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JOB INTERVIEW Interview Preparation Interview preparation involves the steps a job candidate takes prior to meeting with

a potential employer face-to-face. Preparation can include a number of critical points. Many job candidates prepare for interviews by making sure their intended appearance is professional. They also brush up on interview techniques, run through interview sample Q&A sessions to hone their answers and even work on their salary negotiation skills. While a resume or CV can get a candidate in the door, personal interviews are often necessary to land a final offer. With this in mind, interview preparation is critical for job seekers. The better prepared a candidate is for an interview, the more likely it is he or she will come across as professional, on top of things and confident. Youve probably heard that you should dress conservatively for a job interview, but you may be wondering what color you should wear to make the best impression. Since different colors can cause different responses in people, you should consider the subtle message you are sending when you chose to wear specific colors for your job interview. Dress Clothes People should wear dressy clothes like suits, dresses, skirts, slacks and jackets to a job interview. The most popular colors are neutrals, like black, brown, beige, gray or navy. If you choose to wear black, be careful because it can represent power, authority and drama, not qualities you probably want to convey to someone who is thinking about hiring you. Consider using black only as an accent color.

Brown is a better choice because it signifies qualities like credibility and stability. Like brown, beige and tan tend to be calming, nonassertive colors that reduce stress and invite communication. Gray is another good choice because it signifies sophistication, if you want to appear confident but not overpowering, wear gray. The best-selling color worldwide is blue. Blue denotes loyalty, honesty, trust, calmness and authority and is a great choice for a job interview. As a result, a navy blue suit could make a very good impression. Shirts/Blouses Many people will choose white shirts or blouses to go under their suit jackets. Since white symbolizes order, cleanliness and purity, it is a good choice. A white shirt usually goes with everything and is a year round outfit Accessories Your accessories will allow you to add a splash of color to your fairly neutral job interviewing wardrobe. Accessories include things like ties, scarves, shoes and jewelry. Make sure you choose accessories that go with what you are wearing and keep it simple.Accessories should be used to accent and highlight your face. Keep religious artifacts and accessories at home during an interview. Also, keep dangling bracelets to a minimum because they can be noisy and distracting. When you interview, you want the interviewer to remember your face, not the noise you produced.Green is a good accessory color. It symbolizes nature, wealth, success and security. The color is also a relaxing one that is easy on the eye. Socks and Shoes For men, the best bet is to wear socks that match the color of your suit or slacks to the best of your ability. If you are wearing a tan suit, wear slightly darker socks but a shade lighter than your shoes. Dark brown or black are the best color shoe choices for men.

Woman should match the color of the suit to their shoes and keep everything neutral. You should also choose close-toed shoes without heels that are too high and wear neutral hose with them. Common interviewing mistakes There are numerous interviewing mistakes which employers notice. Many interview problems arise from being unprepared or not prepared enough for the interview. Here is a list of the most common interviewing mistakes stated by employers about applicants. Timing Interview problems usually involve issues with timing.

Arrives late - this is one of the worst first impressions you can make Simply leaves after the interview - failing to close or ask about timelines for hiring decisions

Appearance Most interviewing mistakes can be avoided with proper appearance.

Poor appearance - inappropriate dress, or lack of grooming Smells bad - reeks of cologne or foul odor

Attitude One of the main problems with applicants during interviews is they fail to check their attitude before the interview. Some examples would include the following:

Negative attitude - shows negative, overbearing, aggressive attitude or has negative comments about others upon sight

Communicates dishonesty or deception - uses canned answers, avoids probing questions Offers bad excuses - fails to take responsibility or throws blame on others Speaks negative about past employers or co-workers - often has little positive to say about others, most likely self-centered

First Impressions First impressions mean everything in an interview. If you present a bad first impression you are not going to get the job.

Bad impression while waiting - disrupts operations or seems objectionable to employees

Answers and Education One of the biggest problems during interviews is an applicants appearance of intelligence, or lack of. Your biggest mistake during interviewing is showing a lack of intelligence.

