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Financial Copywriting Course

Banyan Hill Spec Assignment

Follow the instructions below carefully.
This promo is called “Infinite Energy.”
Here’s the video for Infinite Energy
Here’s the text for Infinite Energy

This is a pretty typical promotion for us. Yes, it’s long. Very long.

But, it works. It’s working on Youtube, Facebook, Google, and other ad networks.

And this is where we need your help.

You see, the person who wrote this promotion is busy writing the next promotion. And it’s
hard to write that next promotion if he, or she, has to keep stopping to write advertorials, lift
notes and the like every other day.

So, if you’re game, do me a favor ...

Write an advertorial for this promo.

An advertorial is something that looks like an article but is really an ad. Here’s an example.

These also vary in length, but normally they are more than 300 words and less than 1,000.

They are similar to lifts (emails), but a bit less hype and more “article."

The advertorial will be able to tell me if you can …

1. Find a unique way into this promotion
2. That you can write good (come on, you know that’s funny)

Send it back to us as soon as you can.

If we like your work, and we use it … we will pay you $100… and then go from there.

How to submit your work:

Mention "Copy Chief Financial Course" in the email.

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