related game plans.
iv. Technological factor: Human resource planning is also affected by the technology since
the technological level decides the type of workforce needed. However, advancement of
technology in this era has powerful influence on workforce planning.
v. Influences from abroad: Also, human resource planning for organization is influenced by
worldwide issues. Such issues are the need and supply of workforces in several nations.

2.4.2 Internal Factors

i. Strategy and type of Organization: Organization type is an essential concern because it
regulates processes of production concerned, quantity and kind of staff required, and the
supervisory and managerial workforce needed. Organizations that render services are
much better than those who manufacturing goods. The vital arrangement of the firm
characterizes the endeavor's HR prerequisites. Securing then again, most likely imply that
the firm will be required to anticipate cutbacks, since mergers will in general develop,
concealment places which might grasped all the more proficiently with modest number of

ii. HR Policies: Internally, Human resources planning are influenced by the arrangements of
the organization, with respect to nature of human asset, pay level, nature of work-life
influences human asset plan.

iii. Growth Cycles and Planning of the organization: Firms growth stage has significant
weight on human resource planning. Small organizations in the developing stage may not
have workforce planning. Human resource planning is experienced when the organization
pierce into the growth stage, conversely the HR forecasting becomes essential. Internal
improvement of workers also instigates to obtain attention in order to continue with the
growth. Grown organization experiences not as much of elasticity and changeability.
Enlargement slows down. The personnel become old as few younger people are

employed. Planning tend to be more completed and less flexible and innovative. Issues
like retirement and likely retrenchment control planning. Lastly, in the diminishing stage,
HRP takes a different focus. Planning is done for layoff, retrenchment and retirement.
Because decisions are often made after serious financial and sales distresses are occurred
by the organization, planning is habitually reactive in nature.
iv. Job Analysis: Essentially, HR plan is depending much on the job analysis. It should be
known that type of workers needed by the organization is validated by job specification
and job description.
v. Time Horizons: Organization with unwavering competitive environment has ability to
make projection for the extensive period of time while the organization with uneven
economic situation can‟t make projection for the extensive period. Basically, being active
or reactive in workforce planning is the choice of the organization. Organization can
efficiently plan and choose to purposely figure the necessities to attain goals far ahead of
time, or essentially it can react to urgently prerequisites. Absolutely, cautious intending to
cover workforce prerequisites better helps ensure that the firm gets the correct quantity of
the individuals with right abilities and skills when they are required. It ought to be
realized that arrangement can't be for a really long time on a period skyline as the
working condition itself may experience changes. On one hand, there are here and now
designs spreading over a half year to one year.
vi. Type and Information quality: Prediction information for workforce requirements begins
with a crowd of source. Information quality and accuracy based on clearness with which
the organizational decision makers have defined their strategy, organizational structure,
budgets and production schedules. Also, the HR department ought to ensure well-built
occupation investigation HR information systems that provide correct and appropriate
data. Usually speaking, organizations operating in stable environments are in a better
position to gain complete, timely and accurate information because of longer planning
horizons, accurate definition of strategy and objectives, and fewer disturbances.

2.5 Uses of Human Resource Planning

As HRP implies the systematic process of appraising the composition and content of the current
manpower and forecasting future requirements, it consists of analyzing internal and external

factors that impact the organization‟s human resources. It also requires responding to issues and
taking action to close the gap between its present and future needs. The following are the uses f

2.5.1 Unceasing Evaluation

The HR plan has quantifiable results which create it likely to monitor improvement. Normally,
involve indicators to estimate achievement at dissimilar steps. When future goes different than
anticipated, the plan must be flexible enough for the organization to administer change.
Continuing and normal assessment allows the organization to make alteration to address instant
and long-term issues.

2.5.2 Considerations

Human resource management can be connected to the company‟s strategic plan through the HR
plan. It turns into the premise for enlistment as well as for other human resource jobs, for
example, preparing, initiative improvement, and progression arranging and execution
administration. The most critical issue that the venture needs to focus on by looking into its
remuneration, advantages, and retirement and work/life equalization and wellbeing programs is

2.5.3 Staffing Requirements

Through recognizing its long-term and short-term goals and the equivalent work activities, the
organization can predict its future human resource needs. This consists of recognizing the skills,
abilities and knowledge required to achieve its goals. If there is an identified gap, then the
organization can generate action plans to recruit and retain talent. The company can execute
strategies such as recruitment, training or retraining, organizational restructuring, outsourcing or
succession planning strategies.

2.5.4 Reaction to manpower issues

Successful HRP enables the firm to take action to environmental influences including
regulations, technology, globalization, varying demographics and world economy. In the course
of environmental perusing, firm can foresee variations that will have an effect on its manpower
and plan accordingly.



