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1st Performance task for Final Grading

Princess Bea Santos

Maam Mel Ann De Leon Celestino

November 16 2022
I: introduction

Interdiciplinary studies is one of the best part of the preparations for achieving these result.

Ask questions

Determine goals & meet them.

Open minded, Independent thinker.
Adaptable, not afraid to try new things.
Creative, innovative skills, continues to grow and learn.

II: Key Terms

Interdisciplinarity or interdisciplinary studies involves the combination of two or more academic

disciplines into one activity

III: Body


-Interdiciplinary refers to a method or mindset that merges traditional concepts or methods in order
to arrive at a new approches or solution.

-Interdiciplinary teaching is a method or a set of methods used to teach a unit across different
curricular disciplines.

-The use of Interdiciplinary approach in the study of social problems enables learners to understand
the ethical dilemas that accompany social issues.

-Interdiciplinary study allows synthesis of ideas and the synthesis of Characteristics from many

IV: Activities/Questions

1. What is the main aim of Interdiciplinary?

Advances fundamental understanding or solves problem whose solutions are beyond the scope of a
single discipline or area of research.
2. When was interdisciplinary invented?
Some historical writings trace the origins of interdisciplinary back to the mid-1920's.
3. What are the barriers to Interdiciplinary?
The heterogeneity of institution structures and values system at the private state and federal levels
compounds the complexity of these obstacles.

V: Reference
*Astin, AW., 1992. What Matters in College? Four Critical Years Revisited. San Francisco
Jossey-Bass. Augsburg, T. 2005 Becoming Interdisciplinary: An Introduction to
Interdisciplinary Studies, Dubuque: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company
Bandura, A, 1986.
* Social Foundations of thought and Action: A Social Cognitive. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice Hall
*Bandura, A 1977. Social Learning Theory. New York: General Learning Press.
*Beckman, Mary Patricia, Summer 1989. "Interdisciplinary Teaching in Economics: How Is as
Important as Why." College Teaching, 37(3), pp. 101-104
*Bolak, K, Bialach, D., and M. Duhnphy, May 2005. Standards Based, Thematic Units
integrate the Arts and Energize Students and Teachers." Middle School Journal, 31(2), pp. 57-

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