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Questions And Answers of SAD Chapter 1

1- What is an information system?

 Information System refers to the combination of hardware, software, and services that
people use to manage, communicate, and share information.
2- What is System analysis and design?
 System analysis and design is a step-by-step process for developing high-quality
information systems.
3- What does an Information System combine?
 An information System combines information technology, people, and data to support
business requirements.
4- By whom are developed Business information systems?
 Business information systems are developed by people who are:
 Technically qualified.
 Business-oriented.
 And highly motivated.
5- Successful developers must be?
 Successful developers also must be:
 Good communicators
 Strong analytical and critical thinking skills.
6- What is a system?
 A system is a set of related components that produces specific results.
7- List the five key components of the information system?
 The five key components are:
 Hardware
 Software
 Data
 Process
 People.
8- What is a hardware?
 Hardware consists of everything in the physical layer of the information system.
9- List example of hardware?
 Hardware can include:
 Servers
 Workstations
 Networks
 Telecommunications equipment
 Fiber-optic cables
 Mobile devices
 Scanners
 Digital capture devices, and other technology-based infrastructure.

10- What is a software?

Software refers to the programs that control the hardware and produce the desired information
or results.
11- What does software consist of?
 Software consists of:
 System software
 Application software.
12- List example of system software?
 Examples of system software include:
 Operation system
 Security software that protects the computer from intrusion
 Device drivers that communicate with hardware such as printers
 Utility programs that handle specific tasks such as backup and disk management
13- List examples of application software?
 Examples of application software include:
 Enterprise Applications
 Microsoft Office Application (Word Processors, Spreadsheets, Database
Management Systems.
14- What is a data?
 Data is the raw material that an information system transforms into useful information.
15- What process that system analysts use to represent company operations and information
 A process called (business process modeling).
16- What does business process modeling require?
 Business process modeling requires a business profile and a series of models that
document business processes.
17- What is a business profile?
 A business profile is an over view of a company’s mission, functions, organizations,
products, services, customers, suppliers, competitors, constraints, and future directions.
18- What is a business model?
19- A business model is a graphical representation of one or more business that a company
20- What is a business process?
 A business process is a specific set of transactions, events, and results that can be described
and documented.
21- What does a business process model graphically display?
 A business process model graphically displays one or more business processes, such as:
 Handling an airline reservation
 Filling a product order
 Updating a customer account
22- Identify the kinds of companies?
 Traditionally, IT companies were identified as:
 Product-oriented firms manufactured computers, or the microchips (intel, HP,
Compaq etc.)
 Service-oriented companies include vendors, software developers, and service
providers (Oracle, Microsoft etc.)
 Now days, most successful IT companies offer a mix of products, Services, and support.
 The newest kind of company is the Internet-dependent firm (yahoo, amazon, google).

23- What are the main sectors of E-commerce?

 E-commerce includes two main sectors:
 B2C (business-to-consumer)
 B2B (business-to-business).
24- What is electronic data interchange (EDI)?
 Electronic commerce between two companies used a data sharing arrangement called
electronic data interchange (EDI).
25- Tell the new set of system definitions?
 The new set of system definition includes:
 Enterprise computing systems
 Transaction processing systems
 Business support systems
 Knowledge management systems
 User productivity systems
26- What kind of systems that most large companies require?
 Most large companies require systems that combine:
 Transaction processing
 Business support
 Knowledge management
 And user productivity features.
27- What are the techniques that system analyst must know how to use them in addition to plan,
design, and implement information systems?
 Such as:
 Modeling
 Prototyping
 Computer-aided systems engineering tools (CASE)
28- Explain modeling?
 Modeling produces a graphical representation of a concept or process that systems
developers can analyze, test, and modify.

29- What does a system analyst use to describe and simplify an information system?
 By using a set of:
 Business model – describes the information that a system must provide.
 Data model – describes data structures and design.
 Object model – describes objects, which combines data and processes.
 Network model – describes the design and protocols of telecommunication
 Process model – describes the logic that programmers use to write code
30- What is a prototyping?
 A prototyping is an early working version of an information system.

31- What is a computer-aided systems engineering tools (CACE)?

 is a technique that uses powerful software called CASE tools, to help systems analyst
develop and maintain information systems.
32- List the five steps of the SDLC model?
 The SDLC model five steps include:
 Systems planning,
 Systems analysis,
 Systems design,
 Systems implementation,
 Systems support and security.

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