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Queation 1:

The issue of parents should limit their children‘s screen time is very common, especially
in this era of modernization. We totally agree that parents should limit their children‘s screen
time. In this particular essay, the pro-argument will be discussed in more detail which are will
affect children‘s health and affect academic achievement, while the counter argument will be
put into consideration which are can boost children's learning and develop new skills and
can help children develop research skills.

One of the pro-arguments being mentioned is that parents should limit their children‘s
screen time because it will affect their health. In fact, most of the electronic devices will 
emit radiation and have high display brightness. As a result, it will lead them to plenty of
health hazards such as myopia, headaches, compromised immunity, depression and so on.

The second pro-arguments are parents should limit their children‘s screen time because
it will affect their academic achievement. This is due to the fact that they do not know how to
manage their time wisely and effectively. Without the discipline and control from parents,
they will always stay up late using those devices and spend most of their time on those
electronic devices. As a result, it will cause them to not finish their homework in time and feel
sleepy during the class. 

Even though limiting children’s screen time will give so many benefits, we must
remember that screen time also gives benefits to children in so many ways. One of the
counter arguments that have been mentioned is screen time can boost children's learning
and develop new skills. There is a lot of great educational stuff available on the internet that
encourages kids to engage rather than just watch. Many games and applications are
explicitly designed to teach critical thinking and questioning. Minecraft, for example, is a
terrific way to get kids to engage and interact with what they're watching.

The second counter argument that has been mentioned is screen time can help
children develop research skills that are essential for their learning. There are so many
games that have been created to teach children to investigate and navigate the internet,
assess the reliability of what they uncover, and learn more about the topic they are
investigating. It is also possible for children to go as deep as encoding a computer because
their curiosity will lead them to a question about how this thing works and they will use the
searching skill they learned to get the answer.
In conclusion, we truly agree that parents should limit their children's screen time. In
this essay, the pro-argument will be discussed in more detail which will affect health and
affect academic achievement, while the counter argument will be put into consideration
which are can boost children's learning and develop new skills and can help children
develop research skills. For us, the balance between screen time and physical activities is
very important and the way we allow our children to use their screen time also will decide the

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