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Bustamante, Johanna Marie N.



In your own words answer each of the following, in a minimum of 150 but not exceeding 200 words:

1. Supposedly a famous philosopher (you need not worry who) was told of the Euthyphro
Dilemma and replied "Obviously, moral acts are moral because God commands them; there
can be no further answer." Oddly, this philosopher was not known to have any belief in God.
But regarding the Euthyphro Dilemma, was this philosopher correct? Why or why not?

God knows everything He knew the best for us before we do. In my chosen position You may
object that God knew the moral truth and just expressed a pre-existing fact. However, the
consequences is utterly devoid of moral significance. Choosing one way over the other
would be neither morally good nor wrong. The same might be said of the decision-making
process for morality's beginnings. Keep in mind that we are discussing the origins of
morality. As a result, there was no morality previous to that time. Decisions had no moral
since morality did not yet exist. All of our judgments were essentially the same. But in the
end wit depends how we understand these different positions in Euthyphro dilemma.

Ultimately, the conclusion may be that an endless number of elements go into deciding
morality, and because we only have a limited mind, we will never be able to fully grasp it.
That would surely explain why every moral theory proposed thus far has failed to effectively
explain all aspects of morality esp when it comes to this because St. homas Aquinas doesn’t
agree with this theory.

Yes, because It depends on us how to think abot different scenarios. It stated that he is nt
believe in God but im sure that he?she have enough knowledge to prve his/her point of

2. How would Socrates' command of knowing one's own self apply to people with short-term
memory loss?

A person with short-term memory loss, in my opinion, may learn about himself by analyzing
his own faults and talents. His flaws will function as a query to which he must ponder for a
response. If he suffers short-term memory loss, he should consider how to overcome it.
Short term memory loss has its own cause or reasons, and it has a remedy for sure, but if it
cannot be cured, there are some other ways for a person to know himself while suffering
from this mental disease known as short term memory loss. He can keep a notebook in
which to record crucial experiences or facts. Practicing whenever his medical condition
strikes to get his notebook to review him what he needs to recall. Doing the same thing
always may also bring his body to memorize his reaction and physical activity. His body will
automatically do what his body needs to react.
3. According to Aristotle, virtue is the behavior between extremes of deficiency and excess.
Suppose you are a moral development teacher, how would you explain Aristotelian virtue
(and make sure they understand and embody) to a rich child who has known excess all their
life, or a beggar who just won millions in lotto?

As a moral development instructor, I can communicate Aristotelian virtue to both a rich

youngster who has known excess their entire life and a pauper who has just won millions in
the lottery. The first is for the wealthy youngster who has grown up in a world of abundance.
For this youngster who can purchase everything he wants since he can get immediate
money from his parents to buy things he doesn't need. He will spend all of his money on his
vices such as cars, drinking alcohol, nightclubs, and so on since money is only a piece of
paper to him because he was born wealthy. He will not consider someone in need he will
only consider himself. It is preferable for him.

4. Suppose that you are a lazy professor, and you are giving a final grade of 1.0 to everyone
regardless of whether some of the students are missing an activity or did not attend classes at all,
justify your laziness using:

A. Utilitarianism

Of course in utilitarianism the students who did not pass the requirements are happy because
they got a final grade 1.00 by the actin of the lazy professor. The impact to those students who
comply is unfair and questions themselves why.

B. Deontology

By the actions of the lazy professor its unfair to those students who complied on time because it
as a lazy prof I know that I’m not a good prof for being unfair to my other students that gave their
best to attend and compy requirements.

5. Why is there a need to study ethics?

We study ethics because it helps us gain to know of what is right and wrong, which allows us to
make more informed judgments. It is especially crucial in professions such as business and medicine,
where people make significant decisions that affect us on our daily basis. Understanding ethics may
assist guarantee that we make the proper decisions and do not always act in their own self-interest.
Example Ethical businesses also have an easier job developing a positive reputation. We should learn
ethics so we may comprehend what is right and wrong and why. Ethics helps us form the ideals and
understand how we fit in with the rest of society. It discourage us from functioning entirely based on
our personal wishes or interests and show us our responsibility in keeping society running properly.
6. Is it morally wrong to copy and paste answers from the internet if the questions came from
the internet too? Justify.

For me, yes. Sometimes the questions came from the internet is to learn and relate your own
experience in life. So if you copy someone answers, you don’t learn or benefit by copying other’s
work. Maybe you can get some insights about specific questions to articulate or expand you ideas
about that, I do copy on the internet but I know that is wrong. Sometimes we knew that is wrong
but we continually do it.

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