Appearing incoherent or unfocused - offers incomplete thoughts, jumps between ideas, loses track of the conversation Inarticulate - poor speech or grammar; uses jargon or slang when speaking Incomplete answers - offers simply 'yes' or 'no' to questions requiring thought Seeming evasive - when asked about background, moves to another topic Talking too much - probably a sign of a gossip or someone who waists time talking instead of working Failing to discuss accomplishments - simply reviews job duties Poor listening skills - doesn't' pay attention to questions Never asking questions - shows no interest in the job or the company

Overall Impressions

These interviewing mistakes go along with first impressions above. Problems with interview applicants can be found by employers for any of the following reasons.

Lacks direction - applicant is looking for a paycheck not a cause or career Volunteers unnecessary information - applicant talks about religion, politics or family life Shows little enthusiasm or drive - no evidence of being a self-starter or showing initiative Lacks self-esteem - applicant communicates uncertainty or is unsure of themselves Is superficial - looks like the job books tell them too but has no substance when asked ''what if'' questions Shows no interest in the company - asks the question ''what do you do here'' Wants information about salary and benefits early on - over concerned about money Appearing needy or greedy - talks a great deal about finances and financial compensation

Behavior Simply put, this is an interview not your living room. A huge interviewing mistake is not presenting yourself as professional overall. Problems with interviews can easily be fixed by a professional businesslike approach to the interview, employer and the company.

Inappropriate behavior - shows off scars or muscles or family pictures; flirts with employees or interviewer Discourteous or ill-mannered - does not engage the interviewer, pays attention to other things or people during the interview, simply leaves without a thank you

Tells inappropriate jokes - smart aleck who laughs at his own jokes

Dealing with these potential interview problems before the interview will greatly add to your advantage and reduce interviewing mistakes which could cost you a job. Tips for an interview: before you meet the interviewer You may think that interview preparation involves only the interaction you will have with the interviewer, this is a mistake. Being ready for the interview involves more planning. There are several elements you will want to take into consideration before going into the interview itself. These elements can be filed into three main categories:

Being prepared Time management Last minute issues

Being Prepared Being ready for the interview requires being prepared, not only to talk with the interviewer but for the entire event from the time you get the interview appointment up until you leave the interview. Here are some general elements to take care of which will help with interview preparation.

Get sleep - get enough sleep the night before; this ensures alertness, clear thinking and you will look and feel better Do research - know about the company and the job before you get to the interview; the interviewer will want to know if you can handle the environment

Have answers ready - be ready for any possible questions about your work history or personal life involving work; you want to avoid the 'deer in the headlights'' look when asked a question

Eat beforehand - have a light snack before getting to the interview; a growling stomach is a bad distraction

Have identification - have your picture ID and Social Security card with you; you may need it for security reasons or you might need it for verification purposes

Time Management Tips Time management is a key element for interview preparation. Being ready for an interview will take time, and you should take as much time as necessary.

Arrive early - always arrive early; this ensures you are there on time, and also allows you to calm yourself and mentally prepare Check directions beforehand - as soon as you have the location of the interview, start planning the best route and the length of time it takes to get there; misunderstanding the directions or underestimating the time needed to arrive are two main excuses for applicants to arrive late and lose a chance at the job

Don't rush - be calm, and take your time; this is not the day to appear hurried or rushed as you walk into the interview

Last Minute Issues Some of the issues of interview preparation are handled at the last minute as you arrive at the location. While they are last minute issues, they are still an important part of being ready for an interview.