3.1 Introduction

In a situation where the future is unpredictable, the human resource planning is not impossible or
waste of time. Future is always unpredictable though that does not justify that the HR planners
should not plan because of unpredictable future. This chapter basically justifies why human
resource is not impossible and waste of time within the context of Tanzania Electricity Supply

3.2 HRP Challenges and solutions

Human resource planners face several challenges in planning processes. In this subsection,
challenges which HR planners face will be discussed along with solutions to overcome such
challenges so as to justify the possibility of human resource and prove wrong that it is wastage of
Human resource planning associating with anticipates of the human resources demand and
human resources supply. It is too risk to for human resource planner projecting organization
workforce within a period of time. Tracking the present and future tendency and converting the
result into action strategy is not an easy task. The probability of incorrectness or inaccuracy
increase as the time horizon gets long. Incorrectness increments when departmental estimates are
simply amassed without fundamental assessment.
Solution: Human resource planners, critically they need to review department forecasts of supply
and demand hence involve all workers during forecasting process so as to acquire different
thoughts from them to enhance forecasting practices. As it is risk to predicting organization
manpower over long period of time, planners need to stress short time manpower forecasting for
the organization.

Availability of workers information

Planners and leaders require precise information on workers so as to arrange and execute
changes in a method of reasoning and productive way. Elmer, et al, (1997) declared that many
organizations face challenge of be shorting of exact or latest human resource data. The

discoveries appear that there are numerous HR data related challenges confronting the service.
HR manages seem to have no records of the workers in terms of dates for advancement or
arrangements, instructive foundation, aptitudes, and training.
Solution: A number of proposals were expressed on how the human resource data can be
progressed. The human resource division ought to upgrade staff records on a standard premise
and give such data to the important divisions. In this case Human Resource Information System
need to be emphasized for ease of reference and encouraged speedier choice making. Currently
Tanzania Electric Supply Company has adopted computerized human resource system.

Allocation of the employees

Excellence services offered to organization customers based on good and fair allocation of the
organization employees. Allocation of the employees in many of the companies not only
TANESCO seems to be tough; this is because most of the employees prefer urban areas than
interior areas which they hard to access. When employees allocated into rural areas most of them
tend to quit the job. Lack of key human asset administration is additionally a major challenge to
impartial staff dissemination over the regions.
Solution: Employees seems unfairly allocated across all over the country. To improve ofr
eradicate this practice, employees‟ allocation need to involve the stakeholders. Either
examination should be made on workload of the worker and educate staff allocation and staffing
standards over the company. Moreover, those who are allocated in interior areas should given
some allowance as motivation so they cannot leave the job.

Management understanding
Management of the most of the organizations most of time seems not understands the idea and
reason of human resource planning till the face a problem of shortage of manpower. Top
management perceive that the labor market keep on growing everyday and workforce are
obtainable in great quantity so human resource planning is quite unnecessary.
Solution: To overcome such challenge, higher management and organization stakeholders need
to be provided with education on the importance of human resource planning on ensuring
smoothing running of organization operation by lacking shortage of manpower.

Human resource planning need the whole organization commitment, since planning consumes lot
of time and costly exercise. The organization need to invest lot of time and money in forecasting
the future demand and supply of manpower. Such exercise in many of the organization is tough
and not still do not make sense.
Solution: In this case, again education is seriously needed to enlighten the crucial advantage of
human resource planning on today to day organization operations.

Quantitative and qualitative approach

Most of human resource planner put much effort on ensuring availability of manpower that is
quantitative in term of number within the organization. They do not take serious the issue of
quality of manpower existing in the organization; such exclusive qualities comprise of training
and development of manpower, workers incentives, workers esteem.
Solution: Both of these approaches are very important for the sake of organization growth and
expansion. However Human resource planners during planning need to take consideration both
of these approaches.

Truth be told, future is uncertain. Each and every day technology keeps on improving along with
rapid market changes. These two things are act as constriction to human resource planning.
Depending on universal estimates of flow of workforce is too risk in case of quick environment
changes, work turnover and market fluctuation.
Solution: Even if the future is uncertain as typical saying that nobody knows tomorrow does not
means that Human resource planners should not plan. Planning is inevitable; to reduce risk
organization need to plan no matter what.
3.3 HRP benefits
In this subsection, the next points on the perspective of our National Electricity Supply Company
shows how the HRP is possible and it‟s not misuse of time by explain the Human resource
planning benefits;

In Tanzania Electricity Supply Company the human resource planning is definitely possible and
it does not misuse time since it helps in anticipating the future requirements of the workforce.
Through HRP, TANESCO is capable of knowing in advance how many workers will be needed
in the future. As our nation keep on growing both economically and politically, electricity needs
increases. This increase in electricity needs requires enough workforces from TANESCO to
fulfill the citizens‟ needs. Consequently, with proper Human resource planning of the company
smooth flow of workforce will ensured hence electricity needs will be satisfied. Also with
accurate human resource planning, the company becomes more confident in predicting the
vacancies that may arise in the future and be able to actions concerning such predictions.

