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A student who wants to be successful in her field of endeavor should improve her
personality. Personality is not just one's external looks. It is the sum total of one's
characteristics. It is everything about one's being, what one says and what one does, as
well as how one does with herself and others. Personality contributes to one's success.
Our personality as NSTP students is of extreme importance in our functions at the

Personal Improvement: The Basis of Life Improvement Personal improvement provides

the key to a great fulfillment in life and the basis for achieving one's ambition and
desires. It is the bedrock of success and the gateway to a rewarding and fulfilling life
For us to be able to improve our personality whether
spiritual socially, physically, mentally, monetarily and
psychologically, we must equip ourselves with the necessary
skills or knowledge to bring about what we wish to attain in
order to enhance our lifestyle.
The measure of our success starts with our personal
improvement. If we don't intend to improve ourselves then
there could be no personal improvement and success. The way
we talk, think, act and the choice we make affect us
Everybody desires excellence, hence, we have to improve our
personality which is an ideal dream by all of us, irrespective of
our status in life. Whether we are young or old, there is always a
desire for self. growth. It is just but a natural tendency of every
human being to desire a better life. However, during the course of
our lives, we develop good and bad habits and seem to be quite
comfortable with the negative ones,
The following are ways to improve our personality:

1. We have to improve the personal and spiritual aspects in our lives. Let us build our
union with our Creator.

2. Empower our personality. We have to understand our strengths and weaknesses.

Build self-esteem, self-worth, mental discipline and inner-power.

3. Master basic skills such as building a solid foundation for our lives with our own
setting, time management, creativity and life-tracking. Bring more self-controlled and
The following are ways to improve our personality:

4. Think right thoughts and you will enhance your life. Change your negative thoughts.
"As a man thinketh in his heart so is he."

5. Education is the primary tool for advancement. Get higher education and obtain
greater knowledge.

6. Develop a delightful feeling of tranquility and peace of mind

The Do's in the Conduct of the Outreach Program

The following guides govern the conduct of the NSTP students before they are
sent to the field. They have to understand and bear these in mind before they
go out to the community where they are assigned:

1. The students are expected to behave properly, maintain proper decorum at

all times.

2. They are expected to be punctual in the place of their assignment.

3. They have to be courteous, and maintain harmonious working relationship

with colleagues, with their facilitator, and with everyone in the community.
4. They are not allowed to bring their girlfriend/boyfriend. friends, relatives
and others in the community where they are assigned for the duration of their
field practicum.

5. They should work closely with the LGU officials and the community people
in all aspects of student activities from situational analysis, planning, and
implementation to evaluation. Students' activities/projects should be within
the plans of the local government officials with which they are working and
should contribute positively to the solution of the community problems

6. Any problem encountered by the students in the community should be

reported immediately to the facilitator.

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