Go alone - don't bring friends or your children with you to the interview Leave the cell phone off - once you arrive at the location, turn the cell phone off; don't even touch it until you leave the building after the interview

No last minute alterations - don't walk into the building fixing your tie or adjusting your clothes, it makes you look rushed

Be calm - from the moment you arrive until the moment you leave you should present yourself as a calm, confident, and professional person to everyone

Be polite - be courteous, polite, and friendly to everyone in the building; be energetic and friendly when asking for the interviewer Be patient - once you have announced your arrival, find a seat and sit quietly while waiting for the interviewer Being ready for an interview will give you a huge advantage over

many other applicants who arrive ill prepared. Interview preparations should normally start the night beforehand to ensure success. Even though it is only a half hour meeting, being ready for an interview can lead to many days of paid work. Tips for an interview: during an interview When You First Arrive When you first arrive at the interview there are three things you want to do:

Find the person in charge of the room Using a friendly and polite manner, inform them that you are here for an interview Let the person know who you are supposed to meet (if you know this), or for what department

This person will most likely instruct you to a waiting area. Quietly wait there for the interviewer. A quick tip here is that you should be listening for, and understanding, the interviewers name if you do not already know it. This will help during the introductions.

Meeting the Interviewer Interaction both before and during the interview, in a positive friendly manner with the interviewer will help establish a rapport which may help in the hiring decision later. There are a few simple tips which can help this matter:

When you meet the interviewer do the following - stand, smile, extend your hand and call them by name if possible (if not, use Sir or Ma'am) Follow the interviewer from the waiting area to where the interview will take place; be careful to stay close but keep a polite distance Wait for the interviewer to motion for you to take a seat, and then do so quickly and quietly Keep yourself aware of your body language and non verbal communications

Interacting During the Interview Once the interview begins, remember that listening to and understanding what the interviewer is discussing is critical. You need to be completely involved in this meeting. View the interview as a two-way conversation where both the interviewer and yourself are trying to learn as much about your fit into the company and the job as possible. Here are some tips to help guide you through any possible issues or problems to help with interacting during the interview:

General questions - if you are asked a general question (example - your background), offer to explain a specific area which you can provide positive experiences

Unexpected questions - do not panic, simply ask the interviewer to repeat the question or probe for information if you are unsure of what the interviewer is asking

Follow up questions - this is the interviewers way of picking up a certain piece of information

Unasked questions - if you notice the interviewer has possible unanswered questions or issues about a topic, offer to clarify the matter using a positive experience or behavior

If you take the time to listen and understand what the employer is looking for, you have various ways to sell yourself during the interview. Such selling methods might include:

With each answer, provide an example of a positive action or behavior If a job related skill isn't being addressed by the interviewer, it is allowable to bring the skill into the conversation using a good transition.

Interacting at the interview involves both listening for and understanding what the interviewer wants for information. There may be certain pieces of information which will help you gain the edge in getting the job, but you must be aware of when to offer this information. Questions you should be asking The interview is nearly over and you have done your best to put a positive spin on every issue brought up by the interviewer. You have taken every chance to sell yourself and your skills to the employer. But are you finished? Many experts say no; while the interview questions may be over for the employer, what about asking the employer questions? Asking Questions Most often when an employer asks at the end of the interview if the applicant has any questions, it is met with a simple response of 'no', or 'you covered everything'. This is not true; and many employers will take this as a lack of sincere interest in the position. This is also a failure on your part because of the following reasons:

Questions allow you to clarify any points made by the employer Questions about the specifics of the job probably haven't been addressed

Questions you may have about the job or the employer need to be voiced to be answered.

What Questions You Should Ask During the interview, you will most likely have questions for the employer. Asking the employer about issues is not forbidden, and is most likely welcome. They want you to understand the job as well. Here are some general questions you might consider along with any you come up with during the interview.

If you don't know anything about the company you plan to work for, find out Ask about the job history, how long it is for, what have the duties involved and what to expect in the future Ask about possible work schedules, if there is a definite 'in' and 'out' time or if work may require you to stay a few minutes Ask about the work environment; the employer should be willing to tell you if the place is casual or more formal Now is the time to ask about benefits, pay schedules, and other issues

Asking the employer about concerns and issues you have gives an impression that you are serious about getting the position. This also allows you to fully understand the work environment and the company. INTERVIEWING Interviewing for a job requires a lot of preparation and practice.The information below explains the different of question types, and gives you some common questions and example answers to learn from.Use these questions to think about the answers you would give if you were asked the question in English job interview. When you are asked an open question, the interviewer wants general information, not a yes/no answer. You may need to give examples and/or details.