Even if the future is unknown, human resource planning in Tanzania Electric Supply Company
helps in recognizing future leaders and develops them so that when senior manager or director
retire or transferred someone to replace his or her position may be easily obtained. Through
HRP, Company‟s employees are retained and promoted and this stimulates all other employees
to work smart. In this scene, the HRP is not waste of time.

HRP is not wastage of time where future is unpredictable due to the reason that it assists
TANESCO in Budgets preparation. Employees‟ remuneration and supplementary benefits can be
predicted using HR planning. Preparation of department‟s budgets is formulated and controlled
under HR planning.

HR planning fulfills the diversity needs of the organization. Through planning, TANESCO is
capable of performing its future plans concerning diversification, growth and digitalization of the
company. Actual number of correct type of the employees‟ availability when required by the
company is guaranteed by the proper HR planning. HR planning assures that the specified
abilities and competences are accessible to the company to embrace the challenging work

Company ought to have proper utilization of its resources, human resource as well as machines.
We have seen companies with enough machines but less manpower to operate such machines
and vice versa. Most of time, this problem happens to those companies who lack appropriate

HRP. With HRP, availability of human resource and non HR such as machines, plans and raw
maters are ensured hence minimize the chance of uncertainties to occur and ensure advancement
of general performance of the company.

Although future is unpredictable to making company‟s strategic decisions, human resource

planning is very important. Decision based on the appointing, training and development of the
employee, discharging or replacing current employees are highly concern of human resource

Human resource planning associate with cost efficient because the Electricity company in
Tanzania through HRP can forecast the deficiency and excess of workforce and can control the
lopsidedness which will gotten to be unmanageable or costly. In the event of deficiency of
manpower, manpower of the company cannot be legitimately utilized. In case of overflow of
manpower, manpower may stay under-utilized HRP helps in adjusting the issue of deficiency
and overflow manpower exceptionally comfortably.

It is not impossible nor misuse of time to plan for human resources where the future is
anonymous. This is because through HRP in Tanzania Electricity Supply Company personal
needs of the employees tend to be fulfilled. Such personal need includes promotion to the
employee, personal allowances and income and house benefits.

In this way, through human resource planning the organization it is not impossible no waste of
time hence it can successfully oversee the labor necessities both current and future. Additionally,
HRP assist in minimizing the time which company might spend in seeking for the imminent
candidate for the unfilled position



4.1 Introduction

This chapter entail conclusion and recommendations. The initial section provides a conclusion
based on the fact that Human resources planning are not impossible and waste of time in a
situation where the future is unpredictable. The last sub-section provides the recommendations
for enhancement on Human resources planning for organizations.

4.2 Conclusion

From the discussion in previous chapter, it is well-known that successful HRP practices improve
HRM results. Human resource planning is vital to any organization since it connects the business
objectives of the organization to the human resources function. Management should therefore
understand the HR plans can be pretentious by external and internal factors, subsequently
anticipating is crucial for operative planning. In the present times HR planning enables the
organization work smoothly as well as attains achievement. Experts of HR helps the firm to
manage its workforce tactically. Aside from that HRP can likewise guarantee a legitimate
vocation getting ready for employees and help them in achieving their goals. It will also ensure
growth and eventually make the organization a better place to operate in.

4.3 Suggestions

Improving performance of public and private organization, there is need to fully embrace best
practices in human resource planning. The following are the suggestions for making HR
planning effective for both public and private organizations:

i. HR Planning time. Time of the planning should fit to the requirements and situations of
the organization in query. Consideration of the size and configuration of the organization
as well as the projected changes must be taken.
ii. Top Management assistance. In the long run being successful, top management must
support manpower planning. Ensuring that essential asset, teamwork planning and
assistance achievement, support from top management is vital.

iii. Operating Executives contribution. It should be known that the HRP is not a role of HR
planners alone. Involvement and coordinated efforts on the SIDE of functioning
managers is needed to make HRP proficient. Their involvement assist advance thoughtful
of the procedure and thus decrease confrontation.
iv. Information System strategy. Efficient and reliable Organization database must be
established for HR to assist HRP of the organization.
v. Weighing scale tactic. HR professionals ought to be equally assigning significance to
qualitative and quantitative features of manpower. Instead of matching existing personnel
with existing job, stress should be laid on filling future vacancies with right personnel.
Promotion should also be carefully considered. Career planning and development, skill
levels, morale, should be given due importance by the planners. Hence will reduce
impossibility and time wastage in a state that the future is erratic for human resource
vi. Integrating with plans of organization. HRP require incorporating with plans of the
organization. Basically it is required to comply with the organizational objectives and
plans. Thus implies that organization planners need to develop good communication
channels with the human resource planners.


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