Tell us a little about... What did you...? Example Questions and Answers: Q: Tell me about your education. Well, I graduated from Tokyo University with a BA in business and then did a A: one-year postgraduate diploma in accounting. Q: What did you do in your last role? My main responsibility was looking after the company's largest clients, but I A: also assisted in developing new business. Q: Why do you want this job? I've been looking for a job where I can use my creative skills and work with A: people. I've heard good things about your company. Q: Why did you study medicine? When I was in school, biology was always my favorite class. My mother was A: a nurse and I always loved hearing stories from the hospital. I knew one day I would be a doctor. Q: What are your career goals? Eventually, I'd like to manage a large team of sales people in a company A: that's involved in environmentalism and the green movement. Q: How would your best friend describe you? He would say that I'm loyal and a very good listener. I think he would also A: say that I'm very social and usually in a good mood.

Closed Questions The interviewer wants specific information. It is generally a yes/no answer, but you can add a short comment.

Have you ever...? Do you...?

Example Questions and Answers: Q: Are you a self-starter, able to work without constant supervision? A: Yes. I enjoy the freedom of working alone. Q: Have you ever worked for yourself? A: No, I haven't had the chance to do that yet, maybe one day.

Q: Do you enjoy working in a team? A: I do. I like the support and creativity that you get from a group.

Hypothetical Questions Interviewers ask these questions to see if you can 'think on your feet' and are resourceful. Before you start to answer, think about the question and take some time. This shows you are considering the situation. Give good examples of what you would do. If you...? How would you...? Imagine...?

Example Questions and Answers: Q: If you had a conflict with a colleague, what would you do to resolve it? A: If there was a problem, I would ask the person who is upset to go out for coffee so we could talk about what was wrong, and come up with a solution together. I

would do my best to resolve the problem quickly so it doesn't get any bigger. Q: If you had a problem and did not know the answer, how would you find the solution? In my last job I sometimes had to find answers to IT questions. I would often enjoy learning new things, so research is actually one of my hobbies. Q: Imagine you have a deadline and you are running out of time. What would you do? I'm not afraid to ask for help when I need it. I would probably approach my manager and explain the problem and ask for extra resources. If it was a strict deadline and I couldn't get extra help, I'd work as fast as I could get the job done. Q: If you could design the perfect job, what would it be? TIP: Be careful it is not too different from the role you are applying for! A: That's an interesting question. My perfect job would involve creativity and independence. I would be working with people but not managing them. It would be a role in which I could make decisions without worrying about budget restraints.

A: go on the Internet and look for blogs on the topic I needed to learn about. I


Leading Questions A leading question generally points to what the interviewer wants you to say. They are not good questions for an interviewer to use because they are helping you with the answer! Give examples and short answers. Do not answer with yes/no only. Example Questions and Answers Q: A good manager is a strong leader. What could you bring to this team? A: The last team I managed had many of different personalities, so I really

developed my relationship skills. I expect the team I would lead here would be similar, so I feel I'd make a good leader. Q: This role requires strong communication skills. Are you are a good communicator? Some of my friends might say I talk too much, but I'm a very open communicator. I always try to think before I speak so that I don't regret things I say later. I also have strong writing skills, which I feel would be an advantage for this position.


Double-Barrelled Questions In a double-barrelled question, two or more questions about the same topic are asked in one question. You have to pay attention to what the interviewer is asking. You can take notes to remind yourself. You can also ask the interviewer to repeat the question - but do this before you start to answer. Answer one question at a time, giving examples. Example Questions and Answers Q: Have you ever managed a project? If so, did you also manage the team? To answer your first question, yes I have managed a project. In fact, the last A: thing I did for my previous employer was create a new database system. Regarding the second question, no, I haven't managed a team. This is though something I would like to do in the future. Q: A: Looking at your resume, you take a lot of personal development courses. What was the last course you took, and why did you take it? The last course I took was Excel level 3. I had started using Excel spreadsheets more regularly, so I wanted to upgrade my skills. Has there been a time when you felt extremely stressed in your role, and if so,

how did you deal with it? A: I think everyone experiences stress in the workplace at some point. I remember


a time about 3 years ago when I was doing the job of 2 people. I actually hated getting out of bed in the morning. I realized that I had to do something, so I started running to relieve my stress. It made a huge difference and going to work became more enjoyable again. Exercise is very important for a busy lifestyle. Behavioural Questions Behavioural questions use your past experiences to predict how you will act in the future. Prepare examples of how your experience has helped you to build skills and how these can benefit the role you are interviewing for. Be honest about your mistakes since the experienced interviewer will be looking for "progress" and "growth", not a perfect employee. TIP When answering behavioral questions, use the STAR approach SITAUTION / TASK ACTION RESULT What was the problem, challenge or situation? What your action was and how did you decide that action? What was the result of your action and your assessment of its result? Example Questions and Answers TIP In English-speaking countries, it is normal for the interviewer to ask you a question that has a negative answer. You need to demonstrate that you are mature enough to identify your weaknesses, and are aware of how you can improve in your work skills.


Give me an example of a time when you set a goal, but you could not achieve it. Last year my manager asked me to reduce the budget by 20%. I tried many different strategies, but in the end I only reduced it by 10%. However, I believe it was a good outcome because I didn't want to lower the quality of our customer service. Can you give me an example of when you showed initiative and took charge? I remember when a colleague was having a difficult time learning a new software program. She was embarrassed to tell our manager that she was



A: having trouble, so I went to the training department and explained her situation. It turned out another employee was also struggling, so they set up a training day for all of us. I actually learned a lot, so it was a good outcome. Q: What tools do you use to keep organized? Being organized is very important to me. Like many people, I use a Blackberry A: for emails and appointments. I also write a daily 'to do' list so I have a visual of the tasks I need to achieve for the day. Q: Tell me about a situation where you had to deal with an angry customer. During the summer sales period this year, we were unable to deliver enough stock to a large department store. The purchasing manager was very upset A: because she placed the order 3 months in advance. The best thing I could do at the time was offer to send a similar product at a 10% discount. She agreed, and in the end that product sold better than the original order. So, everyone was happy! Q: Give me an example of a time when you had to motivate others. A: A few years ago, the travel company I was working for had a very bad sales period. Nobody was earning commission and 2 people were retrenched. As the

supervisor, I had to think of ways to make the staff more enthusiastic. I came up with a shared commission structure that required everybody to work as a team. It was successful because people felt like they were working together, not against each other for the same business. In fact the management team is still using that structure today.

Final Question This is a very popular question that is often asked at the end of an interview. This is the final point where you can 'sell' yourself. You should already know the answer to this question. Never say you plan to be in the same role in five years - this does not show very much ambition. Do not talk about your personal life goals, only talk about you career goals. Think about the role you are applying for and where you can develop from this position. Q: Where do you see yourself in five years? I know I will still be in sales. A role like this one will give me more experience A: as a sales manager. In five years I imagine myself in the position you are in, or running my own business.


Many people feel anxious when going to a job interview. Indeed, before and when through with prevalent there are disturbing levels of anxiety. Of course, levels were different in each person. There are people who can control the anxiety, there is stuck can not even nervous about anything.How about you ? If you feel a tremendous anxiety that can not demonstrate the ability in best

interviews, there are several steps you can do to calm or at least not too tense. Decrease in tensions could help get a higher confidence. Many of Practice. Foreign atmosphere while undergoing an interview or job interview you can less if you practice the interview as often as possible. Exercise for the sake of exercise that you live make you better prepared and more and know what to do and say in an interview. This way, you also know the lack of self so much that next time could avoided or even surplus that could be improved. Doing A lot of preparation. Prepare yourself as possible before undergoing interview work. Preparations include the knowledge, skills, and your appearance. The better you prepare the greater the likelihood You can answer any questions posed interviewer with confidence full. The initial part of the interview is an important moment. If you are in that section was able to answer questions with high confidence, your self-confidence will also increase. Vice versa. if in the early part of the job interview you've feel awkward and anxious, the more difficult the longer you answer the question The next question properly. When do prepare, reassure yourself about three things: 1. You can do the job; 2. You can adjust to the tasks to be provided, and; 3. You can do everything well. Do not think it was the best job. When you think that the work You're trying to get this is the best and only chance come once, the perceived level of anxiety assessment will before actually you increase. really know No and need start to the give job. Excessive

You will not necessarily like the job that you have not even done. In addition, better opportunities may come to you at a later time. So, better calm and relaxed.No need to answer with perfect answers. Thinking of a perfect answerit would have made someone "dizzy", not to mention if you try to getThe spontaneous response when the question asked. This would likely increase your anxiety. In fact, what do you think is not necessarily perfect considered as such by the interviewer. Simply prepare a response that contains the points important that

you want to convey. Do not lower yourself. Anxiety can actually increase when the thoughts of inferiority through your mind. Avoid negative thoughts like "I'm not smart enough" or "I less powerful than the other candidates ". It would be better if you concentrate attention to the advantages you have. Do not meet with your mind that could not be competition Well, now you're ready, right? Although you feel smart and brilliant, do not trigger the company believes that all doors will open automatically for you. Because in reality, the master and mistress of this clever often failed in the interview. The reason? not smart and tactical in answering questions.

1. Tell us about yourself Erina Collins, a recruitment agency in Los Angeles stated there is often a surprising difference between when we read the application when dealing with someone with the applicant. "Experience has shown, a cover letter that optimism does not necessarily indicate that the suitors as well as optimism," says Erina. When the interviewer asks a simple thing like "In your eyes, who are you?" Or "Tell me something about you", many applicants look the interviewer in confusion and then immediately became very unsure of himself. "I feel mediocre" or "not much I can tell you about myself," often the answer selected applicants as an effort to humble themselves. During this time many of the conventional career articles that suggest that you should humble yourself as much as possible, in an attempt to steal the hearts of the interviewer. "But this modern era. The answers are too modest and many stale-stale just shows that you really are not sure of yourself. And companies today do not need employees like that, "Erlina said. Eliana Burthon experience, public relations staff of a five-star hotel in New York might be interesting to observe. When the interviewer gave him a minute to talk about himself, Eliana says "I'm Eliana Burthon, the first child of five siblings. Since high school, I became active in the school newspaper. There I write, interviewing people around

me and relate to them. From there I realized it would be interesting to meet people, discuss and learn many things from them. Beyond that, I love music, reading and traveling.Ketika college, I often write my experience of the streets, or just give a reference tapes are being sold for my college newspaper. " Although not providing answers flowery, what is disclosed Eliana on her show that she was open, friendly and curious. "The answer is intelligent and effective way to describe how he is implicitly stating that he felt worthy be placed in the position he's after. Interviewers need an answer like that. Quite brief, but pointed out that natural optimism, "said Erina Collins. If you are called for interview, as best he could prepare yourself well. Confidence and demonstrate that you be yourself is all that matters. The interviewer does not need an answer that flowery, fiery especially hypocritical. On the first occasion, they usually want to see how the applicant's self-respect. Therefore, make a few points about your skills, the things that you like and want for your future. If you have found the points, the practice put it all in a short answer is smart and optimistic. 2.Beware trick question Anyone ideally not like to answer the questions that cornered. But that's a fact when you are interviewed. Often a lot of unexpected things that made the interviewer and make you often slip of the tongue. In this case, Erina gives an example of his experience when interviewing an applicant about why he decided to move the work. "When I asked 'what made you decide to move work? did you say, the work environment comfortable enough right? 'and the applicant replied' I do not like my boss. Often he makes me annoyed with additional jobs and that too does not make me pay up. 'I then thought, what would he say if one day out of my company would have been no different bad as what he revealed to me about his old company, "Erina said. The point, be smart in giving answers. Never give an answer which disfigure

your old workplace or any negative connotation. It's better if you answered "I want a regular rhythm and scheduled work. Regarding salary, is actually at work that long there's no problem, but I am certainly glad that there are opportunities for salary increases. "Or if you are asked about your weaknesses, better not say" I'm often late and forget time. "But the answer is more tactical , for example, "sometimes I was forgetful, but some time it has improved because I always record everything in the agenda book." or "I'm often annoyed when working with colleagues that slow, but we are discussing how best to complete work more quickly." In the interview, the interviewer is always trying to extract as much as possible about the applicant's personality. Sometimes trivial questions such as "I have a girlfriend? There are intentions to marry in the near future? "Is often taken hurriedly by the applicant to answer such as" Already, we plan to be married later this year. "In fact, according to Erina, that answer could be the cover of your employment opportunities. "Companies always want to be assured that the prospective employee will only focus on their work, especially in the early years of service. The answer that you will get married in the near future instead indicate that the company is not your true focus, but only as a distraction, "Erina said, adding that it would be better if you answer" already, but I really want to have enough work experience before deciding to get married. " 3. Spirit and body language In job interviews, appearance is not number one but being a supporter who codetermine. Therefore in addition to well-dressed, not sexy, flashy or many knacks, show good body language. Never folded his arms across his chest at the interview, because it gives the impression that you are a rigid and defensive. Ideally, the hands are left free to express your words, of course, with no exaggeration. During the interview, make eye contact is intense. Applicants who often make eye contact shows sincerity and desire to be trusted to give an answer. Relax and smile occasionally to show that you personally are warm. Generally, companies

prefer applicants fun. Reduce the words "I feel ..." or "I am not ..." and best use "I think ...", "in my opinion ..", "I believe ...", "I'm optimistic ...". The words "I feel ..." or "I am not ..." suggests you are more often suspect, by feel, not too confident and did not control the problem. Well, ready to compete in the world of work? Importantly, prepare yourself well and do not ever underestimate the slightest question in job interviews. SKILL ITS MOST WANTED Do you have the one of them?

As everyone who wants to advance his career, the future of your career also determined the skills you have and you can 'sell' the company. And job seekers with the skills the company wants that job seekers, which would be faster to get a job. Actually, you can improve the skills you have you know, of course depending on their interests, abilities, talents, adequacy and suitability of the target fund career. However, given the economic uncertainty such as now or next time, then you better put to a useful skill to increase your career in the near future. Here are eight of the most sought after skills today, according to research the United States Department 1. Foreign language skills In modern times like these, mastery of foreign languages has become an absolute requirement in all the companies when they open up the jobs. Therefore, those who master a foreign language like English, Japanese, Chinese, German and French, often preferred and prioritized in the entrance examination in a company. Specific occupations in this category such as interpreters, diplomats, etc.. 2. Technical skills of the machine of Labor.

Today, technology is absolutely necessary in all areas of business. Installation parts that fix most of the power grid of a building, electronic equipment and so on. Engineers, the telecommunications, automotive experts, transportation experts is the most among the occupations that fall into this category.

3. Skills in managing human resources Generally, a company that has employees of more than one person, would have a problem closely related to how to do a reciprocal interaction in the company. So certainly, the success of a company depends on how employees in all lines of the company can work together. Those engaged in this work generally does understand and address all the needs of workers in a company.

4. Skills in computer programming Today the company has relied heavily on a sophisticated computerized system. That is why they need people who understand in detail the ins and outs of computer programs. If you have a mastery of the skills of the ins and outs of HTML, Visual Basic, Unix or SQL Server, you will become one of the main asset of the company and the opportunity to enhance your career.

5. Teaching Skills As part of a modern community that is always evolving all the time, companies today often want his men have knowledge of multi-dimensional, even that is not the field works. Therefore, many companies now hire a special teacher to gave the additional courses for its employees, such as taxation, business management, social services administration or management. Those who have a multidisciplinary knowledge of this kind usually used to 'pursued' a lot of companies to provide 'short course' for their employees.

6. Financial management skills As also in the family, the company also requires a systematic financial planning for long-term survival. Many companies often bring in business advisory, investment and financial planning for their future ideal. Therefore, you who have skills in accounting, financial planner or business and investment, will always be the target companies.

7. Chemistry and mathematics skills Lots of great progress in this world is created from a variety of discoveries in chemistry and medicine. Therefore, labor market needs of human resources in the fields of chemistry, physics, biology, this will always be high and will never recede. Field work included in it such as pharmacists, specialist food and medicine, 8. Problem-solving skills The various tasks that we face every day, both personally and also in terms of business is a complex thing that often happens. Those who are able to identify problems, find solutions, make effective decisions is the most sought after valueadded enterprises. That fall into this category of work such as field of business administration, management consultants, public administration, science, medicine, or engineer. Taken from researchers, etc..

SUMMARY For both articles can write the summary . Interviewing for a job requires a lot of preparation and practice.

Before you meet the interviewer Being prepared Get sleep - get enough sleep the night before; this ensures alertness, clear thinking and you will look and feel better, eat beforehand, and have identity.

Time management is a key element for interview preparation. Being ready for an interview will take time, and you should take as much time as necessary, early comes, and dont be rush, be calm.

No last minute alterations - don't walk into the building fixing your tie or adjusting your clothes, it makes you look rushed Go alone - don't bring friends or your children with you to the interview Leave the cell phone off - once you arrive at the location, turn the cell phone off; don't even touch it until you leave the building after the interview.

When you meet the interviewer do the following - stand, smile, extend your hand and call them by name if possible (if not, use Sir or Ma'am) Follow the interviewer from the waiting area to where the interview will take place; be careful to stay close but keep a polite distance If you don't know anything about the company you plan to work for, find out

Do not smoke, chew gum, or eat garlic beforehand. Wear suitable interview clothes. Take copies of your CV with you. Arrive on time for your job interview.

Any applications handed before the interview begins, are to be filled in as accurately as possible, make sure they match the information in your Cv and Cover Letter.

Always greet the interviewer by his/her last name and try to pronounce it correctly. Have a good firm handshake. Look alert and interested. Scan the room once and then keep your eyes on the interviewer. Wait until you are offered a chair before you sit down. Stress your achievements. Always conduct yourself professionally and if something beyond your control occurs, show a sense of humor. Be enthusiastic and show it in your replies and body language. Answer the interview question by more than a simple yes or no but try not to go over the 60 second limit. Avoid at all cost complaining about your current or former employer in your job interview. Do not answer questions about politics or religion if the job is completely unrelated. Do not raise salary discussions on your first interview - this is usually done on the second interview. Make sure you do your wage research before hand.

Your answer to the initial opening statements in the job interview are important, these areHere are some final things to think about for an interview in English.

Think about the employer's needs first. Emphasize how you will help achieve the company's goals. Describe your accomplishments in quantifiable words. Explain how your skills and attributes will benefit the organisation. Don't downplay your accomplishments or attribute them to luck. Be specific in your answers. Avoid rambling or going off on a tangent.

Ask for clarification if you are unsure of the question When do prepare, reassure yourself about three things: 1. You can do the job; 2. You can adjust to the tasks to be provided, and; 3. You can do everything well.

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